The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 216 Reorganization of the Mining Workers Group

The answer of the platoon leader of the cavalry division obviously does not match the information in Wu Xiaoliang's memory. The information he saw in his previous life was that the tsarist couple and their five children were massacred in the basement of the Ibat Yev Palace, so how can this platoon leader Are you sure it's four?

Wu Xiaoliang didn't ask any more questions, for a moment he suddenly had a whimsical idea, if he could save the Tsar's family, it would definitely be a rare commodity in his hands, but then he realized how unrealistic this idea was.

Not to mention that it is thousands of miles away from Suidong to Yekaterinburg in the Urals. The Tsar's family is so important that the "Cheka" will definitely monitor and control them closely. It is conceivable how difficult it is to rescue their family alive.

Wu Xiaoliang shook his head to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in his mind. He still had more important things to do. It is not easy to gain a foothold on the land of Suidong.

I learned from the officers and captives that there was indeed a Soviet Red Army that came to Suidong. At the same time, they also brought a large number of guerrillas. I don’t know if Yakov’s people participated in it. If they came to Suidong, the conflict with him From now on, there will be endless death, because no one can gently erase this blood debt.

At the same time, it is difficult for Wu Xiaoliang to accept emotionally that this is a Red Army team from Soviet Russia. Shouldn’t the Red Army be the people’s army?Shouldn't they be the savior of the world's working people?Why did they act so cruelly and viciously, massacring soldiers and a large number of miners who were also proletarians and laid down their arms?

Wu Xiaoliang learned a lot about this Soviet Russian army from the frightened platoon leader of the cavalry division. Their leader was a cavalry division commander named Malinovsky. This time they invaded Suidong The main force of his tens of thousands of troops is his cavalry regiment.Malinovsky is also extremely young. He is only 21 years old this year. He participated in World War I and joined the Bolsheviks after returning home. He is a rising star in the Red Army. It is said that even Lenin in Petrograd knew about it his name.

"Bullshit star, it's just an executioner who just showed up!" Tantai Jize really couldn't stand the exaggerated talk of military officers and prisoners. That Lenin should be comparable to the president of the Republic of China. How could a local head be remembered by him? Woolen cloth?

Zhang Ergou doesn't care about these issues, the only thing he cares about is who is the brigade commander?

"You are Wu from Suidong Army, Brigadier Wu, Marshal Wu?" He asked a bit nondescript, but Wu Xiaoliang still understood what he wanted to express.

"Exactly, I am Wu Xiaoliang!"

Zhang Ergou changed from apprehension to surprise. It was one of his two dreams after he came to Suidong to follow Marshal Wu. The first one was to avenge Gouwazi and kill Lao Maozi. They are all doing it; the second one is to follow Marshal Wu, leading the horse and pulling the pedals.Now that the second dream is close at hand, how can he not be excited.After giggling for a while, he suddenly twitched his mouth vigorously, everyone was taken aback.

"Er Gou offended the Marshal earlier, this is to vent his anger on the Marshal!"

Zhang Ergou's two slaps really exerted enough strength, his cheeks on both sides immediately became swollen and red, and he hissed in pain even when he spoke.

Wu Xiaoliang hurriedly grabbed him, "What are you doing, Brother Ergou? Stop, you saved the Suidong Army, we should be the ones thanking you, how can we blame you?"

Hearing what Wu Xiaoliang said, Zhang Ergou put down his arms, and asked sincerely: "Marshal Wu, please take in the brothers. As long as you say a word to these thousands of brothers, they will be in water and fire without blinking their eyebrows." All at once!"

Zhang Ergou's confidantes also shouted: "The commander-in-chief accepts us!"

"We will follow the commander in chief!"

Wu Xiaoliang was very excited. For the first time, he realized that so many people would support him when he mentioned his name on the ground in Suidong.Of course he didn't know that the Northeast Company is now so huge in Suidong that it monopolizes most industries such as coal mines, timber, non-ferrous metal mines, fishing and hunting, and trade, and the welfare benefits he initially set provide the workers with generous benefits. In terms of remuneration, monthly bonuses, rice noodles, and even a spacious log yellow mud house were built for them in the mining area.

When did Chinese workers in Russia have such good conditions, and the refugees from China were even more satisfied to live a life full of food and drink? Now, all the credit goes to Wu Xiaoliang.

At the same time, the glorious record was deliberately magnified by Suidong's propaganda machine, defeating the old Maozi first, and then defeating the Japanese devils, Wu Xiaoliang seemed to have become a god-level figure in the hearts of Suidong workers.

This time the old Maozi invaded the country, burning, killing, looting and doing all kinds of crimes. The place he passed was a scorched earth, and he had just lived a good life for less than a year.Under the strong contrast, Wu Xiaoliang's wisdom and greatness were immediately magnified infinitely. Almost everyone hoped and supported Wu Xiaoliang to drive away these man-eating red-haired ghosts.

Therefore, Zhang Ergou and his brothers are all excited and rejoiced to join the team of Marshal Wu.

It was the time for Wu Xiaoliang to employ people, so there were so many strong and healthy recruits asking to join, of course he couldn't ask for more.However, he was extremely dissatisfied with the original gang-like organizational structure of these thousands of people, so he sent more than [-] people from the guard company to serve as the officers of these miners, and decided to use the squad as the basic The staff of the unit.The original low-level leaders within the miners were added to the guard company to offset their dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, those miners who were just frustrated by being removed from the position of leader, when they learned that they would be incorporated into Marshal Wu's guard company, all of them flushed with excitement, including Zhang Ergou, who rushed to join the guard even.

"The commander-in-chief let me join the guard company, even if it's a big soldier."

Of course Wu Xiaoliang would not let him be the leader, the miners were organized into a regiment, Wu Xiaoliang personally served as the regiment leader, and Zhang Ergou was appointed as the deputy regiment leader.

The reorganization work continued until the second night before it was considered finished.Then Wu Xiaoliang distributed the collected Russian-made weapons overnight. He was worried about Suidong and decided to leave here the next day, so no matter what, he had to finish all the work before resting at night.

Before the break, Zhang Ergou suddenly came to Wu Xiaoliang's house, hesitating a bit.

"Marshal, I have a secret that I haven't dared to tell you..."

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