The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 217 The Story Behind the Two Dogs

Zhang Ergou confided that he had been hiding a secret and did not tell Wu Xiaoliang, which aroused his great curiosity, and he looked at this simple-minded leader of the miners with great interest.

"Brother Ergou, come, sit down and talk."

Zhang Ergou twisted his body unnaturally and sat on the chair, but he didn't sit firmly, his buttocks were close to half of the side.Seeing him like this, Wu Xiaoliang completely lost the calmness he had when he first met him. In order to ease his nervousness, he raised his hand to pick up the kettle sitting on the stove and poured him a cup of hot water.

"Take a sip of hot water first, and speak slowly!"

But seeing Wu Xiaoliang's enthusiasm, Zhang Ergou was even more at a loss, stuttering for a long time before smoothing out his words.

"It's like this..."

It turned out that Zhang Ergou and others had just escaped from the Suidong Coal Mine, escaped from the Yakov gang, wandered in the woods for a few days, and were captured by some mysterious and strange officers. The Suidong army officer killed many people. A large natural pit at the back of the camp was filled with corpses in various costumes. Obviously, there were bandits, miners, and corpses in Suidong army uniforms.

Zhang Ergou and others were forcibly driven to bury their stinking corpses because the weather was getting warmer. This experience has been the cause of tormenting him every night and insomnia for many years.They have never seen so many corpses piled up together, and what's more terrible is that they have to deal with the burial with their own hands.

Every night when they were resting, they felt that they were covered with the stench of corpses from the inside to the outside. When they closed their eyes, the hideous and terrifying corpses appeared in front of them. They were so tortured that they couldn't sleep or eat.

Until one day, Zhang Ergou couldn't stand it any longer, took advantage of their slack, and captured those officers who were acting strangely together with his fellow miners. The prisoners, doing the work of the prisoners of the past and the guards of today, buried their bodies.

Zhang Ergou saw the officers collapsed and lost their composure because of touching the corpses, but he didn't feel the pleasure of revenge.He thought of Gou Wazi, the little brother who never saw anyone when he was born, and who never saw his body when he died. Then he hid in a place where no one was around, and cried heartily.

After the corpses were disposed of, these officers were imprisoned. To prevent accidents, they were chained all the time, and they were not even given the opportunity to go out, because Zhang Ergou was worried that if they were allowed to come out for activities, one day he would die too. If he relaxes his vigilance and is subdued again, it will be difficult for him to guarantee that he will not become a corpse in the corpse pit.

The spring passed like this, until midsummer came, a group of miners suddenly poured into the mountains, Zhang Ergou and his brothers took them in, and then scattered miners fled almost every day.

The miners who fled also brought a shocking news. The old Maozi soldiers came from the north. They fought against the rifles and led the cannons. They defeated the Suidong Army, killed many people, and occupied the gold mine. , coal mines, logging camps.

Therefore, Zhang Ergou became the leader of the miners as a matter of course. He led the group, seized every opportunity, and wiped out the old and red-haired ghosts who were alone, until he met Wu Xiaoliang's company.

Wu Xiaoliang was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a bizarre story behind this Ergou, who bore the hatred of his good brother Gouwazi, and where did those people who claimed to be Suidong officers come from?

Without further ado, Wu Xiaoliang took Zhang Ergou to the camp overnight. After seeing those prisoners who had been imprisoned for a whole spring, he was stunned again.

Under the dim light of the torch, Wu Xiaoliang finally discerned the identity of this person.

The first reaction of several prisoners seeing Wu Xiaoliang was surprise, and one of the slightly fatter people stepped forward and hugged Wu Xiaoliang's thigh and said in pain, "Brigade Commander, you are here, we thought we would never see you again... "

After the rest of the people were pleasantly surprised, shame, regret, even resentment and more complex expressions immediately appeared on their faces.

The Suidong Army, including the soldiers, only Tantai Jize didn't know. So, looking at the reactions of several people with cold eyes, I just felt that it was very abnormal. Normal, then the behavior of the other people is very abnormal. The same Suidong Paoze, the normal expression after being rescued should be surprise and excitement, not embarrassment and indifference, and the behavior of the chief executive is also extremely abnormal. The missing subordinate, why didn't he have any surprises in his eyes?

Seeing that Wu Xiaoliang didn't answer, Tantai Jize stepped forward and asked, "Who are you all? Tell yourself, why are you locked up here?"

Among them, the person who seemed to be the leader had an angry expression on his face, but he didn't explode, he just sighed softly: "The sinner Qian Mingjun only wants to die quickly."

"He Fu!"

The other person shouted sharply, obviously this person disapproved of him very much, hurried a few steps, but due to the restriction of the chain, he had to crawl in front of Wu Xiaoliang, next to the fat man, begging pitifully: "Brigade Commander, we are all confused for a while, give us a chance to make a contribution, even if it is an auxiliary soldier."

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately echoed it.

"Yes, brigade commander, as long as we are spared, we can do anything!"

The person at the head scolded angrily: "A group of boneless things, who will kill you, who will bypass you? What's the use of begging for mercy like this? It's just adding humiliation!"

Zhang Ergou disdains a few people, that fat man is greedy for life and afraid of death, he already knew, from the tone of his voice, these people should have committed a crime and escaped, so he would not be polite, stepped forward and kicked him over On the ground, spit can saliva.

"Be honest, listen to the commander-in-chief!"

How can those people not understand this truth, but since ancient times, the only one who has died is hard, how many heroes have been servile in order to survive, the former Qing Dynasty bandit Li Xiucheng was so majestic when he was alive, His Royal Highness the King of Zhong raised his arms, and the crowd responded, and the army was defeated by one move How about being captured, it is not a matter of extreme flattery, and in the end, he still cannot escape death, which only adds to the jokes after dinner for future generations.

How brave was the famous general Li Ling of the Han Dynasty afterwards? After being defeated and captured, didn't he surrender the Huns in the same way?

While watching with cold eyes, Tantai Jize continued to criticize the actions of these people. From what he saw, Wu Xiaoliang had no more than two solutions: one is to punish the law on the spot, and to imitate others. Most of the domestic marshals will choose this The other option is to escort him back to Suidong, go to a military court for trial, and then declare the official sentence. He estimated that Wu Xiaoliang would most likely choose the latter.

But Wu Xiaoliang's words made him dumbfounded, he never thought that he would deal with it like this.

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