The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 218 1 Road to the West

Early the next morning, the scouts reported that they found a group of people of unknown origin heading straight for the Wudaogang Gold Mine from east to west. Everyone immediately became nervous and excited, especially the former miners, who replaced their rifles with a The water is made in Russia, and the bullet belt is even more bulging. The soldiers are strong and strong, just waiting for the enemy to hit them and kill them.The soldiers quickly made defensive preparations, but there was no movement after an hour. When the investigators brought back news again, everyone had the urge to vomit blood.

The group actually bypassed Wudaogang and took a small road to turn and head south.The scouts also clearly saw that most of this group of people were tall and bearded, and they should be Russians, but they still didn't wear standard military uniforms. Based on this, they should be recruited bandits.

The miners' regiment and the guard company were reorganized by Wu Xiaoliang into the Suidong Temporary Fourth Regiment, and there were only about [-] people in Wucunjing. Although there was a serious shortage of reorganizations, the combat effectiveness was basically guaranteed.The old and weak who were eliminated formed a mine protection team to stay at the Wudaogang Gold Mine, and another part of them was separated to escort the bearded captives to Muling.Traffic was cut off during the war, and Wudaogang's food reserves were not large, which could not withstand the consumption of so many people, so the prisoners had to be taken away.

Zhang Ergou was eager to try, but when he learned that the bearded men had bypassed him, he was very disappointed that the battle was not over.

"It's a pity, I wanted to have a good fight!"

Seeing everyone's eagerness to fight, Wu Xiaoliang sighed in his heart: morale is available, and it must not be wasted.

At noon that day, the provisional fourth regiment set off immediately, chasing the group of people who had detoured, but the strange thing was that they didn't see half of the group all afternoon, and the road was still full of victims. The corpse, the state of death was appalling, and everyone walked all the way down with indignation and anger, wishing to catch up immediately, wipe out these inhuman beasts, and avenge the dead compatriots.Finally, the fourth regiment spotted Lao Maozi an hour before the sun forest went down, but after hearing the scout's description, Wu Xiaoliang, Tantai Jize and Zhang Ergou all gasped.

"What? There are 5000 people? Could you be mistaken?" Zhang Ergou asked in disbelief.

The scout's face immediately turned red. He is a veteran who followed Wu Xiaoliang when he conquered Hunan. He has been through the cavalry company of the fourth mixed brigade, the teaching brigade of the Northwest Frontier Defense Preparatory Office, the cavalry company of the first regiment of the Suidong Army, and the guard company of the brigade headquarters. So far, Wu Xiaoliang is a solid and arrogant soldier under Wu Xiaoliang's command. Now this new regiment deputy actually questions his own ability, how can he bear this tone.

Zhang Ergou's words were of course unintentional, and he regretted it after saying this, and quickly apologized:

"Brother, my old Zhang can't speak, don't be surprised!"

What he said was so sincere that the scout felt embarrassed. He was a dignified deputy at any rate. It must be a big heart to pull down his face and apologize to himself. No wonder the brigade commander appointed this guy as the deputy.

Wu Xiaoliang is very satisfied with Zhang Ergou. Although he is sometimes rude and reckless, he will definitely be a rare good general in time, but the opponent has 5000 men, which makes him feel pressured. So many people have fought in battle, not to mention that there are only [-] miners who have just been reorganized, and many of them have almost no experience in large-scale combat. Not to mention the recruits, they are absolutely at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Wouldn't it be better to take them up with a pebble against a stone? ?

Tantai Jize seemed to be still immersed in the shock of Wu Xiaoliang's alternative way of handling Qian Mingjun and others. He walked and thought all day long.It was only at this moment that he seemed to be relieved, and stopped him with words: "Our newly formed army has far more people than ours. In Jize's opinion, we should avoid their edge and take a detour!"

Zhang Ergou quit immediately, and spoke very rudely: "Then what about the compatriots who died tragically along the way? They will not avenge their vengeance? You are running away, and if you want to leave alone, I will not stop you." !"

Tantai Jize also blushed immediately like the scout. This Ergou's mouth is really a cannon barrel. He can say that he doesn't understand military affairs, but he can't say that he is a coward without courage. Ze has been loyally following Wu Xiaoliang ever since Kuanchengzi was attacked, and now this rascal questions his courage and determination, that is absolutely an intolerable insult.

Finally, Wu Xiaoliang couldn't stand Zhang Ergou's mouth that was shooting guns everywhere, and smoothed things over: "Ergou, I know Mr. Tantai's courage and ability. He is just giving advice, so you don't need to get excited."

Tantai Jize's heart felt warm when he heard this, and his eyes were a little moist. Is this the feeling of a scholar dying for his confidant?he asked himself so.Zhang Ergou closed his mouth resentfully, and couldn't help asking: "Marshal, what do you say, what should we do?"

Wu Xiaoliang has always adhered to the principle of doing things by himself. Since he can't come up with a countermeasure sitting in the back, he might as well observe it himself. He knows that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he must make a decision immediately, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered by the Soviet Russian army, and he will inevitably have to rush to the battle. lead to unnecessary losses.

If they retreat without doing anything, what is the point of their coming to Suidong?But if he took people around and went straight to Suidong, if he didn't find the main force of Suidong's army, then they would probably fall into the embarrassing situation of being attacked from behind.

How to make a decision, Wu Xiaoliang was not sure, so he decided to go and investigate it himself.Thinking of this, he immediately led his people to the hidden forest. The last ray of the sun brought the last ray of light to the valley. He saw that the camp of the Soviet Army was indeed quite large, but it looked like it was just a temporary camp, so it was better to follow Afterwards, he waited for the opportunity to move, but he immediately dispelled this unrealistic idea. His mobility is average, and once discovered by a large group of people, he will be easily stuck and surrounded, or even in danger of being eaten.

When Wu Xiaoliang saw Zhang Ergou beside him, he had a thought, and suddenly had an idea!


On the Middle East Railway along the Suifenhe River, the train roared and roared from east to west. A pale-skinned officer stood by the window with his hands behind his back. He didn't expect to breathe free air, but he I didn't greedily enjoy this feeling because of it.

Because this freedom comes at a price, he takes his brother General all the way west to complete an almost impossible task.The officer sighed helplessly, he had no choice, and his brother also had no choice, the future of this trip was uncertain, maybe it would be difficult for them to return, but at least it would be more valuable for them to die like this?

"He Fu, we're going to Mu Leng, shall we get off the car to replenish?"

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