The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 313 Stationed in Muksa

In the telescope, a group of typical Mongolian cavalry rushed out of the mountain pass waving waist knives. Wu Xiaoliang was shocked. The Cossacks were actually defeated by the Mongolian cavalry. This is unscientific!Sure enough, bang bang gunshots came from behind the team of Mongolian cavalry, followed by a group of infantry in khaki uniforms.


Li Zhenqing was very surprised that the Japanese moved faster than them.Only then did the two of them understand that the Mongolian cavalrymen rushing out of the valley were not chasing the Cossacks, but fled in embarrassment after being chased by the Japanese.

Wu Xiaoliang decided to stop these Japanese and never let them rush out of the mountain pass. The infantry artillery and the Siyi mountain artillery opened fire with all the long-range strike firepower available.Unexpectedly, these guys seemed to be desperate, rushing out of the mountain pass continuously under the rumbling artillery fire, and quickly divided into two streams to detour to both sides.Wu Xiaoliang secretly had a headache. The Suidong army hadn't set up a battle formation at all, and they weren't even ready for battle.The various elements of artillery shooting are also very rough, and the hit rate is extremely low.

Facing the continuous influx, more and more Japanese soldiers were even in danger of encircling the vanguard of the Suidong Army. Unexpectedly, they were caught off guard by the Japanese here.The group of Mongolian cavalry scattered like birds and beasts on the vast grassland.The Japanese army who had lost their target did not hesitate at all, and immediately took the Suidong Army that suddenly appeared as the first attack target. The Eastern Army launched an attack.

"Order the whole army, retreat!"

Wu Xiaoliang decisively gave the order to retreat. He was never used to fighting unprepared battles. Such a sudden encounter seemed to be a coincidence, but who knows if the Japanese had dug a hole in advance and just waited for him to jump. In case of being attacked by them back and forth, it is not just a matter of being passive. He always reminds himself of Xu Shuzheng's fiasco in Outer Mongolia. .Li Zhenqing still has some criticisms about the retreat. He advocated that they should be beaten by a dozen, and retreating like this will seriously affect the morale of the soldiers.

However, he did not directly object, but discussed:

"Weizhong, I don't think it's appropriate to evacuate all of them, leaving a part behind, you can try it out!"

Wu Xiaoliang nodded.

"Brother Li is right. The rear team becomes the front team, and the front team becomes the rear team. Let's cut the rear!"

The scale of the Japanese army did exceed their expectations. The Japanese artillery positions on the high ground of the mountain pass had already started shelling. Fortunately, the speed of the Suidong Army's march was delayed by a heavy rain on the road, otherwise the losses would be great.Li Zhenqing also no longer insisted on turning the encounter into a decisive battle. They were indeed not ready, and the Japanese army had already become ready.It is the best policy to retreat to a safe zone and make a long-term plan.

Muksa, one hundred miles away from Kent Mountain, has become the most suitable place to garrison troops. This is a herdsman settlement in the west of the Chechen Khan. After years of development, it has initially possessed the characteristics of a town. Although the herdsmen still live by water and grass , but a considerable number of peoples who have begun to learn farming have built houses and settled down.Moreover, because it is adjacent to the Tushetu Khan Department and above the transportation hub, the business here is extremely prosperous, attracting a large number of businessmen from the customs to settle here temporarily, and their arrival has brought more people and wealth to this settlement. This made Muksa the most prosperous town in the Chechen Khan.

Not only that, Mukesa is simply a super large warehouse, more than half of the materials from Shanxi and Northeast are concentrated here, and then scattered to various ministries.Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang's stationing the headquarters here is tantamount to controlling the distribution of materials in the entire Outer Mongolia.

On the first day Wu Xiaoliang arrived in Muksa, he called the business representatives stationed here for talks.He proposed that during the war, within the area controlled by the entire Muksa and the Suidong Army, a military management policy should be implemented, and the distribution and supply of all materials should be given priority to military preparations, in other words, the supply of Suidong Army should be given priority.

After this order was promulgated, there was a buzzing sound in the yurt that was temporarily used as the venue. Everyone was worried that their supplies would be wasted. Could it be that this young warlord wanted to grab everyone's goods openly?This is an extremely unwise behavior, but there are precedents. The businessmen are full of resentment, and everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

Seeing that the businessmen misunderstood what he meant, Wu Xiaoliang knocked on the table in front of him to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone's materials, the Suidong Army completely requisitioned them in the form of purchases, so please don't worry!"

But the merchants were still suspicious, and someone dared to ask:

"Excuse me, Marshal, what kind of purchase method is this purchase?"

Many local warlords also used the pretense of purchasing, paying for the goods first, and only issued an IOU after receiving the goods. I recognize someone.They are already familiar with this trick, so does the commander of the Suidong Army want to play this trick?

He was not the only one who had doubts, and everyone saw that someone was leading the way, so they all echoed in unison.

"Yeah, how can I ask the commander-in-chief to clarify the regulations!"

Wu Xiaoliang was bitter for a while, from the eyes and words of these businessmen, he didn't see a trace of joy in welcoming the squadron, on the contrary, it was full of deep distrust and guard.It is no wonder that since the fall of the Qing court, there have been many warlords all over the country, and the military pay has been eaten by the poor and the rich, especially the businessmen. Now the reputation of the Beiyang government among the businessmen may not be strong by the bandits. Where to go.If I don't take out the real money, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public.

Money is not a problem, Suidong is rich in all kinds of minerals, this year he has made a lot of money, especially there are gold mines, and what is dug out is money directly, but it takes time for the money to be transported from Suidong.However, the attitude must be expressed first, so as to remove the doubts of the businessmen.

"Of course it is money in exchange for goods!"

Hearing what Wu Xiaoliang said, everyone finally let go of their hanging hearts, but before they all fell to the ground, his words made these people's hearts rise to their throats again.

"However, it takes time for the money to arrive. Therefore, I will not buy your goods for the time being, but I also hope that everyone can cooperate and not sell the goods elsewhere before the money arrives!"

It turned out that it was forced to buy, but it was just asking them not to sell the goods to the grassland before the transaction. This is acceptable, as long as there is no IOU or borrowing, everything is negotiable.The merchants answered neatly this time:

"It's all up to the Marshal to arrange..."

Wu Xiaoliang suddenly changed the subject, and his tone became severe.

"One more thing, during the material control period, if anyone dares to sell the material to the enemy, he will be punished as collaborating with the enemy. He will be shot and the material will be confiscated!"

The merchants trembled and looked at each other!

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