Wu Xiaoliang decided to control Muksa, a town with more than half of the distribution of supplies in Outer Mongolia. The reason is to cut off the supply of supplies to the Japanese army west of Mount Kent. Now the Suidong Army controls the Chechen Khan in the east of Outer Mongolia. In fact, the traffic from Fengtian and Jilin to Outer Mongolia is already under his control. If the Japanese supplies want to reach Kulun, they have to pass through the Chechen Khan.

Therefore, Muksa, the material distribution center, became the key point. Wu Xiaoliang used expropriation as an excuse, and promised to trade money and goods at the same time, dispelling all kinds of doubts and stabilizing these merchants.At the same time, a military control order was issued, prohibiting trade with enemy-occupied areas, and once captured, they will be punished as collaborating with the enemy.

Having said all that needed to be said, Wu Xiaoliang announced the adjournment of the meeting, and the merchants left the yurts worrying about gains and losses.

"This young Marshal Wu is still Mao Nen!"

"Who says it's not that, it's so easy to fool!"

"Which handsome man doesn't issue an IOU nowadays? Who dares not to deliver the goods if he has an IOU?"

The vast majority of these merchants came from Shanxi. Shanxi merchants monopolized Mongolian trade routes. This was the case as early as the Ming Dynasty. Survived the material blockade of the Ming Dynasty.In his previous life, Wu Xiaoliang had read many articles about Shanxi merchants in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, regardless of whether they were true or not, but he had no good impression of them.I just hope that these people will be honest and honest in their own direct control, and don't make any fools.

As long as these merchants don't contribute their materials to the enemy, Wu Xiaoliang even wants to support some merchants here. After all, trade can benefit the prosperity and development of the region, which is a good thing in the long run.The Suidong Army has its own material transportation channel. After the Chechen Khan was eliminated, the material has been transported from Binjiang to the Middle East Railway via Hulun, and then transferred to Outer Mongolia continuously by truck.It is reported that the first batch of supplies has passed Kherlen and will soon arrive in Muksa.

For half a month, ammunition consumption has bottomed out, and it is inappropriate to make big moves before the first batch of supplies arrives at Muksa.The Suidong Army sent out scouts and cavalry everywhere, and after a few days, they had a good understanding of the situation near Kulun.

Originally, it was the Cossacks led by Ungen who occupied Kulun, but a few thousand Japanese troops suddenly came from the east a while ago. its breakthrough.

The Cossacks under Ungern's troops were defeated and fled in all directions.However, he was not reconciled. He regrouped his subordinates and gathered some Mongols before attacking Kulun again. However, the mob he led was no match for the well-trained Japanese army, and they were defeated without any suspense. .However, this time, the Japanese army did not give him time to escape safely. The Japanese army rushed out of Kulun City and drove Enqin's tribe eastward. As a result, the scene where Wu Xiaoliang and Li Zhenqing had just arrived at the pass of Kent Mountain appeared.

After a few days of rest, the Suidong Army's exhaustion caused by days of torrential torrents on the grassland disappeared without a trace, and as soon as the supplies and ammunition arrived, they launched a general attack on Kulun.This kind of sentiment permeates everywhere in the Suidong Army, but in the headquarters, Wu Xiaoliang and Li Zhenqing's judgment on the situation is not optimistic.First of all, if you want to attack Kulun, you must climb over Mount Kent, and the pass of Mount Kent is the only passage within hundreds of miles. The Japanese army has built fortifications on the high ground inside the pass, and the terrain inside is difficult to defend.

Therefore, taking the Kent Mountain Pass is the first problem facing the Suidong Army.The second problem is that, according to the recent news from Malinowski's side, General Renan of the Czech Legion has sent more than one brigade of infantry south to Kulun.If they collude with the Japanese, it will seriously increase the pressure on the Suidong Army.

This time, Wu Xiaoliang led the three regiments of the first division, and the rest of the troops stayed along the Middle East Road to ensure the smooth flow of transportation.In order to make up for the shortage of troops, he ordered Li Zhenqing to lead the newly formed Suidong First Mixed Brigade to Outer Mongolia to join him.In this way, their strength is only one brigade and three regiments at full strength.It is really stretched to deal with the strength of the Kulun defenders exceeding nearly two brigades.

Moreover, what worries Wu Xiaoliang even more is the whereabouts of Xu Shuzheng. Now that Cullen is right in front of him, but there is no news of him yet, it's as if nothing has disappeared.Neither the Republic of China nor the Beiyang government can bear the result of losing a chief of the army, so whether he dies in battle or is captured, it will be a terrible ending.But as time passed day by day, Wu Xiaoliang's heart sank day by day. This President Xu, who has not had a very good reputation in history, has kindness to him. In terms of personal feelings, he is the last thing he wants. Two possibilities can happen.

But recently, businessmen have always come to the headquarters to report the discovery of suspected Xu Shuzheng's body. After several investigations, it was found that the scene was fake, and the body was not Xu Shuzheng's body.Afterwards, Wu Xiaoliang felt that something was wrong, so he asked Li Zhenqing to discuss it.

"Brother Li, what do you think of these strange things?"

"Recently, fake President Xu's corpse has been frequently found at the scene. It seems that someone is deliberately attacking our army's morale!"

Li Zhenqing's opinion is the same as Wu Xiaoliang's. He also thinks it's strange. It is likely that someone deliberately made it to disturb the morale of the army. If the Suidong Army is careless and misidentifies the corpse, it will definitely cause irreparable damage to the Beiyang government and the Suidong Army. Fortunately, several conspiracies were seen through.

Li Zhenqing suddenly remembered something. Recently, there was a caravan from Shanxi whose whereabouts were uncertain. The detectives reported several times to find their traces in Kent Mountain, but they did not find any specific evidence of their movements. He had a hunch that this was not just a coincidence.

"Also, some Shanxi merchants are very restless recently, should we take measures?"

Wu Xiaoliang listened to Li Zhenqing's words and suddenly turned to the Shanxi merchants, knowing that his elder brother would never be aimless.

"Is there evidence that they were involved in these events?"

Li Zhenqing didn't nod or shake his head, but answered noncommittally.

"Recently, scouts have frequently spotted them near Mount Kent, and they are almost all from the same caravan."

"If you want to punish these black sheep, you must grasp the evidence. It is difficult to convince the public by relying on these assumptions and guesses."

He thought for a while, then sighed, and continued:

"From today onwards, send military police to investigate in disguise, and we must wipe out all these traitors!"

If the inference of forging the scene is true, since these businessmen dared to cooperate with the enemy, they would certainly be able to do the work of supporting the enemy, which is much more serious than the consequences of merely collaborating with the enemy.If this is the case, his plan will be greatly compromised.

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