The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 318 Thomas

The officer known as Muto was No. 20 No. [-] Triple Regiment Captain Nobuyoshi Muto who was defeated by the Suidong Army in Temple Street and fled to the north bank of Heilongjiang.He later traveled through Siberia, passed through Outer Mongolia, Heilongjiang, and Jilin, and finally arrived in Fengtian. He was appointed by the Japanese Army Ministry as the brigade commander of the third brigade of the Manchurian Railway Garrison. From the chief general to the major general.

Nobuyoshi Muto did not lose his temper when he heard the insulting words from Thomas, but got up and nodded slightly at him, "Colonel Thomas, please be so kind to the Chinese army outside the city!"

After finishing speaking, he left the joint headquarters without looking back, leaving Thomas alone in a daze.

At best, Thomas was just trying to use his tongue. Although he was a colonel in the French army, he had been serving as a staff officer in the army division staff when he was in the country. The head of the regiment, speaking of which, he was a genuine recruit with no combat experience, and he took Nobuyoshi Muto's anger, and he was in his arms. Without the restraint of this rigid guy, he could just show his hands and feet, so he immediately called his subordinates to formulate a battle plan.

Thomas, who was a staff officer, took it for granted that the first thing to do at this moment was to formulate a complete defensive counterattack plan.Just as he was happily perfecting the battle plan with a group of staff officers, scouts came to report and the Chinese withdrew.

"The Chinese withdrew?"

Thomas couldn't understand for a while, since the army is approaching the city, how can there be any reason to retreat without fighting?He couldn't figure it out, but one of his regiment staff officers reminded him:

"Colonel, shall we give chase?"

"No, the Chinese retreat is weird, I'm afraid they have tricks, let's wait and see what happens!"

A staff officer immediately objected. He believed that the Czech Army should be more conservative at this time and should never underestimate the enemy.But in Thomas's view, this staff officer is a little too conservative. If it is a German or a Russian, he will definitely consider whether to pursue it carefully, but right now it is those wretched and timid Chinese, what is there to be afraid of? You can defeat them with your eyes closed.

"The squadron's combat effectiveness is low, and it cannot be compared with the Germans. Even the Italians are a hundred times stronger than them. Order the cavalry to prepare, and I will personally lead the troops to pursue them!"

The reason why Thomas wanted to lead troops in pursuit was because of his vanity. Ever since he followed General Renan to Siberia, he had been ridiculed by his colleagues for not having any record, so he couldn't wait to make some military exploits, and then bet on their Mouth.The Soviet Russian army, he asked himself, might not be an opponent, but isn't it because of the Chinese Communists right now that they came to their door?

Kulun's so-called city gate and city wall are nothing but a low gate built with loess and a low wall.Anti-thief is okay, but in front of the army, this kind of defense basically cannot withstand a round of charge.

Thomas saw that the defense of Kulun City was so poor, and he was a little thankful that the Chinese did not forcibly attack the city, otherwise, this level of fortification would not be able to withstand a round of attack.His entire regiment was cavalry, so he took half of the troops and more than [-] people and drove out of the city in a mighty manner, chasing the retreating squadron to the north.

Unexpectedly, Thomas led his Czech cavalry regiment to chase out for half an hour and dozens of miles, but he didn't even see a shadow of the Chinese soldiers.After chasing at full speed to the present, the horse's physical strength has been exhausted, so it is necessary to slow down and continue the footwork, and then pursue.

Thomas' originally excited mood became a little depressed, and at the same time he felt alert. These Chinese people must have some tricks, right?Since they did not catch up with them, it is inappropriate to continue wandering outside. Their strength in Kulun was far weaker than that of the Japanese. He only brought a group of troops, but Nobuyoshi Muto had a whole brigade of soldiers under him.Although they are allies in name, there are constant frictions in private. He cooperated with the Japanese out of helplessness. General Renan signed an alliance with the Japanese, and the two armies cooperated to deal with the hostile forces in Siberia and Mongolia, including Ma Linovsky's Soviet Russian Army, and the Suidong Army in Vladivostok.

It's just that he has no chance to return to Kulun City. After bursts of piercing sounds, high-explosive shells exploded in the Czech regiment, and the horses were frightened and ran wildly.Thomas has a bad heart and ambushed!He didn't panic, but tried his best to restrain his subordinates.After some observation, Thomas found that the enemy was hiding behind a slope not far ahead.

"Don't mess around, rush over with me, and flatten the Chinese position!"

Thomas' words had an effect. The soldiers, who had been in a panic, formed an attack formation and rushed away with a whistling.Soon, their charge encountered strong resistance, and two Maxim water-cooled heavy machine guns were pushed up the hillside to start working left and right, weaving an airtight barrage, and the riders who rushed to the front were shot and fell to the ground .Within tens of seconds, dozens of people died. Thomas was timid. Facing the strong fire suppression, he couldn't bear the casualties.If it is a commander with a little experience, facing this situation, as long as he orders the cavalry to grit their teeth and charge into the enemy's position, although the casualties will be heavy, there are a lot of opportunities to come back.

However, Thomas was surprised that the Chinese didn't seem to be as easy to bully as the legend said, and they seemed to be quite difficult to deal with.Therefore, he did not persist, but chose to retreat. The cavalry regiment drew a beautiful arc in front of the barrage, dropped dozens of corpses, and ran towards the enemy's flank...

On the flanks, the Czech Cavalry Regiment was also suppressed by powerful firepower. When he tried to turn again, he found that there were hundreds of cavalry cavalry outflanking from the rear.

It was getting late, and Nobuyoshi Muto had lost his patience in the joint headquarters of Kulun City. Colonel Thomas had been out of the city to chase the Chinese for a day, and he hadn't returned yet. He had an ominous premonition.Although he disliked this bragging French colonel very much, he was an ally of the Manchuria garrison and could not be ignored. The few waves of scouts he sent out returned empty-handed, and there was no news about him.

Until it got dark, some members of the Thomas Cavalry Regiment finally returned to Cullen City, but they did not return in triumph. Only a few sporadic people fled back together.The news brought back by the defeated soldiers confirmed Muto Nobuyoshi's premonition, Thomas was defeated and captured!

Nobuyoshi Muto made a decisive decision and detained the defeated cavalry. He did this to prevent the news of Thomas' defeat and capture from spreading in Cullen City, thereby avoiding unnecessary panic and rebellion by unstable elements.

In the end, the news leaked out, and the remaining Czech soldiers in the city were very dissatisfied with Muto Nobuyoshi's actions, and a mutiny broke out...

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