Nobuyoshi Muto had been on guard against this group of allies with officers from France and soldiers from the Czech Republic in advance. They took the opportunity to mutiny tonight, and the Japanese army immediately surrounded them due to their early preparations.Nobuyoshi Muto was not merciless. All soldiers who put down their weapons and accepted the control will be dealt with leniently, and those who refuse to obey orders and resist to the end will be killed without mercy.That night, the sound of guns and guns in the city of Kulun made the princes and lamas feel uneasy, and the chaos did not subside until dawn.

The Japanese army completely controlled Kulun, but Nobuyoshi Muto was not happy. The supply line from Manchuria was occupied by the Chinese, and the supplies could not be transferred from the east through Fengtian.Now, due to the mutiny of the Czech Legion and its bloody suppression, once General Renan in Siberia misunderstood this and cut off the supply to Kulun, the consequences would be serious.

Nobuyoshi Muto decided to immediately send someone to Irkutsk to explain the situation to General Genan. If relations with Belarus were broken, he would not be able to afford this responsibility.The reason why the Ministry of War did not hold him accountable for the defeat of Temple Street was largely because he was a rare Russian expert in the army. If there is another mistake on this issue, I am afraid that the future will be bleak, and it will be difficult to have the opportunity to be ashamed of Xuemiao Street, let alone be loyal to the emperor and the empire.

Thinking of this, Nobuyoshi Muto couldn't help but secretly resented in his heart, even if General Renan sent a middle-level guy, the current difficult situation would not happen, so why did he send such an idiot.

Although a Chinese army attacked the city of Kulun and caused chaos in the city, Nobuyoshi Muto also saw some clues in it. For example, the surprise attack of the Chinese people was very successful. It is impossible for the short rammed earth fence to block the footsteps of the siege troops.But they chose to retreat without even testing the attack. There must be something strange about it. Could it be that they were just a small group of troops that infiltrated?

If it hadn't been for Thomas' pursuit in the middle of the night, resulting in a disastrous defeat and capture, and the mutiny in the middle of the night, I am afraid that Nobuyoshi Muto would have thought of this problem long ago. The Chinese army last night was probably a small army that infiltrated.


In the Muksa headquarters, the staff officers and the heads of the regiments were arguing fiercely. They were deeply worried about the behavior of Brigadier Li Zhenqing leading a small detachment deep into the enemy's rear. People want to wait and see what happens first, and not act rashly.

Wu Xiaoliang was also very worried about the situation of his elder brother Li. Although he was always calm and calm, and never fought uncertain battles, this time was different from the past. The soldiers he brought, including cavalry and infantry, were only about [-] people.Facing a whole brigade of Japanese, it felt like moths were flying to a flame.However, if Li Zhenqing's small team successfully disrupted the defense deployment in the direction of Kulun, it would create a good opportunity for the main force of the Suidong Army to occupy Kulun and completely wipe out the western part of Outer Mongolia.Although he already had an idea, he still let the big guys speak freely according to the usual practice.

Tantai Jize was taking a nap. The head of the military supply department of the headquarters was indeed exhausted for the past few days. From Hulun to Mukesa, almost all the deployment of ammunition, food and grass along the way was personally involved. This time, he came with the first batch of material transportation team, just in time for the military meeting, but fell asleep on the spot from exhaustion.One of the staff officers next to him saw that Wu Xiaoliang was looking away, so he quickly raised his leg under the table and kicked him hard.Tantai Jize suddenly opened his eyes in shock, only to see Wu Xiaoliang looking at him with a smile, realizing that he had lost his composure, and smiled awkwardly.

"Director Tantai, tell me your opinion?"

Although Tantai Jize dozed off, he listened to the contents of the meeting at random, pondered for a while, and adjusted his thoughts.

"Naturally, we will immediately launch a strong attack on the Kent Valley. What the staff officers are worried about is that the fortifications in the valley are complete. Our attack will definitely cause heavy casualties. However, I have transported six attacking weapons this time, which can break this predicament. Board!"

Speaking of this, Tantai Jize felt a little thirsty due to dozing off just now and talking, so he picked up the water jar on the table and poured it up.Everyone who was doing it, including Wu Xiaoliang, was attracted by his murderous weapon, and they all watched helplessly as he finished speaking and continued.

Unexpectedly, this old guy, after drinking the water and patting his head in thought for a long time, said something that almost made everyone vomit blood.

"What did I just say?"

Tantai Jize rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly. He has been tossing and tossing a lot lately, he can't get rest day and night, and this bad memory problem is getting worse again.

"Speaking of sharp weapons!"

"Come on, don't be fooled, what is this sharp weapon?"

Everyone urged him to speak quickly, Tantai Jize suddenly understood.

"Yes, yes, speaking of sharp weapons, this sharp weapon is the 120mm caliber wheeled cannon newly bought by Vladivostok in Germany!"

The officers present here are all the best in the army. Who doesn't know the role of cannons in battle? On weekdays, they all use 74mm rapid-fire guns.This 120 mm caliber is already twice that of the rapid-fire gun, and it is a wheeled gun that is easy to move. This is simply a weapon of war.With this thing, what fortifications can't be broken?

Tantai Jize was very satisfied with everyone's astonishment, and stretched out his right thumb and little finger, "I brought a total of six doors this time, and I also have [-] radix high-explosive bombs, so the artillerymen can have a good time." gone."

These guns were bought by Sun Jiayu from Germany and arrived in Vladivostok by cargo ship a month ago. Along with the ship were six [-]mm wheeled cannons, Mauser rifles, Maxim heavy machine guns and various ammunition.The freighter with a displacement of [-] tons was almost full of munitions, miraculously avoided the Japanese navy's investigation, and arrived in Vladivostok smoothly.After the two naval battles, Japan blocked the Sea of ​​Japan in retaliation and strictly prohibited any ships carrying arms into the port of Vladivostok.The Suidong Army received less and less weapons and supplies from the sea, and the arms transported by Sun Jiayu this time was like sending charcoal in the snow.

With the large-caliber cannon, the opinions of the staff officers and regiment leaders began to become unanimous, and they all expressed their views and proposed to immediately launch a surprise attack on the mountain pass, enter the grassland west of the Kent Mountains, and conduct encirclement and annihilation operations against the Japanese troops entrenched in Kulun.

After the meeting, twelve cannons were equipped to the Artillery Regiment of the First Mixed Brigade. Since Li Zhenqing was away, the team was temporarily commanded by Wu Xiaoliang himself.At the same time, a large number of German-made weapons transported with Tantai Jize were also refitted to the soldiers of the first mixed brigade and the three regiments of the first division.

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