The dense cloud is getting lower and lower, and the sky is getting darker and darker. It was originally as dark as evening at noon. When the wind suddenly picked up, the heat and dullness of midsummer seemed to be taken away immediately. The soldiers of the 66th Division crowded together in the fortification suddenly Feel a burst of coolness.The division commander Li Dasheng stood in the open-air command post behind the position with a serious face. Suddenly, he only felt a chill on his face, and when he reached out to touch it, it turned out to be a large drop of rain.

Li Dasheng murmured: "Finally it's raining..." This year, Hebei, Henan, and Shandong have suffered severe droughts.It's just that he doesn't have the slightest joy of rain from the sky at the moment, and even a cloud of cloud hits his heart like this dark and oppressive sky, getting thicker and thicker, making him unable to breathe.

Immediately, Li Dasheng felt amused at his worry, such a fortification was perfect, even if Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army came, it would be impossible to break through this line of defense without knocking out all the teeth.He had made up his mind at the beginning of the construction of the fortifications to fight a defensive counterattack. Although this plan sounds extremely ridiculous, and may even be ridiculed by his colleagues in the 67th Division, his side has the advantage regardless of the supply of troops. Unheard of.

Be careful to make the Wannian Ship, Li Dasheng realized that there is a kind of blind optimism in the 32nd Army and his 66th Division. Even after the Fifth Independent Brigade was wiped out, this blind optimism still exists. The failure came down to his incompetence.But he vaguely felt that the truth of the matter was by no means as simple as everyone imagined. No matter how incompetent Li Yuxi was, if the Shandong Army had no real materials, it would at most defeat the Fifth Brigade. easy.

Thinking of this, Li Dasheng picked up the binoculars and observed the three impregnable lines of defense again, nodded in satisfaction, and was about to sit down and take a rest.He suddenly felt that the temporary map table was shaking faintly, and soon he realized that this was not an illusion. The pencil on the map rolled to the edge of the table due to the vibration and fell to the ground.

After a short while, only the sound of roaring and roaring could be heard from far to near, and the tremor of the earth became more and more obvious.Li Dasheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly raised the binoculars, only to see dust rising up from hundreds of meters in front of the position, and the dust was advancing towards the position of the 66th Division at an extremely fast speed.

The division staff around him also noticed this situation, and shouted in horror: "'s a steel chariot!"

The staff officer of the division was finally well-informed and knew that it was an armored combat vehicle, so he didn't regard it as a monster.But these four words hit Li Dasheng's heart, but it made him nervous for no reason, and he felt that the palms of the two hands holding the telescope were soaked with sweat.

The time to come has finally come. As expected, the Shandong Army really has new weapons and equipment.At this moment, let's see if your chariot is powerful or my 66th Division's position is strong!

"The artillery fires!"

The artillerymen in the rear had already determined the parameters, and after receiving the order from the division headquarters, they opened fire in unison. Dozens of shells roared and fell into the dusty sky, blooming and exploding.But the fast-moving sand and dust didn't seem to be hindered at all, and rushed to about 200 meters in front of the first position in the blink of an eye, but it was too late to fire.

The soldiers of the 66th Division in the trenches adhered to the dogma of putting the enemy in before fighting, and finally couldn't help firing. Hanyang-made, infantry artillery, and Maxim water-cooled heavy machine guns all fired, and all kinds of light and heavy firepower instantly poured on the battlefield. , No one in this world can resist such fierce firepower, right?

But the cruel facts terrified the soldiers in the first trench. Countless armored vehicles were unscathed, still roaring towards the position.What made them even more desperate was that the high-explosive shells like pearls spewed out from the short barrels in front of the tanks, and fell into the trenches and exploded, causing heavy casualties to the densely packed soldiers.In the blink of an eye, the chariot rushed to the front of the trench without resistance. The fire woven by the machine guns made the soldiers of the 66th Division in the trench unable to fight back. They watched countless chariots run over their heads. Rolled over by the side, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and the sound of screams resounded through the sky.

As if shaken by the screams, the low-pressure cloud layer suddenly sprinkled a bean-heavy raindrop on the position, and then quickly collected it, continuing to accumulate and brew a bigger storm.

Li Dasheng's sweat-soaked hands kept shaking. He couldn't believe that the first position he had carefully arranged was like a paper-pasted clay sculpture, and it collapsed in an instant.And according to this calculation, how can the second and third lines of defense resist it?

The staff officer beside him pointed to the battlefield and shouted in horror again: "Cavalry... cavalry!"

Li Dasheng looked intently, and saw thousands of cavalry rushing out from behind the chariot group, heading towards the collapsed first line of defense.What kind of tactics is this?He Li Dasheng has fought for half his life, which is really unheard of!But the current situation could no longer allow him to hesitate any longer.

"All the soldiers of the Second Brigade abandon their positions and retreat to the sides. Don't fight with the enemy!"

Li Dasheng understood that the tearing of the defense line could not be stopped, and only by retreating to both sides could he avoid the danger of being eaten by the opponent's armored forces.Most of the second brigade was arranged on the third line of defense, and the first brigade was arranged on the first line of defense.When he issued this order, he was ready to sacrifice the first brigade. Only when the first brigade entangles the second brigade of the Shandong Army can there be any hope of withdrawing from the battlefield. Only the No.60 Sixth Division can avoid being wiped out like the fifth independent brigade tragedy.

The battle lasted until the evening. Li Dasheng's 66th Division was severely damaged by the Shandong Army and suffered heavy losses. He fled in the direction of Feicheng in embarrassment.

The armored brigade broke through two lines of defense in a row, and after the 66th division retreated in a big way, it turned off and stopped advancing. The task of chasing and encircling was handed over to the cavalry brigade and the Tai'an local security brigade.Although the equipment and training of the local security brigade in Tai'an could not compare with the Jin army, the Jin army at this time had been defeated, and they were beaten to the ground by this group of local security forces.In the end, the first brigade of the 66th Division was wiped out, and the second brigade also suffered heavy losses, but they left the battlefield anyway and fled to Feicheng with Li Dasheng.

The armored brigade commander climbed out of a tank in the tank group, and he was also shocked by this thrilling victory in disbelief.Although he is the best commander of the domestic armored forces, he has never participated in actual combat. It is the first large-scale contest with division-level infantry combat units, and he won so easily and bloodily. he expected.

He called the adjutant: "When will the fuel that the chairman promised to transfer arrive?"

The adjutant hurriedly replied: "It is estimated that it will be at this time tomorrow at the earliest!"

The commander of the armored brigade pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said: "The armored brigade returns to the city, and I will leave the cleaning of the battlefield to my cavalry and infantry colleagues!"

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