Finally, there was a thunderbolt in the sky, and the torrential rain poured down. This torrential rain saved Li Dasheng's 66th Division. The heavy rain lost its way, and the cavalry brigade and Tai'an Security Brigade were forced to withdraw to Tai'an. The remnants of the 66th Division's second brigade escaped.

Before the battle against the 66th Division, Wu Xiaoliang sent a telegram to appoint Guan Bingyan, commander of the armored brigade, as the commander-in-chief of the front enemy in Tai'an. Dari'achi's cavalry brigade and the local security brigade in Tai'an were under his unified command.The armored division is the sharp knife of the army. Due to the lack of fuel, he can only use Tai'an as a base to attack the invading enemy.If it is a little further away, he will face a crisis of severe fuel shortage, and the tank will be no different from a pile of scrap metal.

So I had to sit back and wait, but Wu Xiaoliang called yesterday and mentioned that there would be enough fuel for the armored brigade to arrive for seven days, and at the same time he sent a battle plan.At first he didn't think so, but after seeing it, his blood boiled.

At the headquarters of the 32nd Army in Feicheng, Commander Shang Zhen anxiously waited for the news that the 66th Division defeated the Shandong Army and took Tai'an in one fell swoop.After a sleepless night, no definite news came back until dawn. Countless telegrams were sent out, but there was no reply like a stone sinking into the sea.

The ominous premonition became more and more intense, and the sky began to rain patter at dawn, who would have thought that it would grow stronger and last for a day and a night, this is a later story.After dawn, the rout of the 66th Division finally arrived in Feicheng, bringing back the news that the 66th Division had suffered heavy losses and was defeated.

After Shang Zhen received the report, his intuition was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, he fell down on the chair, and shouted: "Oh, Wu Weizhong is so powerful, cut off my arm!"

The 32nd Army is Shang Zhen's own foundation, and the 66th and 67th Divisions are his right-hand men, and a few independent brigades are supplemented by miscellaneous brands.The reason why he sent his elite 66th Division to attack Tai'an this time is also selfish.If we can take Tai'an smoothly, attack Jinan in the north, seize Lunan and other places, and actually occupy Shandong, it will not be difficult to ask Yan Xishan for the Chairman of Shandong Province.At that time, he will have a territory and an army, which will fulfill his wish for many years.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting was the sad news that Li Dasheng's 66th Division was severely damaged and defeated.

Shang Zhen still doesn't know that Li Dasheng and his remnant of the 66th Division are marching hard on the road southward. The morale of the troops is low. Sometimes soldiers leave the army and run away. Where the road ahead will lead.

From time to time, a staff officer reminded him, "The Dawen River is in front of the teacher's seat, shall we go..."

Hearing this, Li Dasheng's originally scattered eyes suddenly gathered together, and he forced himself to hold a breath and said: "Crossing the Dawen River will be safe. The rain is so heavy. The Shandong Army must not have imagined that we will retreat to the south." After all, There was a burst of bitterness in his chest. Avoiding the pursuit of the Shandong army was an excuse to lie to his subordinates. This time he was defeated and returned to Feicheng.That's why he came up with this strategy. In name, he led his troops to evade the Shandong Army and retreat southward, but in fact, he surrendered to Chiang Kai-shek immediately after arriving at the Sulu border.

The reason why he kept it from his subordinates was because he was afraid that the morale of the army would completely collapse on the road.


Shang Zhen forced his composure, supported the table in front of him and said in a deep voice, "Where is Master Feng? Let him come to see me immediately!"

The adjutant immediately went to invite Feng Pengzhu, the commander of the 67th Division, in person. The 32nd Army was originally scheduled to leave for Tai'an at noon today, so despite the heavy rain that fell early in the morning, Feng Pengzhu still went to inspect the troops under the rain and made preparations before departure.

Feng Pengzhu was surprised to see Shang Zhen's personal adjutant coming to look for him in person, and then he frowned with an ominous premonition, and asked first:

"But something serious happened?"

The adjutant's flustered expression had completely betrayed his inner emotions. Before he could speak, Feng Pengzhu's heart had gradually sunk, as cold and wet as the heavy rain.

"Teacher Feng, follow me back to the army headquarters to see the army commander, the big thing is over!"

Feng Pengzhu's heart continued to sink, "But something happened to the 66th Division?" He didn't believe that the elite Li Dasheng's troops could be defeated, but at least they encountered a huge problem, otherwise the Shang Army Commander would not be in a hurry to let the personal adjutant Come and find yourself.

"The 66th Division was severely injured and fled. Commander Li is still missing. The commander is anxious to see you. Commander Feng, follow me back to the military headquarters!"

The adjutant said that there was already a crying voice here, and the heavy rain was pouring. As a mere adjutant, he realized that the life and death of the 32nd Army had arrived. The Shandong army who captured Tai'an fought to the death.

Feng Pengzhu was so shocked that it was really hard to believe that the elite 66th Division was severely injured and collapsed. What killer weapon did Taian have that could defeat the elite 32nd Army of the Jin Army repeatedly? His heart had already sunk to the bottom. The army is just a disease of scabies, while the heavy damage of the 32th Division is out-and-out injuries. In addition to the vicissitudes of the war, it is unknown when it will be able to recover its combat power.

Shang Zhen had calmed down from the initial shock, and he decided to devote all his strength to the 32nd Division for the final battle, because the situation did not allow him to retreat, and after this retreat, Shang Zhen would no longer have a foothold in the Jin army.As soon as he looked up, he saw Feng Pengzhu, who was drenched all over, entering the military headquarters, so he hurriedly got up and pulled him to sit down, and at the same time ordered someone to serve hot tea.

"Bring hot tea quickly, and drive Yunqing away from the cold." He pointed to the guard beside him, "Go and get that dry clothes."

But Feng Pengzhu couldn't take care of these anymore, and said anxiously: "Commander, please listen to Pengzhu's words, the 32nd Army should focus on preserving its strength, and keep the green hills without worrying about no firewood!"

Shang Zhen waved his hands and laughed loudly. After laughing for a while, his voice could not hide the desolation in the end, and he still tried his best to hide it.

"Yun Qingna, the success or failure of the 32nd Army depends on one action. Er Li misunderstood me. This time you will go to Tai'an with me..."

Feng Pengzhu remained silent, he knew Shang Zhen's temper, if he had made up his mind, it would be difficult for dozens of horses to pull him back, but he couldn't help but said again:

"If you don't wait for the remnants of the 66th Division to return to the team before setting off, you can better understand the equipment and tactics of the Shandong Army, so that you can know yourself and your enemy."

This time Shang Zhen did not object, but nodded in agreement, no matter what, he had to wait for the heavy rain to stop before he could act.

Until the evening, the heavy rain gradually became less and less, and many defeated soldiers from the 66st Brigade of the 66th Division returned to Feicheng one after another, but the 66nd Brigade of the [-]th Division and Li Dasheng were alone.It wasn't until the broken soldiers of the second brigade sneaked back that he learned that the [-]th Division had crossed Dawenkou southward.

Shang Zhen's face changed from cloudy to cloudy, his chest heaved violently, obviously he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, he wanted to speak a few times, but in the end he didn't.

"Don't wait for him, the whole army will be dispatched tomorrow!"

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