Wu Xiaoliang agreed with both hands and feet when he declared war on Germany and Austria. Over the past hundred years, China has repeatedly fought and failed in foreign wars. Its national self-esteem has been completely lost, and its international reputation has fallen again and again. Taking a ride with the Allied Powers will not only improve its international status, You can also get practical benefits, and the good thing of killing two birds with one stone must not be missed.But he couldn't say that, otherwise it would not be worth the loss to make a frivolous and impetuous impression.

"Zhi Shuai, the principal once taught us that soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty, and whoever Zhi Shuai tells Xiaoliang to beat, Xiao Liang will hit."

Xu Shuzheng didn't take a sip of tea, he almost spit it out, it would be perfect for a rough soldier to say this, what kind of vulgarity are you Wu Xiaoliang pretending to be?

Duan Qirui was not disobedient, and was a little disappointed in his heart, asking Wu Xiaoliang like this not only to test his attitude, but also to test the school.However, this son expressed his support for himself, and did not make much comment. He is rare and stable at a young age, and he is worthy of a big responsibility.

On August 24th, Feng Guozhang officially took office as the President of the Republic of China. In the first round of his contest with Duan Qirui, he was unexpectedly defeated because of Wu Xiaoliang's sudden appearance, and the strength of his direct lineage was greatly damaged.Since then, he has often disagreed with Duan Qirui in state affairs, and key official documents sent by the State Council have often been withheld, causing Duan Qirui to be furious.

Wu Xiaoliang really didn't want to get involved in the political struggle. He regretted it when he accidentally got involved last time. What's more, he also hurt Xu Zibing's father. Xu Zibing had a nonchalant voice on the phone. You regret it when you say "love", but it's too late to take it back.Xu Zibing's voice turned cold immediately, "I would do the same to people who have nothing to do with me. You don't owe me anything."

There was a hissing current on the phone, and Wu Xiaoliang was upset for a while. He was so busy with the group and expansion these days that he must ask her to go to the Liuguo Hotel for Western food when he is free.

Offending politicians for no reason will cause endless troubles in the future, so after being awarded honors and awards, he plunged into the barracks and never came out again.Today, he is already the brigade commander of the majestic major general. The original No.15 mixed regiment was expanded into a mixed brigade, and the designation was changed to the fourth mixed brigade.Xu Shuzheng took good care of him. Although there was only one brigade, it was expanded to the size of a division. There were five infantry regiments under his command, artillery regiment, cavalry battalion, engineering battalion, supply battalion, communication battalion, and recruit battalion. There is one reconnaissance battalion and one reconnaissance battalion directly under the brigade headquarters, with a total number of [-].

人数之巨还不是第四混成旅的优势之处,他的优势在于拥有其他部队所不具备的优势火力。每个步兵连都配有12挺麦德森轻机枪,全旅轻机枪超过500挺;并且每连设机枪排,拥有4挺mg08重机枪,全旅重机枪超过150挺;炮兵团拥有75mm1897年型野战炮54门;全旅拥有毛瑟g98步枪超过7300支,勃朗宁m1900式手枪超过 00支。

With the support of Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng, all the military supplies of the Ministry of the Army were given priority to the [-]th Mixed Brigade. Like a money fan, Wu Xiaoliang took out all the equipment that was not sufficient in the arsenal of the Ministry of the Army.The soldiers mainly come from the new barracks of the Beijing-Tianjin Garrison Headquarters. Except for a few of the former military academy students who returned to Baoding, most of them stayed to become middle and lower-level officers of the expanded mixed brigade. Therefore, half of the students in the fifth phase of the Baoding Military Academy failed to graduate. Yang Zude felt that he was responsible for dereliction of duty and negligence, resigned and returned to his hometown.

Fu Zuoyi was promoted to colonel, deputy brigade commander and chief of staff, Dong Haibin was promoted to colonel commander of the first infantry regiment, Wu Jingshan was promoted to colonel commander of the artillery regiment, Wu Xiaoliang made a tailor-made department chief for Fang Qidao, and the colonel of the political department of the brigade The commander, at the level of deputy brigade, mainly focuses on the ideological work of officers and soldiers. Units at all levels below the brigade have political instructors to understand and guide the ideology of officers and soldiers in a timely manner.

Because there is no doctrine, Wu Xiaoliang established an organization in the brigade with the purpose of patriotic unity. All officers and soldiers in the brigade must join. Thought has been unified to the greatest extent, he came from that era and knew the greatness of thought, and the combat power he produced can exceed any weapon in this era.

One month after becoming an army, Wu Xiaoliang pulled the [-]th Mixed Brigade out of Beijing and took it to Nanyuan for training. With the support of the Ministry of the Army, the bullets and artillery shells were thrown out like water, and at least nearly [-] rounds of ammunition were consumed every day , and a basic number of shells, Xu Shuzheng rubbed his teeth in distress after receiving the report, not knowing how expensive the family is, these are the things he and Duan Qirui asked for from the great powers after begging their grandpa to tell their grandma, although the ammunition was open Supply, but there is no reason to be so wasteful. Immediately send a telegram to stop the exercise and station on the spot.

When Wu Xiaoliang received the telegram to stop the exercise, he naturally knew that Xiao Xu was concerned about the ammunition, but he was a little confused about the second telegram that followed.

"My brother from Weizhong, your department will drive to Wanping Station immediately."

There was no reason, no explanation, but he could sense something was wrong in these few words.

Sure enough, something big happened in Hunan.Lu Rongting of Guangxi sent two divisions of Tan Yaoming into Hunan, and the Beiyang Army was defeated. Duan Qirui decided to send Wu Xiaoliang's fourth mixed brigade to fight the fire south.

At Wanping Station, Xu Shuzheng arrived with the supplies, saw Wu Xiaoliang and said worriedly: "Tan Chaling has attracted Lu Wuming, the situation in Hunan has deteriorated, and Mr. Zhi ordered you to rush to help."

Wu Xiaoliang devoted himself to rectifying military affairs all day long and did not care about foreign affairs. No wonder he felt it was sudden. In fact, it is not difficult to guess the coming dragon if he knows it.After Duan Qirui formed a cabinet for the second time, he declared war on Germany and Austria. Loans from various countries poured in, and even the Boxer indemnity inherited from the former Qing Dynasty was exempted. The strength of the Beiyang government increased greatly. They wanted to unify the whole country by force. Unexpectedly, the Guangxi family supported Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou to establish a military government to crusade against Beijing. Duan Qirui dismissed Lu Rongting from the post of Guangdong and Guangxi tour envoy in a fit of anger, and listed him as a wanted criminal.And Hunan, as an important buffer zone between the north and the south, has become a battlefield for both sides to compete for. Poor Tan Yankai drives the wolves at the front door and enters the tiger at the back door.

The Hunan people have a strong sense of locality. During the Beiyang government, they insisted that the Hunan people rule Hunan. Fu Liangzuo, who was born in Hunan, was not bought because he grew up in the north. He was originally appointed as the governor of Hunan. Haoming invaded Hunan under the name of Sun Wen's Dharma protector. Duan Qirui had no choice but to transfer Wang Ruxian's Eighth Division stationed in Machang, and No.20 Division stationed in Fan Guozhang, Baoding, into Hunan.At the end of September, Lin Xiumei, the guardian of Hengyang, and Liu Jianfan, the guardian of Lingling, announced their independence from the governor of Hunan.Fu Liangzuo and Fan Guozhang were defeated by Tan Haoming's troops. Wang Ruxian stationed in Liuyang had no choice but to retreat to Pingjiang with the Eighth Division.

Wu Xiaoliang embarked on the train going south with full of thoughts, and his fourth mixed brigade, with high morale, sang battle songs and set off for Hunan.

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