The situation in Hunan deteriorated faster than Duan Qirui imagined.Fu Liangzuo, governor of Hunan Province, sent the first division of the Hunan Army to attack Hengshan, but Lin Xiumei, the guard envoy of Hengyang, instigated a rebellion.Fu Liangzuo became a bare-bones commander overnight. To prevent accidents, he fled overnight from Changsha to Jinggang in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River by warship. However, this was only the beginning of Fu Du's escape.

Tan Haoming of the Gui Army attacked Liuyang by surprise and defeated Wang Ruxian, the Eighth Division, and diverted to Changsha, which was not guarded by the Beiyang Army.Fu Du's ass was still hot, and when he heard that the Gui army was coming, he hurried north to Yueyang, where Shang Zhen's Shanxi mixed brigade was stationed.Unexpectedly, Shang Zhen's Shanxi mixed brigade had no fighting spirit, and its morale was low. Seeing that the warlord was fleeing, he rushed away. Fu Liangzuo jumped up in anger and cursed Shang Zhen for being an idiot, even the troops could not be controlled.After several twists and turns, I finally gained a firm foothold in Linxiang.

After the defeat and retreat to Linxiang, Fu Liangzuo looked forward to the arrival of reinforcements every day, wishing he could cross the Yangtze River.But he was also beating a small drum in his heart. He heard that Zhishuai sent a baby brigade commander who was under 20 years old. Although he was well equipped, he had never fought a tough battle. Confused and entrusting him to come here will exhaust the entire army, and my old Fu will die.

Not only Fu Dudu's family was looking forward to Wu Xiaoliang's reinforcements, but Wang Ruxian, the commander of the Eighth Division, was also in a bad situation. After he was defeated by the Gui army, he had withdrawn to Tongcheng in Hubei.Wang Ruxian is still quite confident about his student, and if he is asked to come to Hunan to make troubles in the sea, maybe he can pull some dragon tendons on him, and he can also vent his anger on himself.

Wu Xiaoliang's fourth mixed brigade planned to arrive at Hankou via the Beijing-Hanzhou line, then cross the Yangtze River from Hankou to Wuchang, and finally go south to Changsha along the Guangdong-Han line.The troops were transported to Puqi in the southeast of Hubei, and they could no longer go south. According to the road guards, many railways in Hunan were cut off and traffic was cut off.

Going south out of Hubei, along the railway, a large number of rout soldiers poured in from the south, with big and small bags on their bodies, and they knew at a glance that they were coming to plunder the people's property. How could the military discipline be so corrupt?Wu Xiaoliang sent cavalry to drive them away, only to realize that they were the defeated soldiers of Shang Zhen's mixed brigade.

Wu Xiaoliang looked at the broken soldiers in pairs in the distance and thought to himself, Shang Zhen was considered a famous general of the Jinsui Army in his previous life, why was he so unbearable in the Beiyang period.Remembering that Fu Zuoyi was also from Shanxi, he said, "Brother Yisheng, do you have any impression of this merchant traveler? It is said that he was from Shanxi."

"I only heard that he was born in the Northeast Academy of Martial Arts. In terms of region, he should be closer to brother Weizhong." Fu Zuoyi was very relaxed, and he was not at all nervous about the imminent battle.Fang Qidao was very dissatisfied with the two people's nonsense, and brought them back to the topic, "Shall we go to Changsha or transfer to Linxiang?"

Wu Xiaoliang has studied the map of the two lakes for no less than a hundred times along the way, and he has already made up his mind, "Don't go, let's go to Pingjiang." He pointed to Fang Qidao on the map that was spread out, "Here, let's go here, first Set up the stalls of the headquarters, summon the troops to defeat the troops, and fight the momentum."

Fu Zuoyi suddenly asked tentatively: "Should we pay a visit to Fu Qingjie?"

"No, it will take time to take a detour to Linxiang. Let's go to Pingjiang immediately."

After Wu Xiaoliang led his troops to the south, Duan Qirui felt that he was a little embarrassed to go to Hunan to fight fires as a brigade commander, so he immediately sent an order to appoint Wu Xiaoliang as the commander of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and all the troops in the two lakes would obey him.In fact, this is an ambiguous appointment, but the establishment of a garrison command must specify the designation of the troops under its jurisdiction, and Duan Qirui only said that they will all obey the dispatch, but it is actually due to lack of confidence. Will not obey the dispatch of a brigade commander of the Anhui brigade, but the situation in Hunan is corrupt, the No.20 Division is wiped out, and the Hunan Army is all instigated. The only available army is Wang Ruxian, the commander of the Eighth Division who has friendship with Wu Xiaoliang.Therefore, Duan Qirui's appointment of Wu Xiaoliang as the commander of the garrison was just to give him a title in the righteousness, and he acted according to circumstances.

Wu Xiaoliang made full use of the advantages of his status, gathered the defeated soldiers with great fanfare, and his momentum became stronger and stronger during the ten-month period.

Tan Haoming, the general of the Guangxi faction who occupied Changsha, has been busy cleaning up the situation, and he has the idea of ​​becoming the governor of Hunan with his mind floating.At the beginning, Tan Haoming didn't pay attention to that baby brigade commander. The most elite divisions in Beiyang were all defeated by him. How could a small mixed brigade be able to make it to the sky?In his eyes, the Fourth Mixed Brigade is a piece of fat waiting to be eaten, and all he considers is whether to eat early or late.

But this piece of fat has recently made him feel a little bit stuck in his throat. The [-]th Mixed Brigade took up the airs of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in Pingjiang. Threatening Yueyang and Xiangyin.More and more rout soldiers from the garrison headquarters gathered more and more, and Tan Haoming felt faintly uneasy.

Tan Haoming finally ordered Wei Yongchang's brigade and Maji's brigade to attack Pingjiang, and ordered Hengyang guard envoy Lin Xiumei to lead his troops northward. Combining the forces of the three brigades to destroy Wu Xiaoliang should be foolproof.He personally led the first division of the Guangxi Army and drove out of Changsha sixty miles north to deter Wang Ruqin's brigade operating on the Guangdong-Han line from Linxiang to Changsha.

In Linxiang, the governor and governor finally hoped for reinforcements, but the reinforcements spared him a lap before rushing south to Pingjiang.Fu Liangzuo felt very angry and disappointed. Although he was defeated, he was still the governor of Hunan. Since you went south, you should accept restraint.It is said that the brigade commander of the reinforcements is a student under the age of 20. He is so domineering as a mere child with a yellow mouth, which makes him, the governor, so embarrassing.

Afterwards, news came that Duan Qirui had actually appointed that boy from Huangkou as the commander of the garrison in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Fu Liangzuo finally understood that Duan Qirui had been completely disappointed in him, and that the end of his political career would mean the end of his life.It's better to give it a go or there may be a turning point, then he telegraphed Duan Zhigui, the governor of Jiangxi Province, to send troops to assist Hunan, and on the other hand ordered Shang Zhen to gather the rest and cooperate with the Eighth Division Wang Ruqin's brigade to push Yueyang.

The clinker Gui army stationed in Yueyang was cut off by Wang Ruqin, and their morale was slackened. As soon as Shang Zhen's army appeared, they scattered like birds and beasts.After half a month of tossing about, Wang Ruqin was actually picked by Fu Liangzuo. He jumped his feet angrily, and cursed: "He, Fu Liangzuo, doesn't have anything like us. He would have been kicked out of the Xiangjiang River to feed the bastard."

After the first battle of Shang Zhen, Yue Yang greatly encouraged Fu Liangzuo's confidence, thinking that the situation could still be salvaged, so he sent someone to contact Wang Ruqin to attack Xiangyin.However, Wang Ruqin suddenly flung his sleeves and left, and returned to Tongcheng to rest, exposing him directly to the main force of the Gui army.At the same time, there was another news from Changsha that Tan Haoming personally led the first division of the Gui Army to go north.

He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and muttered, "What should I do?"

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