The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 525 Goodbye

Chiang Kai-shek's telegram was not hysterical, but beneath the surface calm lay immense anger and coldness.First of all, Wu Xiaoliang was admonished for leaving without saying goodbye with a kind of earnest attitude. The Shandong army's leaving without saying goodbye caused the Jiangxi bandit suppression battlefield, which had already gained an initial advantage, to repeat itself. And unnecessary casualties occurred.But he also expressed a certain understanding of Wu Xiaoliang's decision, and at the same time affirmed his undoubted contribution in the Songhu War of Resistance.However, the Zongmilitary Concession had an extremely adverse impact on the international community. Even if Jiang Zhongzheng, the leader of the party and state, wanted to excuse him, he would have difficulty.

The telegram was very tactful but threatening and cold. Old Jiang Gaoming only pointed out the problems Wu Xiaoliang was facing, but did not give him a way to solve the problems.The meaning is obvious, you can figure it out, don't blame me for not following you when the time comes.

Wu Xiaoliang casually threw the telegram on the table. No matter how threatened by Lao Jiang, he and his troops have returned to Shandong safe and sound. If Nanjing really wants to tear his face apart and doesn't care about the world's rumors, he will definitely accompany him to the end.It's just that since he took charge of Shandong and entered Jinan, he spent most of his time fighting, and he delayed various government affairs.

There are so many things going on, Wu Xiaoliang only wished that there would be 48 hours a day. The reorganization of the army after the war and the resumption of factories were both on the agenda at the same time.However, he still has one top priority at present, and that is to firmly control Henan in his own hands.

Li Youting has not been busy in Henan in the past few months. He has fought more than a dozen battles with Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan's people, controlling almost all important cities in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in Henan, and driving Yan Xishan back to Shanxi. Feng Yuxiang blocked Tongguan to the west.

Of course, if the troops of Yan and Feng's two families rely solely on Li Youting's strength, it is not enough to achieve such a battle result. Before that, Feng Yuxiang's main force was in Hubei, and most of them were wiped out by Chiang's central army, and most of them turned back. Henan had no strength left to advance, so it had to return to Guanzhong from the south of Shaanxi.Yan Xishan was forced to return to Shanxi due to the large-scale invasion of Zhang Xueliang and the Japanese army.

In this way, Li Youting took advantage of the fishermen and controlled most of the important towns in Henan.However, Chiang Kai-shek's powerful general, Gu Zhutong, also led his No.16 Route Army into Xuchang, eyeing Kaifeng and Zhengzhou. If it hadn't been for the outbreak of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Wu Xiaoliang led his troops to fight the Japanese army in the Beijing-Shanghai area. , I am afraid that Lao Jiang ordered Gu Zhutong to attack Li Youting early in the morning.

In fact, Li Youting was also very afraid of the heavy troops of Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army stationed in Xuchang, and he had always been cautious in handling the relationship between the two parties, for fear that an accident would trigger a big war and make the whole situation in Henan out of control.Because of the incompetence of Zhang Xueliang, the leader of the Northeast Army in Beiping, the Japanese Kwantung Army and the North China Garrison Army went straight to the north bank of the Yellow River. Gu Zhutong.Gu Zhutong also knew the general situation, and he didn't take advantage of the situation.

But now that the Battle of Songhu is over, Wu Xiaoliang and Lao Jiang have almost torn their faces openly, and without the restraint of the Japanese, Gu Zhutong is ready to move.Even Feng Yuxiang, who was on the west side of the pass, began to be dishonest.

A series of telegrams rushed to Jinan, and soon landed on the desk of the chairman of the Shandong Provincial Government.Wu Xiaoliang frowned. Obviously, as soon as the foreign war ended, Lao Jiang couldn't wait to prepare to reignite the civil war.

He understood that this battle would have to be fought sooner or later. For the old Jiang in the Central Plains, he was determined to win. If the Japanese hadn't intervened, Henan would have been surnamed Jiang long ago, and it would not be his turn to control the Shandong Army.However, if he wanted Wu Xiaoliang to honestly give up the fat that was in his mouth, he absolutely couldn't. Even if he agreed, the generals under him would not agree.

"Jun Zuo, Old Jiang is too deceitful, why don't I go to Henan and Jing Cong to attack Gu Zhutong from north to south! Pull out this nail completely, and break Old Jiang's coveting heart."

Wu Xiaoliang intended to agree with Yang Xiaoou's opinion, but he always felt that Lao Jiang's methods would not be so simple. Perhaps Lao Jiang was ready to wait for him to take the lead in provoking the signs of this civil war!It's better to hold your breath first, walk down according to the original plan, and watch while walking.

"That's not right, brother Yiru. Apart from the reputation of instigating civil wars, I can't bear it. The Second Army alone caused serious damage in the First Battle of Songhu, but the replenishment of personnel was a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the drastic drop in combat power, even the morale may be too low." It is not conducive to dispatching troops. Therefore, the current situation is worse than being quiet, let’s take a look first and then talk.”

A hint of disappointment flashed in Yang Xiaoou's eyes. After all, Henan was a piece of cake promised to him by Wu Xiaoliang on the ship. If Lao Jiang really sent heavy troops to intervene, I'm afraid this matter will not be guaranteed to end without a problem.

Wu Xiaoliang noticed Yang Xiaoou's similarity, and immediately understood that he had misunderstood, and said with a smile: "Henan is determined to win, and the Shandong Army's plans are not limited to this! However, the current situation is unclear, so let's wait and see for now. Once there is a clear trend He won’t show mercy.” He felt parched, picked up the tea bowl on the table and poured some tea, and continued, “Besides, the situation in Henan should be seven parts political and three parts military. It would be best if there were no bloodshed!”

Yang Xiaoou listened to Wu Xiaoliang's explanation, and immediately realized that he was thinking about it, as the saying goes, care leads to chaos.However, he disapproves of capturing seven points of politics and three points of military affairs in Henan.

"Could it be possible to reach out to Lao Jiang and ask the chairman of Henan Province to do it?"

"Why not?"

Wu Xiaoliang groaned with a smile, and Yang Xiaoou couldn't help but wonder, isn't Lao Jiang a three-year-old child who is willing to obey obediently?What's more, they just offended Lao Jiang to death!


In Nanjing, Jiang Zhongzheng has calmed down from the initial rage. He has realized that Wu Xiaoliang's successful evacuation of Shanghai is equivalent to a bird's escape from the cage, and he has completely lost his hold on the Shandong Army. Hitting is no longer possible.

Not only is it impossible to use the Shandong army as cannon fodder, but Wu Xiaoliang's successful return to Jinan will bring him endless troubles. Gu Zhutong from Henan has already sent several telegrams back.

"Commissioner Mo Sanyi sent several telegrams in a row, and Wu Weizhong started to make moves as soon as he returned to Jinan. I'm afraid he wanted to swallow Henan in one gulp!"

After the war against Japan in Songhu ended, He Yingqin immediately resumed his previous posture of pointing out the country. He really ignored the domestic warlords. It should be reasonable for the Central Army to seize Henan.

"The Eleventh Division of Cixiu seems to be moving again. It will go directly to Anhui and threaten Shandong and Henan from its flanks, so as to save Xiaoxiao guys from making any changes!"

Jiang Zhongzheng nodded. He was about to transfer Chen Cheng's [-]th Division to Henan to deter Wu Xiaoliang. He Yingqin's suggestion was exactly what he wanted, but the national government had just ended the war, so it was really inappropriate to start the war lightly, and Wu Xiaoliang robbed the territory and cut off the money. It's not just his family, Feng, Yan, Zhang, who doesn't want to see Shandong jokes?Or reach out for a share.

He Yingqin was a little anxious when he saw that Jiang Zhongzheng had not expressed his position for a long time. Could it be that the committee had other plans?However, Yang Yongtai who was at the side guessed Jiang Zhongzheng's thoughts very well.

"Don't worry, Chief of the General Staff. The so-called attacking the soldiers is the second to attack the diplomatic relations, and the second to attack the soldiers. The appointment should be done!"

He Yingqin suddenly realized that the war in the Central Plains was anticlimactic, and finally let Wu Xiaoliang take advantage of it. Who would be happy with the other families?How could he have forgotten this?

Yang Yongtai continued to shake his head and said: "Now that we are talking about those who are considering, who do we choose to cooperate?"

"Feng Huanzhang has a reflexive temperament, he forgets righteousness when he sees profit, and he has just been beaten into disgrace by the Central Army, and Yan Baichuan is as cunning as a fox. I am afraid that cooperating with these two people is like seeking skins from tigers. But Zhang Hanqing from Beiping is impulsive and willful, and he is with Wu Weizhong. There's so much friction, it's the best fit."

Jiang Zhongzheng sneered, "They are not good people. Before the Japanese pirates launched the Songhu War, they just gave Zhang Hanqing tens of millions of money. Now it's time to take back some of the benefits!"

Mentioning the 3000 million yuan given to Zhang Xueliang by the Nanjing Nationalist Government before the Central Plains War, Jiang Zhongzheng was furious.It was originally agreed that the Northeast Army would enter the customs and participate in the war, but as soon as Zhang Xueliang occupied Pingjin, Little Japan stabbed in Shanghai. In the end, the war in the Central Plains was over, and Yan Feng took the opportunity to stop the army. How can he be reconciled if he didn't achieve it, but spent 3000 million in vain.

"The committee is wise, as long as Zhang Hanqing's [-] Northeast Army marches to the north bank of the Yellow River and cooperates with Cixiu's [-]th Division to deter Lu, Henan and Anhui, even with the courage of that brat Wu Weizhong, I am afraid that he will not dare to attack Henan again. !"

Yang Yongtai lost no time in offering a flattery.


Jinan, Shandong Province.

"Jun Zuo, is there any change in Zhang Hanqing in the north? According to reports, the Northeast Army in Nanyuan is gathering, and it seems that they are going south along the Beijing-Han line!"

Yang Xiaoou felt a little depressed about the news, and the most worrying thing still happened.Wu Xiaoliang had previously analyzed with him the method Jiang Zhongzheng might use, which was to link Feng, Yan, and Zhang to deal with the Shandong Army.

It's not that the Shandong Army is the strongest among these local warlord forces. On the contrary, Wu Xiaoliang is actually the weakest. Wu Xiaoliang, who was still unknown a few years ago, is just as the so-called thin camel is bigger than a horse.The main force of Yan Xishan's direct lineage has not been damaged, and in addition to operating Shanxi for nearly 20 years, it is deeply rooted and cannot be shaken by ordinary people.Even Zhang Xueliang, the dog of the bereaved family, still holds one hundred thousand Northeast Army in his hands, which is a powerful military force that no one can ignore.

As for Zhang Xueliang's cooperation with Lao Jiang, he thought it through. It was nothing more than stabilizing his Hebei territory and coveting the control of Shandong in order to find a base for his [-] Northeast Army.

Wu Xiaoliang had a hunch that Jiang Zhongzheng might not just do this.Sure enough, just one day later, the adjutant sent a telegram from Shanghai that Chen Cheng's No. 11 Division had already taken the train northward along Jinpu Road in Nanjing and entered Anhui Province. The specific target is still unknown.

Yang Xiaoou sneered again and again.

"Old Jiang is good at planning, and he is very experienced in fighting against his own family. Where is his ability when facing the Japanese?"

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