The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 526 Goodbye

In late autumn, the Central China Plain was vast, and after the paddy fields were harvested, it became even more flat. Since the beginning of autumn, there has been a long drought and no rain. The land is as dry as skin that has lost moisture, and there are terrible holes.Suddenly, the whole earth vibrated, and the edge of the earth as far as the eye could see suddenly rolled up the sky full of smoke and dust. The peasants who were picking up the fire straws in the field ridges in twos and threes were frightened by the scene before them.

Since the territory of Henan entered the Republic of China, wars have been fought for years. The sound of gunshots exploding like firecrackers, and the cannon that shakes the ground with one shot are not so imposing. Could it be that who invited the immortals and ghosts from the heavens and the underworld?

Fear was written in the dry old eyes, and the farmers who picked up grain were stunned, and their feet couldn't move halfway, as if they were filled with lead. It came like a storm, and it whizzed past like a thousand horses rushing to thunder.

In the end, it wasn't until the tremor gradually faded away and the smoke and dust in the sky dissipated again that someone couldn't help uttering a word.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?"

In their eyes, it was the steel monsters that rolled up the smoke and dust, with black smoke rising from their tails, and they could gallop across the land without using Rome. What else could they be if they weren't monsters?I'm afraid this shock is far more than what they imagined by the fairy king and the big ghost!

Guan Bingyan, the commander of the armored brigade, was in the belly of one of these steel monsters. This time, he was ordered to go straight to the back of Xuchang from Dingtao, Qixian, Tongxu, and Shangshui to cut off the section of communication between Xuchang and Hanyang. Beijing-Han line, so that the [-]th Army stationed in Gu Zhutong, Xuchang, cut off contact with the headquarters, and smashed Chiang Kai-shek's attempt to seize Henan.

As long as it is fast enough, Lao Jiang can't react in time, hum!Guan Bingyan sneered for a while. He had already passed Shangshui, and victory was just around the corner.He picked up the intercom and shouted:

"All listen to the order, I am Guan Bingyan, I am Guan Bingyan, turn west immediately, turn west!"

From afar, I saw Yanlong drawing a beautiful arc on the ground and heading west.


At the Xuchang [-]th Army Command, Gu Zhutong slapped the table and cursed: "These idiots lost their territory in just one charge and have no face to come back? I dragged them all out and killed them!"

The army commander Lei Ting was furious, and all the staff officers, big and small, did not dare to say a word, and they were even more careful in doing things, for fear of making some noise and drawing Officer Gu's anger to himself.

It turned out that Gu Zhutong had just taken in the defeated soldiers from the south, and they were all his cronies who stayed along the Beijing-Hanzhou line. The team stationed in Linying Yan City, which had more than one brigade, was defeated in less than an hour. The two counties also changed hands in an instant.

The loss of two county towns is not a big deal, but these two county towns are right on the Beijing-Hankou line between Xuchang and Hankou, and all supplies brought from Hankou must pass through these two places.

Gu Zhutong suddenly felt chills in his back, and his back road was cut off. If the road to the back was not opened up as soon as possible, his situation would be very dangerous, even...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he had to take immediate action, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.But he didn't even know who the number commander of the opponent's troops was, so he definitely couldn't fight in such a hasty manner.

"Those generals of the defeated army don't need to be executed. Let them lead their headquarters back. You don't have to work hard. Just find out the origins of those people and who the commander is!"

The officers, as if they had received an amnesty, went to issue orders to release them.In fact, everyone hesitated when Gu Zhutong issued the execution order in a rage, and did not convey it in a hurry, because after all, there were hundreds of mid-level and lower-level officers involved, and too many people were involved. The fighting, on the contrary, may have hit the already low morale of the blind people.

So they were waiting for Gu Zhutong to calm down.Sure enough, after Gu Zhutong calmed down, his previous order changed again.

In just half a day, before evening, the specific news came back from the front line. Xiping and Yancheng were raided by Wu Xiaoliang's armored brigade and cavalry brigade. The reason why his sixteenth division was almost unable to fight back was because They dispatched a large number of tanks, cavalry, and large-caliber support artillery. The soldiers of the Sixteenth Army, who were accustomed to infantry offensive and defensive warfare, were helpless against armored units, and even had natural fear, so they almost collapsed without fighting.

This is hard to break Gu Zhutong, is it possible to transfer the main force?He immediately denied this answer, because once the main force is exhausted, Li Youting, who has been fighting against him for more than a month in the north, will never let go of this opportunity. .If these two counties cannot be regained, the supplies from the rear cannot arrive in Xuchang in time, and due to the convenient transportation of the Beijing-Hanzhou line, Xuchang does not have a lot of materials hoarded, which is only enough for a week's consumption.Therefore, the conclusion is that if the supply line is not opened within a week, the supply of the No.16 Army will be cut off.


In Nanjing, Jiang Zhongzheng only felt headaches. The battle plan he had originally drawn up was perfect, so why did something go wrong?Could it be that Wu Xiaoliang's team would not be able to fly if they had wings inserted, and they could quietly seize Yancheng overnight and cut off the retreat of the Sixteenth Army.

He had to convene an emergency military meeting again. Chen Cixiu's [-]th Division might still be on the way and would not arrive at the designated place so soon, so a solution had to be discussed immediately.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do?"

As soon as the words were finished, an attendant took the telegram and entered the room, and He Yingqin took it, and his face suddenly changed when he saw it.

"Wu Xiaoliang's Seventeenth Division has dispatched to Northern Anhui, and the target should be directed at Cixiu's Eleventh Division!"

There was a buzzing sound in the meeting room immediately.

"I didn't expect this Wu Xiaoliang to turn his face when he said that he would turn his face..."

"There is a rebellious character in the back of the head, and he is a ruthless character, can you not rebel?"

"Speaking of which, with his few local leopard soldiers, can he be the opponent of our Central Army?"

Immediately someone sneered:

"The local leopard soldiers? Who is it that annihilated tens of thousands of Japanese invaders, and the little devils who fought and retreated from Shanghai? Who of you here has this ability?"

Everyone was buzzing without discussing a solution. Jiang Zhongzheng looked at the room buzzing like flies, his brows almost twisted into a mountain character, but he still kept his face sullen and said nothing.It was He Yingqin who finally coughed twice. When everyone heard that the chief of staff was about to speak, they all calmed down consciously, and looked at He Yingqin who was sitting on the left hand side of Chairman Jiang.

He Yingqin was very satisfied that he quickly rectified the order of the meeting room with a cough.

"Committee, all of you, there are two options at present. One is to send electricity to Beiping immediately, so that Zhang Hanqing's Northeast Army will immediately go south to attack Jinan. At the same time, send electricity to Feng Yan and ask them to send troops to help. The second , ordered the Hubei garrison to go north along the Beijing-Han line, and cooperate with Gu Mosan to eliminate the Wu troops!"

Jiang Zhongzheng nodded but did not express his opinion, but Liu Zhi followed up to speak, and saw the two lumps of fat on his cheeks swaying up and down, whether it was a flattering smile or a sneer.

"What brother Jing said is very true, but I'm afraid Feng Huanzhang and Yan Baichuan will stand by and watch..."

Immediately afterward, someone interjected: "Not only are Feng Yan and Feng Yan unreliable, but Zhang Hanqing from Beiping seems to have an ambiguous attitude. Didn't he give me a good word when I called to inquire last time? It depends on the situation. I want to make a fortune!"

The person who spoke was Chen Tiaoyuan. After several struggles, he stood firmly on Jiang Zhongzheng's side. Therefore, although he came from a Beiyang warlord, he was still highly valued by Lao Jiang in Nanjing, and his subordinates were also really good. He has several armies with good combat effectiveness in his hands, so one of his speeches still carries a lot of weight.

When Liu Zhi saw Chen Tiaoyuan echoing his statement, pushing He Yingqin back, he couldn't help but glance at the expressionless He Yingqin proudly.But he didn't need to admit Chen Tiaoyuan's feelings. It was a well-known secret that he and Zhang Xueliang were at odds, so he said that Zhang Xueliang was just venting his personal grievances from time to time.

In fact, in the original history, Zhang Xueliang himself had an extremely bad opinion of Chen Tiaoyuan.When Lao Jiang transferred him to Shaanxi to suppress the bandits, Chen Tiaoyuan was also in Xi'an, and they had a period of time together.Later, Zhang made no secret of his bad opinion of Chen in his memoirs, calling him "old and lustful".

Leaving aside whether Chen Tiaoyuan is lewd or not, this man's life was considered a legend. He abandoned literature and went to martial arts in his early years. In the Lincheng robbery, he entered the tiger's den alone with his dignified Xuzhou guard, negotiated with the bandit leader Sun Meiyao, and successfully resolved a case. It was a major case that was about to cause international disputes. Later, when Zhang Zuolin was in power, he almost captured Yang Yuting, the governor of Jiangsu at that time.Later, he followed the situation and joined Jiang Zhongzheng, and he was promoted step by step, and he can be called a generation of heroes!

And at this military meeting, another reason why Chen Tiaoyuan and Zhang Xueliang spoke up was that, like Liu Zhi, they all looked down on Chief of Staff He, who was known as Chairman Jiang's right-hand man.

This is not over yet, Chen Tiaoyuan continued to fire the shells.

"The soldiers from Hankou are going to be transferred to Jiangxi to suppress the bandits. I am afraid that if they send people to the north, Hubei will be empty..."

He Yingqin's face turned blue and white. Even though he had always been in the city, he was humiliated by Liu Zhi and Chen Tiaoyuan in public. How could he bear it? Just as he was about to explode, Jiang Zhongzheng slammed the table down and said angrily :

"Noisy, noisy, I didn't call you here to quarrel!"

There was no sound in the meeting room immediately, Chen Tiaoyuan opened and closed his mouth twice and finally made no sound, and when he closed it obediently, there was a sound of a needle falling in an instant!

In the end, Chiang Kai-shek followed He Yingqin's proposal. The troops from Hubei could not be transferred, but he continued to seek foreign aid as usual. Yan Xishan was still conservative as expected, saying that he was severely injured after the war and could not send troops.Unexpectedly, what surprised him was that Feng Yuxiang agreed to send troops without any strings attached and immediately sent troops out of Tongguan.

As for Zhang Xueliang in Beiping, he had been mobilizing his troops on the north bank of the Yellow River for a long time. The air on the land of China suddenly tightened, and it became full of gunpowder, and there was a tendency of a mountain rain.

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