Jiang Zhongzheng obviously underestimated Wu Xiaoliang's sudden reversal. After his anger subsided, he finally admitted the reality, that is, his contempt for Wu Xiaoliang caused the Central Army to suffer unprecedented losses, and this loss was enough to shake his position in the country and the party.

Outside, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhang Xueliang, Feng Yuxiang and other northern heroes have completely broken with him, and there is no possibility of reunion in a short period of time. Although Yan Xishan promised to be a teacher in Nanjing, the old Xiershu's head and shoulders are out of control. Famous, it is a blessing not to stab a knife in the back at the critical moment, and there is no extravagant hope that he can send troops to help.As for the major warlords in Guangxi, Dian and Sichuan who have always been closely related to Nanjing, they are all eagerly waiting to see Jiang's jokes, and it is only natural to sit on the sidelines.

These are not the most serious. After Liu Zhi received the transfer order for his troops to go to Jiangbei, he inexplicably delayed for a day before setting out. It is commonplace, but at this sensitive moment, Liu Zhi, as Jiang Zhongzheng's confidant and love general, acted like this, and the motivation behind it began to become intriguing.In Jiang Zhongzheng's eyes, this is just a small wave splashed by a huge undercurrent.

Holding the telegram tightly in his left hand, Jiang Zhongzheng got up and went to the window, pushed open the wooden window, and the air mixed with the smell of earth rushed into the house. The sun had long since disappeared, and the yard was pitch black. The light flickered and flickered.


His forehead was cold, Jiang Zhongzheng stretched out his hand to touch it, and it turned out to be water-stained.It is going to rain!

The mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, so he suddenly dropped the telegram in his hand.

"Prepare the car, go to the police headquarters!"


The attendant hidden in the dark responded quickly, and then hurried out to make arrangements.

Alternating with the attendants who had just left, another confidential secretary came in, holding a telegram in his hand, and strode straight to Jiang Zhongzheng.

Seeing the telegram in the secretary's hand, Jiang Zhongzheng's heart trembled for no reason.

"President, call from Shanghai. A large number of Japanese ships with unknown hull numbers have been found outside the Yangtze River Estuary. According to the investigation, there seem to be many [-]-ton warships."

If you are really afraid of something, the Japanese Navy's third fleet stationed in Shanghai is mostly light-weight warships. Only the heavy cruiser Izumo and the Myoko can claim [-] tons, and there is also a seaplane carrier Notoro.These three warships were severely damaged in the Great Battle of Wusong, and basically lost their combat effectiveness. If there were a large number of heavy warships with unknown hull numbers off the Yangtze River Estuary, the only explanation would be that these warships came from the mainland.

Once these warships really come from the mainland, the problem will become serious.Before the ink on the Songhu armistice agreement was dry, Japan blatantly dispatched heavy warships into the waters prohibited by the treaty, which was tantamount to publicly tearing up the armistice agreement.At the same time, it also sent a signal to Nanjing and Jiang Zhongzheng to start war.

The sweat on Jiang Zhongzheng's forehead fell instantly, and the internal strife suddenly broke out again. Even if the Chinese chess game was played by a god, I am afraid that he would be exhausted and vomit blood, and then he would also be unable to recover.

Kneeling down to Japan has always been regarded by him as the first humiliation since joining the army. He intends to resist Japan but has to succumb to reality, because in his eyes, China, which is like a mess of sand, is not an opponent of the Japanese at all. China has intensified the speed of blood loss. Only by gathering all its forces under its feet is the premise and foundation of firing at the Japanese.

The first Songhu Anti-Japanese War took advantage of the situation when the above conditions were satisfied, and achieved an unprecedented victory, consolidating Chiang Kai-shek's leadership position.Unexpectedly, the situation turned around again in a few months. Wu Xiaoliang, who was already dead, fought back, the Central Army was defeated again and again, and the warlords who had already been subdued began to move again.The opposition forces within the party are also unprecedentedly united. Wang Zhaoming and Sun Ke have frequent contacts, so it is hard to guarantee that they are not doing some conspiracy in the dark room.

"Appointment, the car is ready and we can start."

The servants who had gone out earlier returned to report.

Jiang Zhongzheng no longer hesitated, and stepped out, but his state of mind and plan were completely different from those just now.


In Jinan, Shandong, military meetings were held one after another. Wu Xiaoliang fully inherited and carried forward the fine traditions of his previous life. There was a small meeting every three days and a big meeting every five days. Everything from material supply to strategic deployment was resolved at the meeting. All the representatives spoke fully and expressed their opinions. Finally, he summed up and formulated principles and policies, which were communicated to local governments and armies.

However, the content discussed in today's regular meeting has never been seen before.

"Lao Jiang electrified and went to the field?"

This is very exciting and good news. I thought that Lao Jiang would fight back fiercely after his failure, but he was defeated in one blow, and he couldn't even keep his position as the head of state.

For a while, the crowd was excited, and without the big trouble of Lao Jiang, Shandong and Henan could be considered to have a firm foothold.


Tantai Jize didn't take everyone's excitement seriously, and muttered something in a low voice, but Wu Xiaoliang who was beside him heard it clearly.

Wu Xiaoliang was also inexplicably surprised by Lao Jiang's sudden resignation. The current situation is not very clear. The Nanjing Central Army is still strong.

"What do you think, brother Zhongwu?"

Wu Xiaoliang turned sideways and muttered something, which was a question.

Tantai Jize frowned and raised his voice.

"Although our Shandong Army has won a few battles, Lao Jiang has not yet reached the point of resignation..." Tantai Jize slapped the table, and his voice became a little higher.

"There must be something wrong with them!"

There was a lot of commotion at this moment, everyone looked at Tantai Jize with a face of sudden realization in amazement, and the meeting room was instantly extremely quiet.

Tantai Jize's analysis fits Wu Xiaoliang's meaning, and he also holds the same opinion.But what he can't agree with is is the current opposition in the Kuomintang really so strong?Can Lao Jiang be overthrown in one fell swoop while his strength is still there?The strength of the Shandong Army did not pose a fatal threat to Nanjing. This level of external pressure caused Lao Jiang to collapse. This always made Wu Xiaoliang feel a little incredible, even a little ridiculous.If Jiang Zhongzheng was so easily defeated by Wang Zhaoming, who has no soldiers and no power, is he still Jiang Zhongzheng?

There must be a deeper reason behind this. After a round of analysis, everyone failed to find out why. Wu Xiaoliang had no choice but to announce the end of the meeting when the sun was setting.

After dinner, Yang Xiaoou came.

"Jun Zuo, there is information that the Japanese fleet has entered the China Sea. The situation in Pingjin is probably not good. It is estimated that Zhang Hanqing's Northeast Army will not be able to withstand it. We have to plan early."

Speaking of North China, Wu Xiaoliang's heart became a little heavier. Although the Kwantung Army was small in number, they were all elite Japanese troops. It is not an opponent, and it will be a matter of time before they are defeated.

"Hanqing's situation is already very dangerous. Send a telegram to tell him to retreat south as soon as possible. The Northeast Army can't fight all out in Pingjin."

"Shandong, can we hold it?" Yang Xiaoou hesitated to speak, but finally asked.

Wu Xiaoliang was noncommittal.

"Once the Northeast Army withdraws from North China, Shandong will become the forefront of the resistance against Japan. What's worse is that Shandong has no danger to defend. If we take down Shandong, we can easily land here and form a pincer attack on Jinan from the north to the south."

After listening to Wu Xiaoliang's analysis, Yang Xiaoou's eyes dimmed, and his whole body seemed to sink into the sofa.

"Could Shandong also give up?"

Before he came, he had privately deduced the situation in front of him no less than ten times. No matter how he deduced it, Shandong couldn't hold it.Fortunately, Lao Jiang announced his resignation, and the pressure from the south suddenly eased a lot. Can the Shandong army compete against the Japanese army on its own?In the Battle of Songhu, although the squadron with the Shandong Army as the main force won the victory, it was a victory with Nanjing as its base and the full support of the entire Nanjing government.Today, the two provinces alone are not the same.

Wu Xiaoliang shook his head firmly, showing a mysterious smile.

"Shandong must not give up. The Shandong army may not have the power to fight. If the attack does not have this strength, self-defense is more than enough!"

Yang Xiaoou's sharp eyes lit up again, and he said happily, "Does Jun Zuo have any countermeasures?"

He saw that Wu Xiaoliang seemed to speak with certainty, and he clearly had a feasible countermeasure.Although this is unbelievable, what can the Shandong army, which is at an absolute disadvantage, use against the superior Japanese army?If the words came from someone else, he would have laughed it off at most, but Wu Xiaoliang had brought them too many surprises, almost never failed, and no matter how bad the situation was, he seemed to be able to give them back easily. Turning around, Yang Xiaoou couldn't help but not believe it.

Wu Xiaoliang waved his hand.

"It's not yet the time. The south can be retracted. The Seventeenth Division will retreat and closely monitor the movements of the Japanese army in Qingdao."

The reason why Wu Xiaoliang studied the strategic deployment with Yang Xiaoou in every detail was because he did not go to Henan to become the provincial chairman, and Li Youting worked so hard in Henan that he didn't want to be a peach picker.As a result, Yang Xiaoou took up another position with great power in the Shandong Army, the Chief of General Staff.

"The Seventeenth Division fought well. With this momentum, if there is no mess in North China, maybe they can cross the Yangtze River and fight to Nanjing!"

Yang Xiaoou suddenly paused.

"Could it be that... Lao Jiang's resignation may be due to the appearance of the Japanese fleet!"

Sure enough, Wu Xiaoliang finally affirmed the real reason for Lao Jiang's resignation this time. The appearance of the Japanese fleet became the last straw that crushed Lao Jiang.This shows that the Grand Fleet has appeared in an extremely sensitive position, and this position will never be Shandong!

"Could it be Shanghai?"

Yang Xiaoou blurted out, and Wu Xiaoliang nodded accordingly.

"It must be Shanghai!"

In an instant, the faces of the two changed drastically at the same time!

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