Soon, the secret telegram from Shanghai proved the conjectures of Wu Xiaoliang and Yang Xiaoou. A large number of Japanese navy warships really appeared on the sea outside the Yangtze River Estuary, and it was emphatically confirmed that there were more than three battleships in the large fleet.

Yang Xiaoou didn't have much idea about the three battleships, but Wu Xiaoliang had a deep understanding in his previous life. The displacement of the three battleships, even the treaty warships, would exceed 30 tons, plus the subordinate heavy cruisers and battlecruisers. The total displacement of this large fleet will far exceed 20 tons.The displacement of [-] tons was still a very scary concept in the navy in the early [-]s.In fact, based on visual inspection of the number of ships, the total displacement may be close to [-] tons.

All in all, Japan sent a large fleet with super terrorist combat power to Shanghai.After Wu Xiaoliang's explanation, Yang Xiaoou's face turned pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"We... China even includes fishing boats, can the total displacement be 20 tons? The Japanese pirates sent such a powerful navy, wouldn't it be a sledgehammer to kill chickens?"

Wu Xiaoliang looked worried, got up and paced back and forth in the room, then stopped suddenly.

"The Japanese are trying to kill chickens with a sledgehammer. They are intimidating Nanjing. Moreover, their intimidation has played its due role and achieved its goal!"


Yang Xiaoou was a little puzzled, but seemed to realize something.

"Could it be that old Jiang went to the wild?"


Wu Xiaoliang nodded and analyzed.

"The arrival of the Japanese large fleet gave the anti-Chiang faction within the Kuomintang Central Committee unprecedented confidence and joined forces to launch an attack. At the same time, the morale of Chiang Kai-shek's faction was low due to the failure of the army, and signs of instability appeared internally. Japan's Intimidation just exacerbated this crisis, and with the ebb and flow, although Lao Jiang's resignation was sudden, it was a matter of course."

So far, the mystery of Jiang Zhongzheng's sudden resignation has been solved layer by layer. Yang Xiaoou believes that Wu Xiaoliang's analysis must be almost the same as the facts.But he couldn't see any trace of joy and relaxation on Wu Xiaoliang's face, and he was even a little more worried and melancholy than the previous few days.

"Old Chiang's resignation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Shandong Army. Why is Jun Zuo unhappy?"

Wu Xiaoliang sighed, "Jiang Zhongzheng's resignation at this time may be a good thing for the Shandong Army, but it may not be a good thing for China!"

"Why did Junzuo say that?"

Yang Xiaoou felt that he still couldn't keep up with Wu Xiaoliang's rhythm, and this extremely jumpy way of thinking still made it difficult for him to adapt.

"The enemy is overwhelming, and only a united China can persevere. Now that Chiang Kai-shek is stepping down, there is no second person in China who has enough prestige and ability to unite most of the country's forces around Nanjing..."

Wu Xiaoliang paused for a while when he said this, and there was a faint sigh, as if he was regretting.

"Wang Zhaoming and Sun Ke are nothing but bad politicians. The two joined forces to expel Chiang Kai-shek. It would have been okay in a peaceful era, but at this critical moment of internal and external troubles, it would be worse for the weak and almost dying Chinese nation. All factions How can you have the energy to resist the Japanese invasion? In the end, brothers will fight each other, and the relatives will hurt the enemies and the enemies will be happy!"

The more Yang Xiaoou listened, the more startled he became. He was not so surprised that Wu Xiaoliang said that the situation had deteriorated, but that he heard a trace of fatigue and negativity in Wu Xiaoliang's mouth.This has never happened before. Wu Xiaoliang always seems to be the young general full of confidence. He can always counterattack and achieve brilliant victories in a situation that outsiders regard as a dead end. This is true for taking power in Shandong with bare hands, driving away the Japanese army who occupied Jinan, and defeating the Japanese navy and army in the Songhu War.

what is it today?The situation of the Shandong army is very good. Although the Japanese army is rampant, the possibility of invading the hinterland of China should not be very great!In his opinion, the Japanese garrison in the entire pass is only 8 to 10 people, and even if there are marines to survive, there are only [-] people. It seems a bit idiotic to want to go deep into the hinterland of China. How about the Songhu War? Well, it's a disaster if it's not defeated in the end.

Therefore, Yang Xiaoou felt that Wu Xiaoliang's troubles and worries were quite unreasonable.

"Is Junza worried about the Japanese?"

Wu Xiaoliang stood still by the window, nodded vaguely, which was regarded as a response to Yang Xiaoou's question.

"Yiru wants to ask the Japanese what is there to be afraid of?"


Yang Xiaoou replied seriously.Wu Xiaoliang then sighed again.

"The Japanese were not to be feared, but we Chinese made me worry about the Japanese invasion!"

"Myself? Invasion?"

Why did the Chinese themselves make Wu Xiaoliang worry about the Japanese invasion?Yang Xiaoou noticed that Wu Xiaoliang used a word that was rarely used, that is, invasion.Why does it smell like the rain is coming?I only heard Wu Xiaoliang continue to whisper:

"I'm afraid that the total war will be brought forward..."

"in advance?"

Yang Xiaoou once again couldn't keep up with his train of thought, why did he say it in advance?Total War?The Japanese want to go to war with China?Each of these analyzes was more shocking than the last, and he felt that Wu Xiaoliang was a bit sensational this time.

Wu Xiaoliang's analysis is not unfounded.It is true that in his previous life, the Japanese did not have the mature conditions for a full-scale invasion of China at this moment.But unlike this life, Japan in the previous life has been steadily encroaching steadily, and various pressures and needs have been controlled within a reasonable range, so it was able to wait a few years after annexing the Northeast before launching the Marco Polo Bridge Incident.

The situation in this world is not the same. The Songhu War was defeated extremely tragically. Several main warships of the navy were sunk, the minister of the army was captured alive, and the frontline commander was seriously injured and captured. He withdrew from Shanghai in despair.All these failures have caused the cabinet to face great domestic dissatisfaction. Coupled with the world economic crisis, the domestic people are full of disappointment with the cabinet.Apart from the public, the military department is also very dissatisfied with the cabinet. The disastrous defeat in the Songhu War made them lose face, so they urgently need a war to wash away their shame.

North China is such an opportunity. Intelligence has been crossing the ocean one after another, the Japanese cabinet has fallen, and Prime Minister Lu has been appointed prime minister. It became the military department, and most of the cabinet members were soldiers, while civilian officials were excluded from the power center.

Based on the understanding of the above-mentioned domestic changes in Japan, Wu Xiaoliang can clearly feel that the atmosphere of the war is getting closer and stronger.

One is to divert the focus of domestic public conflicts, and to find an outlet for the defeat of the war and the domestic economic crisis.The second is to wash away the shame of the Japanese army's defeat. This is an unprecedented defeat of the Japanese army since the Meiji Revolution.

Various factors are intertwined, making Japan even more irrational in this life.Therefore, war, non-stop war, has become the only choice for those fanatical lunatics.

Wu Xiaoliang made an in-depth analysis of Yang Xiaoou almost in detail, with a novel perspective and surprising conclusions.In Yang Xiaoou's opinion, it is difficult to describe the ups and downs in Wu Xiaoliang's heart by using amazing to describe Wu Xiaoliang's conclusion.

Perhaps shock would be more appropriate.

"According to what Jun Zuo said, Japan's large-scale invasion of China is already inevitable. This...isn't this..."

This reminded him of the turbulent Ming Dynasty more than 280 years ago. The Han people opened the pot by themselves, which allowed the Manchu and Qing Tartars outside the pass to take advantage of the situation to enter the pass. Only then did Yangzhou Ten Days and Jiading Three Massacres.

Today's China is very similar to that time. The country is torn apart, warlords big and small attack each other, and the strong leader who finally emerged also ended in internal struggle.The Japanese Japanese pirates are also opening their mouths wide open, and they are about to swallow China in one fell swoop.

Yang Xiaoou didn't know about the Nanjing Massacre in Wu Xiaoliang's previous life. If he knew about it, he would be even more shocked. The history is so similar, but this time, the Chinese nation will not grow braids in their hearts for the sake of their heads.

"Junzuo, Xiaoou thinks, is it too early to say that Japanese pirates are going to invade China?"

Indeed, if Wu Xiaoliang stood up at this time and raised his arms and shouted that he would fight against Japan, more than one person might think him crazy.The current situation is that only Zhang Xueliang in North China is facing the embarrassing situation of being driven away by the Kwantung Army and the North China Garrison Army.There is an extraordinary Japanese naval fleet cruising on the sea outside Shanghai.The students may be excited, and the people who don't know the truth may go to the front line to fight against Japan with enthusiasm, but as politicians and warlords, those in power will not rely on their own strength because of the loss of others. If he is naked, other people will not show mercy to his subordinates because he is beating the Japanese, they will only go up and make up for his feet.

This is the situation in China today, whoever resists Japan dies early.Whoever hides behind lives well.As long as you watch others go to die, and then take cold shots to collect some remnants and defeated generals who have fought against the Japanese, you can develop your strength.As long as the public opinion is well controlled, talk about fighting against Japan, and let the big fools and idiots do the hands-on work, and then continue to develop their own power with their heads covered.

Yang Xiaoou's meaning is obvious, "Shandong Army can't be such a fool. If the Shandong Army is wiped out, those big bosses with real power will have to wake up from their dreams."

Wu Xiaoliang said solemnly:

"Brother Yiru, why do you and I join the army?"


Yang Xiaoou was depressed for a while, saying that he would serve the country by serving the army?In fact, when he first joined the Jin army, he originally wanted to earn a living. Later, he was promoted step by step, and his pursuit changed, but he never took serving the country seriously. The goal of being promoted and making a fortune is always inseparable. .He has always moved towards this goal with peace of mind, but now he hesitates.

"How can there be eggs under the overturned nest? I have decided to fight the Japanese army to the death this time."

After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoliang called the secretary in and handed him a telegram that had been written long ago.

"Send it immediately, hurry up!"


The secretary stood at attention, turned around and left.

"Let Han Qing withdraw his army and let the Japanese army go south, it's our Shandong army's turn to take action!"

Wu Xiaoliang's voice was low and firm, and Yang Xiaoou couldn't help clenching his fists.

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