As soon as Jiang Zhongzheng left Nanjing, the situation became more and more unmanageable. People in the city were panicked. The streets of Nanjing, which used to be bustling with each other, were desolate and desolate. Garbage, dead leaves and discarded newspapers were blown up in the air by the cold wind. spin.People with big and small bags and their families can be seen walking on the street everywhere.

A well-polished car was driving slowly on the street. The usual traffic jam scene was long gone. The person sitting in the car was Wang Zhaoming, the temporary head of the national government. He was hit hard by the icy atmosphere in Nanjing City.

The city of Nanjing was fairly stable the day before, and everything seemed to be going on as usual.How did the situation deteriorate to such an extent in just one day?Is it because Jiang Zhongzheng is too popular or is he unpopular?After thinking about it, he finally came to a conclusion that he, Jiang, may not be popular, and he himself may not be unpopular. The reason why the people are like this is because the Japanese fleet appeared in Shanghai, and the citizens of Nanjing, who were frightened by the flames of war, wanted to go out. Refuge is also reasonable.

But he changed his mind again. It is hard to guarantee that Jiang Zhongzheng did not have the credit for fueling the flames in private, so stabilizing the public opinion in the market has become the first priority that needs to be solved since he took office, and it is also a big problem.Wang Zhaoming has no mature ideas on how to solve it. Just as Jiang Zhongzheng expected, Wang Zhaoming is an expert in power struggles, but he is not good at grasping people's hearts. If he fails to grasp people's hearts, he is doomed to failure.

In addition to stabilizing people in the market, Wang Zhaoming has another headache.Sun Ke is in danger of falling out with him recently. He wanted to discuss the aftermath of Chiang Kai-shek with the descendants of the Prime Minister in the past few days, but this person unexpectedly disappeared behind closed doors. This is a very bad omen. , You must clear up this misunderstanding first, after all, you can't mess up your position first, and it's not time to let go of the grind and kill the donkey.

In fact, this is also very simple. After Wang Zhaoming drove away Jiang Zhongzheng, he promoted all his cronies in several key departments, and Sun Ke's people were all under consideration.It can be clearly seen that Wang Zhaoming's bureau is far inferior to Jiang Zhongzheng. In order to win over all available forces at the critical moment, Jiang Zhongzheng did not hesitate to appoint officials and make wishes, and he was afraid that the wishes made were not enough, and the officials appointed were not big enough.

When Wang Zhaoming was having a headache about how to arrange for Sun Ke's people, the car suddenly slowed down, and there was a sudden noise outside.He raised his eyes and looked through the front windshield, but it turned out to be a group of students blocking the road. He didn't know what would happen if they got together.

In order to keep a low profile, Wang Zhaoming didn't bring a guard or even a convoy when he traveled these few days, so he just took this black car.In his heart, students have always been synonymous with trouble, so he decisively ordered the driver to stop.

"Stop the car quickly, don't be disturbed by the students."

The driver slammed on the brakes, and the strong inertia caused Wang Zhaoming and his secretary to slam forward. Fortunately, the seat was wrapped in a layer of soft cowhide, so the collision was not very painful.

"Turn quickly, turn quickly!"

If the previous sentence could reveal some traces of Wang Zhaoming's calmness and decisiveness when he assassinated the former Qing regent, then now he is completely flustered, even disregarding his image.

Because Wang Zhaoming was horrified to find that the students gathered together were slowly moving towards their direction, and it would be no joke if they were recognized.So you have to turn around and leave before the students reach the car.

The driver skillfully reversed the steering, but it was still too late.In less than a minute, Wang Zhaoming found in despair that his car was surrounded by students. What are these students going to do?Do you still want to hijack yourself, the dignified ruling of the national government?For a moment, he regretted how low-key he was, and did not bring the guards armed to the teeth, and now he really did it on his own.

At this time, Wang Zhaoming still had a little luck in his heart, and hoped that these enthusiastic students who were simple-minded and easy to be used by others would not recognize him.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the car windows were slammed by the students from the outside.Wang Zhaoming only felt his scalp tingling. He had a premonition that it was absolutely impossible for him to leave in a low-key manner for today's incident. Therefore, for the sake of image, he could not close the window, let the students yell and scold him, and make himself a coward, otherwise his political life would be ruined. Severely damaged, possibly even terminated.

In the end, Wang Zhaoming slowly rolled down half of the car window, stretched his facial muscles, and showed a smile that he thought was very natural.

"Students, what's the matter?"

He was answered by a pleasant female voice.

"Sir, the Japanese invaded our country, and the soldiers fought bloody battles on the front lines. The students also decided to do their bit for them and the country, raise some funds from the rear, and send them to the front lines as soon as possible to support them in resisting Japan!"

Originally, the delicate voice brushed Wang Zhaoming's face with Rulan's breath, but it gave him the illusion that boiling water steam was blowing towards his face, and he felt that an old face was extremely painful.

Wang Zhaoming touched his whole body, but he was not half grown. People of his level were accompanied by attendants when they went in and out, so it was not his turn to worry about carrying money.It was the secretary who understood what he meant very well, and took out a bank check from his briefcase and handed it over.Wang Zhaoming hurriedly took out the pen pinned to the left pocket of the Chinese tunic suit, scribbled a few words on the check, tore it off with a snap, and handed it out through the half-rolled car window.

The female student took the check and looked at the numbers on it. She was stunned, her pretty face flushed instantly, and the fingers holding the check turned white due to excessive force.Immediately afterwards, she suddenly took half a step back and bowed deeply to Wang Zhaoming in the car.

"Thank you sir, you are truly a patriot..."

The female student's voice trembled with excitement, and the classmate next to her took the check and let out a burst of exclamation.

"My God, I donated 1 yuan!"

Everyone was stunned. They have been busy for several days and only raised a few hundred yuan, but the gentleman in the car donated 1 yuan in one go. What kind of generosity and intention is this?

The female student suddenly raised her right hand and slapped her head, hurriedly took out the autograph book from the schoolbag she was carrying, and passed it through the car window.

"Sir, please leave your name!"

Wang Zhaoming was taken aback for a moment, it was only natural to collect donations and leave the name of the beneficiary.But when the autograph book was taken over, he was in a difficult situation again, whether to sign his name or not.It's too late to hide from these students, how can you bump into them by yourself?He simply signed a fake name and settled the matter, but as soon as the tip of the pen touched the paper, he hesitated again. The patriotic enthusiasm of the students outside the car surged in, and he seemed to see himself in the past again in them, a passionate and passionate student. Impulsive and fearless youth.What's the matter now, are you timid and timid?Have the ideals and ambitions of the past been worn away?

Several times a year, the pen moves like a dragon and snake, and I sign Wang Zhaoming's name with a few strokes.

Seeing that Wang Zhaoming signed his name, the secretary let out a long sigh. This is a rare opportunity for publicity. As long as today's incident gets out, the Executive Yuan will get more publicity. .

The female student took a closer look at the autograph book, secretly praised her handwriting, and bowed again to Wang Zhaoming.

"On behalf of my classmates, I would like to thank Mr. Wang. I'm really sorry for wasting your time..."

After finishing speaking, he raised his voice and shouted to the students: "Students, get out of the way and let Mr. Wang pass."

"This this……"

Wang Zhaoming was tongue-tied.

The student contingent that had surrounded the car hurled out of the way, and the driver of the car stepped on the accelerator as if he had been pardoned, and the car rushed out, quickly leaving the large group of students behind.

After Wang Zhaoming, who had signed his name, returned the autograph book to the female student, he suddenly realized that what he did was tantamount to a high-profile admission of his whereabouts, so he prepared to accept the cheers and worship of the students calmly. Don't even know who you are.

After Wang Zhaoming figured it out, the car had gone too far, and the students couldn't see their shadows.He was angry and laughed. It turned out that his popularity among the people was so low, and 1 yuan was really worthless. This made him realize clearly how important the three words Wang Zhaoming are in the hearts of ordinary people.

In contrast, the secretary's mood was very disappointed. It was not just a simple loss, but a good publicity opportunity was wasted because those students were blind.

He believed that if Zhang Xueliang, Wu Xiaoliang, Jiang Zhongzheng and others were signed in the signature book, it would definitely cause a sensation, and they would not be able to get out of the encirclement of students now.Because these people are well-known, especially Wu Xiaoliang made the whole Chinese remember him in one fell swoop during the Songhu War, and the reason why Jiang Zhongzheng can be recognized by all walks of life is also because he gained from the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Sufficient prestige has been absorbed.

The secretary sighed inwardly, and glanced at Wang Zhaoming who didn't seem to care, but his eyes were full of regret.Wang Zhaoming has both courage and foresight, but unfortunately he lacks military skills. What's more fatal is that he knows nothing about military affairs and has no direct troops of his own. In the end, he lost to Jiang Zhongzheng, who was inferior to him in status and qualifications.

Not having military power in his hands is Wang Zhaoming's biggest hidden worry at present. He no longer has the support of warlords of various factions. Such a deliberate attempt to climb to the top of the so-called power has actually put himself on fire, waiting to be scorched and burnt.

Wang Zhaoming didn't know that the young secretary next to him was slandering him, but he said in a rather cheerful tone: "Stable people's hearts are nothing more than the government shouldering the responsibility and not being a coward. Only in this way can the people settle down with confidence." .”

The secretary's heart skipped a beat. Could Wang Zhaoming be...

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