The secretary guessed right, Wang Zhaoming's blood boiled again at that moment, what did he do for himself when he joined the revolution?Is it just to put yourself at the top of power for promotion and fortune?He had asked himself this question many times, but he didn't know how to answer it. Now that he had reached the pinnacle of power as he wished, he was suddenly lost. The scorching breath of the female student burned him, and he suddenly realized that his original ideals and enthusiasm were gone. It was discarded by him like a shoe.

Now that the obstacles in front of us have been cleared, let's do a big job.The car diverted midway, instead of going to the Executive Yuan, it went to his usual office.Because he has a big job to do.

It was night, and several telegrams flew from Nanjing to the north and south of the river.

In Jinan, Shandong, Yang Xiaoou held a telegram in his hand, and smiled at Wu Xiaoliang with a playful expression:

"Junzuo, did Wang Zhaoming take the wrong medicine?"

Wu Xiaoliang didn't know why, so he took the telegram, read it up and down, put the telegram on the table again, clapped his hands and laughed, "Wang Zhaoming has actually gotten better."

Yang Xiaoou was puzzled.

"How did you get the hang of it?"

"From Brother Yiru's point of view, Chiang Kai-shek's resignation was by no means willing. He just wanted to repeat the old tricks, and the key departments and military power were still firmly in his hands. What he gave up was only the positions of the National Government and the Military Commission. But there is one thing to be said. Note that these positions do not have a strong power base in themselves, and their size varies from person to person. Jiang Zhongzheng holds military power in this position, which is like adding wings to a tiger. Wang Zhaoming has no military power, and sitting in these two positions is to set himself up roasted on the fire."

Yang Xiaoou still doesn't understand, he understands all these things, Wang Zhaoming is just a stamping machine like Feng Guozhang back then, even worse, Feng Guozhang still has some troops to support him, and he has also served as a local superintendent with real power, regardless of military or political circles All have his disciples and old officials.Wang Zhaoming is different. He is purely from party affairs and has no soldiers or power in his hands. Even if he is given this position, how can he command the arrogant soldiers of the Central Army, and how can the local warlords What about listening to him, a polished commander?

"This telegram is not just an inquiry telegram to solicit opinions from the state!"

Wu Xiaoliang leaned on the table with both hands and stood up, pacing back and forth in the room.In fact, he was preparing to make deals with local warlords.Yang Xiaoou nodded, he seemed to understand Wang Zhaoming's intentions, did he always underestimate him?

"Junzuo means that Wang Zhaoming did this to deal with Chiang Kai-shek in the end?"

"Totally correct. Even if it wasn't for the purpose of dealing with Wang Zhaoming, objectively it did take Chiang Kai-shek's army."

It turned out that this was a telegram for comments, which was specially sent to the major warlords in the country.It roughly means that in view of the fact that the Japanese invaders invaded and occupied Chinese territory on a large scale, it was inevitable that the people would be massacred. On behalf of the Nationalist Government, he decided to divide the country into five major regions.And these five major war zones are not just theaters that control military units, but fully decentralize local administrative power, and most of the administrative power under the control of the national government is handed over to the highest chief of the theater.

Wang Zhaoming is taking a risk. If he does so, it will be tantamount to encouraging local warlords to be independent from the central government. Over time, he will be qualified to challenge the central government.But there is another advantage to doing so, that is, the powerful theater chiefs who have obtained legal status will inevitably fight to the death for their own territory.Objectively speaking, the domestic will to resist has become stronger.

Of course, this is not the most outrageous. At the end of the telegram, Wang Zhaoming once again consulted that he was going to start a war against Japan. The Japanese had already started a war against China. On behalf of the Nationalist Government, he was unwilling and could not deceive himself and let the Japanese It ravaged the land of China.But in the end, the tone actually tended to be tough. In short, the declaration of war against Japan must be formulated as an existing policy, and it is only a matter of time.

"Jiang Zhongzheng became a coward when the national crisis was at stake. Of course, he did not necessarily avoid the war intentionally. He did this because he knew that Wang Zhaoming had no soldiers and no power in his hands, and he could maintain it in peacetime. The government was able to keep the government running, but it was a fatal blow to Wang Zhaoming under the pressure of foreign enemies. As long as the Japanese army exerted a little pressure, the Central Army would sit back and watch, and finally the Nationalist government fell into crisis, and the pressure from all parties suddenly rose Under pressure, Wang Zhaoming had no choice but to ask Jiang Zhongzheng to come back and clean up the mess."

Yang Xiaoou sneered for a while.

"Jiang Zhongzheng played a good hand and made his own bet on the survival of the country and the nation."

Wu Xiaoliang came to the sofa and sat down, but sighed softly.

"After Beiyang, military and political leaders have been worse than one generation after another, and now they can sell everything for the power in their hands, including their own souls, no matter how good the excuse is."

Wasn't Wang Zhaoming in his previous life such a person?Wu Xiaoliang never doubted the purity of this person's original ideals, otherwise he would not have been able to sacrifice himself to assassinate the regent. Is there anything he can't let go of who is not afraid of death?Yes, that is power. It is such a person who regards death as home, sold his soul for power, and achieved his eternal infamy.

But today, is Wang Zhaoming still the same Wang Zhaoming?Wu Xiaoliang didn't know where there was a deviation, but he clearly remembered that Wang Zhaoming had nothing to lose in the days after Jiang Zhongzheng stepped down, and all he could do was watch Jiang Zhongzheng come back.What happened in Nanjing, or maybe Wang Zhaoming has an expert around him to guide him.

In any case, the centralization of power has been weakened, the authority of the central government has declined, and the strength of local warlords has been legally guaranteed to the maximum.For Wang Zhaoming who has nothing, he has nothing to lose.But Chiang Kai-shek is different. In this way, his central army will be reduced to the same position as the local warlord army, and it will be difficult for him to use local taxes to support his central army.

At the same time, declaring war against Japan will win the support of the people across the country to the greatest extent. His name Wang Zhaoming will be deeply rooted among the Chinese people, and his patriotic image will be fixed. If anyone dares to hinder his patriotism, he will be the country. The sinner of the nation, the spittle of the whole country can drown him.

There is no one else for this person, but Jiang Zhongzheng who was waiting to come back after leaving the field.However, this time Jiang Zhongzheng's hope was defeated, and Wang Zhaoming's backhand slap would make his eyes full of gold stars.

Yang Xiaoou finally realized that what Wang Zhaoming did seemed absurd, but in fact he achieved multiple goals. Politically, he most likely won over Chiang Kai-shek's political opponents and gave them enough benefits. The declaration of war pushed Chiang Kai-shek, who had always practiced the policy of appeasement, to a dead end of morality.After Wang Zhaoming, on behalf of the Nationalist Government, issued a telegram to mobilize the whole country to resist Japan, how much courage and thick-skinned did Jiang Zhongzheng have to openly oppose the telegram to resist Japan?

"What a tricky blow, but the side effects of Wang Zhaoming's actions are also very obvious. Didn't he ever think that doing so would actually split China apart?"

Wu Xiaoliang said with a smile: "Isn't it falling apart now? What he did was to give us the power space controlled by Chiang Kai-shek to be disputed."

"What does Junzuo mean?"

Yang Xiaoou took a breath of air.

"Electrify the whole country, Shandong and Henan fully support and resolutely implement the resolution of the national government! Send electricity to Han Qing, let him support it together!"

Yang Xiaoou didn't expect Wu Xiaoliang to side with Wang Zhaoming so happily.

Early the next morning, major cities across the country were boiling. On behalf of the Nationalist Government and the Military Commission, Wang Zhaoming sent a telegram to declare war on Japan, calling on everyone to fight against Japan and save the country with arms, trying to survive in peril.That's not enough, what's even more surprising is that Wu Xiaoliang, who had been stabbed by Wang Zhaoming, was the first to call to express his firm support and implementation of the resolutions of the Nationalist Government and the Military Commission.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xueliang also issued a telegram after Wu Xiaoliang, expressing his firm support for Wang Zhaoming's decision, and at the same time donating all personal property to the Nationalist government as anti-Japanese funds.

This move was of great practical significance. Invisibly, Zhang Xueliang set off an anti-Japanese patriotic and spontaneous non-governmental fundraising activity to save the nation. In just a few days, tens of millions of materials and money were transported to the anti-Japanese front line.

On this day, North China fell completely, and Zhang Xueliang was the last to cross the Yellow River south.As a result, Shandong has completely become the forefront of the Anti-Japanese War.

The next day, Yan Xishan telegraphed the whole country to express support for the decision of the Nationalist Government and the Military Commission, and at the same time ensured that he, as the highest commander in the war zone, would live and die with Shanxi, and that he would not withdraw from Shanxi even half a step before the Japanese invaders were defeated.

For several days in succession, warlords of all sizes in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangdong responded one after another under the leadership of several big bosses. Jiang Zhongzheng, the leader who retreated to the second line for a while, seems to be being forgotten by the world. Yes, the big bosses all hope that this annoying Guy, roll as far as you can.

Feng Yuxiang's telegram came a bit late, but his telegram was sent in Hankou. No one knows how he got to Hankou, but one thing is certain, Lao Jiang's army staying in Huguang retreated.Feng Yuxiang miraculously came back from the dead and was appointed by Wang Zhaoming as the highest military and political officer in the Huguang theater.At the same time, Feng Yuxiang, who has always been maverick, reorganized his army, established an anti-Japanese rescue organization, and once again electrified the whole country, ready to go north to participate in the anti-Japanese war at any time.

A little later, another news came that Zhang Xueliang arrived in Xi'an and officially assumed the post of military and political chief of the Shaanxi-Gansu theater, while Wu Xiaoliang was appointed as the highest military and political chief of Luyu without any suspense.At the same time, a large number of military and political officials were born in the southwest and southeast.

Among these military and political chiefs, Wu Xiaoliang faced the greatest threat, and almost all the most elite soldiers of the Japanese army were borne by him.

Almost overnight, anti-Japanese enthusiasm across the country was mobilized. In addition to raising donations among the people, there was also a enthusiasm for joining the army.

However, the situation eventually deteriorated unstoppably.

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