The person Wu Xiaoliang thought of was Sun Jiayu. This person currently manages all the properties that Wu Xiaoliang earned in the world in the past ten years, and he was also his right-hand man in the previous ten years. He has not been involved in the political world, so he was transferred back to coordinate the assets of various parties, lest his lack of prestige would lead to many constraints, which would make things worse. Second, Sun Jiayu's health has begun to decline in recent years. Due to diabetes, some complications have disappeared. There are signs that once he is in charge of wartime assets, in addition to facing a lot of administrative work, he also has to coordinate complex interpersonal relationships among all parties. Will his body be able to stand it?

But at present there is something more urgent than recalling Sun Jiayu, that is Yang Hucheng, and meeting him as soon as possible has become an imminent matter. After Zhang Xueliang received the report from the adjutant, he rushed to the Northeast Army to deal with military affairs. It was getting late, Wu Xiaoliang was the only one left in the room, looking worriedly at the dark red sun in the distance.

After the Xi'an garrison changed defenses, all key points are now under the control of Dong Haibin's [-]th Division. Yang Hucheng must have a grudge against this. The Seventh Route Army stationed at a standstill.

After a long while, Wu Xiaoliang called the head of the security team and decided to go to Xianyang to talk to Yang Hucheng to solve the current problem as soon as possible.

After learning of Wu Xiaoliang's order, Dong Haibin, the commander of the [-]th Division, came to stop him personally, thinking that it would be too dangerous for Wu Xiaoliang to meet Yang Hucheng alone at such a sensitive moment, and it would also encourage Yang Hucheng's arrogance. The reason why Wu Xiaoliang, the chief, lowered his figure to see his subordinates.

"These days when I came to Xi'an, I had many conflicts with the [-]th Route Army, and even killed people. Now there are two bombings, the fog is thick, and all parties have ulterior motives. Inappropriate..."

But once Wu Xiaoliang made a decision, it was not easy for others to change it. After the persuasion failed, Dong Haibin took the next best thing and asked to accompany him to Xianyang himself.

Wu Xiaoliang didn't object either, he took Dong Haibin with him, even if there was friction, after all they had been working together for a while, and they could always talk to each other at critical moments.

However, Dong Haibin still called the Xi'an Garrison Headquarters in advance to arrange martial law. Visit in two hours.

Dong Haibin was playing tricks, not mentioning Wu Xiaoliang but only him, and he was also guarding against people with ulterior motives who would not dare to act rashly if they had ghosts.

The sun completely disappeared below the horizon, and the entire city of Xi'an was enveloped in darkness. The convoy left Xi'an with a roar, and soldiers pointed along the way, saying that there was a big man traveling, and they all speculated who could be so late. Many people thought it was Dong Haibin, and the news from the garrison headquarters also faintly revealed that the traveler was Dong Haibin, commander of the [-]th Division and Xi'an garrison commander, but no one would have guessed that one of the convoys Sitting in the car was Wu Xiaoliang, who holds military and political power in Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong provinces.

The convoy roared north, and when it reached the edge of the Weishui River, it drove over without slowing down. It turned out that due to the decrease in water volume in winter and the freezing of the river, the convoy could easily pass by. The Seventeenth Route Army was at the original dock on the north bank There were heavy soldiers stationed on the ground, and when they saw a convoy roaring towards them, they immediately fired warning shots.

"Who is in front?"

"Xi'an Garrison Command..."

Although Dong Haibin had called in his own name to notify them in advance, the garrison of the Seventeenth Route Army on the north bank of the Weishui River still did not let them go, but directly stopped them on the ice.

"Sorry, brothers did not get the notice from above, please stay calm and let the brothers go to ask for instructions..."

Dong Haibin was restless, which was obviously a deliberate embarrassment. It was very dangerous for the convoy to be stranded on the ice of the Weishui River with no shelter on all sides.

At the same time, Yang Hucheng sneered frequently in the temporary headquarters of the [-]th Route Army, which was only ten miles away from the Weishui River.

"Damn, he brought someone here from Dong, and he came here overnight, is he going to come to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes? In this case, let him air out first. The wind on the Weishui ice is good, let him enjoy it."

"Junzuo, he is Wu Xiaoliang's man after all, if his face is torn apart, it won't do us any good."

The aides around Yang Hucheng are carefully persuading his army commander not to be impulsive.

"You don't know, Mr. Dong is a weasel here to give chickens New Year's greetings, and he has no good intentions. Is it possible that we still have to smile to respond? Don't worry, they are not ready to turn their faces. Our [-]th Route Army is in the west of Xi'an. In the north, if we really want to fight, we will retreat to Gansu at worst, or vote for the Red Army is the way out."

"The military seat is an angry word. The place in Gansu doesn't shit. If you go there, you have to face the local warlords. It's even worse to vote for the Red Army. It doesn't matter much if you are a subordinate, but the military seat is different. , Open your fingers and count, whoever voted for the Red Army will have a good fruit to eat, first send a political commissar, and then gradually empty it out, and then organize a few times to clean up or something, or the power will be left behind, or your life may be confused lost..."

Of course what Yang Hucheng said was out of anger. Relatively speaking, although Wu Xiaoliang was pressing every step of the way, he didn't make it to the end after all. He could feel that Wu Xiaoliang had saved a lot of time, but the actual situation was not optimistic. It is also a fact that the living space of the Seventeenth Route Army in Shaanxi has been gradually reduced. Since Wu Xiaoliang came, he took a team stationed in Xi'an to Sanyuan to fight the rebellion. When he returned, he found that his people seemed to be very difficult Go back again.

So Yang Hucheng chose to wait and see in Xianyang because of his own safety considerations. He seemed to turn a deaf ear to the nagging of a few staff members around him. He didn't order his subordinates to go to the ferry to pass an order to let Dong Haibin in until the hour hand pointed to twelve.

The cold wind on the icy surface of the Weishui River was biting, and the temperature in the jeep was so low that it could freeze. Even though the people in the car were wearing cotton coats, cotton trousers and woolen high leather boots, they were still frozen to the point of freezing.

"Jun Zuo, Yang Hucheng doesn't seem to want to see us, the Weishui ice is too dangerous, and accidents may happen at any time, how about..."

Dong Haibin tried his best to persuade Wu Xiaoliang to return to Xi'an, but Wu Xiaoliang didn't say anything, until Dong Haibin couldn't bear to negotiate again, and the other party agreed to let him go. The car engine started, roaring across the ice,

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