Yang Hucheng chose the temporary headquarters in the barracks on the outskirts of Xianyang. The tent in the headquarters was extremely simple, except for a transmitter and a telephone, and a combat map laid out on the table.The charcoal fire basin in the middle of the tent was crackling, and Yang Hucheng was drinking boiling water from a large white porcelain bowl.

A burst of hot air rushed towards his face, and Wu Xiaoliang stayed on the ice for half a night. At this moment, his whole body was hot, but it was unbearably uncomfortable.Dong Haibin angrily walked over to Dama Jindao, "Brother Yang put his brothers on the ice and drank the northwest wind in the middle of the night, it is too careless."

Dong Haibin and Yang Hucheng had a lot of contact with each other, and they had a lot of friction in Xi'an, but in private, they were quite right with each other's personality, so he was not polite, and directly criticized and expressed his dissatisfaction.Yang Hucheng also put on an indifferent attitude, "You wanted to come by yourself, and it wasn't someone Yang who invited you here with a big sedan chair to dry you out on the ice. A series of bombings?"

Yang Hucheng pointed to his head, "Yang's head still wants to stay on this neck for a few more years!"

Dong Haibin made no concessions and confronted each other.

"We are also brothers in the trenches. You are doing this because you are worried that we will use bombs to blow you up? Besides, even if Dong Mou is willing, the executive member of the dignified military committee will not!"

There is only one executive member of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government in Shandong, Henan, and Shaanxi, and that is Wu Xiaoliang, who is also the chairman of the Shandong Provincial Government.

Yang Hucheng was taken aback, and then he noticed that there was a short soldier in a woolen coat following behind Dong Haibin.It's just that the lights in the headquarters tent flickered on and off, making it impossible to see his facial expression clearly for a while.

"This, this, is..."

"Brother Hucheng, Xiaoliang has been famous for a long time, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Yang Hucheng never expected that Wu Xiaoliang would come to his temporary headquarters in person, and he was dumbfounded for a moment.It took a long time to react, moved the chair forward to invite Wu Xiaoliang to sit, and hurriedly ordered the adjutant beside him to bring hot water.

Although the two sides competed secretly, Wu Xiaoliang was the highest military and political officer in the three provinces after all, and Yang Hucheng was under his command, so no matter how tough they met, wouldn't they be a brainless fool?

But it was limited to a false apology and shabbiness. Wu Xiaoliang thought he didn't have time to talk to him about these unnutritive things, so he went straight to the point and brought up the previous plan of the troika to his face.This surprised Yang Hucheng, he looked at Wu Xiaoliang carefully, trying to see from his face whether the words were true or not, but in the end he found nothing special.

"Jun Zuo is serious?"

Wu Xiaoliang smiled and nodded, "Right now, the Japanese invaders are imminent, and the country is still in turmoil. If we don't unite and unite to the outside world, we will not be far from the country's subjugation. The main purpose of coming to Xi'an this time is to meet Brother Hucheng and relieve the situation." Once you get rid of the knot in Brother Hucheng's heart, we don't distinguish between the Shandong Army, the Northeast Army, and the Northwest Army. Since we are all in the same trench, as Mr. Dong said, we are all brothers in the same trench, so we don't need to divide anything. Each other, sharing joys and sorrows."

What Wu Xiaoliang said was very detailed and sincere.Although Yang Hucheng was skeptical, he also felt some sincerity from it.

"Hey, Junzuo has a life, but please tell me, I'll do my best to die in a humble position, but right now Shaanxi has not only the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army, but also..." Yang Hucheng pointed to the north, and when he mentioned it, he couldn't get angry. If they didn't respond in a timely manner and deal with it decisively, a division would be instigated by others.

Wu Xiaoliang said with a smile: "National reconciliation is a general trend, and they also agreed to attend the meeting. As long as the meeting is successfully concluded in half a month, all factions in the country must cease fire immediately, otherwise the whole country can discuss it together."

"The reconciliation conference is definitely agreed with both hands and feet, but it's hard to say whether this matter can restrain those people with ulterior motives. Even if they tear up the agreement and attack each other, although there are constraints from the conference, who can do justice for the sky? , uphold justice?"

Yang Hucheng laid out all his worries, but he had the straightforwardness of a man from the Northwest, which made Wu Xiaoliang feel a lot more fond of him.However, although he is good at drilling camps and maneuvering left and right, he is limited by the overall situation after all, and he does not realize that the political commanding heights of unity and resistance against Japan, whoever is the first to tear up the agreement, will be the target of public criticism.

Yang Hucheng's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly asked: "Jun Zuo came in person, do you mean to meet them in person? If so, I can arrange it with all my heart!"

Wu Xiaoliang waved his hand. As for whether to meet them in person, this is no longer in the plan. Dong Haibin was originally authorized to negotiate on his behalf, and the content of the negotiation only involves the main border of the ceasefire between the north and the south of Shaanxi. Other matters can only be discussed at the reconciliation conference. on the talk.

"Also, the premise of resisting Japan must integrate all the resources that can be used in the whole country, and the entire Northwest seems to be out of reach, not under our jurisdiction, so the Longhai Line must be in our own hands, and this railway is only built to Lanzhou is not enough, we have to build all the way to Dihua, as long as we have this railway, the entire Northwest will be firmly in our hands."

Yang Hucheng gasped. The plan to build the Longhai line from Lanzhou to Dihua was not simple, and the resistance involved should be comparable to the difficulty of defeating the Japanese.

"Junzuo, I don't know if I should say something or not. The Northwest Ma family has been entrenched in Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai for decades. They have deep roots. If you want to build this railway to Dihua, you may not be able to avoid them."

The implication is that doing so will definitely lead to fierce opposition from the Ma family in the northwest. If they want to build the railway, it will inevitably spark a war. This is in conflict with the foreign policy of unity.

"It's good for the country, it's good for them. The three horses don't have any reason to object. We'll discuss this matter later. I'm very hungry right now. Brother Hucheng, do you have any wine or meat to fill your stomach?"

Yang Hucheng didn't take Wu Xiaoliang's naive idea seriously, but he didn't continue to argue. He felt that such a large project could not be accomplished overnight.Immediately asked the adjutant to prepare wine and meat for food.

"What are you talking about Junzuo, there is nothing else here in the humble position, enough to eat the esophagus, as much mutton soup and mutton steamed buns as you want..."

Dong Haibin froze on the ice for half a night. He thought that he would tear his face apart after meeting Yang Hucheng. Who would have thought that it would be such a happy ending.Hearing Yang Hucheng talk about mutton steamed buns, his stomach growled in disbelief.

"Brother Yang, hurry up and bring out the food, yes, and the wine. It's cold in the middle of the night, so you have to keep warm..."


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