Director's growth history

1286.342 Matters needing attention in officialdom

When Weng and his son-in-law were having a "very deep" exchange, the door was pushed open, and Kong Shuanghua stood at the door angrily: "Dad, you can really talk! We've been talking for more than an hour.【 | ] You know, I haven't seen Fang Yuan for more than ten days, and Fang Yuan is not yours alone."

Hey, it's a criticism first.When Kong Shuanghua approached Fangyuan, he saw the sweat on Fangyuan's head, and became anxious: "Dad! Are you criticizing Fangyuan again? Look at you, you know how to criticize people all day long. If you criticize your subordinates, you will Forget it, Fang Yuan is your son-in-law, do you need to criticize him so seriously?" After speaking, he wiped Fang Yuan's sweat with distress.Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Shuanghua, you misunderstood Dad. Dad is reminding me that I will be a little scared after hearing it, but if I don't listen, I will regret it for the rest of my life. You don't know, Dad said it so well, I got this National first prize, but this first prize contains too much information. Without my father’s advice, I am afraid that I will make many mistakes in the next few days or even for a long time in the future. So, although I am scared and sweat , but I'm still grateful to Dad."

Confucius Tian smiled: "Girls don't want to stay! Before they get married, they start to focus on Fangyuan, not on Dad's side." That's what he said, but the tone was so kind and cordial.Kong Shuanghua came to Kong Zitian's side, pouted, shook Kong Zitian's arm and said, "Dad, Dad, please, give me Fangyuan tonight. I haven't seen Fangyuan for more than ten days." I miss him already."

Fang Yuan still very much hoped that Kong Zitian would continue to tell him what to pay attention to, and was not very satisfied with Kong Shuanghua's appearance at this time.But as a person, you should know how to measure, when to express your dissatisfaction, and when not to express your dissatisfaction.

Kong Zitian said: "Huahua, do you really hope that Fangyuan will have a great future?" Kong Shuanghua tilted his neck: "Of course. In my mind, Fangyuan is the best. Fangyuan will definitely be better than Dad in the future !” Confucius Tian said: “Do you think so? Do you also think that Fang Yuan will become a cadre above the deputy department level in the future?” Fang Yuan said: “Dad, how can I have your achievements? But, if you do a good job as the principal , I really want to be the director of the Education Bureau of Dongzhou City, this is my most ambitious goal at present."

Confucius Tian said: "Okay, this goal is very good. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I really didn't misunderstand you, Fang Yuan. This goal is far-reaching, but it is also possible to achieve it. This is how people set goals. Bump your feet, jump, you can reach it. If you want to be the president of the country or the prime minister in your heart, the goal is too unrealistic. Of course, if you really become the director of the education bureau one day in the future, you can also consider going further Well! According to my situation at that time, I set a higher goal than that at that time. I think there are three development directions. One is to work hard in the direction of the deputy mayor, and the other is to work hard in the direction of the provincial education director. The third is to enter the Ministry of Education and become a director or deputy director before trying to develop." Fang Yuan's heart suddenly brightened like a mirror: Yes, one goal has been achieved, so we should work hard towards a higher goal.He said respectfully: "Thank you, Dad, for your guidance."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, since the two of you talked so speculatively, so that Fangyuan can become a bigger official in the future, and I can be a bigger official wife in the future, then I will give you another half an hour. After half an hour, I will put the Fang Yuan snatched away, and the rest of the time, Fang Yuan belongs to me alone, and none of you are allowed to occupy it!"

Fang Yuan was a little surprised by Kong Shuanghua's "magnanimity".

Confucius Tian shook his head, looked at his daughter's back, and said to Yuan Yuan: "Fang Yuan, please take care of her temper. In fact, she is really kind to you in her heart, better than me and her mother. Take a look." For the sake of your future, she can also give up talking with you and let me, an old man, communicate with you again." Fang Yuan said, "Dad, Shuanghua is indeed a very rare good girl." Kong Zitian said with satisfaction Nodding: "My daughter is absolutely kind-hearted, and she has read a lot of books, but she is spoiled by your mother, a little willful and a little short-tempered." Fang Yuan said, "That's nothing!"

Confucius Tian said: "My daughter has set a time, so let's hurry up. Now I want to exchange with you the culture of Chinese officialdom. You have become a vice principal and a deputy department-level cadre, and you have entered the circle of officialdom. , There are a lot of things, I should let you understand." Fang Yuan said: "Dad, you regard me as your student, I am really willing to listen to your teaching." Confucius Tian said: "Wrong, wrong .If you were my student, I would not tell you these words. Of course, what I said was high-sounding principles and principles, and I would never talk about the official culture like today. But you are my son-in-law, and you are also my half. I am a son, so I will tell you what I would never say on the stage, I hope you can fully understand China's officialdom culture, so that you will make fewer mistakes in the process of career development in the future."

Fang Yuan nodded, with sincerity and gratitude in her eyes.

Confucius Tian said: "China's officialdom is the most complicated in the world. From ancient times to the present, from domestic to foreign, there is no more complicated officialdom than China. China's officialdom culture is also unpredictable. There are not many people who can understand it thoroughly. I have studied Chinese administrative management all my life, and I only understand a little bit of it, but this little bit has already benefited me a lot.”

Fang Yuan nodded.

Confucius Tian said: "I don't know if you have noticed that Chinese officials can only enter the level of the central government when they are relatively old, while foreign countries are different. Like Bill Clinton was only 1992 years old when he was elected president of the United States in 42, like Blair of the United Kingdom. He was only 42 years old when he was elected prime minister, like Schroeder of Germany was only 44 years old when he was elected prime minister, and the prime minister of the Czech Republic was only 35 years old. In the United Kingdom, Aberdeen, England, is the top three cities in Scotland. Its deputy The mayor is an 18-year-old college student. Is this conceivable in China? Absolutely not! Why? Because the political systems in China and foreign countries are different! The countries mentioned just now are all truly electoral countries. As long as you are elected by the majority of the people, even if you are only 20 years old, you can still lead a country; but we are different, inherited from the feudal society, is the emperor's appointment system, from top to bottom. Now we With the people’s congress system, formally it is an election, but in fact it is still an appointment. Secretaries are often directly appointed by the party committee at the next higher level. Governors and mayors seem to be elected, but they are often appointed by their superiors. Appointing a deputy secretary first and then serving as the acting governor and acting mayor. When the National People’s Congress is in session, there is only one and only candidate for the governor and mayor. In fact, this is no different from appointment. It takes time, kid! A 22-year-old college graduate, from the staff to the deputy department to the department to the deputy department From everywhere to the deputy department to the main department to the deputy province to the provincial level to the deputy national level to the national level, even if the promotion period is reached, it will take decades to be promoted directly! What's more, it will take a lifetime to work at the department level There are also many cadres who have not been promoted to the division level, after all, the higher the level, the fewer positions, not everyone can be promoted according to the number of years of promotion."

Fang Yuan seems to understand a little bit, but it seems that he still doesn't understand.

Confucius Tian said: "So, Chinese officials are promoted much slower than foreign officials. Foreign officials directly decide whether to come to power or to step down based on the results of the election. No one will be surprised when you are elected as prime minister at the age of 35. Because it is also possible that some candidates are elected as the prime minister at the age of 80. That is to say, in such a country, people can reach the sky in one step. But in China, they can only go up through the ranks, and there are fewer and fewer positions at the top, so I want to To achieve a relatively high position, in addition to grades, the number of years is also an important part!"

Fang Yuan became a little aggrieved: "Can't we change? In a truly democratic country, whoever has the ability should be able to succeed." Confucius said earnestly, "Son, you must always understand that you are in China, not a foreign country. Doesn’t the theory of biological evolution say? Survival of the fittest. Since you live in China, you must adapt to China’s national conditions in order to survive and develop better. There are four jingles, I hope you can always remember them: the party committee sits on the bow, the government shore As you walk, the National People’s Congress raises their hands, and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference moves their mouths. Upholding and supporting the leadership of the Communist Party is the fundamental guarantee for your progress.”

Fang Yuan asked: "Don't the common people across the country know that this way of governing will kill many talents? Don't the common people across the country think of changing this reality? I think the electoral systems in the United States, English, and Germany are pretty good. I I remember an old lady in the United States saying that my vote may not be able to elect a good president, but it can elect a bad president. I have been working for many years, and I seem to elect a district people’s congress representative in school, but I can’t even vote for a candidate. I don’t even know him, and I don’t know what he does. How can such an election elect real representatives? Who do they represent? Recently, there was a joke in Shenyang, where the police found prostitutes, Prostitution and drug use, this nightclub was going to be rectified, but the owner of this nightclub stood up and said, whoever dares to do anything, I am a representative of the Municipal People’s Congress, and I have the right of immunity. This matter is very hot.”

Confucius Tian said: "My good son-in-law! You must not talk about such things on any occasion in the future, you can't say it! I, you, and many people who realize that China's democracy is flawed can't do anything about it." Change all this! Why? There are more than 7000 million party members in the country! The more than 7000 million party members plus their family members, no matter what, there must be 4 million people! This shows that the foundation of the party’s governance is still very solid. And, Many party members and cadres have vested interests, including me, the vice president of the university, who is also a vested interest. I have two large houses of more than 100 square meters, I have a car when I go out, I am reimbursed for meetings, and I am paid well. I don’t have any worries. If If someone wants to make a revolution, I will be the first to oppose it. Most of the more than 7000 million party members in the country have become vested interests. They do not want their privileges and interests to be abolished, so they will become The power to maintain the regime firmly. Coupled with the fact that the party commands the guns, instead of nationalizing and neutralizing the military like other countries, China's political situation, although it seems to be undercurrents on the surface, is actually quite stable, including corrupt officials. Party members and cadres and relatives of party members and cadres who have benefited are the most powerful defenders of this regime. Today I solemnly warn you that on any occasion in the future, do not talk about such things, do not talk about democracy, do not talk about direct elections, do not talk about The possibility of a two-party system does not talk about the independence of the judiciary, the nationalization of the military, the size of the country or the size of the party, and the sensitive issues of whether the Constitution can supervise the party. As a party member, we must have this awareness, Maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee at all times. For us, there are only advantages and no disadvantages if we maintain consistency, and it is also the key to our adaptation to society and our survival and development."

Fangyuan nodded: "Dad, I remember. Including you, I will resolutely avoid talking about these issues you mentioned in the future. I know, I must adapt to China's national conditions in order to seek development and have success." A stage to display your talent."

Confucius Tian said: "It is like this. Actually, as an old intellectual, I have been studying administrative management for more than 30 years, from ancient times to modern times, from China to foreign countries. The corruption of electoral countries is relatively light because of the independent judiciary and the effective supervision of the opposition party. The reason why China’s official corruption problem is so serious is actually the lack of supervision. Self-supervision is often the easiest way to relax requirements , there is also the problem of not being able to supervise. Think about it, can a provincial party secretary, a municipal party secretary, courts and procuratorates at the same level supervise? Not to mention the low level, if the supervision is large, they will be replaced; Can the committee supervise? The secretary of the discipline inspection committee is often the deputy secretary or member of the standing committee of the party committee, a deputy, and also under the leadership of the secretary of the provincial party committee or the secretary of the municipal party committee! Surgery can easily cut off the cancerous tumor. But if the patient is himself, the doctor holds a knife in his right hand and wants to cut the cancerous tumor on his left hand. Can he do it? It hurts so much, so if the doctor wants to get rid of the cancer on his hand, he can only do it by letting someone else do the operation."

Fangyuan sighed: "Dad, you are actually a high-level intellectual with a sense of justice." Kong Zitian nodded solemnly: "Yes! However, in order to make the family happy, I let my wife, daughter, and now you can live together. It is better, I have been burying my deepest thoughts all the time, completely following the experience of administrative management research, I have become a person who has lost the nature of intellectuals but adapted to society, so I can reach the level of deputy director. I I hope you too, although you have all kinds of thoughts about the political ecology of the country in your heart, but you can only bury them deeply in your heart and never say them out. If you say such things to anyone, including your good friends, outside , This will all become a handle for you to be attacked by your political opponents."

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "I remember, Dad. I will do as you said."

Confucius Tian said: "Okay, now let me tell you about some unwritten official culture in Chinese officialdom. Although vulgar, those who violate it will become outcasts abandoned by society and the times."

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