Director's growth history

1520.544 Zhai Xinwen's conspiracy

The second day of the party congress is time for group discussions. 【|】After eating the buffet breakfast in the Nice Ballroom, Fang Yuan, Xie Bingguo and Yang Fang walked into meeting room 208 and sat in the back row.During breakfast, Fang Yuan was very careful not to get too close to the two leaders and Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun. After all, the difference in rank made Fang Yuan feel psychologically distant from communicating with them, and because he was full of too much of awe, and no way of being calm or at ease.At the same time, Fang Yuan knew that being with Yang Fang or Xie Bingguo would not make Zhai Xinwen think otherwise.It was also from the party congress that Fang Yuan had a new understanding of Zhai Xinwen, which was completely different from before, but it seemed that he couldn't express it clearly.In short, when I looked at Director Han, I felt that although she looked stern, she was respectable; when I looked at Secretary Zhai, I felt that although he looked kind, he was awesome.Fang Yuan didn't know why he had such a feeling, and tried to change it, but he couldn't get rid of it.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, all the party representatives of the Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team had arrived except Deng Yuncong.Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Representatives, I don't know if you had a good rest last night? This morning, our group meeting is very important. It is to discuss the work report made by Secretary Wang on behalf of the fifth Municipal Party Committee, and the work report made by Secretary Huang on behalf of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Please find these two reports and review them again, we will start discussing in a while. Xiao Sheng, collect the sign-in papers of all representatives." Sheng Yafei said: "Okay, Secretary Zhai .”

Sitting on Zhai Xinwen's left is Yu Sizhuang, director of the Health Bureau.He seemed to be still a little drunk, mentally depressed.It's no wonder that I drank a lot at the Jinxin Hotel last night, and then went to the game, I don't know how many games, but I must have drunk a lot. Did you go back to the hotel or go home drunk? Unknown.

Zhai Xinwen glanced at Yu Sizhuang and said: "Director Yu, shall we host together?" Yu Sizhuang was a little slurred: "Secretary Zhai, you can host." Zhai Xinwen smiled and said: "Well, Director Yu, you can rest first Take a rest, you will host again in a while."

Seeing that Yu Sizhuang didn't respond, Zhai Xinwen said: "Representatives, now, let's speak freely around Secretary Wang's report to the party congress."Zhai Xinwen said: "Yesterday, Secretary Wang's report reviewed and summarized the work done by the Binhai Municipal Party Committee in the past five years, and also looked forward to the development of Binhai City in the next five years. After listening to it, I was very excited. Our group is the Education, Science, Culture and Sports Team , Director Han, how about starting with you first?"

The tone was completely negotiable, and what Han Suzhen felt was respect.She never expected that this was actually a conspiracy by Zhai Xinwen.After a while, the leaders of the municipal party committee will definitely go to each group to participate in group discussions. Now that Han Suzhen has finished speaking, she will not be able to speak at that time, and there will be no chance to express herself.I, Zhai Xinwen, want to be a member or an alternate member of the Municipal Party Committee. According to the convention that there is only one committee member in each bureau, you, Han Suzhen, won't have the chance for me, Zhai Xinwen.Members or alternate members of the municipal party committee do not seem to have any positions or powers, but they have more opportunities to contact the leaders of the municipal party committee.After all, only members of the municipal party committee or alternate members of the municipal party committee are eligible to attend plenary meetings of the municipal party committee, and sometimes they can also attend meetings of the municipal party committee standing committee.Among other things, at least he has many more opportunities to show his face in front of the city leaders than other department-level cadres who are not municipal party committees, and thus have many more opportunities to perform.Since attending the party congress, Zhai Xinwen has thought about becoming a member of the municipal party committee or at least an alternate member of the municipal party committee. Last night, he had a drink with these populist party representatives in order to get their support when voting.Tonight, for the event organized by the Sports Bureau, Zhai Xinwen's initial plan was to show his face, and then quickly rushed to the People's Congress group where Kong Zitian was, to win the support of the party representatives of the People's Congress group.I believe that with the recommendation of the teacher, at least a few more votes should be obtained.It is said that this year's municipal party committee election is still equal, but the alternate members of the municipal party committee will implement the difference. As the head of the delegation of the education, science, culture, sports and health team, I will definitely be included in the list of candidates, but I have just been promoted to the official position for half a year. It is really difficult to say whether he can become an alternate member of the municipal party committee. It should be said that the performance of the past few days is very important every day, including the representative's speech this morning.When the leaders of the municipal party committee came after a while, they had to perform a wonderful performance no matter what.

After Han Suzhen finished speaking, Zhai Xinwen asked Xue Renqing, director of the Science and Technology Bureau, Lei Ming, director of the Information Industry Bureau, Fei Chang, chairman of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, and Ren Jun, director of Donghai Fisheries Research Institute, to speak successively.When Bao Chungui, director of the Culture Bureau, was speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Acting Mayor, Sheng Zhiren, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and Deng Yuncong, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government appeared in front of the representatives.

Zhai Xinwen was sitting facing the door. He immediately stood up and said, "Representatives, let us give the warmest applause to welcome Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, and Mayor Deng to the Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team to inspect and Guidance." Behind the three city leaders, two cameras quickly cut to the entire conference room.

What surprised Fang Yuan was that Yu Sizhuang, director of the Health Bureau, who was half awake and half asleep just now, was full of energy at this moment, with a smile on his face, and his state was even more excited than a normal sober person.High, really high!

There are still vacant seats in the first row, but at this time, the leader always has to sit in the main seat.Zhai Xinwen and Yu Sizhuang hurriedly gave up their seats, and Deng Yuncong took the seat that no one took yesterday. Among the three leaders, Song Yunsheng was in the middle, Sheng Zhiren was on the right, and Deng Yuncong was on the left.Zhai Xinwen and Yu Sighuang sat in other vacant seats in the front row.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, and Mayor Deng, our education, science, culture, sports and health team are discussing the two reports of yesterday's meeting. Director Han of the Education Bureau, Director Xue of the Science and Technology Bureau, Director Lei of the Information Industry Bureau, Chairman Fei of the City Association for Science and Technology and Director Ren Jun of the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute made speeches one after another. When the leaders came in, Director Bao of the Cultural Bureau was speaking. Judging from the speeches of the previous leaders, the representatives spoke highly of the two work reports!" Song Yunsheng He smiled and said, "Okay, I'm here to communicate and discuss these two reports with you. Director Bao, please continue to speak." Bao Chungui was a little excited and said, "Okay, Mayor Song."

Zhai Xinwen was secretly proud: the most important competitor is Han Suzhen.I have expressed my position here, she has finished speaking, and it can be said with certainty that she has no chance to speak again.I just want to make her feel like she wants to punch but hits the cotton, and she can't use her strength.

After Bao Chungui's speech, Liu Donghu of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Shi Keqiang of the Municipal Sports Federation, and Yu Sizhuang of the Municipal Health Bureau spoke successively.Song Yunsheng nodded repeatedly while listening, but he didn't say anything more, which made Yu Sizhuang feel very depressed. This speech was carefully conceived by him when he was half asleep and half awake. Mayor Song didn't seem to be very interested. !After Yu Sizhuang finished speaking, he suddenly became cold.Song Yunsheng said: "Representatives sitting in the second row, I also want to hear your views on the two reports."

It was the first time for many of the representatives sitting in the second row to see the head of the Binhai Municipal Government at such a close distance. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.Zhai Xinwen was a little anxious. At this time, he had to rely on his own people to come forward to maintain the situation!Otherwise, the convener himself is too incompetent.Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Principal Yang, let's talk about it."

Zhai Xinwen believes that Yang Fang can express her views well.Not to mention Sun Hongjun, this is also the way of employing people. For cadres above the deputy director, we must not only use but also guard against.Judging from the last time 68 Middle School had an event with the Binhai Border Defense Regiment, Sun Hongjun didn't report to him, and he couldn't trust him completely!

Although it is the first time for Yang Fang to sit in front of the mayor at such a close distance, she has worked hard in the education position for more than 30 years and has experienced countless ups and downs.She knows how and what to say.Yang Fang said: "All the leaders talked very well just now, and I also have a lot of my own views on the two reports. After listening to the speeches of the leaders, I feel that the speeches of the leaders have expressed my feelings. And it is deeper and better than me. If I want to say something else, then I will talk about my feelings as a grassroots educator." Song Yunsheng said: "This representative, let me introduce myself first. Let’s go.” Yang Fang said: “Mayor Song, I am Yang Fang, the principal of Binhai No. We really want to hear your opinions!" Yang Fang said: "In recent years, Binhai City's education has made great progress. I deeply feel that it is precisely because the Binhai Municipal Party Committee has always adhered to the strategy of revitalizing the city through science and education, has always placed education on the strategic map of priority development, and insisted on the "three growths" of financial investment, providing a strong foundation for the development of Binhai's education. Backing. In the report, Secretary Wang put education at the top of social undertakings, and proposed that education is the foundation and premise of building a modern port city. This makes me, a grassroots educator, very excited. I am determined to work in the Municipal Education Bureau Under his leadership, we will build Binhai No. 3 Middle School even better, build a well-known middle school with influence in the province, and contribute to the educational cause of Binhai City."

Song Yunsheng made a complete statement for the first time: "Representative Yang's speech moved me. Our party's cause must fully rely on the city's more than 50 party members and the wisdom and hard work of the city's more than 600 million people. Only rely on our leaders , can’t do anything. Representative Yang, as the principal of No. Party members can think this way, and by doing so, our Binhai City will definitely create more brilliant achievements, and take the lead in realizing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in the country, and we will definitely be able to achieve it.”

Fang Yuan noticed that the camera lens was rambling just now, but now it was completely fixed on Song Yunsheng's face, for fear of missing a word.While looking at the camera, Fang Yuan suddenly heard Song Yunsheng say, "Representative Fang Yuan, please tell me."

Ah, I also have to say?This was beyond Fang Yuan's surprise.In today's group discussion, Fang Yuan quickly saw the situation clearly. The opportunity to speak was given to the leaders in the front row. How could he be an ordinary representative like himself? He simply listened intently, learned more and read more.Now that Mayor Song was suddenly called to speak by name, Fang Yuan panicked: What should I say?

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