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1521.545. The simpler the speech, the more the leaders like it

The eyes of all the representatives stayed on Fang Yuan's face. What Fang Yuan felt was envy, jealousy, resentment, and blessing... Isn't that what life is all about?If I wear a high hat, I won't say anything about Fangyuan, so I can say whatever I want. After all, the report of the fifth secretary of the municipal party committee yesterday afternoon really opened my eyes. I realized that it was impossible to know in school before things. 【-】

Fang Yuan stood up, with a calm expression on his face, and he spoke neither hurriedly nor slowly: "Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, Mayor Deng, leaders, representatives. I have been seriously listening to the speeches of the leaders of the bureau just now, and I feel that the leaders stand up. High, see far. I am just an ordinary middle school teacher, and I have little contact with society and economic development in school. Therefore, if I did not talk well and missed the key points, please forgive me. Yesterday I heard When I made the report, I felt like a frog in the well. I jumped out of the well and saw a bigger sky. I really didn’t know that our municipal party committee has done so many things for the development of Binhai City After listening to this report, and thinking back on the changes in Binhai City in the past five years, I feel from the bottom of my heart that our municipal party committee has made a particularly large contribution to the development of Binhai City. In the next five years, the report of the Party Congress It also draws a better blueprint for the development of Binhai City. I can almost imagine that after five years, Binhai will become a more prosperous and powerful city, our people will be richer, our living and working environment will be better, our The city will become a city that people yearn for. When I sat in the central conference room listening to the report, I was proud of myself as a member of the Communist Party and as a party representative. To be honest, in fact, when I listened to the report When I was in Beijing, I still clearly felt how narrow my field of vision was. I only knew about school affairs, and at most I only knew about education. Now that I have attended the party congress and listened to the report of the party congress, I know More information, and at the same time, I feel that as a grassroots educator, I should not only pay attention to education, but also expand my horizons to care about our urban development and the livelihood of our people.”

I don’t care if it’s good or not, just say what’s in my heart, that’s what I think. Compared with other leaders, it’s definitely not tall enough, but I can’t help it. It really made me talk about so many principles, what is the scientific development concept, what are the five overall plans , I don’t even understand it, and it’s meaningless to post it up in a daze, and maybe it will be imitated.

What Fangyuan didn't expect was that Song Yunsheng took the lead in applauding.Although Song Yunsheng had known the name Fang Yuan before, it was only because he was Confucius Tian's son-in-law.When Fangyuan won the first prize in the country, Kong Zitian called Song Yunsheng to give instructions. Song Yunsheng, who has not served as the acting mayor but only the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, wrote a few words in the report submitted to the Municipal Education Bureau because of face. The sentence can be left or right in official language.After listening to Fang Yuan's speech today, Song Yunsheng suddenly felt that this Confucius Tian really had vision.Today, Song Yunsheng came out of the public transport finance and economics group, and the second group he came to was the education, science, culture, sports and health group. Unexpectedly, he heard all the mandarin and clichés, singing praises, but Fangyuan's words still had a refreshing feeling.Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "Representative Xiaofang's speech touched me deeply! As a member of the Communist Party, as a party committee at the first level, as long as you do more good things for the people, the people will definitely feel it and will do more for us. Our party is proud of our municipal party committee. Many of us here are leading cadres of the first-level party. We should reflect on and examine our work in accordance with the requirements of the report of the party congress. For the people? How can we do more good things for the people? How can we complete the goals and tasks for the next five years in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Party Congress, and do more work for building a modern port city that is prosperous, strong, civilized and harmonious? Achievements? As long as you make due contributions to the development of this city, as long as you have done many good deeds for the people, the municipal party committee will never forget, the people will never forget, and history will never forget!"

Song Yunsheng spoke forcefully and resoundingly. Even he himself felt that, inspired by Fang Yuan's speech, the words he blurted out really showed the level of a top leader in the city government.

Zhai Xinwen took the lead in applauding.Yu Sizhuang said: "Mayor Song's speech inspired me a lot. In the next five years, the city's health system must follow the requirements of the report of the Municipal Party Congress and the spirit of Mayor Song's speech to intensify reforms and seek the health of the whole people. Innovation and breakthroughs in medical and health care, and strive to realize that all citizens can see a doctor and afford it through mechanism innovation, effectively solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment, and live up to the expectations of the municipal party committee." Liu Donghu said: "Mayor Song, Sheng Minister, Mayor Deng, all representatives, ** and the [-]th and [-]th Plenary Sessions of the [-]th Central Committee paid more attention to people's livelihood and fairness. I saw that our city congress report also paid more and more attention to people's livelihood and fairness Question. What Mayor Song mentioned just now is to do good things for the people and do practical things. It speaks to our hearts. The Municipal Sports Bureau is determined to carry out in-depth national fitness in the next five years in accordance with the spirit of the report of the Municipal Party Congress. Exercise to enhance people's physical fitness. In order to give the general public more and fairer opportunities to exercise, the Municipal Sports Bureau will start with the popularization of community fitness paths, and strive to install fitness facilities in all community neighborhood committees and schools in the city within five years. Path, so that every citizen living in Binhai can participate in the national fitness and have a healthy body."

Song Yunsheng nodded: "As long as we think of the people in our hearts, we can overcome even the greatest difficulties. Only by going deep into the grassroots and the masses can we better understand the desires of the masses, and we can better respond to the needs of the people. Good deed, practical work. Today, I am very inspired and educated when I came to our education, science, culture, sports and health team. Mayor Deng, it seems that you have done a good job in the work you are in charge of!" Deng Yuncong said: "There are municipal committees, municipal The correct leadership of the government, coupled with the fact that the leading groups of the various bureaus are particularly able to endure hardships and fight, and any work is the result of everyone's joint efforts!" Song Yunsheng said: "Mayor Deng is very humble! Comrades, I will finally Let me say a few more words. The work report of the Municipal Party Congress this time is the goal that all party members and cadres and the masses of the people in Binhai City will strive for in the next five years. I hope that comrades, whether as leading cadres or as grassroots frontline All ordinary staff should bring back the spirit of the Party Congress, and effectively guide the work of each department and everyone. According to the work deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, forge ahead, work hard, innovate and strive, and strive unremittingly. Gather the wisdom and strength of the whole city, build Binhai into a better place, and make Binhai people's lives happier!"

There was warm applause.Song Yunsheng stood up and said, "Minister Sheng, Mayor Deng, and I are going to visit several other delegations. Let's take a look and continue discussing." The mayor dares to sit down when he wants to leave.Under the leadership of Zhai Xinwen, Yu Sizhuang and other directors and secretaries, the representatives sent Song Yunsheng, Sheng Zhiren and Deng Yuncong to the door.

Seeing the delegates returning to meeting room 208, Song Yunsheng said to the reporters who followed him: "In the TV report tonight and in the party newspaper report tomorrow morning, we should pay more attention to the party representatives from the grassroots and from the front line, such as the Fangyuan representative of the education, science, culture and sports group. Today's speech is very simple and refreshing, and it can also arouse the general public to pay more attention to the development of the whole city, rather than the little things in his own home. For the party representatives, the clichés and official words should be broadcast less or not. The citizens don’t want to watch it, and even I don’t want to listen.” The reporters said one after another: “Mayor Song, you are a pragmatic city leader, and we will follow your instructions.” “Mayor Song, the presidium meeting in the afternoon During the period, our "Binhai Daily" will exclusively interview those representatives from the frontline of the grassroots, including representatives from Fangyuan."

Song Yunsheng nodded and said: "I was very touched by Comrade Fang Yuan's words just now! If Comrade Fang Yuan did not participate in the party congress, he might not understand so much work done by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Binhai City has made rapid progress in recent years. Development is the result of the decision-making of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and the result of the joint efforts of the city's cadres and masses. But why don't the general public know much about it? Should we strengthen our propaganda work? Especially with the Reporting methods to introduce the work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, so as to increase public awareness of the work of the municipal party committee and municipal government?"

All the reporters nodded in agreement.Sheng Zhiren said: "Mayor Song's important instructions just now are not only for us comrades to implement well, but also for you to report to your leaders so that they understand. As for newspapers and TV, these contents should not appear." The reporter said: "I understand." Deng Yuncong said: "Mayor Song's speech at the Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team today was very exciting and very instructive. It can be said to be a strategic plan. Dear reporters, such a good speech must be reported. Stand out!" Naturally, all the reporters were unanimous.Who is Mayor Song?Although Binhai City's second-ranked leader can't grab the headlines, the second one is definitely for Mayor Song. Needless to say, people on Earth know this too.

Song Yunsheng looked at the two gangsters in his circle, and felt emotionally: If you want to make a difference in the world, a hero needs everyone's help!There are many things that are difficult to say by oneself and need someone to say; there are many things that are difficult to do by oneself and need to be done by someone. This is the charm of Chinese official circles!

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