Director's growth history

1542.566 Officialdom Strategies Exist Everywhere

Han Suzhen read it from the script. 【】Although Han Suzhen has a good understanding of the overall situation of Binhai's education in 2007, she needs to explain all aspects of the work in an orderly manner, extract experience, and sum up practices. To praise the school, even if Zhai Xinwen is assigned to do it, it cannot be done.Zhai Xinwen only talked about party building and the construction of cadres and teachers, which are two aspects of the overall education work, while the education work summary read by Han Suzhen and the education work of the General Administration in 2007 covered all aspects of Binhai education. From a horizontal perspective, including Moral education, intellectual education, physical education, health education, aesthetic education, teacher team, teaching research, educational research, language, infrastructure and logistics, education publicity and other aspects of educational work, vertically speaking, including preschool education, primary education, junior high school education, high school education Education, university education (City Management TV University and Vocational Technical College), vocational education, adult education, community education and other different levels of education objects, even if you have a computer head, it may take a lot of effort to remember everything.

Therefore, Han Suzhen could only follow along.A small part of the contents suddenly came to mind, and Han Suzhen started to talk about it, but most of the time, she could only read it accordingly.Moreover, since this is a comprehensive summary of the education work in Binhai City in 2006 and a comprehensive deployment of the education work in Binhai City in 2007, it contains a lot of content, because it is rather lengthy.In previous years, Han Suzhen read like this, but everyone listened carefully, because Han Suzhen's speech level was always higher than Ma Shuntian's, and Ma Shuntian was originally transferred from another department to the Education Bureau to serve as the party secretary. The special laws of education are not particularly understood.But this time, although there was nothing to say below, many people still couldn't help comparing Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen in their hearts. Everyone is no worse than her, whoever sits in her position can still read from the script, and even has a higher level of Mandarin than her, Han Suzhen, and speaks more articulately.

But the unscripted lectures are different, which shows that Secretary Zhai Xinwen has ideas, accumulation, and level in his stomach.Today, Zhai Xinwen's speech was indeed quite good, and he did not jump out of the scope of authority that a party secretary of the Education Bureau should be in charge of, and he did not interfere with administrative work in the slightest.

This is what Zhai Xinwen wanted.The "inhuman" torture to Jiang Chunhua, the head of the political engineering department these days, is to ask her to help him write a solid speech.Because of repeated revisions, Zhai Xinwen also memorized almost all the content, which is why the current manuscript is finished.For this educational work conference, Zhai Xinwen can be said to be well-intentioned.To be honest, this municipal party committee member is really not a first-level position, but he has to make good use of this title to do a good job; although the financial and personnel rights of the Education Bureau are still in the hands of Han Suzhen, Han Suzhen must understand that if he, the party committee, If the secretary does not agree, there is no way to implement it at any time.It's time for the people below to open their eyes and see who will be the class monitor of Binhai Education in the future, and they don't have to be so polite to Han Suzhen in the future. Of course, it's best to be able to coexist peacefully, but if there is a suitable opportunity , then squeeze Han Suzhen away like she squeezed away Ma Shuntian back then; if she blocks her way, then don't blame me, Zhai Xinwen, for being cruel!

In the current party committee, 9 members accounted for 4 votes. Kong Lili had already slept with him, so she was definitely his own person; , so I am more emotionally inclined to myself, plus my own vote, it is 4 votes.An enemy's enemy is a friend. Yu Shengli and Han Suzhen seem to be really disharmonious, and they can't talk about anything. This is also an object that can be won. Adding Yu Shengli, it is 5 votes, that is to say, the Education Bureau The party committee wants to study major issues, and I, Zhai Xinwen, already have an absolute advantage.Song Ping, the deputy researcher and chairman of the labor union, will retire to the second line in another year. This candidate should also think carefully and arrange someone from his own circle, and the number of votes of the party committee will increase to 6 votes.Feng Liang, deputy researcher and head of the financial audit section, is Han Suzhen's dog, and must have worn the same pair of pants with Han Suzhen, that is to say, Han Suzhen only has 2 votes.Geng Qing, this person is too deep in the city and rarely expresses his opinion. Like Song Ping, he is a person who often abstains from voting. If he can fight for it, he will fight for it.In the French presidential election in 1998, Chirac defeated the Socialist Jospin with 50.2% and 49.8% of the votes; Lien Chan, who received 2000% of the votes, won the general election, which shows that the people who support him may not necessarily have an absolute advantage, as long as they have a relative majority, they can have the final say.Chirac is like this, and so is Trump.

Zhai Xinwen wanted to laugh when he heard Han Suzhen publicizing the 2006 Binhai Education Work Summary and 2007 Work Opinions.This is a kind of proud smile, a kind of contemptuous smile, and also a kind of smile that occupies a psychological advantage.With such a pleasant smile, Zhai Xinwen felt that instead of wasting time listening to Han Suzhen's extremely boring lectures here, it would be better to use this time to observe the section chiefs of the Binhai Education Bureau and the various departments of the Binhai City Bureau sitting below. Heads of the unit, observe the directors of the education and sports bureaus of the districts and cities.This observation is not for nothing, but to classify these people according to different states such as past tense, ongoing tense, and future tense, which ones are my hardcore subordinates, and which ones are actively fighting for my camp , which ones were single-handedly selected by Han Suzhen, which ones are expert-type, whoever serves as the bureau chief will contribute to the development of education, and which ones are sloppy types that can be used at this stage but must not be reused.

Zhai Xinwen glanced from the far left of the first row to the far right with piercing eyes.No matter who you see, give them a shining look, nod your head and smile slightly, which means: "I noticed you." Zhai Xinwen doesn't need the response from the other person's eyes. When smiling and looking at this person, Zhai Xinwen has already Classify this person into four categories: inside the circle, outside the circle, outside the circle, and without faction and vein.Fortunately, Han Suzhen hadn't finished reading her report after Zhai Xinwen had scanned the whole audience.Zhai Xinwen closed his eyes slightly, and passed the person who passed by in front of his eyes through the sieve in his heart. Zhai Xinwen had already figured out what was going on.There is still one semester left, and personnel adjustments for the summer vacation must be considered from now on. For the people on the sidelines, we must strive to be drawn into the circle, so that they can still be promoted and reused during the summer vacation. As for those outside the circle, we must try our best to kill them all.There are many ways to kill the enemy. Among them, in so many historical stories, they all talked about the strategy of "cutting off the wings, emptying the owner, and being the owner", which means that the original owner's wings After cutting off all of them, the lord will become an empty lord, and then he can become the real lord.Therefore, in the personnel adjustment at that time, according to the principle of the party managing cadres, Zhai Xinwen was determined to make sure that all the section chiefs and principals of grassroots schools that Han Suzhen had single-handedly promoted should retire, and those who should be changed to secondary positions should be replaced. , It should change from real job to virtual job to virtual job... All in all, there are many ways to cut off the wings, and you can adapt to the situation and change at any time.There are many such stories in history, and the most typical example is the story of the Tian family replacing the Jiang family in the state of Qi at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. This country was originally entrusted by King Wu of Zhou to Jiang Taigong as the king, and the surname Jiang continued Guo Zuo. Later, the Tian family After the family eradicated the several families that were inherited from the king one by one, they controlled the government for a long time. King Qi with the surname Jiang became an empty king. It was only a matter of time before King Qi with the surname Jiang was abolished. Is it a major national event? It has long been decided by the Tian family.Zhai Xinwen wanted to play this kind of chess and take this kind of move, first get rid of his cronies, then empty them out, and finally replace them.Time, don't worry, give Han Suzhen two years.

Han Suzhen finally finished reading.Zhai Xinwen checked his watch, hey, it's been a whole hour.He sneaked a look at Deng Yuncong and the other three city-level leaders, all of them were sitting upright, dignified, with warm smiles on their faces, as if they had never changed.Zhai Xinwen secretly admired them: They are all high-ranking officials!Perhaps they have long been bored with Han Suzhen's lengthy speech, perhaps they have already had pain in their buttocks, but this self-restraint and restraint are indeed worth learning and imitating.Looking at the many impatient principals and secretaries sitting in the audience, Zhai Xinwen said to himself: "This is the gap, so people are cadres at the deputy department level at the age of 50, and you can only be at the department level or sub-section level." Thinking about myself, compared with Deng Yuncong and others, there is still a big gap in self-cultivation!Isn't the self-satisfaction in my heart just now the kind of self-satisfaction of a villain?Isn't it just the farmers' consciousness that a little rich is full?To truly reach the level of proficiency, there is a lot to learn!

At this moment, Zhai Xinwen's inner world could no longer find the slightest bit of joy, but there were more harsh demands on himself: to be a master, you must endure hardships; if you want to become a good steel, you need a hundred thousand hammers ah!Judging from my self-satisfied mentality, I still have a long way to go before the director, and I have to work harder.

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