Director's growth history

1543.567. Is there really a promise in the dark?

People are refreshed on happy occasions, and the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease. 【|】Deng Yuncong couldn't be unhappy. He was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Although he was still at the deputy departmental level, he had suddenly moved up more than a dozen places in the ranking of the city's main leaders, and now he can enter the top 9 in a fair manner.The deputy directors of the Municipal People's Congress and the deputy mayors of the municipal government who used to be in front of me are now behind me. Moreover, since the new party committee no longer has a secretary's office meeting, there will only be a standing committee. Being elected as a standing committee member means Now you will be able to participate in the discussion and decision-making of the most important and important affairs in Binhai City.

Before the National People's Congress, I was only the deputy mayor of the standing committee; Municipal Finance Department.Thinking about the possibility that he would no longer be in charge of education, Deng Yuncong actually felt a little sad, and a feeling of reluctance slowly fermented in his heart.This time, he was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and it was not so smooth and smooth. Political achievements were one aspect.In the past year, Binhai City's education system and cultural system have given Deng Yuncong a lot of points.The Education Bureau won the first prize in the national teaching competition, creating a precedent for the long-term ranking in the middle reaches of the city in Z Province. This is not only the achievement of 68 Middle School, but also the achievement of the Municipal Education Bureau, and also the achievement of his in charge of education. The achievements of the deputy mayor!The Municipal Bureau of Culture has created two precedents, that is, the Municipal Yue Opera Troupe won the Plum Blossom Award, the highest award in Chinese drama, and the "Long March Poems" selected by the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles was awarded the highest award in Chinese social culture - the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China All Stars Award.Of course, this is also Deng Yuncong's political achievements.Speaking of which, as a deputy mayor in charge of culture and education, it is not easy to make some political achievements. Those who manage finances and taxes, how much national tax revenue, how much land tax revenue, and how much fiscal revenue has increased. Political achievements can be shown in numbers; Industry and finance and trade, how many jobs have been created, how much unemployment has been reduced, how much industrial added value, how much commercial and trade added value, and political achievements are also clear at a glance; people who manage foreign trade and economics, how much port throughput has increased this year, and how much foreign investment has been attracted this year. U.S. dollars, how many billions of dollars to attract domestic capital, how many billions of dollars to export, and so on.The political achievements are there, and everyone can see them.But this year, Deng Yuncong has gained a lot of glory, that is, although the percentages of the other deputy mayors have increased a lot, compared with other brother cities in Province Z, the absolute value is not much to stand out.The percentage increase and even the actual value can be artificially processed and exaggerated, but Deng Yuncong is in charge of the national first prize in education, and the two highest awards in the cultural field - the Plum Blossom Award and the Star Award, other cities in Z province No!For this reason, Binhai City was also praised by the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Culture and the vice-governor in charge of education and cultural undertakings.This makes Deng Yuncong's political achievements like fleas on the bald man's head-too obvious.

Song Yunsheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, has always wanted to help Deng Yuncong to the top.With university alumni serving as members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, at least there will be no discord between the top and second leaders of the government system, and it will be easier to make real political achievements.In order to make further progress in the future, even if you can only be the vice chairman of the provincial CPPCC, you need to make good use of five years to make some political achievements that are recognized by the superiors. Of course, the people of Binhai City will in most cases Follow the benefits, but whether the leader is satisfied or not, that is the starting point and end point of thinking about the problem.Therefore, no one can be promoted without promoting Deng Yuncong.Before the municipal party congress, there were five secretaries and deputy secretaries in the city, so it was still possible to hold secretary office meetings.When discussing the list of recommendations for the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee at the secretary's office meeting, Song Yunsheng proposed Deng Yuncong as a candidate without hesitation, and was immediately opposed by the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Cong Yue.Cong Yue's reasons are also very clear: in recent years, the promotion of leaders across the country is mainly based on economic indicators, and the economy is based on political performance.Song Yunsheng was also unceremonious: Let's put the achievements of the deputy mayors in the whole province, and compare them with the achievements of other brother cities.Cong Yue said: We can't just make a horizontal comparison, but also compare the past and present of Binhai City vertically.Song Yunsheng said: The horizontal ratio is the gap, which is the absolute value; the vertical ratio is the number, and the number can be enlarged or reduced by itself.Wang Guodong reconciled: Show off the achievements of comrades who may be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.I don’t know, but after putting it out, I found that the achievements of some other deputy mayors, compared with other prefectures and cities in the whole province, can be said to be appalling. Although it is a small award, the whole province, including Hangjiang and Ninghai, has zero eggs, and only Binhai City won one gold; cultural work, the Plum Blossom Award, and an actor from the Yue Opera Troupe in the provincial capital also won the Plum Blossom Award. An actor from the Ningbo Opera Troupe in Ninghai City also won the Plum Blossom Award, so although the Plum Blossom Award in Binhai City is precious, it is not unique.But the Star Award is different. This is the highest award of the Ministry of Culture. This time, in Province Z, it is exclusive to Binhai City. Hangjiang does not have it, Ninghai does not, and neither does other cities.

Including Cong Yue, the deputy secretary who opposed the nomination of Deng Yuncong, had nothing to say at this time.In this way, Deng Yuncong submitted the recommendation list of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.When the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Organization sought Song Yunsheng's opinion, Song Yunsheng also evaluated a cadre from the perspective of not just economic indicators, but overall achievements.He also made a detailed report to the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee on how Deng Yuncong devoted a lot of energy to the National First Prize, the Star Award and the Plum Blossom Award to promote the innovation of Binhai education and cultural undertakings. Candidates for election.Afterwards, there was no suspense in the election of the Municipal Party Congress. Deng Yuncong was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and ranked 9th out of 7 members of the Standing Committee, followed by a deputy mayor and a district party secretary.The former member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the executive deputy mayor will be transferred to the CPPCC as the chairman or the first vice chairman. After the party congress, he only retained the position of executive deputy mayor. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a transition, just wait After the Spring Festival, the city's two sessions - the National People's Congress and the Political Association were held.This means that Deng Yuncong is very likely to be elected as the executive deputy mayor at the National People's Congress.

Looking at the Secretary, Director, and Deputy Director of the Municipal Education Bureau sitting next to him, as well as the educators who are working hard for the development of Binhai City's education every day, Deng Yuncong felt a lot of emotion.He said: "Comrades, just now, Comrade Xinwen talked about the deployment and conception of strengthening the party's construction, work style construction, and cadre construction in 2007. I agree very much; Comrade Suzhen reviewed the work of Binhai Education in 2007. I am deeply encouraged by the deployment of the work in 2008. It should be said that in the past year, Binhai education has made new progress and made many gratifying achievements. The people's satisfaction with Binhai education In promotion, these credits belong to each of our educators present here, and belong to all the people's teachers in the city. On behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, I would like to extend my highest respect and sincere thanks to you all!"

Deng Yuncong stood up and bowed to the audience.Enthusiastic applause rang out, and Deng Yuncong had mixed feelings. This speech was completely deviated from the speech prepared by the Education Bureau: "Comrades, I have been in charge of education work for five years. In the past five years, I can say, I have witnessed the development process of Binhai education with my own eyes. I can see every bit of progress of Binhai education. I am very anxious about the difficulties encountered in the development of Binhai education. Along the way, I have seen Binhai In the education system, the vast majority of comrades are models of love and dedication, and models of selfless dedication. Our teachers and educators are worthy of the professions you are engaged in. You are the most brilliant people under the sun!"

Listening to Deng Yuncong's affectionate speech, many people present were moved.This applause is a little more sincere and a little more uncontrollable than the official business.

Deng Yuncong said: "In the past five years, in order to apply for more financial investment for education, I, the deputy mayor, have also exercised a thick skin. It should be said that the municipal party committee and the government have always placed education in a strategic position of priority development, and the financial investment in education The growth rate is higher than the growth rate of municipal finance, and the financial investment in education continues to increase. However, due to limited local financial resources, there is still a certain gap between financial investment and the real actual demand for the development of education. The vast majority of financial investment is used To pay salaries to teachers, the money really used to improve educational facilities is still insufficient. It is very important to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. Invest more money in education. The school leaders and teachers here also understand this truth. In future work, education should also support the economic development of Binhai. Only when Binhai’s economy develops well will we have more financial resources for education. Our teacher's income will be higher only if we invest in it! As the deputy mayor in charge of education, I have been trying my best to coordinate education and strive for stronger support for education development. If I do not do well, please forgive me and forgive me. If I am no longer in charge of education in the future, I will continue to care about and support education as always, and do more good and practical things for the development of Binhai Education. I have feelings for education, and I also have friendship for comrades! "

Deng Yuncong's words were full of affection, which also infected many people present.Everyone couldn't help applauding Deng Yuncong again, and the applause lasted for a long time.Deng Yuncong stood up, bowed again; the applause broke out again, bowed again; the applause was even louder.

At this time, Deng Yuncong suddenly had a strange idea: Is there really a fate between me and education?Can I continue to be in charge of education after being elected as the executive deputy mayor in addition to being in charge of the Development and Reform Commission and the finance and taxation department?

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