Director's growth history

1546.570. Leaders must never steal the limelight

There are nearly 30 tables at least for the lunch arrangement. [@] The main banquet hall of the Education Hotel is crowded with people everywhere.Fangyuan suddenly felt lost in the sea of ​​people and could no longer find herself.They are all leaders, they are all elders, and as a young man, how can we have the opportunity to express ourselves, and how can we have the right to speak?I made up my mind to follow Yao Changqing. Yao Changqing went out to toast, and I followed Yao Changqing. In this case, the number of toasts will be less, and let the leader take the lead, and put myself in the position of subordinate and follower. This is also against Yao Changqing. respect.

Han Suzhen made a speech.She said, "In 2006, Binhai education achieved gratifying development, which was attributed to the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the supervision and guidance of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, and the joint efforts of all educators in the city. Present here Comrades from the Education and Sports Bureau, departments and schools are the backbone of the development of Binhai Education. On behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, and the CPPCC for their hard work. Thank you very much! Looking forward to 2007, the progress of Binhai education depends on the close unity of the comrades present, using your wisdom and dedication to speed up the development of Binhai education, and promote Binhai education to be more fair, high-quality, and harmonious. The satisfaction of the people is constantly improving. We are confident that under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and with the joint efforts of the city's education workers, Binhai's education will definitely develop faster. Let's hold up the wine glass, Cheers to a better tomorrow for Binhai education!"

There are too many people, and the scene is a bit noisy.Amidst the applause, the first glass of wine was drunk like this.Fang Yuan didn't drink all the wine in the glass.With so many people, who would notice?With so many people, I sat at table 27 with Yao Changqing, Dong Mei, and Jia Ming, which belonged to the farthest table, far away from table one, so there was no need to worry.Besides, Fang Yuan still has a little selfishness, there are too many people, it is very likely that he will drink a lot of wine later, so let's save some stomach for himself first.

The quality of the dishes on the table is average, and the standard is probably not too high.If the standard is too high, tens of thousands of yuan will be gone after this meal.Fang Yuan looked at the dishes served by the waiter, and guessed that it was 25 yuan per person and no more than 40 yuan.Having attended the municipal party congress, and participating in the dinners organized by the leaders of the various municipal bureau committees every day, Fang Yuan can be considered well-informed. Fang Yuan has also seen the standard meal of 100 yuan and the standard meal of 200 yuan. The quality of the dishes is definitely not comparable to the meals in front of you.It seems that the Municipal Education Bureau really has no money!If you have money, you don’t need to arrange lunch at the Education Hotel, your subordinate unit, let alone the 25 yuan or slightly higher standard to celebrate the Spring Festival reception.Alas, knowing that the standard of lunch is so low, why not just go home like Zhou Susu, and get a 100 yuan subsidy for missed meals?

Thinking this way in my heart, there is still a humble and shallow smile on my face.Putting down the wine glass, seeing Yao Changqing moving his chopsticks, Fang Yuan also picked up the chopsticks.After looking at these dishes, there wasn't any dish that he wanted to stutter, so he casually took a bite of the dish from the plate closest to him and put it in his mouth.The taste is okay, but it can feel that it is simmered with MSG, and it is all seasoned by MSG.This is the craftsmanship, there is a big gap compared to the mother-in-law.

After eating for more than ten minutes, Jia Ming said, "Principal Yao, is our school going out to toast?" Yao Changqing smiled and replied, "Principal Jia, don't worry. After the city leaders have toasted our table, there is still time for us to toast. Jia Ming said: "At that time, everyone respected the city leaders and the bureau leaders. We didn't have many opportunities, and we couldn't get in at all!" Yao Changqing said with a smile: "If Principal Jia wants to go, you should go first." Jia Ming Said to Dong Mei and Fang Yuan: "Principal Dong, Principal Fang, let's go to have a toast together." Dong Mei said: "Principal Jia, you go, I don't want to go anywhere." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Jia, I still go with the school Let's act together." Seeing that neither of these two people showed any intention of moving, Jia Ming sighed in his heart: He who understands current affairs is a hero, it's obvious that I give them face and they don't give me face!OK, just wait.Jia Ming said: "Then I'll go to toast first. Principal Yao, when our 68 Middle School is toasting, if you call me again, I will definitely come back." Yao Changqing nodded: "Okay."

Watching Jia Ming leave his seat, Yao Changqing said to Dong Mei and Fang Yuan: "Let's eat more, and we will go out to toast after the leader arrives at our table." Fang Yuan said: "Principal, I will follow you." Yao Changqing was satisfied with Fang Yuan Fang Yuan said: "The principal is the head of the school, and Sister Dong and I are assistants to the principal. Sister Dong and I are very clear about this." Yao Changqing Sigh: When I was 26 years old, I was not as shrewd as Fang Yuan.It seems that Secretary Zhai appreciates Fang Yuan not only because Fang Yuan is Confucius Tian's son-in-law.Fang Yuan is really too "sensible".Yao Changqing said: "Everyone eat more."

Looking at the seat that Jia Ming had vacated, Yao Changqing sneered in his heart: If nothing unexpected happens, the personnel adjustment notice issued by the Political Science and Engineering Department in the afternoon will announce the end of Jia Ming's work in No. 68 Middle School.Wanting to go out so early, probably because he was eager to flatter the leader.There are many ways to flatter the leader. In such a crowded and complicated occasion, toasting the leader will cause many people's eyes to look at them, and they may be confused about the order and rules. I am afraid that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.The so-called plan and then act, see the situation clearly and then decide your own behavior, can reduce blindness and improve efficiency.This time, there are two notable differences in the education work conference. One is that the deputy mayor Deng Yuncong is in front of the director Ou of the National People's Congress; the other is that the new title of municipal party committee member is added in front of the title of secretary Zhai. However, some changes have taken place, which are still difficult to see.At this time, it can really be said that it is better to move less than to move more, and it is better to not move than to move less.What's more, the leader's good or bad impression of you cannot be changed by toasting you.To say that a poet writes poems well, in fact, the effort is outside the poems; I, Yao Changqing, can establish such a close superior-subordinate relationship with Secretary Zhai, not by toasting a glass of wine, but who knows how much effort I put into it?

Fang Yuan's gaze stayed more on Yao Changqing's face.He really admired the principal.Seeing that many people at other tables had already stood up, they flocked to tables No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in the center. Jia Ming was included in this crowd. Fang Yuan felt that his principal was calm and stable. It is the performance of a mature and stable person.Fang Yuan couldn't figure out why Yao Changqing was so quiet, but he knew that Yao Changqing must have his reasons for doing so.If the leaders are so quiet, then there is no need for me to be nervous or restless.

People from the other two middle schools at the same table also got up and walked out after greeting each other. This must have been influenced by other tables, perhaps including Jia Ming's influence.Only Yao Changqing, Dong Mei, and Fang Yuan remained at the 27th table.Yao Changqing said with a smile: "They are all reluctant to eat vegetables, and leave them to us, so we can eat more delicious dishes." Dong Mei said: "The quality of today's dishes is really mediocre." Yao Changqing said with a smile : "Principal Dong, there are 10 dishes of hot dishes and 6 dishes of cold dishes. There must be a few dishes that you still think are good. You can choose the dishes you like to eat. Fang Yuan, you are the same." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Principal .”

Due to the large number of people at the scene, there were too many people who wanted to toast the main leaders, especially Mayor Deng, Secretary Zhai, and Director Han, and the entire banquet hall seemed a little chaotic.Fangyuan could also feel this noisy atmosphere, and inexplicably felt some irritability in her heart.It is conceivable that when Mayor Deng, Secretary Zhai, and Director Han formed a long line to toast, the leaders of the city and the city bureau did not even have a chance to sit down, and they could not even face them with a cold face. With respectful smiling faces, you can drink wine in small sips, but if there are too many people, you will drink a lot at once. I am afraid that the hearts of these main leaders will not be particularly happy and comfortable.

There is nothing wrong with Fangyuan's thinking.Deng Yuncong was the first to get impatient. After accepting a toast from a director of the Bureau of Education and Sports that he didn't know, he said to Zhai Xinwen and Han Suzhen: "Secretary Zhai, Director Han, you can't do this, it's too messy." I frowned.

The leader's expression is an order.Zhai Xinwen squeezed out from the crowd waiting to toast him, came to the front desk, picked up the microphone, and said loudly: "Everyone, everyone! Please go back to your seats, please go back to your seats. Please stop talking, Please stop talking. No matter whether you have toasted the leader or not, everyone returns to their seats now."

At this time, Zhai Xinwen suddenly saw Yao Changqing and Fang Yuan sitting quietly at the far end of the banquet hall.Zhai Xinwen felt somewhat relieved, but at the same time felt somewhat inexplicable, which I couldn't explain.But Yao Changqing and Fang Yuan didn't move, which meant that they didn't toast, and the order of toast should be that the leader first toasted at the table, and then the lower toast.They are doing the right thing.Among so many education and sports bureaus and school leaders, how many can do this?Zhai Xinwen sighed, and turned his gaze to the four directions. Most of the tables were shaken by heads, and everyone returned to their seats in a panic.The difference represents quality.Today, the performance of the Education and Sports Bureau and the head of the school probably won't leave a good impression on Mayor Deng.Think of a way to save it?Taking advantage of the time when comrades from the Education and Sports Bureau and the school returned to their seats, Zhai Xinwen's mind quickly spun...

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