Director's growth history

1547.571. The Satisfaction of Leaders and the Masses Are Both Important

Who is Deng Yuncong?He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Deputy Mayor, and the leader of the Binhai Municipal Power Organization. With Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Acting Mayor, Sheng Zhiren, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and Kong Zitian, Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress and Vice President of Binhai University, Together they form an important force in the Binhai Municipal Forum. 【 】This is a force that no one can underestimate or ignore, including the Municipal Party Secretary Wang Guodong. There are 9 members of the Standing Committee, and the force represented by Song Yunsheng accounted for 3 members of the Standing Committee. When voting, whoever wants to pass any resolution needs to seek support.With these 3 votes, it is easier to pass many decisions; without these 3 votes, I am afraid that the ideas of the municipal party committee secretary Wang Guodong will not be approved; and to win the support of these 3 votes, it is necessary to give Song Yunsheng some things that he wants to pass in other ways. Decisions give way—this is political compromise, or power exchange.

When Zhai Xinwen saw the list of nine standing committee candidates at the first plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee for the election of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, the Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary, and the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, he saw clearly the basic situation of the Binhai Municipal Forum in the next five years. To a certain extent, Wang Guodong, secretary of the municipal party committee, is actually a loner, but Song Yunsheng has formed an interest alliance with the organization minister in charge of cadres, the deputy mayor of the standing committee of the municipal government, and possibly the executive deputy mayor after the National People's Congress. The Standing Committee has also arranged an important chess piece. The Binhai Municipal Forum has initially shown a new pattern of weak municipal party secretary and strong mayor. The original faction of Secretary Cui Liang still occupies the positions of Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the mayor in the new Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee. The secretary of the Oujiang District Party Committee in the central city has two seats on the Standing Committee, and its strength cannot be ignored.Judging from the past relationship between Secretary Cui Liang and Wang Guodong when they were mayors, the possibility of these two Standing Committee members standing in the same trench as Wang Guodong is very slim. As the provincial leader, Cui Liang will also use his original connections in Binhai to exert his influence.

Therefore, no matter from which level of analysis, Zhai Xinwen decided that entering Mayor Song's gang was the goal of his efforts.But now, Deng Yuncong is not happy.This is a big deal!It's more important than life!Not for anything else, just because Deng Yuncong is Mayor Song's right-hand man, and because of Deng Yuncong, it is possible to better integrate into Mayor Song's circle, and his career can be better developed.Of course, if you don't ask for anything else, you will be satisfied if you can shoulder the responsibility of the party and government of the Municipal Education Bureau; if you have the opportunity to improve in the future, you will be the deputy mayor, the deputy director of the National People's Congress, or the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. - I wish for it!

But the crowd in front of him should not be offended either!When the superiors appoint cadres, they pay more and more attention to social evaluation, and they are often more cautious in the promotion and use of cadres who are not well evaluated.This is also the progress of Chinese politics in the direction of political development. Although there is still a big gap from the real political development, the direction is correct after all.If you really want to promote yourself to be the director of the Education Bureau in the future, there will be a test first. These section chiefs, principals and school secretaries will all vote for themselves and offend them. If you give a failing grade or incompetence, then you will be in big trouble.It is necessary to satisfy Deng Yuncong, but also to make these section chiefs, principals and school secretaries not disgusted. Zhai Xinwen felt like a squid caught in the middle of the iron plate, and it was too uncomfortable to roast!In just a few minutes, they were suffering like ants on a hot pan.

Soon, the chaotic crowd returned to their respective positions and calmed down.There is no more time to think about it. Since I rushed ahead of Han Suzhen and came to the microphone at the first time, I have to say something decent to satisfy Deng Standing Committee and other comrades, at least not to be disgusted.Such an occasion really tests my political wisdom, Zhai Xinwen!Of course, then again, this is also a demonstration of my political talent, Zhai Xinwen.It would be even better if I could take advantage of this occasion to continue the promotion of the educational work conference and let the section chief, principal and school secretaries feel that I, Zhai Xinwen, is capable.

Zhai Xinwen looked at the audience and said slowly and calmly: "Comrades, just now, everyone warmly and enthusiastically toasted the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Deng of the Municipal Government, Director Ou of the Municipal People's Congress, Chairman Kong of the Political Consultative Conference, and Director Han. It reflects the comrades' respect for the leaders. It can also be seen that Mayor Deng, Director Ou, and Chairman Kong have a deep friendship with our comrades in the education field. The friendship with the city leaders is deep. We have to toast instead of pouring wine. If nearly 300 of our comrades offer a cup to the leaders of the city, even if it is a large number, the leaders cannot afford it! For the health of the leaders of the city, and to show our respect for the leaders of the city, I propose that we respect Deng Deng collectively The mayor, Director Ou, and Chairman Kong have a glass of wine, and then they offer a glass of wine to Director Han. I wonder if the city leaders and Director Han agree?"

Deng Yuncong was very satisfied with Zhai Xinwen's arrangement.In fact, there is no need to know these grassroots principals and secretaries, as well as the directors and secretaries of the district and county education and sports bureaus.Not at the same level, and the level difference is too great, there is no way to communicate in depth.As a deputy mayor cadre, you should mainly communicate with cadres at the prefectural and departmental levels, down to the county and department level, and up to the provincial and ministerial level.If you hang out with section chiefs and principals every day, you will not only be laughed at, but you will also unknowingly lower your own social status.Deng Yuncong originally planned to mainly communicate with the comrades at the No. [-] table of the Municipal Education Bureau, and then make a toast at each table and retreat early.Let the people from the Education Bureau do the rest of the activities themselves.Now, Hu Lala is surrounded by a large circle of people, and it seems that there will be no way to escape for an hour. Deng Yuncong is really annoyed.Well now, a suggestion from Zhai Xinwen helped Deng Yuncong get rid of the siege very well, and he also drank a lot of wine that was not high-grade and had little practical significance. How could he disagree with this?Deng Yuncong said with emotion: Zhai Xinwen is really a good and understanding subordinate!It is a pity that such talents are not reused.Thinking of Zhai Xinwen's table tennis skills, which are comparable to his own, Deng Yuncong felt a desire to play.Recently, I have been busy with one meeting after another. I really should relax and relax a few years ago. Let Zhai Xinwen arrange a field to play together and relax.Deng Yuncong said with a smile: "I agree with Comrade Xinwen's suggestion. Director Ou and Chairman Kong, what do you two leaders think?" Ou Jinde said: "Secretary Xinwen's suggestion is very good, I agree." Kong Xiuyun said :"So much the better."

Of course Han Suzhen had no objection.She felt that Zhai Xinwen's comparison of her with the three deputy city leaders was a kind of high opinion in itself, besides drinking so much alcohol, Han Suzhen was also a bit bored.Han Suzhen said: "Xinwen, I will do as you say."

Zhai Xinwen sneered in his heart: Han Suzhen, Han Suzhen, everyone respected you collectively. After the three city leaders left, many people came to respect me, but few people respected you. Don't have any objections!Everyone has respected you before, so there is no need to pay respects for the second time; as for me, Zhai Xinwen, apart from the few people who came to pay respects just now, there are not many people who have respected me. Show your face.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng, Director Ou, Chairman Kong, and Director Han have all agreed to my suggestion. Now, we have the first glass of wine to toast Mayor Deng, and thank Mayor Deng for his full support for Binhai's education over the years. , and sincerely congratulate Mayor Deng on his promotion to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee."

Deng Yuncong was very satisfied with Zhai Xinwen's words, the meaning of the first is the most important, and Deng Yuncong was very concerned about whether people often mentioned that he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Zhai Xinwen kept mentioning the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and came to toast him for this reason alone, so why would he not drink it.

Deng Yuncong stood up, took a full glass of dry white, and poured it all down his throat.Zhai Xinwen said: "Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Deng of the Municipal Government have set an example for us. The comrades who toasted just now did not drink all the wine in the glass, but drink all the wine in the glass; for those who drink beer, one dry glass should be mixed with three glasses of beer. We must drink enough. Only in this way can we prove our sincerity. The comrades who sit at each table and accompany the leader should supervise and implement it.”

In this way, Zhai Xinwen led the audience and toasted Ou Jinde, Kong Xiuyun and Han Suzhen respectively.Many beer drinkers drank 12 glasses in a blink of an eye, a cup of 3 taels and 3 taels, that is, 4 catties of beer, at least 3 and a half bottles!Drink dry white, although the cup is a little smaller, but four cups in succession, the alcohol is not small!With so much wine, if you don't have time to digest or urinate, your stomach will become swollen. For a while, no one rushes out to toast.

This is what Zhai Xinwen wanted.Everyone was full of wine, so they could sit quietly at the table and eat food.It was quiet on the scene, and only a few city leaders sat next to the table to toast everyone!If it was chaotic, not only the city leaders would be upset, but even he, the party secretary of the Education Bureau, would feel uncomfortable watching it.

After toasting four glasses of wine, Zhai Xinwen also drank a lot of white wine, and his head was slightly dizzy.This is normal, the alcohol is doing its job!Everyone was quiet, and it was time for the city leaders to toast.Zhai Xinwen stepped off the stage, came to Deng Yuncong's side, and asked for instructions in a low voice: "Mayor Deng, Director Ou, Chairman Kong, Director Han, let's see if everyone is sitting in their seats now. Send care to comrades?"

Deng Yuncong had a drink just now, just like brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth. Hearing what Zhai Xinwen said, he also felt that he, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the future executive deputy mayor of the municipal government, should give everyone his blessings.In the future, it is very likely that he will be in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Finance and Taxation Office. After leaving education, he should leave a good impression on comrades in the education field at this year's end.Deng Yuncong said: "Director Ou, Chairman Kong, Xiao Han, shall we toast our comrades now?"

Today, Deng Yuncong is the supreme leader. Who has any objection to what he said?Several people stood up, and Deng Yuncong walked in the front without hesitation, and walked towards the No. 2 table.

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