Director's growth history

1804.823. The political power of Confucius Tian

Accompanied by Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen, Confucius visited the two schools with great interest. 【 】At this time, the scholarly demeanor of university professors can be seen at a glance. Confucius Tian's kind face and elegant demeanor make every school leader and teacher who receives Confucius Tian feel kind and full of respect.When listening to the report from the school leaders, Kong Zitian kept smiling and looked directly at the reporter, which made the principal of the school who reported the report feel respected and trusted.When visiting the science and technology education exhibition area of ​​the school, Confucius listened to the introduction of relevant teachers with great interest, and even played with the radio direction-finding instrument and flew the model airplane with the students who participated in the youth science and technology activities.When watching the robot football operated by the students, Confucius asked the students who were operating it "humbly" and operated it himself. Of course, the coordination of hands, feet and eyes was poor, and he quickly turned his back on his back. This made the school leaders and teachers very upset. nervous.Confucius Tian said with a smile: "I am very stupid as an old student, but I am still very happy. Whether a nation or a country can prosper depends on young people, not on us old things; whether a nation or a country can prosper. The key to sustainable development lies in technological innovation, and the main force behind technological innovation is these children. Liang Qichao said that a strong youth makes China strong. Seeing that these children are so fond of and proficient in technological activities, I see hope for our country and a bright future for Eastern State."

Confucius Tian’s words encouraged the leaders, teachers, and students of the school, and relieved their tension. It also made Han Suzhen, Zhai Xinwen, Xue Renqing, Fei Chang, etc. see the doctoral supervisor, the vice president of the university, and the general administrative staff. Compared with bureaucrats, they have the unique scholarly temperament and lofty insight.Zhai Xinwen even felt that his teacher, Confucius Tian, ​​was indeed a role model for him to learn. In many respects, there were still obvious gaps.

Back at the Education Bureau, after all the cadres above the deputy department of the Education Bureau were seated, Han Suzhen said: "Director Kong, Director Xue, and Chairman Fei, I would like to thank the three leaders for taking the time out of their busy schedules to investigate the development of science and technology education for young people in Dongzhou City. The two schools that the leaders just visited are the epitome of the development of science and technology education for young people in Dongzhou. Now, on behalf of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, I will report to Director Kong the development of science and technology education for young people in the Dongzhou education system in recent years. Condition."

Wang Xingbang, the director of the office, although he is a leader in front of the school's principal and secretary, has become a small soldier running errands at this time.In the first place, he put the materials that Han Suzhen wanted to report in front of every leader, even including the secretary of the National People's Congress who followed Kong Zitian, the section chiefs of several science and technology bureaus led by Xue Renqing and Fei Chang, and the departments of the Science and Technology Association. Director, and gave Zhai Xinwen a copy.

Zhai Xinwen took it, and really wanted to laugh.Does Teacher Kong really want to hear this report?Perhaps Xue Renqing and Fei Chang wanted to hear it, but the only thing Teacher Kong wanted to do today was to keep Fang Yuan in No. 68 Middle School instead of transferring to No. 5 Middle School.In the same way, am I just a supporting role and an accompanying guest today?Of course not, my role is the real protagonist behind the scenes, the teacher Kong Zitian is just the most important gun I shot, just like the atomic bomb, it is fatal in one blow, and people like Han Suzhen can't bear it at all .Of course, the most important thing for me to do is to find a suitable time, pull the trigger, and let the bullet of teacher Confucius Tian shoot out just right, and hit the "enemy" vital point just right.For this material, Zhai Xinwen didn't even bother to read it.

Han Suzhen reported very seriously, instead of looking up at Confucius Tian.She saw Confucius staring at her intently, smiling and nodding his head slightly from time to time, expressing his approval of the content of the report, which made Han Suzhen very proud.It's still the right decision!Yesterday, Shen Jun of the Education Department was busy all night, so that today's wonderful report will satisfy Director Kong, and let the two bureau chiefs of the Science and Technology Bureau and the Association of Science and Technology know that the Education Bureau also does science and technology work. Quite a lot.

Han Suzhen finally said: "Director Kong, Director Xue, Chairman Fei, leaders, the Education Bureau has made some achievements and summed up some experience in the science and technology work for young people. It was opened, and it has also received strong support from fraternal departments such as the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the Municipal Science and Technology Association. At the same time, we are also deeply aware that our youth science and technology education work is far from the requirements of the leaders and the expectations of the people. , in the future work, we will redouble our efforts, in accordance with the requirements of quality education, so that the scientific and technological literacy of every primary and secondary school student in Dongzhou will continue to improve, the scientific spirit will continue to be cultivated, and the innovation ability will continue to develop, and strive to cultivate a comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education. Excellent successors and qualified workers for development. Thank you."

Confucius Tian, ​​Xue Renqing and Fei Chang sat smiling.Han Suzhen said: "Leaders, please give us more valuable opinions on our work." As he spoke, he opened his notebook and prepared to record the report carefully.Confucius said with a smile: "Secretary Zhai, do you have anything to add here?" Director, Chairman Fei, you also talk about your feelings?"

Xue Renqing said: "Okay, then I will talk about some of my feelings after visiting the school's youth science and technology activities today and listening to Director Han's work report. My feelings can be described in eight words: See the gap and catch up." Han Suzhen's expression was startled, she didn't understand what Xue Renqing meant.Xue Renqing wanted to laugh, but held back.Xue Renqing said: "It should be said that the youth science and technology activities of the Education Bureau have been carried out very well. As the director of the Science and Technology Bureau, I feel very ashamed. It is the work of our Science and Technology Bureau that still has a gap. There is still a lot of work to do, and we must learn from the Education Bureau."

That's what it means!Han Suzhen's face immediately became amiable.Han Suzhen said: "Director Xue is too modest." Xue Renqing said: "It's not modest, it's telling the truth!" Sci-tech education activities, put forward some suggestions.

After Xue Renqing finished speaking, Fei Chang also expressed his thoughts.Fei Chang thanked the Education Bureau for its support for the city's science and technology work over the years. It is precisely because the Municipal Education Bureau has extensively carried out science and technology education activities for young people that the work of the Municipal Science and Technology Association has been carried out more orderly and vigorously.Fei Chang said that he is willing to further increase support for youth science and technology education activities, and work with the Education Bureau to do a good job in youth science and technology education.

Zhai Xinwen understood that the reason Xue Renqing and Fei Chang wanted to express these opinions was not for Han Suzhen, but for Confucius Tian. After all, Kong Zitian was the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress in charge of scientific and technological work.People at their level, if they don't know the close relationship between Kong Zitian and Mayor Song, Mayor Deng, and Minister Sheng, it is absolutely impossible to get mixed up in the current level and position.In fact, when Xue Renqing and Fei Chang said these words, they also asked Confucius Tian to say a few words in front of more important people at the right time, so that more important leaders would have a little impression of the work of the Science and Technology Bureau and the Science and Technology Association.This is officialdom!Zhai Xinwen expressed emotion: On the surface, it looks like a pool of stagnant water, calm and calm; in fact, there are turbulent waves, like an active volcano, which may burst out infinite energy at any time.It seems that teacher Kong Zitian is not only his own gun, but also Xue Renqing and Fei Chang's gun!Their respect for Confucius Tian, ​​what they really respect is the strong background of Confucius Tian!

After hearing Xue Renqing and Fei Chang's words, Han Suzhen expressed her gratitude and said, "Director Kong, please give us more valuable opinions on Dongzhou Education!" Kong Zitian smiled and said, "I don't dare to talk about opinions." First of all, I am not in charge of education. Secondly, Director Han is an education expert. I am just an ordinary university teacher. I have no way to compare with Director Han. Since I am in charge of science and technology, I would like to share some opinions on the development of science and technology education for young people. , for the reference of comrades from Education Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau and Association of Science and Technology." Han Suzhen said: "Thank you very much."

Scholars are scholars, and they are significantly different from ordinary administrative cadres in terms of the breadth of knowledge and the height of understanding.Everyone, including Zhai Xinwen, thought that Confucius Tian was just an expert in administrative management. What he never expected was that in the field of science, Confucius Tian also had such extensive knowledge.Confucius talked about the information industry as a sunrise industry that determines the development of a nation from the Silicon Valley of the United States, talked about the importance of independent innovation from the cpu production including the difficult development of China's Godson, and talked about the scientific spirit from Newton's thinking about why Apple fell , From the story of Edison's growth, it talked about the importance of carrying out science education and scientific experiments among young people, and talked about the future of Dongzhou's development from the cultural and scientific literacy of young people.There is no manuscript to follow, and it is completely unrestrained. Confucius Tian is like a treasure house of knowledge that has opened a gap, making Han Suzhen, Zhai Xinwen, Xue Renqing, Fei Chang, etc. a little bit ashamed. It seems that being able to become the vice president of the university and the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress does not depend entirely on the so-called background, but has real skills and good knowledge.

Confucius finally said: "I believe that with the successful experience of the Education Bureau in carrying out science and technology education for young people, and the close cooperation of the Education Bureau, the Science and Technology Bureau and the Association for Science and Technology, our children in Dongzhou will be able to receive better science education. Their scientific literacy will continue to improve, and they will definitely grow into the builders and creators of Dongzhou's future development, and make their due contributions to Dongzhou, Qingjiang, and the development of the Chinese nation!"

The applause was uncontrollable.Han Suzhen said with emotion: "After listening to Director Kong's words, I know what a real scholar is." Xue Renqing said: "Director Kong's teachings will definitely become the work guidelines of the Science and Technology Bureau. In the future, Director Kong will be invited to come to us more often." The Bureau of Science and Technology guides the work." Fei Chang said: "Listening to Director Kong's words is better than reading ten years of books." Han Suzhen said: "Director Kong, I represent the Education Bureau. Comrades, go to class. There is no limit to learning. In front of Director Kong, I feel like a primary school student." Kong Zitian said: "I just said a little bit of my opinion so casually. It may not be right. It is for comrades. a reference."

At this time, Confucius Tian glanced at Zhai Xinwen, and Zhai Xinwen immediately understood the teacher's intention.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Kong is not only a knowledgeable doctoral supervisor and a famous professor, but also has a discerning eye when choosing a son-in-law!" Xue Renqing said: "Oh? Could Director Kong also be our mentor in this respect? ?” Han Suzhen said, “Yes, Fang Yuan, the vice-principal of the 68 Middle School of our Bureau, is Director Kong’s good son-in-law!” Fei Chang said, “Director Kong, my daughter is 21 years old this year, you must teach me, How to find a good son-in-law." Confucius Tian laughed loudly: "My son-in-law is really good." Han Suzhen said: "Yes, Fang Yuan is a reserve cadre that our Municipal Education Bureau focuses on training! Does Chairman Fei remember that, When we held the party congress, Fang Yuan, whom Mayor Song named and praised, was Director Kong’s son-in-law! This young party representative won honor for our education last year, and won the Chinese teaching competition in Qingjiang Province and the whole country. The first prize has created a new history of Dongzhou education!" Zhai Xinwen added: "The key point is that Fangyuan won the provincial first prize and the national first prize with his own efforts before becoming Director Kong's son-in-law. At the time of the award, he still did not marry Director Kong's daughter. Fang Yuan relied on his hard work and ability to win the trust of Director Kong, and then betrothed his precious daughter to Fang Yuan. It was not because Fang Yuan married Director Kong's daughter that He won the provincial and national first prizes. I also admire Director Kong very much, and what I admire is Director Kong's ability and level of discovering talents." Fei Chang sighed with emotion: "Oh, I am so blind that I can't see anyone. Who is good and who is bad. Director Kong, you can help me and help my daughter choose a good son-in-law."

Kong Zitian was very satisfied with Zhai Xinwen's answer, because Kong Zitian also worried that some people thought that Fang Yuan was the vice principal because of his favor.Confucius Tian said: "Fang Yuan's progress is indeed inseparable from his efforts. Of course, as Fang Yuan's father-in-law, I am also very grateful to the leaders of the Education Bureau for his training." Han Suzhen said: "Director Kong, I have always They are very concerned about Fangyuan's progress, please rest assured. Recently, our Education Bureau is preparing to study the transfer of Fangyuan to No.1 School No. 5 in Dongzhou, which is more powerful, as the vice principal!" Confucius Tian said: "Thank you Han The kindness of the director. I personally never want to affect the decision-making of the education bureau leaders because of my factors. If Director Han wants to adjust the radius to 5 because of my factors, I cannot agree. At the same time, I also put my Let me show my attitude, I still hope that Fang Yuan can receive training in relatively weak schools, schools like 68 Middle School can give Fang Yuan more training, and it is more conducive to Fang Yuan's growth."

Han Suzhen's face suddenly became a little ugly.However, Zhai Xinwen's expression remained the same, and he said to the cadres of several deputy departments around him, Sun Hongjun, Yu Shengli, Geng Qing, Kong Lili, Song Ping and others: "Leadership comrades like Director Kong don't use their status to provide for the development of their families. Convenience, not protecting Fang Yuan just because he is his son-in-law, is really an example for us to learn from!" Everyone nodded and gave Confucius Tian warm applause.

Zhai Xinwen knew that it was time for the play to come to an end.

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