Director's growth history

1805.824. Quarrel between father-in-law and mother-in-law

When Fang Yuan came home from get off work, he found that his father-in-law Kong Zitian had returned. [ -] Fang Yuan quickly greeted respectfully: "Father, are you so early today?" Kong Zitian said: "Push, I had two appointments tonight, but I turned them down." Kong Shuanghua said: "It's really rare. Looks like I'm going to beat gongs and drums to welcome Dad home for dinner!" Kong Zitian was in a good mood and didn't care about his daughter's sarcasm. He said to Yuan Yuan, "You don't have to worry about your transfer to No. Your Uncle Zhai has cooperated, and if there are no accidents, you will stay in No. 5 Middle School."

An understatement, like a small stone gently swaying a few microwave ripples on the water surface, calmness is restored in a blink of an eye.Fang Yuan didn't know how his father-in-law cooperated with Secretary Zhai Xinwen, and he didn't know how he communicated with Director Han of the Education Bureau, but he could imagine that for someone like Liu Ming who resolutely and resolutely valued results, it went against his wishes. , I am afraid it is not an easy task.Since Director Han wanted to transfer himself to the No. 5 Middle School, it must be the result of Liu Ming's strong recommendation, and now Director Han can't transfer himself to the No. 5 Middle School. How does he feel in his heart? I'm afraid whoever is involved will feel uncomfortable!

Fangyuan said: "Dad, you have worked hard, and you are bothering about my affairs." Kong Shuanghua said: "What, you want to transfer Fangyuan to No. 5 middle school? It would be great to go to No. 5 middle school. Why don't you let Fangyuan go?" Kong Zitian said: "You know What? Go to No. 5 Middle School, Fangyuan will be finished."

Although Fang Yuan didn't want to hear such words, she still admitted in her heart that if Secretary Zhai Xinwen became the director of the bureau, I'm afraid it would be really troublesome.Kong Shuanghua didn't understand: "No. 5 Middle School is the No.1 school in Dongzhou! If Fangyuan goes to No. 5 Middle School, more people will fawn on him, begging him to transfer a student to No. 5 Middle School." Kong Zitian said: "Xiaohua, Don't interfere too much with men's affairs. What Fang Yuan and I have in mind is to stay in 68. Our decision naturally has our reasons. As a wife, you should learn more from your mother, be a professional scholar, be a Good wife and loving mother. Prepare well for the postgraduate re-examination. Just because I am the vice president of the university, you can easily be paralyzed and ignore it. You know, if your re-examination results are not good, even if the university admits you, I will lose face Yes." Kong Shuanghua snorted, a little dissatisfied: "Dad, you are too masculine. What era is it, and you still discriminate against us women? Do you think we should take care of our children at home and cook? Ah!" Kong Zitian said: "Although I can't say that, if a woman can educate her children with her heart and cook at home, this is still the good character of a woman that I admire the most. Just like your mother, I have always been very Appreciation and appreciation, she is a good wife and a good mother. Xiaohua, if you want to really support Fangyuan to do a big business in the future, you should learn from your mother." Kong Shuanghua said: "It's hard to go home and eat I’m not happy to teach me a lesson when I come back from a meal once!” Then, with tears in his eyes: “Mom, look, why does Dad criticize me when he comes home?” Kong’s mother said: “Old Kong, you are too, little Isn't Hua also improving day by day? Xiaohua is pregnant, angry or sad, which is not good for the growth and development of the fetus, so you can't say a few words?"

Fang Yuan couldn't get in a word.It's not that I don't want to say a few words on the basis of fairness, but one end is the father-in-law, who cannot be offended, and the other end is the wife, who cannot be offended.So Fang Yuan quickly slipped away: "Mom, I'm going to the kitchen to serve dinner."

Men are always rational.Confucius Tian sighed: "My wife, you are good everywhere, because you spoil Xiaohua too much. Xiaohua has already married. If you and I are gone, as it is now, Xiaohua can support the family independently. Can you live in harmony with Fangyuan like now? Wife, in some things, it is better to learn early rather than late. As a wife and a mother, you must have the appearance of a wife and a mother." Kong Mama said: "That's it for today. I see that my Xiaohua has made great progress in the past few months. It turned out that Xiaohua was spoiled by me to develop some bad habits, but now she has changed a lot! I also know that I care about Fangyuan, Fangyuan's I also know that the dirty clothes are washed in the washing machine. Fangyuan is so busy with work every day, and Xiaohua understands it very well. He has never held back Fangyuan. Of course, Fangyuan does better than your husband. At least, This Sunday, Fangyuan stayed with Xiaohua all day, how about you? When have you cared about me and been with me? Old Kong, don’t just see the shortcomings of others. It’s also very important whether you see the problems in your body. .”

I really didn't expect that my wife Kong Mama would say such a thing.If Confucius Tian is still the dean of the School of Administration of Dongzhou University, Confucius Tian will really reflect on it.But now that Confucius Tian is in a high position, he is surrounded by flattery and flattery every day, and has lost the ability to analyze himself to a certain extent. Now he is accused of not caring about his wife, and he suddenly feels a little annoyed: "Don't I care about you? I just now I also praised you as a role model for my daughter and let her learn from you. Do I not care about this family? How much money I earn every month is all handed over to you. Which month is less than 2? Everything I do is to hope for the good of the family, the good of the daughter, and the good of the son-in-law? You still say that to me? I don’t eat at home anymore, anyway, there are two dinners waiting for me. "

Kong Zitian angrily picked up the phone, found a number and dialed it: "Director Xue, thank you for your invitation, I will be there in half an hour." Putting on his windbreaker and picking up his handbag, Kong Zitian said to Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, drive me to the Shangri-La Hotel."

Fang Yuan had already heard the quarrel between his father-in-law and mother-in-law in the kitchen, and he was terrified to hear it, so naturally he didn't dare to come out.How uncomfortable it must be to be caught in the middle!Now that his father-in-law called him, he had to come out, so Fang Yuan bit the bullet and walked out of the kitchen, saying, "Dad, you are going on a business trip to Beijing tomorrow, and today we will have a reunion dinner at home, let mom and I and Xiao Hua give you a farewell party, I wish you all the best!" Confucius Tian said, "But the old woman didn't want me to stay, and she was angry with me on purpose." Fang Yuan said, "Dad, Mom just complained. In fact, Mom understands you very well. I'm so busy at work every day, haven't I been silently supporting your work for so many years? She has made our house so neat and clean, so that you can work outside with peace of mind, which is also a great contribution Ah! Dad, when you are busy with work in the future, if I have time, I will accompany Xiaohua and Mom at the same time. Of course, if you can spare time, the whole family hopes that you can accompany us, a family of four, Coupled with the unborn baby, the whole family is happy and harmonious, how wonderful it is!"

Mama Kong was moved to tears by Fang Yuan.Kong Zitian looked at his daughter and son-in-law, then at his wife, and thought that this was indeed his only immediate family member, and his heart softened: "Okay, I'll call Director Xue, and I won't go."

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