Director's growth history

1932.951, standing in line and Zhai Xinwen lifted the weight as if it were light

It would be great if the section chiefs could attend such a meeting as a non-voting delegate. Basically, there would be no opportunity to comment or express their opinions. [@]Seeing that the entire party committee is like the wind and rain, but the section chiefs clearly feel that Secretary Zhai Xinwen has used this peaceful method to easily control the situation of the bureau's party committee, showing the unfathomable leadership art Friendly and tolerant attitude.For Feng Liang's speech, most people have already seen it. Although Zhai Xinwen didn't criticize him, some of them were affirmation and praise, but Feng Liang's political life is officially over today.Whoever stands with Feng Liang is simply asking for a dead end.

Now, Zhai Xinwen kindly asks the opinions of everyone who participated in the meeting, who dares to share the same opinion with Feng Liang?A saying that is often said in the officialdom is "Silence is golden". If you are not silent at this time, when will you be silent?Feng Liang's point of view is in violation of organizational discipline. If he does not report this matter to the municipal party committee and the municipal government, it will be concealed and not reported. Who can afford such a mistake?But publicly declaring support for reporting this matter to the city means fighting against Director Han. If Director Han recovers and returns to the Education Bureau to preside over the work, who would dare to taste the bitter fruit?

But just as Zhai Xinwen finished speaking, Sun Quan, chief of the safety department, raised his hand.Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Oh? Section Chief Sun wants to speak." Sun Quan stood up from the back row and said bravely: "All bureau leaders, it is said that today is the party committee. As the section chief of the safety department, I am not qualified to speak. However, since Secretary Zhai gave everyone the opportunity to solicit opinions, I also want to share my personal opinion. I disagree with Feng Chu’s idea. I think that if you don’t report to the municipal party committee and government, the fault lies with the Education Bureau. This is called knowing. Failure to report, to put it more seriously, is called cover-up. At present, the country’s handling of cover-ups is becoming more and more severe. A mine disaster occurred in a county in Hebei, and it was concealed from top to bottom. As a result, the secretary of the county party committee and the county magistrate were dismissed at the same time; The mine disaster was concealed and not reported, and the mayor was dismissed as a result; everyone knew better about the black brick kiln incident in Shanxi, and the governor Yu Youjun resigned. Of course, the examples I gave may not be appropriate, and they are all major events; but for the Dongzhou Education Bureau Said that Director Han was sick and hospitalized, which is also a major event, if we don’t report the news, who can bear the consequences of the city leaders’ accountability? My opinion is over.”

After Sun Quan finished speaking, he sat down immediately.Although I was a little apprehensive, I was more excited.Sun Quan has read the novel "Water of the Canglang" and knows when to stand in line is very important. When necessary, life is a gamble. If you win the gamble, the future will be bright;Anyway, he was not valued in the Education Bureau, and Han Suzhen has been pushing him away. He had the opportunity to be promoted to the director of the supervision office, that is, the deputy director level. Safety Section.What does it mean to preside over the work of the safety department? It means that the schools and students in the city have a safety accident, and he, Sun Quan, is the scapegoat!Anyway, he is a politically dying person. At this time, it is better to gamble, maybe there will be a turning point.

Sun Quan jumped ahead of everyone and was the first to express his opinion. Feng Liang was furious and several section chiefs were anxious.Zhang Yuanqing, who was transferred by Han Suzhen from the basic teaching department to the supervision room, also had a lot of opinions on Han Suzhen. He wanted to speak up at first, but he lacked a little courage. If he said it at this time, the effect would obviously not be as good as the first one.Wang Xingbang also wanted to say, thinking about his seniority, he should have been promoted to the deputy department in front of Sun Hongjun and Kong Lili, but even though he had worked loyally with Han Suzhen for so many years, he still didn't even drink soup or water.It should have turned around a long time ago. After so many changes, Wang Xingbang has already seen clearly that Han Suzhen is a person who is dying, and Zhai Xinwen's methods and strategies all show that he has completely controlled the nature of the Education Bureau. , the future belongs to Zhai Xinwen.However, the director of the office is the department of the administrative department, not the department of the party affairs department. The director of the office serves the director.It was because of such a little hesitation that the opportunity was missed and Sun Quan took the lead.It is said that opportunities are fleeting, and now it seems that it is not true at all!

Zhai Xinwen didn't praise Sun Quan, but said lightly: "Section Chief Sun has put forward different views, do you have any opinions?" At this time, who else would stand by Feng Liang's side?Everyone is judging and thinking.After Sun Quan finished speaking, the situation of the entire party committee showed a one-sided situation.Except for Zhai Xinwen and Feng Liang, the six members of the party committee all stated that they would report to the city. Although they had different angles, they all stood on the opposite side of Feng Liang.Most of the section chiefs were silent, but Zhang Yuanqing couldn't help but stood up and expressed his support for reporting to the city government.Looking at the section chiefs and the members of the party committee, Zhai Xinwen looked at Feng Liang: "Director Feng, do you have any comments?"

Feng Liang had an indescribable feeling: My God, Director Han is not in the Education Bureau, so why did this world suddenly become Zhai Xinwen's world?Looking at Zhai Xinwen's performance today, he didn't say a single word that went too far, didn't say a word that showed disrespect for Director Han, and didn't show that he wanted to monopolize power, but did these party committee members and these section chiefs take the wrong medicine?Why do you support Zhai Xinwen and not Feng Liang?Feng Liang's face was ashen, and he said dejectedly: "I have no opinion, let's respect everyone's opinion."

Zhai Xinwen smiled slightly and said: "I have a compromise idea, let me tell you, is it feasible? Report to the city leaders, this is a must, the city leaders must know, otherwise our work is likely to be ruined. Very passive, and at the same time, as Section Chief Sun said, if there is a problem, no one can bear the responsibility; and Director Han’s illness coincides with the May Day holiday, as Director Feng said, it is likely to recover after the holiday, and he can return Go to work. Do you think this is okay? On behalf of the Education Bureau, I will report to Mayor Deng, the executive deputy mayor in charge of education, to explain the situation, and I will not report to the municipal party committee and government for the time being. At the end of the day, Director Han can't go to work normally, and then report to the municipal party committee and the city government. I don't know if this idea can make Director Han feel more at ease recuperating from his illness?"

Zou Zhigang was the first to respond: "Secretary Zhai's approach is good, and I agree." Sun Hongjun said, "Secretary Zhai is very considerate in considering issues, and I admire that very much." From the perspective of work, it not only considers the overall situation, but also has a very human touch." Yu Shengli said: "Secretary Zhai convinced me." Geng Qing said: "I agree with Secretary Zhai's opinion." Song Ping said: "I support it. Zhai Xinwen looked at Feng Liang: "Director Feng, what do you think?" Feng Liang really couldn't find any faults, but he felt something was wrong, and responded helplessly: "I agree with Secretary Zhai's opinion." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, that's all for the report to the city. After the meeting, I will report to Mayor Deng about Director Han's situation. Now we can discuss the work of the Education Bureau. Let's first study the issue of the office being on duty during the May Day holiday .”

At the party committee meeting, it is quite difficult to reconcile disagreements, which often means sharp confrontation and outbreak of contradictions.What makes Wang Xingbang particularly admire is that Zhai Xinwen not only considers the overall situation of Dongzhou education all the time, but also handles the two sharply opposed opinions with ease, with many ways to resolve them easily.Isn't this leadership art and leadership ability a model for my own communication?What are you still hesitating about?From now on, I will firmly follow Secretary Zhai!Only by following a promising leader can we have a bright future. This is an eternal truth!

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