Director's growth history

1933.952 Who can know the pain in Song Yunsheng's heart

In the blink of an eye, it has been two months since he was elected as the mayor of Dongzhou Municipal People's Government. The initial joy has gradually faded in Song Yunsheng's heart, but the feeling of anxiety is enveloping Song Yunsheng's heart bit by bit. 【@】Being the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and being the mayor are completely different things, not to mention the difference in rank, the biggest difference is that the deputy often does not need to make a decision, but as the mayor, it seems that you need to do everything big and small Come to make a decision, as if Song Yunsheng didn't say a word, and the bureau committees below didn't know how to work.Of course, these "big things and small things" are not really small things, they are all important things that involve Dongzhou's economic and social development. It was up to the mayor to make decisions, and like this, Song Yunsheng was busy every day and had no free time.It can be said that there is really no time to review official documents during the day, and there are many things to be busy during the day, such as focusing on a few topics to hold the mayor's office meeting, and issuing official documents or policy documents in the name of the city government or the city government office after the research is passed, which is more important The matter can also be promulgated and implemented in the form of a mayor's decree.

The mayor's office meeting is not held every day, not because there are not so many things to study every day, but because as the mayor, there is no time to hold the mayor's office meeting every day.As the mayor, I have to attend or participate in a lot of meetings. For some important meetings in Dongzhou City, I hope that either the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor can attend. It seems that only in this way can this meeting be reflected importance.For this kind of meeting, Song Yunsheng is also very contradictory. Sometimes he really doesn't want to participate, but sometimes he feels it is necessary to participate.Sitting in the mayor's seat is often the center of attention. If he doesn't show up for a few days, the whole Dongzhou city may be full of rumors. Of course, the rumors of being double-regulated will spread everywhere.Therefore, attending some of the more important meetings, to a certain extent, is called showing your face politically, which means that you are still politically safe.This is to attend meetings, and in addition to frequent meetings, provincial meetings, Beijing meetings, as a mayor, you often need to sit down as an audience and listen to the leadership deployment work above.

As the mayor, if there is only a meeting, there is nothing to do, and he still needs to be with him.The mayor needs to accompany many people. Speaking from above, any leader from the central government, even the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who is not in charge, must accompany the mayor because he is a vice-level national; Yes, there are 28 public ministries and commissions, but there are more than 40 bureaus and commissions that are also at the ministerial level, such as the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Administration of Taxation, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the General Administration of Customs. The total is more than 60. Although they are not ministries and commissions of the State Council, their authority is no different from that of the ministries and commissions of the State Council.So some people joked that the institutional reform of the Chinese government seems to compress the original number of ministries into 28, but in fact the more than 40 bureaus and committees that are not ministries are also grandpas to local governments. , the same should be treated as a minister.Any vice-ministerial or ministerial-level office of these central ministries and commissions who come to Dongzhou for inspection or research, Song Yunsheng must come forward to accompany him, even if it is a director-level, according to the level, this director-level is equal to Song Yunsheng, but others It was from the central government, and Song Yunsheng also wanted to accompany him.Under normal circumstances, when a deputy director comes to Dongzhou, he is accompanied by the deputy mayor in charge in most cases. Deputy director-level cadres, Song Yunsheng should at least have a meal with him, and if necessary, he still has to accompany him.This is at the level of the central government. The leaders of the province also have to accompany them when they come to Dongzhou!Would Song Yunsheng dare not accompany all the cadres above the vice-provincial level?Perhaps the vice chairman of the Provincial CPPCC and the deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress have relatively weak relations with the government. They are usually accompanied by comrades from the National People's Congress and the CPPCC. Showing respect is one aspect, and more importantly, who can figure out the background of these people?Energy should not be underestimated, Song Yunsheng cannot afford to be offended.There are also more than 50 departments in the province or similar departments at the same level. If the head of the department comes down, Song Yunsheng will definitely meet him. For more important departments such as the director of the Development and Reform Commission, he must also accompany him throughout the process.Of course, the deputy director is usually received by the corresponding deputy mayor and the corresponding bureau committee, but the deputy director of the important department, Song Yunsheng, also wants to see him like a grandfather.Of course, there is also an endless stream of inspection groups from brother cities, from all over the country. As long as the other party is the mayor, then the mayor himself must accompany him and meet him.Song Yunsheng once said with emotion that since he was the current mayor, he has been more escort than escort!

Accompaniment alone can't represent all of the work, we still have to see each other.What Song Yunsheng most wanted to meet was, of course, big entrepreneurs, bosses or representatives of big consortiums who were planning to invest in Dongzhou. It would be best if they were Fortune 500 companies or domestic Fortune 500 companies. Song Yunsheng was in a happier mood for such a meeting, at least better than It is much better to accompany the vice-chairmen of the National People's Congress and the Vice-Chairmen of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After all, when an investment project lands, that is the achievement of my tenure as mayor!At the same time, every investment project is providing local employment and tax revenue, which is also a good thing for the city and the people.And what Song Yunsheng doesn't want to see is the director who comes to ask him for money; at the same time, as long as Song Yunsheng is in the office, the deputy mayor has something to report, and the heads of the bureaus have something to report, they will pass it on to the secretary, and then Song Yunsheng It is basically the content of the report to determine whether you have met or not, and how many you have met.Under normal circumstances, if the deputy mayor wants to meet, he will usually meet; but if the bureau chiefs want to meet, it depends on whether Song Yunsheng is free.

Of course, the highlight of the work is to inspect and inspect the work within the entire city of Dongzhou.The government work report was passed at the Municipal People's Congress. Even if the work goals and tasks for the coming year were basically determined, these goals and tasks must be completed within this year.To accomplish these goals, Song Yunsheng alone is definitely not enough. It needs all departments to complete the goals and tasks decomposed by their own departments. Enterprises can operate normally, the modern service industry develops healthily, the financial industry and real estate industry prosper, and agricultural production increases steadily.All in all, to accomplish the goals and tasks of the "Government Work Report", it is absolutely impossible to sit in the mayor's office every day. Research, supervision, supervision, and promotion are required.Therefore, Song Yunsheng has to go to various bureaus and committees frequently to understand the work situation and the progress of the target tasks; he also has to go to various districts (counties, cities) to understand the work situation of each district (county, city); It is also necessary to go deep into enterprises, rural areas, factories, mines, and construction sites to grasp the first-hand situation.

This is only part of Song Yunsheng's work.Song Yunsheng also needs to attend some important celebrations or commencement and completion ceremonies frequently, and cut the ribbon for these important projects or important events in Dongzhou; Song Yunsheng also needs to pay attention to the safety of production in Dongzhou. The mayor performed the operation; Song Yunsheng has to take on the important task of maintaining social stability, appease the people's livelihood, pay attention to the vulnerable groups, and let the elderly, laid-off and unemployed people of vulnerable groups and children from extremely poor families get the necessary help.

Therefore, Song Yunsheng was extremely busy from morning to night every day.The last time I went to Ni Runqing's place, I didn't succeed in sex. One very important reason was that I was tired. When the little brother really wanted to have sex with Ni Runqing, he couldn't do it.After leaving the villa that time, Song Yunsheng never went back, he was too busy.I am busy all day during the day, and I often have to attend official banquets for superior leaders at night, and return to the hotel. This is the best time to review official documents.As a mayor, the official documents that need to be reviewed every day need to be measured with a ruler. There are official documents issued by superiors, and important official documents reported by various districts, counties, cities, and bureaus. In fact, many of them have been rejected by the director of the municipal government office and sent directly. It was handled by the deputy mayor or the sub-bureau committee. Even so, there are still a lot of official documents every day, often piled up more than a foot high.You have to review these official documents. If you don't review them, there will be new official documents coming up tomorrow.Moreover, if these official documents are not reviewed, it means that the work is delayed and cannot be advanced. After all, many important tasks still need the mayor's signature or comments, so that the comrades below can handle it.

This is Song Yunsheng's current working and living conditions.Song Yunsheng didn't know why the mayors of other cities seemed to be so red-faced, and he didn't know why those mayors who were shuanggui or arrested were able to keep so many lovers.Now I only have Ni Runqing as a lover, and I often let her stay alone in the empty room, and I always feel a lot of guilt in my heart.However, with so many jobs, who can replace them?These jobs can't be pushed out!Song Yunsheng was troubled by this. He never thought that being the mayor would be many times more tiring than being the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee.Don't you know how to be the mayor?Or is it because you are too dedicated and hardworking?

Of course, Song Yunsheng's troubles are not limited to these. The biggest trouble is that he has been the mayor for two months, and he still hasn't fully figured out where his breakthrough point is.Song Yunsheng hopes that his political achievements can be seen and appreciated by the leaders above, and it can also be good for Dongzhou City and the people of Dongzhou.After two months, I haven't found a particularly suitable direction.This matter is related to his political life, whether he can be the secretary of the municipal party committee in the future, and whether he can become the deputy province is the key!Song Yunsheng was anxious, that anxious feeling was burning his patience bit by bit.

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