Director's growth history

2001.1019, strategizing shows the true qualities of a wise man

1019, strategizing shows the true qualities of a wise man

Zhai Xinwen left the Education Bureau, came to Dongzhou Education Hotel, and asked for a room. 【】Zhai Xinwen asked the hotel manager not to tell anyone that he was in the Education Hotel today, except to deliver lunch to the room, not to disturb, let alone arrange for the maid to clean the room and make tea and water.The manager hurriedly nodded in agreement and left the room.Zhai Xinwen sat alone in the room thinking hard.It should be said that this time the building of a clean and honest government and the ideological style of cadres and teachers have initially achieved benefits in all aspects.Zhai Xinwen couldn't tolerate these reported cadres joining forces to deal with him, and he couldn't tolerate that one day in the future, because the black cover of education was lifted, he would become a scapegoat for the municipal party committee and the municipal government.How difficult it is to be the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Education Bureau!He worked hard, tried his best, endured hardships, sought perfection, flattered, made friends with the superiors, wooed the inferiors, divided and divided, and had both sides, and finally tasted the fruits of the harvest. How could the delicious food in his mouth be taken away by others?What's more, I don't have to be the director and secretary of the bureau. More importantly, as a man, I must have a stage to display my political ambitions.Although I want to provide satisfactory education for the development of Dongzhou's education and for the people of Dongzhou, if you are an ordinary teacher, what can you do?And only by striving for the position of director, can he gradually turn his blueprint for the development of Dongzhou education into reality.This ambition has not yet been fulfilled. If the construction of the party style and clean government and the ideological work style of cadres and teachers are counterproductive, then the loss outweighs the gain!

There must be a safe solution.Many people treat their head when they have a headache, and treat their feet when their feet hurt. They simply resolve the crisis for the sake of resolving the crisis, and they cannot do this by themselves.If you do this, it will appear that you are too incompetent.The political and practical benefits of the two activities have already been produced, which is enough; the crisis of the two activities has just emerged, so what should be done now is to nip this crisis in the bud and completely cut off those who want to get out of it. What Zhai Xinwen said about the guy who snatches food or benefits is to turn this crisis into an opportunity to improve my prestige, fully control the education situation in Dongzhou, and completely cut off and eliminate Han Suzhen's influence. This is what a real master should do things.

The basic concept of resolving the crisis has already taken shape in Zhai Xinwen's mind, and Zhai Xinwen feels that the heavy stone in his heart seems to have been removed.Hehe, although Sun Hongjun can recognize the problems and harms, he can't find a way to solve them. Speaking of which, he can only be an executor, not a decision maker. He is indeed a good assistant, loyal and capable, Can focus on.Now, it is time to think about specific measures on how to resolve the crisis and turn it into a new opportunity.

The next day, the Dongzhou Education Bureau held a meeting of cadres above the departmental level of the city's education system in the auditorium of the Education Hotel.The meeting was presided over by Sun Hongjun, deputy secretary of the party committee, and Zhai Xinwen made an important speech.Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrades, today we are holding this department-level cadre meeting, which is a phased summary of the party conduct and clean government construction and the ideological style construction of cadres and teachers carried out by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. It should be said that these two activities It is very necessary to carry out the development, and it has eliminated the negative impact of Liu Ming, Chen Qingyun and others on education. At the same time, it has also alerted the majority of cadres and teachers in the city's education system. A teacher with noble morality and first-class ability. No one is perfect, and there is no gold. It is inevitable that people will make mistakes of one kind or another, and problems of one kind or another will inevitably arise. Through the construction of party style and clean government and The ideological style construction activities of cadres and teachers are to correct mistakes, correct problems, avoid mistakes, and eliminate problems. Our party has always adhered to the purpose of punishing the past and the future, curing the disease and saving the patient for comrades who have made mistakes. It is to help comrades and rescue comrades .Similarly, the two activities carried out by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau are also for the purpose of punishing past mistakes and curing diseases to save people. Some comrades may stumble temporarily in the face of temptation. The direction is back on the right track; some comrades may be facing such a temptation head-on. As the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, we must remind these comrades that a mistake may become eternal hatred. The two activities carried out by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau are to remind us here Every leading cadre in Dongzhou, if there is one, he will be changed, and if there is no one, he will be crowned. We carry out the construction of party style and clean government and the ideological work style of cadres and teachers. , A team of cadres and teachers who can fight tough battles and win battles will provide first-class human resources guarantee for the sustainable development of Dongzhou education. The comrades here are the mainstay, the backbone, and the backbone of the development of Dongzhou education , we must strictly demand ourselves with higher standards, and strive to be an excellent leading cadre who starts a business and strives to create a first-class leader. Only in this way can we live up to the trust and training of our superiors and better contribute to the development of Dongzhou education. Only by contributing to the development can we leave our most glorious page in the history of Dongzhou education!"

Scanning the audience, Zhai Xinwen saw that all the deputy directors, section chiefs, principals, and secretaries were listening to him intently. Zhai Xinwen believed that all the cadres understood what he meant.Zhai Xinwen added: "In view of the fact that we have achieved phased results in the construction of the party's work style and clean government and the ideological work of cadres and teachers, I propose to transfer these two activities into a long-term mechanism. Continue to carry out the activities to strengthen and implement the results of the activities. At the same time, we should not devote more energy to this aspect, but should be consistent with the decision-making and deployment of the central government, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, and the municipal government to study, implement, and implement scientific research. The concept of development, thinking about how to achieve sound and rapid development in their respective jobs. The new school year is coming soon. Before the educational work conference in August, all departments, schools, and district, city and county education and sports bureaus must seriously think about it. How to achieve new ideas and methods for scientific development, accelerated development, and harmonious development, and form a new school year work idea. From today, I will work with the leaders of the bureaus to review the 8 counties and cities in the city, the four districts in the city, and the 5 There is only one theme of the survey: how to achieve scientific development, accelerated development, and harmonious development. I want to listen to the ideas of comrades, and I hope that through this survey, comrades in the city's education system can lead It is better to use energy to realize the sound and rapid development of Dongzhou education."

Sun Hongjun was overwhelmed with admiration.What a diversion!It does not negate the building of a clean and honest government and the ideological style of cadres and teachers, but it has been transferred to a long-term mechanism. In fact, each school has carried out its own work, and the extent to which it has been done is entirely up to the principal and secretary.The transfer to the study and practice of the scientific concept of development is not only consistent with the spirit of the central government, but also the need to speed up the development of education in Dongzhou. More importantly, Director Zhai can understand the ability and level of cadres through investigations, and contribute to the education work. At the meeting, the cadres were adjusted and the foundation was laid.Sun Hongjun seems to have realized that Director Zhai's actions are actually implying that the adjustment of cadres will be carried out according to the way of thinking. The principals and secretaries sitting below should not rush to study new ideas and methods for school development. Where there is still energy to engage in joint confrontation, the most important thing is to keep your position first-Director Zhai is tall!

Zhai Xinwen said: "This time, the bureau leaders will conduct research on the scientific outlook on development of each district, city, county, department, and school within the next 20 days. The task I set for myself is to use 20 days to visit the entire city. The middle schools and departments directly under the 72 bureaus, and the leaders above the deputy divisions, each covering a district, city and county, must finally form a research report to provide decision-making reference for the education work conference held in August."

That's too plain to say. There are 8 sub-divisions, one person is in charge of one district, city and county, and a comrade may be needed to go to two districts, cities and counties, in order to supervise the development of various places.However, the education and sports bureaus of the districts, cities and counties are responsible for finance and personnel affairs, and the municipal education bureaus only have the function of business guidance and have no personnel adjustment function.And Zhai Xinwen personally went to 72 bureau-affiliated middle schools to investigate, one school by one school, not only to understand the ability and level of cadres, but also to appease, divide and disintegrate some cadres who are about to move, while other deputy They will not have a say in personnel adjustments, because they have not participated in the research and do not know which of the leaders of these bureau-affiliated middle schools are good, which are not good, which are capable, and which are not.As for Director Zhai, he has been through 72 schools, so he naturally thinks which cadre is incompetent and has the most say.Sun Hongjun sighed: Oh, what a pity, I am afraid that I will be in charge of a county, district and city, and I have no chance to go to 72 schools with Director Zhai and take a look, otherwise, it must be very exciting and there will be a lot of gains.Sun Hongjun looked at the number one hundred and ten people sitting in the audience, and felt in his heart: Compared with Director Zhai, his ability and level are not small!I saw the problem, but I couldn't find a solution to it, and I was very worried about what to do if something happened and I couldn't cover it, and I was worried that it would affect my hat and my seat.After seeing these reports, Director Zhai not only resolved the crisis, but also turned the crisis into an opportunity to consolidate power and accelerate the development of Dongzhou's education. It's amazing!From now on, let's follow Director Zhai wholeheartedly.At this level, whoever fights against him will definitely die without a place to bury him!

After the meeting was adjourned, Zhai Xinwen said to Sun Hongjun: "Red Army, call the members of the bureau's party committee. We will immediately hold a temporary meeting in the small conference room of the Education Hotel to determine the division of labor for this scientific development concept research activity." Sun Hongjun Said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "After returning to the game in the afternoon, you have to come to my office. Regarding those report letters, we can't ignore them. We still have to come up with a proper way. In a word, we must make full use of these Reporting letters play an important role in promoting the unity of Dongzhou education and forming a game of chess in the overall situation. Hehehehehe." After saying this, Zhai Xinwen laughed complacently, but Sun Hongjun was a little scared: It seems that these report letters, " The role" is not small!

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