Director's growth history

2002.1020, 1 half joy and 1 half sorrow

1020、Half joy and half sorrow

Participated in the meeting of cadres above the departmental level convened by the Municipal Education Bureau. Miao Qun had been worried that if the incident with Zhou Susu was exposed, his precarious position as principal would be burned. I put my heart into my stomach: Although Director Zhai speaks clearly and logically, but this time the big storms in the construction of the party's work style and clean government and the ideological style of cadres and teachers are about to pass. Even if there are some storms in the future, they will be small winds and small waves. Don't worry too much. 【 】However, Director Zhai wants to conduct a personal survey of the 72 schools under the Bureau, which must be paid great attention to. I am afraid that this survey will have a lot to do with the personnel adjustment layout before the Dongzhou Education Work Conference in early August. big relationship.Therefore, in the latest stage, we must put the stability, unity, and harmony of the school in the first place, and strive for the support and support of the teachers.The biggest problem right now is Yao Changqing’s reward policy. Since 8 Middle School released satellites in the senior high school entrance examination this year, many teachers received more than 68 yuan in bonuses. Plus the head teacher's reward, the total bonus reached 5000 yuan!Including the teachers' bonuses for the first and second grades, the total reached 4!

Schools are financial payment units, and often do not generate benefits themselves.Some schools have spare school buildings for rent, which can generate some income for a year; 68 middle schools do not have enough classrooms, so how can there be school building rental income?The school-run factory paid the school 9 yuan a year in the past few years, and now it has only been half a year, and people can pay up to 5 yuan; Su Jinbo’s canteen, I asked Su Jinbo, and there was only a surplus of about 3 yuan; ask Accountant of the General Affairs Office, the student head fee for the new semester has not yet been paid, and the student head fee for the past semester has been almost spent, and the school selection fee for the students transferred in last school year has a surplus of 11. In addition, the school's account Not a penny more.Adding it all together, it is only 19 yuan, which is more than 23 yuan away from 4 yuan. Where did the 4 yuan come from?

For several days, Miao Qun was worried about money.After the regular department cadre meeting was over, Miao Qun returned to the school and immediately called a meeting for the school's middle-level and above cadres.After Miao Qun conveyed the spirit of Zhai Xinwen's speech at the cadre meeting above the official department, he said to the school cadres present: "Director Zhai said that the construction of party style and clean government and the ideological work style of cadres and teachers should be transferred to a long-term mechanism. Chairman Zhou will be in charge of the specific tasks. It’s fine to organize a questionnaire or launch an activity. Starting today, our work will shift to the track of accelerating the development of 68 Middle School. Everyone here is the backbone and backbone of the school. You can Brainstorming, think about the work they are responsible for, think about the overall work of the school, how to achieve scientific development, transcendent development and harmonious development. Today, I will assign this homework. Two days later, I will collect the homework, and then I will discuss with my comrades Discuss and discuss, and come up with work ideas for accelerating the development of 68 Middle School in the next semester." Dong Mei said: "Principal Miao said well. The cadres of the school should concentrate their thoughts on development, and the less involved in other aspects, the better. "Zhou Susu said: "Yes, Principal Miao is a good leader and attaches great importance to the development of the school. I hope that in the next few days, everyone can think about the work they are in charge of. The work of the committee, including the family planning work, conceived the idea of ​​accelerating development in the next stage, and reported it to Principal Miao." Fang Yuan said: "Director Zhai has a far-sighted vision and calls on all schools to concentrate on development, which really admires me. In this era, a really good leader is one who leads the school to develop, instead of focusing on other aspects." Zhou Susu felt that Fang Yuan was mocking Miao Qun and her, and was a little dissatisfied: "Fang Yuan, who puts energy on other things?" Now, you have to make it clear."

This is obviously a guilty conscience!Su Jinbo smiled, but did not speak.It seems that Fang Yuan is also very dissatisfied with Zhou Susu's words and deeds!In this school, you don't necessarily listen to Miao Qun, but you must listen to Fang Yuan.What is Fangyuan's background?What is the background of Miao Qun?It is clear at a glance who is more promising.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Chairman Zhou, what I said just now means that good school leaders should focus on school development instead of other aspects. This is a general reference." Zhou Susu said: "I think you It means Sang scolding Huai." Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Chairman Zhou, maybe you are guilty and afraid of being told by others." Zhou Susu said: "You, you...I, I have nothing to be guilty of."

Miao Qun was extremely dissatisfied with Fang Yuan's frivolity, and also misunderstood the meaning of Fang Yuan's words.But under the eaves, you have to bow your head. Miao Qun doesn't want to provoke this young man. After all, if he falls out with Fang Yuan now, it won't do him any good. , and having such a deep relationship with Director Zhai, I am afraid that my position as a principal without a backing will be in jeopardy. If I fail, I will be adjusted down at the education work meeting, which is really not worth the candle.This year's school's high school entrance examination is so good, and the fruits of victory are enjoyed by others before they have time to enjoy it. The taste is definitely too uncomfortable.

Miao Qun said: "Principal Fang is right. No matter who is a school leader, he should think more about the development of the school instead of spending energy on other aspects. As the principal, I have always thought so. Conducive to the development of the school, how to speed up the development of the school is the most important issue that I, Miao Qun, should consider. Other issues are secondary issues. Today, Principal Fang said this, I feel that this is not only a supervision for me, but at the same time, I also believe that if Principal Fang can become the principal of a school in the near future, he must be a very good principal."

Oh, the posture is really low!Zhou Susu couldn't believe it, this is the man who slept with her!Does this still have a little manly backbone?Does this still have the dignity of a principal?Zhou Susu was so angry that she must have a good talk with Miao Qun after the meeting.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Principal Miao, that's what I'm talking about. I can say whatever I think in my heart. Principal Miao attaches great importance to the development of No. 68 Middle School. As your assistant, I'm really happy. No. 68 Middle School can have Today's results are the result of the joint efforts of several principals, and Principal Miao has also put in a lot of hard work. In fact, everyone in 68 High School, including me, hopes that 68 High School can create new achievements under the leadership of Principal Miao. Greater brilliance. No one wants to see No. 68 Middle School slipping from the current top 3 junior high schools in the city.” These are Fang Yuan’s heartfelt words.When Fang Yuan thought of leaving the school he had worked for for five years, he felt a sense of reluctance in his heart. From graduating to being promoted to vice-principal, the five years of good times were all left to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Fang Yuan knew that when the education work conference was held, he would definitely go from No. 5 High School to No. 68 High School. This was the result of an agreement between his father-in-law and Director Zhai, and it was also the need for his future development.No matter how well you do in junior high school, if you don't have high school teaching experience, your work resume will be incomplete, and your future development will definitely be constrained and questioned in many ways.If I can teach high school for another three years, even if I am the principal of a high school in the future, I am afraid that no one will be able to raise particularly obvious objections.His people will go, and his words are good.Regarding the situation of the school, Fang Yuan was really worried. After he left, Lieutenant General 68 would go downhill.Alas, this Zhou Susu is actually quite interesting, she is very small-minded and self-righteous, if not for her strong background, I am afraid she would have attacked her long ago; Dong Mei is an honest person, so she escaped her poison; When she was in school, she fought with Jia Ming; Jia Ming was pushed out to become the vice principal of No. 5, and Zhou Susu started to fight with Su Jinbo again.Is this fighting back and forth beneficial to the development of the school?If I become the principal in the future, I must get rid of people like Zhou Susu, and we must not keep them. Not enough success, more than failure.

Miao Qun said: "This requires everyone's joint efforts. Without everyone's support, I, as a polished commander, can't do anything." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Miao, you are too modest."

Hey!Seeing Miao Qun and Fang Yuan singing, Su Jinbo felt so happy!Inside and outside the words, it sounds like a gentle breeze, but it is actually a hidden murderous intention!But generally speaking, this round of wind and rain will not blow this time.Su Jinbo was a little disappointed in his heart. He planned to stand up and support Fang Yuan at the critical moment, just like supporting Yao Changqing back then.

Miao Qun said: "I also want to express my opinion. I hope that all comrades, including me, will devote their energy to development. As the principal, I will definitely lead by example, strive for development wholeheartedly, and strive to build 68 Middle School well. Let down the trust of the superiors. Now, Principal Fang, Principal Dong, and Chairman Zhou have the same attitude and clear direction. With such a team, I have more confidence in the future development of the school. As I just said, two days later, I will accept everyone’s Homework. Let’s end this issue for the time being. Now we have to study another issue: how to distribute the assessment awards for the school year. This year’s senior high school entrance examination, our 68 Middle School released satellites, and suddenly took the third place in the city, with two indicators It is still the second in the city. Of course, if the 5th school does not apply for the 3rd, then the 3rd will be the first in the 3rd, and we will be the second; Ranked second. This result is hard-won. Principal Fang just said well that this is the result of the joint efforts of several principals. Of course, I am also very clear that Principal Fang has played an extremely important Role. Anyone who has contributed should be rewarded. President Fang's reward will be studied separately after today's meeting."

Zhou Susu's jealousy came up again.Lao Miao, Lao Miao, talk about it, this Fangyuan stepped on his nose and face, you still let him like this, don't you worry that one day in the future, he will ride on your head and shit!Zhou Susu couldn't help but said: "Principal Miao, in fact, the cadres of the school all play a role in different positions, and this is the fundamental reason for the success of the high school entrance examination."

Everyone could tell that Zhou Susu was jealous.Everyone looked at Fang Yuan, wanting to hear how Fang Yuan responded.Fang Yuan calmly said: "Chairman Zhou is quite right. The progress of 68 High School is the result of the joint efforts of all cadres and teachers, and the credit belongs to everyone. Regarding my personal rewards, my attitude is: with President Dong, Zhou Like the chairman, I enjoy the school year assessment award of the deputy position of the school and get an average. Although I still teach Chinese classes in the third and third classes, if the Chinese scores of these two classes and the admission to No. 5 middle school, No. 3 middle school, and No. 7000 middle school For the number of students admitted to high school, there may be a reward of [-] or [-] yuan, but as the vice principal of the school, I cannot be separated from the group, so I decided not to enjoy the teacher's reward standard, and just follow us to eat a big pot meal."

Miao Qun breathed a sigh of relief: If you eat a big pot of rice, and take the average of previous years, it really isn't much, and you can save thousands of dollars!Zhou Susu's mood also eased a lot.Other cadres had a better impression of Fang Yuan, especially the older cadres like Su Jinbo, Zhong Xue, and Zhao Gang, who felt more comfortable with Fang Yuan's practice of giving up high bonuses. No worse than some older people!

Miao Qun said: "Since Principal Fang has such a high level of awareness, I don't think he is reluctant. Now I have such a difficult problem, and I have been worrying about it for several days. According to the reward regulations formulated by the former Principal Yao, our high school entrance examination results this year are exceptional. Well, the bonuses given to the teachers alone are more than 23. In the past few days, I checked the school's accounts and found that I can still make up 11, but I can't spend all of this 11. Once there is an emergency expense, but there is no place to pay; I discussed with the school-run factory, and the school-run factory can get 5 yuan, but they are doing their best; Director Su’s canteen has a little surplus, about 3 yuan, At least 5000 yuan of working capital must be kept. Add up these sums and deduct what should be kept, which is about 17 yuan, and there is still 23 yuan away from 6 yuan. I am so worried these days. Our school has no What should I do about the place where the money is paid? I brought it up today, and everyone has to think of a way. My idea is: since teachers are to be rewarded, they must be rewarded in place according to the reward standard. As for whether the reward standard will be changed in the future , That’s something for the future, this year, I still have to honor the rewards according to the previous standards.”

6!It seems that this number is not big, but it is not a small number for the school.Dong Mei said: "Principal Miao, this is just to reward the teachers! If we really want to follow the previous reward regulations, we will have to take all the teachers in the school, especially the teachers in the third grade, to travel and study in other places during the summer vacation!" I remember last year, if the teachers of the first and second grades wanted to participate, they would get 1200 yuan, and the teachers of the third grade would get 600 yuan, and the school would pay the rest. We traveled to Qingdao, Penglai, Yantai, and Weihai. Because of participating There are a lot of teachers in the school, so the school spent about 10 yuan that time. Could it be that there is no tourism training last year, so there will be no tourism training this year?"

Miao Qun was choked all of a sudden.Originally, Miao Qun really didn't want to mention travel, so it was enough to send the teacher's bonus first, and wait for Director Zhai to come to investigate and hear the teachers' satisfactory evaluation.But Dong Mei, who has no eyesight, just mentioned the matter of traveling at this time.If I don’t travel, I’m afraid some teachers won’t be satisfied either. Alas, where can I make money?

Miao Qun said: "Principal Dong, you know that there is no money in the school's account. In my opinion, we should send the bonus first. This is the most important thing. As for travel, if you have money, you must do it; if you don't have money If so, take it easy, but wait for the [-]th holiday!" At this moment, Fang Yuan said, "Principal Miao, you don't need to worry about money, I have a solution."

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