Director's growth history

2018.1036, just because the mayor is coming to cut the ribbon

Fang Yuan was so grateful that she didn't know what to say. 【@】When it’s difficult to separate, if it’s Kong Shuanghua, it will definitely take a lot of explaining; Shao Keqing doesn’t need to explain at all, but instead helps herself to dress and sort out her thoughts. The difference in comparison is so big. Woolen cloth?Fang Yuan sighed, and said, "Sister, it would be great if the one in my family was half as understanding as you."

Bi Lili waited for Fangyuan at the gate of No. 68 Middle School for 10 minutes before he saw Fangyuan driving a car into the gate of the school, parked the car, and ran over in a hurry.Bi Lili got out of the car, feeling very anxious, but the smile on his face was very bright: "Xiao Fang, go out and do something!" twice.Fangyuan said: "I'm sorry, Secretary Bi, to keep you waiting." Bi Quanli said, "Get in the car." Seeing that Fang Yuan was going to open the front door to sit in the co-pilot, Bi Quanli said, "Come sit in the back seat with me. There are some things I need to tell you."

Fang Yuan sat next to Bi Lili.Bi Quanli sniffed with his nose: "Xiao Fang, I just took a shower!" Maybe Fang Yuan has adapted to the smell and didn't feel any fragrance on his body, but after hearing Bi Quanli's words, Fang Yuan quickly explained: "Secretary Bi's weather Hot, when you called me, I had already taken a shower." Bi Lili was a little dissatisfied at first, thinking that Fangyuan answered the phone and needed to take a shower, which is really a lot of trouble, now listen to Fangyuan's explanation, and said with a smile : "Smelling this fragrance, I know Xiao Fang that the shampoo and body wash you use are quite high-grade!" Fang Yuan's face was a little red, and she didn't know how to answer.

Bi Lili stopped looking at him, took out the phone book dedicated to cadres above the office, found Lian Song's cell phone number, and dialed it directly.It was Lian Song's secretary who answered the phone, and said in a very arrogant tone: "Secretary Lian is busy now, please call back later." After speaking, he hung up the phone and let Bi Quanli shut the door.Hey, Bi Lili had never encountered such a situation before.Bi tried hard to redial again, but Lian Song's secretary was still very good: "Secretary Lian is busy, which department you are in, which township, what's the matter, please tell me first."

Bi Quanli sighed in his heart: How dare the secretary of the county party secretary is so awesome!Bi Quanli said calmly, "I am Bi Quanli, a member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Youth League Committee. I have something important to tell Secretary Lian." The flattering tone immediately replaced the arrogant and cold tone just now: "Secretary Bi, hello! I'm so sorry. Secretary Lian was in a meeting just now. I saw that this mobile phone number was very unfamiliar. I thought it was some township looking for Secretary Lian, so I replaced Secretary Lian. Blocked it for a while. I'm sorry, Secretary Bi, I will hand over the phone to Secretary Lian immediately." Bi Quanli said, "Okay."

Soon, Bi Quanli heard Lian Song's hearty laughter: "Hello, Bi Standing Committee." Bi Quanli said, "Hello, Secretary Lian. I heard you are busy?" Lian Song said, "Yes! I have to hurry up and finish the work assigned to me by the Standing Committee! Tomorrow I have to cut the ribbon, although I can cut the ribbon at any time, but I can’t prevent the leaders from even entering the village! So, I’m calling an on-site office meeting now, Arrange preparations for all aspects and require them to complete all work by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." Bi Quanli said: "Secretary Lian, you have worked hard. In fact, there is no need to prepare anything. Prepare the stone tablet for foundation laying and dozens of shovels. And the red silk tied to the stone tablet will do.” Lian Song said: “Commissioner Bi! You are a big leader, so you don’t know the hardships of our subordinates! This time the ribbon cutting, Mayor Song is the top leader of the government, and Secretary Shi is the leader of the government. The only full-time deputy secretary, you are a member of the Standing Committee, three department-level cadres will come to Yanping, and more than a dozen department-level cadres will follow. Can we prepare for it? Besides, the road leading to the village will have to be done no matter what Let’s fix it, we can’t let the leaders step into the village with their feet in the mud; the safety of the leaders is also a big problem, I, Lian Song, can’t afford to go around if any leader has a little trouble; the leader’s vehicle , Seats, which aspect can we not consider? I heard that some members of the Youth Federation will come. Is there any entrepreneur member among them? Bi Standing Committee, you must give an introduction. Come to invest in Yanping, and I promise to provide them with the best Preferential policies."

Bi Quanli couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Lian, even in such a short period of time, you have not forgotten to attract investment? I really admire you!" Lian Song said: "Of course! You are in the city, and you can't experience the pain in the county. Everywhere in the county has to use money. In recent years, the county’s finances have been very difficult. The national tax, local tax, and the city’s retention rate are so high. Only a little bit is left for our county. The economy is developing well, where can we get money to pay civil servants and teachers, and where can we get money for construction! Committee member Bi, I’m not kidding, please arrange some entrepreneur committee members to come over. After Mayor Song cuts the ribbon, Committee member Bi Don’t rush to go back, and take these entrepreneurial committee members to our Yanping for investigation, okay?” Bi Quanli was a little embarrassed, and when he was hesitating, Lian Song said again: “Member Bi, I, Lian Song, have always been very supportive. The work of your Youth League Municipal Committee and the Municipal Youth Federation has held several standing committee discussions on the Youth Federation Hope Primary School. I guarantee that the foundation stone laying ceremony tomorrow will satisfy the Standing Committee Bi, and that after the completion of the next two Hope Primary Schools, education We will personally implement the equipment and teacher allocation, so that this first Youth Federation Hope Primary School will become a model project in Dongzhou City. Therefore, please be more considerate of the difficulty of our county and support the development of the county, okay? ?”

Having said so much, what else can Bi Quanli say?Although the time in the officialdom is many years shorter than that of Lian Song, Bi Quanquan is fully aware that in the officialdom, mutual support is based on the exchange of interests, otherwise why should people support you?Bi Quanli said: "Okay, Secretary Lian, I will fully support Secretary Lian at any time, but it is a pity that the Youth League Committee can do so little." Lian Song said with a smile: "Entrepreneur friends are here, the rest of the work Let the Yanping County Committee do it." Bi Quanli said: "Okay, I will arrange comrades from the Youth League Committee to contact more entrepreneurs and friends in the Youth Federation committee." Lian Song said: "Then thank you, Bi Standing Committee." Bi Quanli said : "I'm on my way to Yanping County now, and I want to visit the school site where the foundation was laid!" Lian Song laughed loudly: "Member Bi Standing Committee, why don't you use it? It's not that I don't care about Lian Song Right?" Bi Quanli said, "How could it be? I just went to see if I could do some help for Secretary Lian. Tomorrow, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi will come over. Mayor Song is the leader, and Secretary Shi is the team leader. The municipal party committee is in charge of the leadership, I just give Secretary Lian a long look, isn't it also guaranteed to be safe!" Lian Song's hearty laughter sounded again: "Member Bi Standing Committee, I, Lao Lian, admire you! I am more than ten years older than you At your age, I'm still a hairless kid who can't do things well! Hahahaha, member of the Standing Committee, I have to personally supervise some work in the afternoon. After all, Boss Song will come over in person tomorrow. I can't be here Waiting for you in the office!" Bi Quanli said: "Secretary Lian, I was just about to tell you that I will go directly to the village where the Hope Primary School is built." Lian Song said: "If the Standing Committee member Bi goes to the village, he still has to come to the county party committee to run the project. I will ask comrades from the county party committee to take you there." Bi Quanli said, "Don't bother Secretary Lian. I have a car!" Lian Song said, "I know Bi Standing Committee has a car. But today, in the town There is a dirt road leading to this village. It has been raining a lot recently, and the road is muddy. I will supervise this road today, put asphalt, and it will take one afternoon and one night. It must be paved before 7:[-] tomorrow morning. Boss Song and Secretary Shi can't be allowed to step into the village with their feet in the mud."

Bi Quanli was shocked. The road from the town to the village was several miles!It takes one day to finish paving, can it be done?Bi tried hard to think for a long time, but didn't dare to ask.Oh my god, Lian Song didn't think about building this road in his normal days, but at this juncture, he thought about building this road. It is estimated that the traffic bureau and highway bureau in this county have some work to do today.Bi Quanli said, "Okay, I'll go to the county party committee." Lian Song said, "I'm sorry, Bi Standing Committee. I asked the comrades from the county party committee to lead the way and bypass another village in the town. I asked Yuan Jinbao to work in the village. If everything is going well, I will also go to the village to meet you, listen to Bi Standing Committee’s instructions, and make more detailed preparations.” Bi Quanli said: “I dare not. Thank you, Lian. Secretary." Lian Song laughed loudly: "Okay, I have to be busy, I really have a feeling that I don't have time to wait! Bi Standing Committee, I must let the entrepreneur friends among the Youth Federation members stay after the foundation laying! Bi Quanli said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Bi Quanli sighed.Should an official do this?Hugging Buddha's feet temporarily, remembering to pave the way for a while, what did you do before?After agreeing to Lian Song, Bi Shili called Hao Dingyi again: "Secretary Hao, you can call more members of the Youth Federation who will participate in the foundation laying ceremony tomorrow. Let's find all of them from entrepreneurs." Hao Dingyi said: "Bi Secretary, didn’t you mean to look for it from the committee members in the education circle?” Bi Quanli said: “The members of the Entrepreneur Youth Federation donated the most money. Tomorrow, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi will both go, which also makes entrepreneurs feel that the city leaders are very concerned about the youth. They will also feel that the donation is not in vain.” Hao Dingyi said: “Understood. Have you been notified?” Bi Quanli said: “Everyone is notified, as much as you can come.”

Arriving in Yanping, under the guidance of a deputy director of the county party committee office, Bi Quanli and Fangyuan's car followed behind, and after a detour, they arrived at the village where the Hope Primary School was to be built.Far away, Fangyuan saw that familiar fat man standing at the entrance of the village——Yuan Jinbao.Fangyuan said: "Secretary Bi, the former director of the Yanping County Education Bureau is waiting for you at the entrance of the village." Bi Quanli said, "I see. Our car will stop when it arrives."

When Bi Lili's car just stopped, Yuan Jinbao rushed over and opened the door on the right rear side, with smiles on his face, like Maitreya Buddha: "Commissioner Bi, please. Welcome, Welcome!" Bi Quanli said: "Director Yuan, thank you for your hard work." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Yuan Jinbao.Yuan Jinbao clasped his hands back: "Secretary Bi, your generosity has done another great thing for our Yanping education cause!" Bi Quanli said: "You guys did all the specific work. Director Yuan, you and Your colleagues are working hard!" Yuan Jinbao said: "This is what we should do."

After greeting Bi Quanli, Yuan Jinbao hurriedly greeted Fang Yuan again: "Principal Fang, you are here with Bi Standing Committee!" Fang Yuan said: "Yes." Yuan Jinbao seemed to say enviously: "Principal Fang , Secretary Bi really loves you! I want to carry a bag for Bi Standing Committee, but Bi Standing Committee doesn't need me!"

sky!Both Bi Quanli and Fang Yuan felt that Yuan Jinbao's flattery was a little too much.Yuan Jinbao, who is in his 40s, wants to carry a bag for 32-year-old Bi Quanli. Secretary, you have a bright future, and for me, I will be satisfied to be a deputy county level when I retire." Bi Quanli said: "The former director of the bureau has done a good job in education, and there is absolutely no problem being a deputy county level." Yuan Jinbao said: "I am very grateful to the Standing Committee Bi for his kindness. Please rest assured that the Youth Federation Hope Primary School built in Yanping County will be built in accordance with the standards of first-class schools, with excellent teams and high-quality teachers. Let every youth Lian Hope Primary School will become a well-known brand-name school.”

Heh, Fang Yuan looked at Yuan Jinbao's determination, it was really ridiculous.It's really strange that Bi Quanli and Yuan Jinbao have no direct leadership or leadership relationship. Why does Yuan Jinbao respect Bi Quanli so much?

Bi Quanli understood in his heart that county-level and deputy county-level cadres are all city management cadres, and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee needs to put forward preliminary opinions, and then discuss and study them at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.As a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, this vote in his hand is also quite critical.After all, there are only 11 members of the Standing Committee, and every vote counts.Relatively speaking, the standards for researching the deputy directors of county and district people's congresses and vice chairmen of the CPPCC are relatively loose, but it is absolutely prudent to study the deputy county magistrates and deputy district chiefs of counties and districts.With such a low profile, Yuan Jinbao is showing his favor!Bi Quanquan said: "Former director, as long as you achieve more results in education and truly run Yanping education that the people are satisfied with, then the organization will definitely give comrades who are capable, capable, and successful in their work better opportunities for development. I definitely support such comrades.”

Fang Yuan heard it, as if Bi Lili had promised something, but in fact he didn't say anything.But Yuan Jinbao seemed very happy: "Secretary Bi, Principal Fang, this way please. The road is still a bit difficult to walk, please be careful of the slippery road under your feet." Bi Quanquan said: "Okay, thank you."

At this time, there was an unpleasant smell in the air, and Bi Lili frowned. If such a smell came out tomorrow, it would be really troublesome.It is not the trouble of my full strength, but the trouble of the pollution caused by the enterprises in Yanping County.Bi Quanli asked: "Director Yuan, do you smell a strange smell in the air?" Yuan Jinbao said: "This is the other side of the village, where the road is being flattened and asphalted!" Bi Quanli nodded: "Is Secretary Lian on the scene supervising the battle?" Yuan Jinbao said: "Member Bi Standing Committee, how do you know? Secretary Lian is on the scene! The director of the County Transportation Bureau, the director of the Finance Bureau, and the director of the Highway Management Office are all there .I heard that people and vehicles from other road construction sites have also been transferred. Now, regardless of everything, this road must be paved before tomorrow morning!"

Bi Quanli sighed in his heart: This is only because Song Yunsheng is coming to lay the foundation!

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