Director's growth history

2019.1037 1, Zhai Xinwen sees that this is a rare opportunity

1037. Zhai Xinwen Sees This Is a Rare Opportunity

In fact, Lian Song had already scolded Bi Quanquan many times in his heart, not because of the construction of Hope Primary School, but because of inviting Mayor Song. 【@】To build hope primary schools, we always want to build hope primary schools in the poorest villages; but as the secretary of the Yanping County Party Committee, when the mayor and the only full-time deputy secretary came to Yanping, Lian Song always hoped that the prosperity of Yanping The mayor and the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee should see the dilapidated, poor and backward.If Mayor Song sees that there is still such a poor village, and there are still villages that are not connected to cement roads or asphalt roads, isn't this discrediting his political achievements?It's nothing to be complained by Bi Quanquan. If he is criticized by Mayor Song, it will affect his future and destiny!There is also the Deputy Secretary Shi, if one of Wang Guodong or Song Yunsheng is promoted to the province in the future, the Deputy Secretary Shi may take over as the mayor or secretary of the municipal party committee. When researching candidates for the deputy city hall level recommended to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, I am afraid it will be greatly affected.

Therefore, from afternoon to night, Lian Song was either working on paving asphalt roads, or working in the county party committee office. Even Song Yunsheng and Shi Mingxiang's walking route to Yanping tomorrow would be accompanied by the secretaries and mayors of the relevant townships and townships, as well as the police. The persons in charge of the Bureau, Highway Management Office, Garden Bureau, Environmental Sanitation Office and County Party Committee Office inspected it several times.In front of these township and bureau officials, Lian Song really shook the prestige of being the top leader in Yanping. From Yanping County to the village where Hope Primary School was built, he walked, stopped, and then came down to give pointers.For the Public Security Bureau, Lian Song requested that there be at least one police or armed police within 100 meters of the inspection route for Mayor Song and Deputy Secretary Shi tomorrow.Lian Song also put forward serious requirements for the towns and towns passing along the way: first, keep the roads clean and hygienic, at least both sides of the streets and roads should be clean; On the one hand, there should not be so many idlers who set up stalls; on the other hand, we must do a good job of stabilizing the local hooligans and frequent petitioners in various towns and towns, so as to ensure that no chaos is caused at this juncture.Lian Song said solemnly: "Which town has a problem, I will hold your first and second leaders accountable. What you have to do is to make sure nothing goes wrong."

After the township leaders went back to arrange their own work, Lian Song rushed to the road paving site. Seeing the slow progress, he became angry on the spot: "Why are there so few cars and so few people?" The person in charge of the department and the director of the transportation bureau called over, criticized them severely, and directly issued an order: "No matter what, this road must be paved before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." The director of the transportation bureau complained: "I have tried my best , Secretary Lian." Lian Song said: "Do your best? You stayed here in person, but you can't finish it. If you pave half of the road, it's better not to pave it. Isn't this embarrassing Yanping and discrediting my face? I Now regardless of other things, whoever smears my face, I will take off his hat. Isn’t the national road being built now? The construction on the national road will be stopped today, and the machinery and personnel will be transferred here to work during the day Don't finish, let's continue to work at night, this road will not be paved before 7 o'clock tomorrow, and you won't have to go to the traffic bureau to work the day after tomorrow."

After seeing the paving site, Lian Song hurried back to the county seat to discuss reception matters with the county magistrate Cen Baiqiang.This process is quite cumbersome, and various plans have been prepared. For example, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi delivered speeches at the foundation laying ceremony and returned to Dongzhou City directly after the soil was cultivated. This is a kind of plan; for example, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi After the foundation laying ceremony, it is another plan to go back to the county to listen to the work report; for example, after the foundation laying ceremony, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi still propose to investigate the enterprises in the county, which is another plan; for example After the foundation laying ceremony, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi, if they go to the countryside to investigate the Sannong issues, this is another kind of plan.Lian Song asked Cen Baiqiang to contact and communicate more with the city government office to learn about Mayor Song's itinerary; asked the county party committee office to contact the city party committee office to learn about Deputy Secretary Shi's itinerary. This possible plan ensures that no matter what the exact itinerary of Mayor Song and Secretary Shi, coming to Yanping will be a journey of harvest, satisfaction, comfort, and peace of mind. Since the reform and opening up of Yanping, especially Lian Song The remarkable work achievements since taking charge of Yanping are clearly shown through the reading, listening and questioning of Mayor Song and Secretary Shi...

Now all the staff of the Youth League Committee are busy laying the foundation stone for tomorrow's first Youth Federation Hope Primary School, preparing materials, calling the Youth Federation committee members, contacting the Youth Federation committee members, and communicating with the Yanping County Party Committee, East The municipal government office and the municipal party committee office are busy communicating and coordinating with the municipal government office and the municipal party committee office.Bi Quanli didn't see Lian Song at all in Yanping, so he finally gave up and took Fang Yuan back to the Communist Youth League Committee.Because the Youth League Committee was too short-handed, Bi Quanli was not polite, and asked Fang Yuan to make a phone call and ask for leave from his family, and asked Fang Yuan to help directly at the Youth League Committee.Fang Yuan is willing to help here. First, he can learn a lot from Secretary Bi. Second, he can learn more about how to welcome the leaders to inspect through the preparation work at the Youth League Committee. , Get rid of the scent on your body quickly, and when you get home later, there will be only the smell of sweat left on your body.

After Hao Dingyi notified Sun Hongjun, vice chairman of the Municipal Youth Federation and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, to attend the Yanping Hope Primary School foundation stone laying ceremony hosted by Mayor Song and Deputy Secretary Shi tomorrow, Sun Hongjun immediately realized that this was a political issue and must be Report to Zhai Xinwen.After hearing Sun Hongjun's report, Zhai Xinwen couldn't sit still: "Red Army, are you sure Mayor Song and Deputy Secretary Shi will attend the foundation laying ceremony tomorrow?" Sun Hongjun said, "I'm sure." Zhai Xinwen immediately called Wang Xingbang : "Old Wang, please contact the municipal government office immediately. Is Mayor Song going to Yanping tomorrow to attend the foundation laying ceremony of the Youth Federation Hope Primary School? Then contact the municipal party committee office and ask if the deputy secretary will also be there tomorrow. The contact is clear, let me know right away."

Putting down the internal phone, Zhai Xinwen said: "Red Army, this matter seems to be a matter of the Communist Youth League Committee, but it is actually a major matter of our Education Bureau!" Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! So I accepted the notice and told you as soon as possible. Report." Zhai Xinwen said: "I know that the Youth Federation will build 10 Hope Primary Schools in five suburban counties of the city. Bi Quanli once told me about this and asked me to support him. It is not a member of the Standing Committee, but the construction of Hope Primary School is also a great thing that is beneficial to the education of Dongzhou, and the Dongzhou Education Bureau should also fully support it." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes."

Wang Xingbang ran in panting at this time: "Director Zhai, Secretary Sun, Mayor Song and Secretary Shi will attend the foundation laying ceremony tomorrow, plus Secretary Bi of the Youth League Committee, this time to three standing committee members." Zhai Xinwen said: "OK , your work efficiency is very high. Now, Lao Wang, you immediately notify all the members of the office above the deputy department, and through the heads of each department, go to the small conference room to hold an emergency office meeting. "

Wang Xingbang agreed and left the director's office.Zhai Xinwen said: "Red Army, please contact the Youth League Committee immediately. Who will speak tomorrow?" Sun Hongjun said: "Okay." The municipal party committee said that as the director and secretary of the party committee of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, I also want to speak, and on behalf of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, I also want to make a certain commitment to the future speeches of the Dongzhou Hope Primary School." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhai You are too thoughtful, I will go back and make a call right away." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, you must implement this matter, you can skip the office meeting and implement this matter." Sun Hongjun said: "Understood."

Seeing Sun Hongjun leaving, Zhai Xinwen let out a long breath, and said to himself: "Mayor Song and Secretary Shi are going, but I won't go. Isn't this a fool? If you go, you will be like a follower If you are behind the leader, you will not be impressed by the leader if you go this time. When there is no opportunity, you must be good at finding opportunities; How can I miss this opportunity to make a good impression?"

Zhai Xinwen stood up, feeling slightly excited and flustered.Gathering his mind, Zhai Xinwen picked up the water glass and walked out of the office.When he came to the small conference room, Zhai Xinwen walked to the seat of his real top leader with a smile on his face and sat down, nodding to everyone.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Wang, are you all here?" Wang Xingbang said: "Secretary Sun was with you just now, but he didn't show up; Hurry up here, it will be there in half an hour at most." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay. Everyone in the agency is here, then we will have a meeting. Xie Bingguo and Gangyu, when they arrive, Director Wang will give them extra lessons. Comrades, just now I was notified that tomorrow morning, Mayor Song of the Municipal Government and Secretary Shi of the Municipal Party Committee will go to Yanping tomorrow to participate in the foundation laying ceremony of the first Youth Federation Hope Primary School in Dongzhou City. Secretary Sun and I will participate in the foundation laying ceremony tomorrow. This Youth Federation hopes The primary school, the donation is made by the members of the Youth Federation. After the school is built, it will become an integral part of our Dongzhou education. Mayor Song and Secretary Shi both attach great importance to the construction of the Youth Federation Hope Primary School. As the leading organization of Dongzhou Education, As an agency of the Dongzhou Municipal Government, it should do what the Education Bureau should do for the construction of the Youth Federation Hope Primary School."

At this time, Sun Hongjun walked into the conference room, sat down on the left side of Zhai Xinwen, leaned on Zhai Xinwen's ear, and said in a low voice: "Director Zhai, I have contacted. Tomorrow, the secretary will preside over the meeting, and Mayor Song will give a speech. Secretary Lian of the Yanping County Party Committee spoke on behalf of Yanping, and Secretary Bi spoke on behalf of the Municipal Youth Federation. I did not arrange for your speech, but I emphasized the important role of the Education Bureau in the construction of the Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation in the future and after the opening of the school. Secretary Bi agreed to speak on behalf of Secretary Lian After the speech, you will speak, and finally Secretary Bi will speak." Zhai Xinwen nodded in satisfaction and did not speak.

After Sun Hongjun sat down, Zhai Xinwen said: "Today's office meeting, I will give comrades two topics. The first topic is that during the construction of the Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation, our Education Bureau and the various functional departments of the Education Bureau, What can we do for the Hope Primary School? How to do it? The second question is that after the completion of the Youth Federation Hope Primary School, we opened the school. What can our Education Bureau and the various functional departments of the Education Bureau do for the Hope Primary School? How to do it? Tell everyone 10 minutes of thinking time, after 10 minutes, all leaders in charge, section chiefs, and everyone will have to talk. Director Wang, please ask the secretary of the office to come over to listen to the meeting, with a laptop." Wang Xingbang said: "Okay. Zhai Xinwen said: "Well, let's go back to the office now and do these two questions. Give everyone a little longer, half an hour. The leaders in charge don't need to talk, but they need to guide the departments in charge. Finish writing the materials. Half an hour later, they are still in this conference room, communicating with each department one by one. Finally, the office will summarize them.”

The Dongzhou Education Bureau didn't adjourn the meeting until eight o'clock in the evening.No one invited them to dinner, and they all went home hungry.Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, Zou Zhigang and the staff of the office and education department remained in the institution.Zhai Xinwen arranged for Zou Zhigang to order a working meal and send it to the Education Bureau. He would work with Sun Hongjun and Zou Zhigang, as well as the staff in the office and the education department, to revise tomorrow's speech.This speech is not easy to write. Each department has talked about a lot of things that can be done for the Youth Federation Hope Primary School. The secretary who compiled the manuscript told Zhai Xinwen that there are 7 to 8 words in total, and tomorrow’s speech should be concise and to the point. A maximum of 1500 words—how to condense so many things that can be done for the Youth Federation Hope Primary School into this short speech is a test for everyone present!

Tonight is a sleepless night for those working overtime in the Eastern State Education Bureau.Accompanying them are the stars, the moon, and many comrades from the Dongzhou Youth League Committee, Yanping County Party Committee and the county government.

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