Director's growth history

2122.1134, Fangyuan sees hope, Huang Jiawei sees hope

At first, Fang Yuan thought that he would not be able to fall asleep at noon; but Fang Yuan did not expect that after lying on the sofa for a while, Fang Yuan fell asleep. 【 】Woke up, Fangyuan looked at his watch, it was past 2 pm.But the office was still very quiet, and Na Hong hadn't come back yet, so naturally she wouldn't disturb Fang Yuan's rest.To Fangyuan's surprise, the matter about Fang Shujuan that had troubled her for a whole noon was relieved at the moment of waking up.She, Fang Shujuan, is willing to wait, so let her wait, anyway, this is not what I, Fangyuan, made her wait for; she, Fang Shujuan, is willing to keep her hymen, so let her keep it. The radius is irrelevant.From the time when Kong Shuanghua and I established a relationship until now, in fact, I have been walking my way, and she, Fang Shujuan, has been walking on her single-plank bridge. The lives of the two of them have no intersection, but a completely unrelated relationship.As for the several times I bought train tickets for Fang Shujuan, it was friendship, not love.Qingfeng is illiterate, so why flip through the books?There is nothing wrong in the world, and mediocrity disturbs itself.Whether Fang Shujuan can find a boyfriend, marry or not is her business, Fang Shujuan's business, not my Fang Yuan's business, so what the hell am I doing?She was willing to wait, so let her wait. In fact, how could I have the slightest idea of ​​divorcing Kong Shuanghua?Not at all!The importance of the father-in-law is becoming more and more apparent, directly affecting personal progress, and always paying attention to his own progress; the mother-in-law is such a kind and virtuous mother-in-law, who is so hard to find in the world, who takes care of the family, wife, and future grandchildren. One hundred hearts; Kong Shuanghua himself has also changed a lot, it seems that after becoming a mother, his personality has become much gentler, and many aspects like his mother-in-law have gradually emerged.What's more, in this family now, you don't have to worry about food and drink, and you don't have to worry about living. I live in a big three-unit house, and there is a four-unit vice-principal's house in Dongzhou University. Harmful gases such as formaldehyde.Since marrying Kong Shuanghua, I don't seem to have worried about whether I can spend enough money this month. Although the salary is stuck with Kong Shuanghua, the monthly expenses have never been short, and the money in my wallet has never seemed to be short. If it is less than 1000 yuan, how much the mother-in-law subsidizes the young couple from the father-in-law's salary and lecture fees every month. Although Fang Yuan does not know the exact amount, it is clear that there must be thousands of yuan.Father-in-law and mother-in-law have only one daughter and one grandson. Their income from lectures, lectures, and expert clinics is tens of thousands or even more a month. Is there any other use for keeping them on the grandson?Living in such a family, I just concentrate on my career and don’t have to worry about other things. Is there any dissatisfaction to go and save money for life with Fang Shujuan, save food and money for the house, and plan carefully for a trip back to my hometown? ?

After thinking it through, thinking it through, Fang Yuan's heart calmed down.Picking up the Chinese textbook, Fang Yuan began to study the second unit of ancient Chinese teaching. The three texts of "Zhu Zhiwu Retires Qin Teacher", "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin" and "Hongmen Banquet" seem to have a time background, one is in the late Spring and Autumn Period, one is in the late Warring States period, and the other is in the late Qin and early Han Dynasty, but they also have commonalities. Fang Yuan summed it up as: a hero. "Zhu Zhiwu Retires Qin Teacher" created the image of an old hero with courage and scheming. His divorce strategy reminded Fang Yuan of the report "Sun Tzu's Art of War and Class Teacher Management" that his father-in-law had just given to the teachers of No. 5 Middle School, so shrewd Old hero! "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin" created the image of a tragic hero who regards Jiannuo as more important than life. Although he assassinated the King of Qin, he was hindering the unification process of China and assassinating the King of Qin to repay the favor of another country, but history always It is so ruthless that no one can stop history from moving forward. Even if he assassinates King Qin, there will be a new King Qin, and the general trend of Qin unifying China cannot be changed. This is doomed to a tragic ending that Jing Ke runs counter to history. The connotation of "Hongmen Banquet" seems to be richer. Xiang Yu is a hero, but what kind of hero?Just as the saying goes, stop and stop, and suffer from chaos. The result of incessant hesitation means that the opportunity is lost and the bright future is ruined.Fang Yuan asked herself: Is this feather a real hero?

When Fangyuan is immersed in the artistic conception of wonderful texts, he forgets the world around him.After reading it several times, Fang Yuan actually memorized all these three ancient essays by heart.Of course, this has the foundation of four years of Chinese language and literature in college, but as long as the main idea is grasped, those boring ancient prose will no longer be boring, but vivid symbols that interpret profound meanings. There will be new experiences and gains.In the office, Fangyuan stood up for a while, reciting the text while shaking his head, but pictures were already displayed in his mind; sat down again, took a pen to write down some new insights in the notebook; and went to type the keyboard again , Turning the idea of ​​teaching design into words in word documents.Fang Yuan forgot to drink water, forgot to go to the bathroom, and it was only when Fang Yuan couldn't bear it any longer after urinating, that he remembered that he hadn't drank water or gone to the bathroom yet.

With this kind of investment, Fang Yuan completed the lesson preparation for the second unit this afternoon.Looking at her lesson preparation, Fang Yuan felt full of confidence.At this time, Fangyuan finally decided to open up all his first and second units to show his innovative understanding and real strength in classroom teaching, paving the way for establishing "prestige".

The next morning, Fang Yuan met the three deans in the vice principal's office.They all took the written work plans for the grade group and handed them over to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan said, "Let me see, please sit down first."

Of course, what Fang Yuan is most concerned about is the work plan for the third year of high school.The results of the college entrance examination in June next year will largely determine their future development. Whether to calm down the doubts of many middle school principals about themselves through excellent grades, exceeding the previous one-book pass rate, or let the education system continue Such voices of doubt make it difficult for father-in-law and Director Zhai?Of course Fangyuan had to choose the former.And this treasure can't bet on himself, it can only bet on Huang Jiawei, who is a bit dull but has a level and has never been used much because of his personality.Fang Yuan is very familiar with Yang Yingxian’s original high school plan. It can be said that Yang Yingxian’s work plan 6% reflects Fangyuan’s thinking. None of the three classes entered the top 100 at all, and although Huang Jiawei didn't say those flattering words, he steadily led the three classes to become military training winners.Therefore, if you speak well, you may not be able to do well; if you can do well, you may not be able to speak beautiful words.If you want to do great things, what you need most is a capable subordinate like Huang Jiawei, not someone like Yang Yingxian who only knows how to be a slave but lacks a higher level of comprehensive ability.

Fang Yuan silently read the plan written by Huang Jiawei, feeling a little more emotional.When reading the whole plan, it can be summed up in two words: pragmatic.Fangyuan is more confident about next year's college entrance examination.This plan not only implements Fangyuan's macroscopic study, teaching, and interest ideas without any specific content, but also implements the study, teaching, and cultivation of interests, etc., and proposes many promising ideas. Operational and solid teaching and review teaching and research activities reflect Huang Jiawei's rich work experience, and it can also be seen that he has thought deeply about how to prepare for the college entrance examination.Fang Yuan was very satisfied with this plan.

Fang Yuan took it to look at the plan for the first year of high school.I am also teaching in the first year of high school. Fang Yuan is also very familiar with the plan for the first year of high school. Fang Yuan wants to see what new ideas and ideas Zeng Peixuan has in the new plan.But Fang Yuan was a little disappointed.Fang Yuan could feel that there was not much difference between this plan and the original plan, which either meant that Zeng Peixuan hadn't seriously thought about how to improve it, or that that was all that Zeng Peixuan could think of.

Fang Yuan picked up the third plan.This is the plan of Yu Haihe, who has just served as the deputy director of the Teaching Office.It is not difficult to see that Yu Haihe has put a lot of thought into this plan, and his academic level has also been demonstrated to a considerable extent in this plan.But Fang Yuan was not satisfied, because Fang Yuan believed that Huang Jiawei's original plan was quite pragmatic and practical. Now, Yu Haihe basically completely negated Huang Jiawei's original plan and changed it beyond recognition, which seemed a bit self-righteous.Of course, the idea of ​​learning, teaching, and interests has been reflected to a considerable extent.But Fang Yuan doubted that a person with no experience in education management would dare to carry out the work completely according to his own ideas when he just became a dean?I have to rely on Huang Jiawei all around me. Of course, I have some experience in teaching and research, and in graduating classes. After all, I have also worked as the dean and vice-principal in charge of teaching. When I came to high school, I dare not mention very specific things. You can only talk about the three macro-directional things of studying the law, teaching the law, and interest in general. You Yu Haihe dare to do it according to your own ideas?When writing, have you considered the acceptance ability of the teachers of the whole grade?If too many scientific research projects are added at one time, and too many teaching reforms are added at one time, can these teachers accept and bear it conceptually and psychologically?Any reform or idea must be safe and feasible, not a powerful and unconstrained style. Imagine that the theoretical research level of each teacher is equivalent to that of yours in Haihe.

Fang Yuan turned her face away and looked at the three people who would rely heavily on her in the future, her expression was solemn and she didn't smile.Fang Yuan said: "This afternoon, the high school teachers' meeting will be held. I have read all three work plans, and I am most satisfied with Director Huang's plan. From the plan, I can see Director Huang's rich work experience and feel Seeing Director Huang's steady and down-to-earth work style, he is also full of confidence in the 2008 college entrance examination. Your plan has been passed, and you can read it to all teachers in the afternoon." Huang Jiawei said: "Okay, Principal Fang." Fang Yuan continued: "I am quite satisfied with Director Zeng's plan in the first year of high school. You can show the plan to Director Huang, and ask Director Huang to check it out. Director Zeng and Director Yu are both newcomers who have just become deans. In terms of work experience, I am not even as good as me. After all, I have also been a teaching director, an assistant to the principal, and now a vice-principal. I have taken two graduation classes. Even I admire Director Huang. With Director Yu, it is indeed necessary to ask Director Huang for advice."

Huang Jiawei said: "Principal Fang has praised the award. Xiao Zeng and Xiao Xiao are both good and talented." Fang Yuan said: "Ability and experience are not the same thing. If you have ability without experience, it will be difficult to fully develop your ability. ; Only experience, no ability, this experience is not a valuable experience. Director Huang is just a comrade who has both ability and experience." Zeng Peixuan said: "Okay President Fang, I will ask Director Huang to revise the plan Modify." Fang Yuan nodded.

Looking at Yu Haihe, Fang Yuan said: "Director Yu's plan fully reflects Director Yu's academic research level, which I am fully sure of. However, Director Yu's plan needs to be revised, and it needs to be greatly revised. I would like to make two points First, the essence of the senior year work plan written by director Huang should be fully absorbed into the new plan. The original plan formulated by director Huang is very pragmatic and instructive, and there are many good contents! Second, director Yu When you modify the plan, you must fully consider the comprehensive level of all the teachers in the whole grade. I am afraid that there are not many teachers in the whole school who can reach your academic research level. The requirements in your plan are so high. Teachers in the whole grade Can you achieve it? When everyone fails to meet your requirements and has rebellious emotions, how will you carry out your work in the future? Therefore, I also say that once and for all, your plan must be changed, and it must be changed immediately." Yu Haihe has an opinion in Fangyuan He wanted to refute, but he didn't have the courage, so he agreed: "Okay, I'll change it." Fang Yuan said: "After the manuscript has been changed, I will hand it over to Director Huang for checking. If Director Huang is satisfied, show it to me." Yu Haihe looked at Huang Jiawei At a glance, he felt aggrieved and completely forgot that Yu Haihe was recommended by Huang Jiawei to the post of deputy director of the teaching department.

Huang Jiawei said lightly: "Principal Fang, I don't think you should let me participate. Xiao Yu's theoretical level is very high, and you can guide him better if you guide him directly." Ah, I don't accept Huang Jiawei's guidance at all!Fang Yuan said: "I said before that Director Huang is the person in charge of the high school teaching office. Let me make it clear today. Director Zeng, Director Yu, you should go back first. Director Yu can take a look at the original report of Director Huang, in order to improve the practicality of the work plan. In terms of performance and operability, think again." Yu Haihe said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "Director Huang, please stay." Huang Jiawei stayed.After Zeng Peixuan and Yu Haihe left the office, Fang Yuan said: "Director Huang, I know you are also very embarrassed." Huang Jiawei said: "In terms of work ability, Yu is really excellent; if I am asked to recommend the deputy director of teaching again, I will I will still recommend him." Fang Yuan said: "I admire Director Huang's dedication to the public. If he wants to let others, he may be too angry to clean up." I believe that Xiao Xiao will follow you, this is his happiness, and he will gradually feel it." Fang Yuan said: "Good jade also needs to be carved carefully; good diamonds also need to be polished to be more attractive. Glory." Huang Jiawei said: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "Director Huang, I want to keep you here because I have a few words of truth to tell you. The coming year is very important to you. What I want to see is your grades. I think the leaders of the bureau may also need to look at the results to speak. As long as the results of the college entrance examination in No. 5 next year go up to a higher level, Director Huang will be closer to a higher level."

Huang Jiawei's heart warmed up again.Looking at Fangyuan, Huang Jiawei hesitated to speak.Fang Yuan saw it and encouraged Huang Jiawei: "Director Huang, between you and me, you can be open and honest. In order to do a good job, you can tell me anything." Huang Jiawei said: "There were some new discussions in the school yesterday. I know whether Principal Fang wants to hear it or not."

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