Director's growth history

2123.1135. Only those who are good at mobilizing the masses can deal with difficult ones

After listening to Huang Jiawei's narration, Fang Yuan's mood was very calm. 【 】It seems that these untrue stories circulated by the teachers have hurt my image to a certain extent, but my father-in-law is right. Sometimes, people need this kind of authority, and they need an invisible the power of.What Huang Jiawei said actually just proved that Yang Yingxian lost prestige in the minds of the teachers because of flattery, and now he has more "prestige" in the minds of the teachers, but still lacks "credibility".The word "faith" cannot be achieved by power or background. For these high school teachers, work style, work ability, behavior, especially how well the class is taught and how the quality of teaching is what can make them admire most important factor.And all of this, just relying on the support of the father-in-law, the platform of Director Zhai, and the support of Principal Yang is far from enough.As for this, Fang Yuan already had an idea, that is: to open up her classroom and let high school teachers see her teaching ability.

Seeing Fang Yuan's peaceful expression, Huang Jiawei was at a loss. He didn't know whether Fang Yuan was happy or unhappy after he said these things.Huang Jiawei was really a little afraid of the leader in charge who was more than ten years younger than him. The more calm Fang Yuan was, the more Huang Jiawei felt that Fang Yuan was unpredictable.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Huang for telling me these things. What do you think of these teachers' performance?" Huang Jiawei said: "It is better to put more thoughts into work." Fang Yuan said: "Yes! I will find a way , I will put forward my suggestion to President Yang. Director Huang, go and take a good look at Yu Haihe's work plan. I hope that this plan can better integrate your experience and my thinking, and be less idealistic. , more realistic and pragmatic measures, especially to prevent Yu Haihe's overly idealized conception, after all, not all teachers can have Yu Haihe's high academic accomplishment." Huang Jiawei said: "OK."

At around 1:68 p.m., Huang Jiawei and Yu Haihe came to Fangyuan's office together and brought the revised work plan for the second grade.Fangyuan read it carefully, and found that all the muscles and bones of the work plan for the second year of high school written by Huang Jiawei were re-incorporated, and with the flesh and blood of Yu Haihe, the plan became full and perfect.Fang Yuan said: "This job plan has made a lot of progress. Director Yu, I appreciate your drive and enthusiasm, and I hope you can continue to maintain it. In terms of work experience, Director Huang is not only your teacher, but also my teacher. In the future I still have to ask Director Huang for advice. I remember that when I first became the teaching director in [-] Middle School, none of the teachers who were older than me were convinced, so it was more difficult to carry out the work. But to be able to carry out good work, There are two most important points: one is to prove your ability and let the teachers believe in you. Everyone has made progress, and the grades and teaching grades are improving, so they will naturally get support; the other is to learn from Director Huang, how to be sincere and fair Treat people, how to get along with the teachers, how to serve the teachers well, how to let the teachers feel that you are thinking of them, so that there is an equal and friendly working relationship between you and the teachers. Sometimes, once The relationship with the teachers froze when the work was carried out more rigidly, and it will be more difficult to resolve it later, and to promote the work smoothly."

Yu Haihe wondered if Fangyuan's real age was 27?No matter how it sounds, he seems to be a mature and experienced middle-aged man.Yu Haihe said: "Okay. I will learn more from Director Huang, and I will also learn from Principal Fang." Fang Yuan said: "The work plan is all right, let's go to the meeting. Director Huang, you and Director Zeng and Yu The director will call the teachers of all grades first, and I will invite Principal Yang." Huang Jiawei said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan came to Yang Fang's office, and saw Yang Fang's kind and kind smile: "Xiao Fang, what can I do for you?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm going to hold a high school teacher's meeting this afternoon, and ask the three deans to tell about their grades. I also want to say a few words and mention specific requirements. This is the first plenary meeting of the senior high school period, and Principal Yang is invited to preside over it." Yang Fang said: "You are in charge, you can hold it yourself " Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yang has passed, I am full of confidence!" Yang Fang smiled: "Okay, then I will go and have a look. However, not for a long time, because I have to attend a meeting at the Municipal Education Bureau in the afternoon .Do you think this will work? I'll host it, and when the meeting starts, I'll leave." Fang Yuan said, "Your attendance is the greatest support."

When Yang Fang and Fang Yuan came to the lecture theater, the teachers of all high school subjects had basically arrived.When Huang Jiawei saw Yang Fang and Fang Yuan, he hurried up to greet him: "Principal Yang, Principal Fang, they are all here. All the class teachers and all the teachers of the college entrance examination are here. There are still a few art and physical education teachers missing." Yang Fang said: "The efficiency is quite high!" Huang Jiawei said: "We still haven't all arrived, the work of our teaching office is not enough." If you come to the office, it will be counted as attendance. If you are late, you will be counted as late;Sure enough, this Fangyuan's style is somewhat different.Yang Fang wanted to persuade Fang Yuan not to be so serious, but after thinking about it, she held back.Fang Yuan really needs to establish authority, but I don't know if Fang Yuan has thought about it, and whether this will cause more opposition.Now, Fang Yuan seems to be calling the wind and rain in episode 5, but he is actually in the center of the vortex of the storm. If he can't quickly use his ability to convince the hearts of the teachers, Fang Yuan may really be in danger.This is not what I want to see, and I believe it is not what Director Zhai wants to see.As the principal, I am also responsible. I haven't done a good job of being a ladder!Yang Fang said: "Director Huang, keep your records. When you told the office, you said that I was the one who deducted the bonus." Huang Jiawei said, "Okay, principal."

At this time, Yang Fang remembered that Zhai Xinwen also deducted money from two people during the enlarged meeting of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. Deputy Director Yu Shengli and Director Gangyu of the Admissions Office each deducted 5 yuan.It should be said that the effect was quite good, two people were fined, and a large area was shocked.Should I follow Director Zhai Xinwen's example today?

The meeting was chaired by Yang Fang.Yang Fang said: "Before the start of school, it is very necessary for the high school to hold such a meeting attended by all high school teachers. However, some teachers are not aware of it and have not attended until now. Let's do this. Anyone who is late today will be deducted 20% of the attendance bonus." Those who did not attend the meeting today will be deducted 100 yuan of attendance bonus. The teaching office will write down the list and give it to me to sign for confirmation. After the meeting in the afternoon, send it to the office for registration.”

The audience was shocked.This has never happened since Yang Fang came to the 5th Central Committee.Could it be that Yang Fang, who has always been kind, friendly and tolerant, will also become strict?Some teachers couldn't resist sending text messages to teachers who didn't show up.Many people shifted their eyes from Yang Fang to Fang Yuan's face, and saw Fang Yuan sitting there calmly, smiling, without any expression.This made many people unable to understand this young vice principal at all.

Yang Fang said: "Today's meeting was held by the high school itself. Originally, Principal Fang could host it by himself. Principal Fang invited me to come, so I must come. For no other reason, high school work is the most important thing in the 5 schools. As a principal, I have always attached great importance to one of the tasks. I am sitting here today to tell all the teachers that I will go all out to support the work of Principal Fang and the work of the three teaching directors. Okay, the rest of the meeting , it will be presided over by Principal Fang."

Yang Fang didn't talk much, but Fang Yuan was very grateful.It is such a great support to take the money to punish the absent teacher on her body; now, she directly said "to support Principal Fang's work with all her strength", what else is needed?You know, Yang Fang is the principal after all, if she comes to support everything, then Yang Fang is not the principal, but the vice principal in charge of the high school.

Amid the applause, Fang Yuan, Huang Jiawei, Yu Haihe, and Zeng Peixuan sent Yang Fang out of the auditorium.Going back to the lecture theater, it was already quiet in the lecture theater.In the past few days, there are too many legends about Fangyuan~ the new vice principal, true and false, false and true, and it is hard to figure out which one is the real Fangyuan, which one is the evil Fangyuan, and which one It is an insidious method, which one is the most talented Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sat on the rostrum alone.He scanned the audience, heh, there are more than 100 people!When so many eyes were looking at him in unison, Fang Yuan still felt a little flustered in his heart.But there is no way to do it. If you are in a panic, you must sit still. If you are in your position, you must seek your own government.

Fangyuan said: "Teachers, good afternoon. I am very glad to have the opportunity to cooperate with all the teachers here to jointly undertake the mission of developing No. 5 Middle School, improving the quality of the college entrance examination, and enhancing the popularity and reputation of No. 5 Middle School. Today's meeting, I don't know if it has been held in the past in the 5th middle school, but I think it is very important. Our theme today is: please the directors in charge of the three grades, read out the work plans of each grade, and finally I will say a few words. Please Science and teachers of all grades keep records, and the work plan for the new semester will eventually be implemented in the daily work of each teacher, and the ultimate goal is to improve the teaching quality of each grade, each class, and each subject in high school. Now, First of all, let Director Zeng read out the new semester plan for the first year of senior high school."

Zeng Peixuan, Yu Haihe, and Huang Jiawei announced the plans of their respective grades in turn.Fang Yuan sat there, looking around the audience.The content of this process is boring and time-consuming, because the quality of the teachers is different. Some teachers, especially those who teach the main subjects, listen with great interest; but some teachers who teach the sub-subjects feel sleepy the more they listen.Finally, when Yu Haihe read out the plan, a person snored.Fang Yuan suddenly interrupted Yu Haihe's reading: "Director Yu, stop for a moment. Director Huang, look, the male teacher sitting in the fourth row from the bottom, in the middle, has fallen asleep. I announce that the teacher has a meeting today If you sleep in time, it will be regarded as absent from work, and his name will be recorded in the list of late arrivals and absences today, report to Principal Yang, and report directly to the office, and deduct as much as you want."

The sleeping male teacher was woken up, someone told him something, he stood up immediately: "Why deduct my money? Who deducted my money?" Fang Yuan said, "It's me. It's meeting time, don't listen to the director carefully." Read out the plan, memorize it, and think about it, but you are sleeping, is it reasonable?" The male teacher said: "Then just wake me up, why do you want to deduct my money? I don't accept it."

Fang Yuan said: "What's your name? What subject do you teach?" The male teacher said: "My name is Li Quan, and I teach history." Fang Yuan said: "If you have any disagreement on the punishment, you can come to me after the meeting. Let’s talk about it.” Li Quan said, “If you have anything to talk about, don’t deduct money from me, you can talk about anything.” Fang Yuan said, “Today is the first high school teacher’s meeting. To deal with it fairly, I believe that those teachers who are on time and listen carefully will also have opinions in their hearts. So, today we will have a public opinion decision. If most teachers support you to sleep, you can ignore it, then I will No matter. Okay, teachers, today I fully respect the opinions of the teachers. I only ask two questions. The first question is that Teacher Li Quan fell asleep during the meeting. Is he wrong? If you think he is wrong, Please raise your hand."

Alright, everyone in the audience raised their hands one after another.Isn't that obvious?It is definitely not right to sleep in a meeting.

Fang Yuan said: "In order to be serious about the conduct and discipline, I personally think that strict requirements must be imposed and severe punishment must be dealt with. Those who agree not to punish Mr. Li Quan, please raise your hand. If more than half of the people agree, then I will not deduct Mr. Li's money. "

No hands were raised.Some people wanted to lift it, and they lifted it halfway, but when the others didn't lift it, they let it go.Fang Yuan said: "Teacher Li, let's see if there is any teacher who supports you?" Seeing that no one supported him, Li Quan was also very annoyed: "Principal Fang, yes, you have the ability! You really have the wrists to take the knife on me!" Fang Yuan sneered: "If you don't sleep, how can I punish you? Please don't make unreasonable points. I just take the knife for all violations of discipline. You observe discipline well, How could I punish you? What's more, this is not my personal opinion, but the opinion of all the teachers, and it has nothing to do with wrists." Li Quan was speechless for a moment.

Fang Yuan said, "Director Yu, you continue to read the plan."

From this moment on, who else in the audience would dare to take a nap?A small matter, let all the high school teachers see their new vice principal in charge, it really is different!Fangyuan also tasted the power of mobilizing the masses for the first time, and the power to do things that are supported by the vast majority of people is great!

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