Director's growth history

2162.1171. The subtle interaction between the secretary of the municipal party committee and the may

At 2007:9 pm on September 7, 2, the Dongzhou Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium was held in Room 108 of the Dongzhou Party Committee Hotel. [@] Wang Guodong, Secretary of Dongzhou Municipal Committee, Song Yunsheng, Mayor of Dongzhou City, Shi Mingxiang, Deputy Secretary of Dongzhou Municipal Committee, Sheng Zhiren, Member of the Standing Committee of Dongzhou Municipal Committee and Minister of Organization, Deng Yuncong, Member of the Standing Committee of Dongzhou Municipal Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress Ou Jinjun, deputy director, and Kong Xiuyun, vice chairman of Dongzhou CPPCC, attended the symposium.On the long oval conference table, city leaders sat in a row.On the outside of Ou Jinjun, sitting on the far side of the front row was Zhai Xinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau.To Fangyuan's surprise, Sun Hongjun, deputy secretary of the party committee, Zou Zhigang, deputy director, Yu Shengli, Geng Qing, Kong Lili, deputy researcher, labor union chairman Song Ping, deputy researcher Feng Liang, etc., in the eyes of teachers in Dongzhou's education system The cadres of the Education Bureau who are big leaders can only sit in the second row, behind the leaders.

Fang Yuan was sitting in the front row opposite the city leader. Although he was not in the middle, there were two rows of outstanding teacher representatives behind Fang Yuan. It was estimated that no speeches were arranged.Those sitting in the front row must have arranged to speak.

The symposium was chaired by Zhai Xinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Education Bureau.Zhai Xinwen smiled brightly and said in a cheerful voice: "Teachers! Today, we are holding a symposium for outstanding teachers in Dongzhou City. The participants in the symposium today are national and provincial teachers from all levels of the city's education system. , city-level outstanding teachers, outstanding educators, teaching experts, and representatives of professionals. As the 23rd Teacher’s Day is approaching, the General Secretary of the □□Central Committee and the President of the State met with representatives of outstanding teachers across the country, held a discussion, and published a The important speech put forward four ardent expectations for our teachers, which made us feel the care of the general secretary, the care of the party and the country for education and teachers. Similarly, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have always attached great importance to education. I am also very concerned about the teachers. Today, the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government all attended our symposium. Please allow me to introduce the city leaders who attended the symposium. Comrade Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Song Yunsheng, Mayor, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Comrade Shi Mingxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Sheng Zhiren, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong, vice chairman of the Municipal People's Congress Comrade Ou Jinjun, and vice chairman of the CPPCC Political Consultative Conference Comrade Kong Xiuyun. Let us welcome the city leaders with the warmest applause s arrival!"

There were smiles on everyone's faces, and everyone's applause was extremely warm.It's really like celebrating the new year, even Fang Yuan seems to be infected, with a happy smile on his face, but Fang Yuan knows that he is actually quite nervous now, thinking of speaking in front of the city leaders, Fang Yuan My heart is as restless as a deer.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Now, I announce that the symposium will begin." Wang Guodong suddenly said: "Is this the beginning? This is the first time I have participated in the outstanding teacher representative symposium since I became the mayor and secretary of the municipal party committee! I remember that in previous years It was Mayor Deng who participated on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, right, old Deng?" Deng Yuncong said with a smile: "That's right." Wang Guodong said: "Education is the hope of a nation, and it is also the hope of a city! Education must develop , teachers are the key. In the past, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government did not pay enough attention to education and teachers. Emphasis on education, emphasis on teachers." Song Yunsheng said: "What Secretary Wang said is true. In the future, the municipal party committee and the municipal government will pay more attention to education and care about the work and life of teachers, rather than just paying attention to words. At present, The economic and social development momentum of Dongzhou City is good. The secondary and tertiary industries represented by the private economy are developing rapidly, and the local financial resources of Dongzhou have also increased significantly. Although the construction and development of Dongzhou City still needs a lot of financial investment, the city The government has the determination and ability to squeeze out another piece of financial funds to improve the living conditions of teachers in the city. It is necessary to truly make the profession of teachers a profession that is respected by the whole society. As the mayor, I said this today, It must be done for the teachers!"

All the representatives of outstanding teachers here applauded enthusiastically. Everyone was very happy. They did not expect that the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor would bring such good news today.In fact, what teachers are most concerned about is whether the salary can be improved. The mayor has made a promise, so the salary must be increased.

But Zhai Xinwen secretly complained in his heart.Today's procedure is, first, Zou Zhigang, deputy director of the Education Bureau, reported the situation of Dongzhou education in the first 8 months, and the work plan for the new semester; then representatives of outstanding teachers made speeches, and a total of 5 representatives were arranged; then the city leaders gave speeches.Because there are many leaders here today, I plan to start with Deng Yuncong, then Sheng Zhiren, then Shi Mingxiang, then Song Yunsheng, and finally Wang Guodong.Now, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor have already started speaking. Obviously, it is impossible to report.What makes Zhai Xinwen feel more dangerous in the officialdom is that between Secretary Wang and Mayor Song, they are already secretly fighting for the dominance of today's discourse.My God!If two city leaders come together to run on me, Zhai Xinwen, will they still let me live?From the perspective of being an official, what Secretary Wang Guodong said was well-regulated and in line with the norms. The city's first and second leaders attended at the same time, which indeed reflected the importance attached to education and teachers, but Secretary Wang's emphasis was precisely on the form Emphasis on words, emphasis on words.Mayor Song Yunsheng, on the other hand, affirmed Secretary Wang's words with a smile on his face, but dropped a blockbuster: squeeze out a piece of financial funds and improve teachers' living conditions.This is clearly for the representatives of these excellent teachers to compare who is more concerned about education and teachers.My God, this is really smiling and singing a beautiful song. This secret confrontation is already sharpening swords and swords.

At this moment, Zhai Xinwen seemed to realize something again.No wonder Sheng Zhiren is also here today. It is said that the head of the organization in charge of the organization has nothing to do with today's meeting.If you understand it carefully, is this Mayor Song bringing Minister Sheng and Mayor Deng to show his strength to Secretary Wang?It's hard to guess the leader's mind, but if you can't guess the leader's mind, then you won't be able to do positive work, let alone do it well.

After the applause subsided, Deng Yuncong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, said: "The protagonists of today's symposium are all our teachers here. Everyone is a representative of outstanding teachers from various districts, cities, counties, and schools in Dongzhou City. Education □□. Today, Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, Secretary Shi, Minister Sheng, Director Ou, and Chairman Kong came here to listen to everyone’s opinions on Dongzhou education, opinions and suggestions on the municipal party committee and government. Today Before coming here, Mayor Song specifically asked me to hope that the teachers would be open and honest, and we would welcome the affirmation of education, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government; Also welcome."

Zhai Xinwen's heart was pulled.I don't know if Kong Lili considered being politically strong when she checked the gate?Today, if anyone speaks indiscriminately, saying that Dongzhou education is not good or not, that the municipal party committee and government do not pay enough attention to education and teachers, and then mention the "Teacher Law" that stipulates that teachers' salaries are not lower than the level of local civil servants , This embarrasses not only the city leaders, but also him, the head of the Education Bureau!Now, although Deng Yuncong has set such a tone, as the deputy mayor in charge, if someone says this is not good, then it is not good, and he may not be able to sit still as the deputy mayor in charge.However, the smell of gunpowder smoke could still be smelled, otherwise Deng Yuncong would have brought out Song Yunsheng's emphasis on today's tone instead of Wang Guodong.It seems that the officialdom is full of mysteries.

Zhai Xinwen looked back at Kong Lili who was sitting in the second row. Kong Lili also looked a little nervous.Zhai Xinwen was a little annoyed: Lili is always calm and at ease, what happened today?Is it going to make this matter impossible to end?

Song Yunsheng spoke again: "Mayor Deng said just now that teachers are welcome to speak. Discussion, discussion, is to sit on the seat and talk freely. I am here today, one is to congratulate the teachers on Happy Teacher's Day, and the other is to listen to the teachers. I am also mentally prepared to be scolded. If there is something, I will change it. If there is nothing, I will be crowned. The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government still have to make up their minds to improve the level of education in Dongzhou."

This is simply encouraging criticism!Zhai Xinwen's heart hangs.This has never happened before.In the past, they always followed the agenda of the symposium. Unexpectedly, today the order was disrupted.More importantly, Wang Guodong, secretary of the municipal party committee, was unable to control the situation. Judging from the current situation, Mayor Song firmly grasped the right to speak.If this trend continues, it is inevitable that some teachers will express their complaints and opinions.Complaints and opinions are not forbidden, you can talk to Sun Hongjun, you can talk to Song Ping, you can also talk to me, the bureau chief!But today's occasion should have been a happy occasion for everyone. If the city leaders walked away after so many complaints and opinions were discussed, then my life as the bureau chief would be difficult!No, we must find a way to reverse this passive situation.Zhai Xinwen glanced at all outstanding teacher representatives and saw Fangyuan at a glance.Seeing that the teachers were contemplating and hadn't spoken for the time being, Zhai Xinwen became even more anxious. At this critical moment, we must let trusted people speak, we must let people who talk about politics and care about the overall situation speak, and Fang Yuan's performance this morning, Obviously, Zhai Xinwen was more at ease.Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, Secretary Shi, Minister Sheng, Mayor Deng, Director Ou, Chairman Kong, all leaders, the representatives attending the symposium of excellent teacher representatives today include three generations of old, middle and young people, including university, middle school , elementary school, kindergarten and special education representatives, the youngest of them is Teacher Fangyuan, who once won the first prize in Dongzhou’s first national Chinese quality class competition in the country. I propose that this youngest Fangyuan be the one to start a conversation. ,OK?"

Wang Guodong said, "Which one is Fang Yuan?" Fang Yuan stood up and said, "Secretary Wang, I am Fang Yuan." For the first prize, I will give instructions." Fang Yuan didn't know about the instructions, but Zhai Xinwen did.Zhai Xinwen quickly said: "Yes, Secretary Wang gave two important instructions because of Teacher Fang's award, encouraging Dongzhou Education to make persistent efforts and make further progress. Of course, he also put forward his earnest expectations and wishes for Fang Yuan."

Song Yunsheng smiled and said, "Not only do I know Fang Yuan, but I have also known this young vice principal for a long time." Just one sentence, although it was said with a smile, obviously put Wang Guodong under the pressure, Wang Guodong just knew people, and Song Yunsheng still knew him.Song Yunsheng said: "Fang Yuan is one of the youngest party representatives at the Dongzhou Party Congress. At the Party Congress in February this year, I participated in the discussion of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Group. Comrade Fang Yuan made a speech that impressed me deeply. .Since Director Zhai asked Comrade Fang Yuan to initiate this, I believe that Comrade Fang Yuan will definitely initiate this.”

Heh, Wang Guodong still hasn't regained the initiative to speak!Although Wang Guodong still had a bright smile on his face, he was extremely annoyed in his heart: Song Yunsheng, you can do it, you control the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and you will not let it go during such a festive symposium with outstanding teacher representatives , you are too much!The national symposium for excellent teacher representatives is received by the party general secretary, not the prime minister. Why are you here trying to steal the limelight from me?

There is central air conditioning in the meeting room, and the temperature is 26 degrees.This is a document issued by the central government, which requires energy conservation, and the air conditioners of all party and government agencies are adjusted to 26 degrees.The Dongzhou Municipal Government also issued such a document.It was such a warm and comfortable temperature, thin beads of sweat oozed from Zhai Xinwen's head, while Sun Hongjun, Kong Lili, and Song Ping had already wiped off several times with tissues.Yu Shengli, Geng Qing, and Feng Liang did not change their faces, nor did they change in any way.

Zhai Xinwen secretly prayed: Fangyuan, you must not let me down!

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