Director's growth history

2163.1172. Zhai Xinwen's Heart Reached His Throat

Fang Yuan couldn't understand the subtle interaction between the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor. Fang Yuan, who was at a lower level, couldn't tell that the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor were already competing. He felt that the two leaders spoke very well, but Mayor Song spoke more. Make yourself happy, after all, improving living conditions is something that teachers can benefit from. 【-】While seeing Mayor Deng and Mayor Song put forward their opinions openly and honestly, what Fang Yuan felt was the leader's mind and the leader's □□ concept. What you need to have is the demeanor that the prime minister can pull a boat in his belly, and he secretly admires it in his heart.Fang Yuan also paid attention to Zhai Xinwen's expression, but got information that made Fang Yuan feel puzzled. Zhai Xinwen had already wiped his sweat several times. How could a calm and experienced bureau chief sweat so much in such a warm and comfortable room? ?Looking at Sun Hongjun again, he seemed to be wiping away his sweat.This made Fang Yuan extremely strange.

Fang Yuan was taken aback when Director Zhai asked him to speak by name.The order of speeches today, according to Director Kong's arrangement, I should be the third to speak.Now, Director Zhai asked himself to speak first, what does it mean?Fang Yuan saw Zhai Xinwen pointing lightly at the speech he was holding in Zhai Xinwen's hand with his index finger, Fang Yuan immediately understood that this was for him to speak according to the content of the manuscript!Now that the director has said it, although he doesn't understand why he did this, there must be nothing wrong with the director's instructions.This speech has three meanings. One is to praise the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for its emphasis on education;In the past few days, Fang Yuan didn’t have time to conceive, and felt that the speech draft was quite good, but at this time, Fang Yuan decided that it’s better to speak from the heart, as long as the above three meanings can be reflected in the heart, it’s fine. Well.

Fangyuan breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his expression, and said, "Respected Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, and respected city leaders, I am very honored to be able to receive the love and praise of all city leaders. In fact, I It is an ordinary young teacher who has achieved a little success because he has received the love of his superiors and caught up with a good working environment where he can fully demonstrate his personal abilities, coupled with the training of the Education Bureau, the teaching and research section, and the school leaders. Today, I am also very honored to participate in the symposium of outstanding teacher representatives, and I am very grateful to all the leaders for providing me with such an opportunity to speak and express my thoughts."

Song Yunsheng said: "Teacher Xiaofang, Secretary Wang and I, as well as Secretary Shi and other comrades, I think, all want to hear the innermost thoughts of representatives of outstanding teachers. Mayor Deng said it openly and honestly."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Mayor Song, for your trust. If there is anything wrong with what I say in my heart today, please forgive me and forgive me."

Song Yunsheng laughed a few times: "Don't worry, Teacher Xiaofang. The prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, and Secretary Wang, me, and other leaders have 600 million people in Dongzhou in their hearts. There is nothing we can't accommodate. Secretary Wang, don’t you think so?”

Wang Guodong's smile was very gentlemanly: "Mayor Song is right. Xiao Fang, one thing to say one thing, another thing to say two things." At this time, Wang Guodong suddenly moved a little bit, he hoped that Fang Yuan could really reveal the truth about Dongzhou education. the short.Of course, this is also exposing the shortcomings of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, but isn't this opportunity a good opportunity to adjust the personnel layout of the Education Bureau?

Zhai Xinwen's heart was in his throat.Where is Fangyuan, what do you want to say?Have you forgotten your speech?Did you forget our morning conversation?Don't you see the hint I'm giving you?Kong Lili, who was sitting in the second row, could hardly bear to speak, but Sun Hongjun, who was equally nervous, pulled her sleeves tightly, and then held back.

Fang Yuan said: "Municipal leaders, bureau leaders, and colleagues: you can only know good and bad by comparing, and you can know good and bad only by personal experience. I grew up in Tonghua City, Jilin Province, and my classmates also have the same , as a middle school teacher in a certain city in Jilin, we graduated in the same year, participated in educational work in the same year, and became a glorious people's teacher together. But the difference is really not small. My classmates now add everything to their monthly income, about That’s 1000 yuan just in the early days, but what about me? When the salary income has reached 2300 yuan, if you add school benefits, it’s more than 3000 yuan a month, which is three times the income of my middle school classmates. In terms of salary I can deeply feel how much the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach importance to education and how much they care about teachers! Today, Mayor Song also mentioned that the living conditions of the majority of teachers in Dongzhou should be further improved. This makes me very encouraged, and I wonder if everyone in this room is also very excited?"

Many teachers met Fang Yuan's gaze and nodded solemnly.Zhai Xinwen mentioned the heart in his throat followed by a long breath, and slowly returned to his chest cavity.Kong Lili's tense nerves also relaxed.Although I didn't read it from the script, this kind of verbal expression has more real feelings and the power to touch people's hearts.

Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "The promise made by the municipal government will definitely be fulfilled. In the near future, the mayor's office meeting will be held to study this issue. I must give a satisfactory answer to the teachers in the city."

The teachers cheered up and applauded enthusiastically, giving the applause to Song Yunsheng.Song Yunsheng waved his hand, feeling very proud: Wang Guodong, on the territory of Dongzhou, I, Song Yunsheng, have the final say, not your municipal party secretary.Song Yunsheng said, "Xiao Fang, continue talking."

Fang Yuan said: "I am a young teacher, and I have only been working for a little over 5 years. Thinking about my growth and progress in the past few years, I deeply feel that every bit of my progress is inseparable from the education of the Municipal Education Bureau. The care, guidance and help of the leaders, the leaders of the municipal teaching and research section, and the leaders of my school. When I was preparing to participate in the Qingjiang Provincial and National Chinese Quality Course Competitions in 2006, the school leaders wanted me to give good lessons, win glory for the school, and serve Dongzhou Education wins glory. In addition to attending classes with me, he also arranged rich meals to ensure my daily nutrition. The leaders and teachers of the teaching and research section leaned on the school almost every day to give all-round guidance, and even took me to other schools for trial lectures , Insufficient search, careful guidance. The leaders of the Education Bureau are also very concerned. I clearly remember that Zou Zhigang, the deputy director in charge of teaching, went to the front line to listen to the lectures and commented on my trial lectures; I also clearly remember that when I was going to Chengdu When participating in the competition, Director Zhai Xinwen and Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun also went to the train station to see us off in person and encouraged me to perform at my best level; when I came back from the competition in Chengdu, Director Zhai, Secretary Sun, and Director Kong personally went to the train station to pick me up I have grown from an ordinary young teacher to a teaching director, an assistant principal, and a vice principal, and I entrust the love and expectations of the bureau leaders. I deeply feel that every bit of my progress has been soaked in by the school leaders, teaching and research section leaders and teachers. The hard work and sweat of the leaders of the bureau; I feel more deeply that as long as a young teacher works hard, the leaders of the Dongzhou Education Bureau will create a good working environment and conditions for you and pave the way for the growth of young teachers; The leaders of the Dongzhou Education Bureau are not only happy for you, but also use honor and progress to inspire young teachers including me to work harder and strive for more and greater achievements!"

***, very well said!Zhai Xinwen was in full bloom, this is simply singing the praises of Dongzhou education!He also named and thanked the leaders of the Education Bureau, including Zhai Xinwen. This Fangyuan said it better than his speech.The point is, Fang Yuan's speech set the tone and direction for the speeches of the other teachers later on. Who else would dare to speak indiscriminately without understanding flattery?

Song Yunsheng was also very happy, and sighed in his heart: This Confucius Tian really has a little bit of ability to look after horses!Recruiting such a good son-in-law into the family is covering potential stocks!The last time the old man Wang Yongsheng came to Dongzhou, he probably meant the same thing. It is a pity that Kong Zitian took the lead, and Deputy Commander Wang probably didn't feel very happy.

Fang Yuan said: "I have always firmly believed that everyone should have a heart of gratitude. I often ask myself: In the past five years since I joined the work, leaders at all levels have given me so much care and help, and given me so many honors. and opportunities, what should I do? I firmly believe that I must work harder to repay the care and honor of the leaders and higher organizations. Therefore, when I was the vice principal in charge of teaching in 68, I was called by everyone Desperate Saburo, relying on the third grade of junior high school every day, and sharing joys and sorrows with the teachers of various subjects in the third grade of junior high school. It is normal to say that I am young and difficult to convince the public; but in 68, I am very united and harmonious. I think an important reason is that I was in the Fight with the teachers of all subjects, instead of me standing by and watching the teachers fight! I can not fight, but I don’t fight, I am sorry for the organization, I am sorry for the leaders who care about me, and I am sorry for these teachers who are working hard , So, with a grateful heart, I worked hard! There are rewards if I fight hard. With the joint efforts of all the teachers in the school, the results of the senior high school entrance examination in 68 jumped from the middle to the No.3 in Dongzhou City. Now, in terms of organization Arranged me to serve as the vice principal of No. 5, the most famous school in Dongzhou. I know that this is the trust of the organization. Only by working harder can I be worthy of the organization's training. In No. 5, I will teach my Chinese class to the whole school All subjects and teachers of all grades are open! Open classes are very tiring, and I need to put in several times more effort than usual when preparing lessons, but I have no complaints or regrets, because I know that I am the only one who can do well Chinese class, this is far from enough, one person is good is not really good, everyone is good is really good. As a teacher who has won awards in the country and the whole province, I must play a good role in radiating and leading, if the teachers in the whole school If they can all be able to win awards in the city, province, and country, then the professional quality of the teachers in No. 5 Middle School will be significantly improved, and the quality of education and teaching in No. 5 Middle School will definitely reach a new level. The people of the city provide better education. At the same time, I also feel that as the vice principal in charge of high school teaching, I am not here to command the teachers, but to set an example for the teachers, to set a hard-working, dedicated research teaching As a role model, then the teachers of No. 5 Middle School and High School may devote more attention to research and teaching, and put more energy into work. Everything I do comes from a grateful heart. I am grateful to the organization, to the Leader, I am grateful to all the leaders, colleagues and friends who have helped me."

Fang Yuan seemed to be really agitated, with crystal tears shining in his eyes.Song Yunsheng seemed to be infected by Fang Yuan: "Mr. Xiao Fang, what a comrade! If every comrade in Dongzhou Education can think like this and do this, why don't Dongzhou Education fail? If Dongzhou Education Comrades from all walks of life and all fronts in the state can think this way, and they can do the same. There is no need to worry about the various undertakings in Dongzhou. Today, I see that many reporters have come to catch models. What kind of models should we catch? I think Teacher Xiaofang is a good example!"

It was as if he was giving instructions to the reporters, and the reporters naturally listened with light in their hearts.Zhai Xinwen was very happy. Fang Yuan's speech today was completely unscripted, but it was [-] times more exciting than unscripted.Representatives of other excellent teachers can only follow this path to talk about the cultivation of the organization, how to make greater contributions to education in the future, and how to play a leading role in radiation. Otherwise, they will be compared by Fang Yuan, at least in terms of perception. In terms of consciousness, it is inferior.I believe that these face-saving teachers are not reconciled to this.Fang Yuan will definitely be jealous today, but this is not a matter of all disadvantages and no benefits. At least Fang Yuan was elected as the first top ten people's teachers in Dongzhou City, so there will not be so many voices of dissent.

Song Yunsheng seemed to be full of ideas: "Minister Sheng, please say a few words." Sheng Zhiren immediately understood what Song Yunsheng meant, and said with a smile: "I was also inspired by Comrade Fangyuan's speech just now. I was thinking just now, organizing What can the department do for comrades from all walks of life, including hard-working and outstanding achievements in education? I will bring this topic back to the organization department, and let the comrades in the organization department study it and come up with an opinion. ** Emphasized many times In the selection and training of cadres, the organizational department should not let the honest people suffer, the comrades who work diligently, and the comrades who have made important contributions. I think that the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department must resolutely implement the General Secretary's Instructive spirit. Similarly, I also hope that the organization and personnel department of the Education Bureau will also thoroughly understand the spirit of the general secretary’s instructions and implement them well.”

Sheng Zhiren seemed to speak clearly, but he didn't seem to say anything.Zhai Xinwen sighed: Minister Sheng's art of official language is really far beyond my reach!It seems that it is really difficult to get a few clear words from Minister Sheng!But if Sheng Zhiren had no instructions, the last sentence seemed to be addressed to himself, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.Hey, it is really not an easy task to understand the intention of the leader.

At this time, Wang Guodong opened his mouth: "The municipal party committee has been discovering, selecting and cultivating talents for various undertakings in Dongzhou. The municipal party committee will see every talent. Those who should be reused must be reused. Today, after listening to Teacher Fangyuan His speech was very inspiring and educational, I wonder if I can read teacher Fang's speech?"

Wang Guodong's sudden speech startled Song Yunsheng and Zhai Xinwen's body in a cold sweat. My God, is there any problem?In previous years, the symposiums of excellent teacher representatives hosted by Mayor Deng were always enjoyable; how could this year's symposium be so subtle?Zhai Xinwen's heart once again reached his throat.

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