Director's growth history

2369.1341. A purely unexpected harvest

Xiong Yayan's words alerted Fang Yuan, but it didn't affect everyone's mood of communication. 【 | 】The best oolong tea is here. Everyone is drinking tea, eating all kinds of snacks brought by Ding Chunxiao, and talking about their business. Habitually grasping the first and key points of the problem, Ding Chunxiao felt that it was a great honor to bring his godbrother here today, and Xiong Yayan, Ji Meijun, Shu Weirong and others also looked at Fang Yuan with admiration.Only Kong Shuanghua felt like an outsider, sitting there, not knowing what to say, because there was no common language.Several times, Kong Shuanghua wanted to leave, but seeing four women who were older than Fangyuan, Kong Shuanghua felt a little uneasy.Now, in Kong Shuanghua's heart, holding Fangyuan is very important. Fangyuan belongs to me, not other women. Although it doesn't make much sense to stay here by myself, there is always a role of supervision.

Fang Yuan tried his best to bring the topic to the cooperation with Dongzhou University.Fang Yuan said: "A few bosses don't know whether they have the intention of cooperating with Dongzhou University? If so, then I would like to connect the bosses." Xiong Yayan said: "Of course! I really hope that I can sign a procurement agreement with Dongzhou University. According to the agreement, in the future, Shunfeng Company will contract the shoes used by teachers and students of Dongzhou University. President Fang, I hope you can recommend them!” Fang Yuan said: “There is no problem, the problem is that Shunfeng Company has occupied Dongzhou University. market, so what can Shunfeng Company do for Dongzhou University?" Xiong Yayan said: "Principal Fang, some truths in this world are actually very simple. I am willing to give up 50% of the profits if I can sell a pair of shoes at Dongzhou University , for you, for your father-in-law. This is enough! If you sell 1 pairs of shoes, each pair of shoes will make a profit of 60 yuan, my company will earn 300 million, and you and your father-in-law will earn 300 million."

Kong Shuanghua worried Fang Yuan and his father, but saw Fang Yuan sneer: "My father-in-law is an honest scholar, not one who accepts bribes; I am a teacher of the people, let alone do such a thing. Mr. Xiong, I don't have the slightest suggestion from you." Not interested." Kong Shuanghua was full of admiration for her husband.

Xiong Yayan said: "In this world, is there anyone who doesn't like money? Without money, absolutely not. What's more, the money is legal income, so what's so scary?" My father-in-law sees it in the same way. Money is good, but it is obtained in a proper way. For the father-in-law who wants to make a real contribution to the development of Dongzhou University by taking kickbacks and commissions, it is not only a violation of the party’s discipline, but also an excuse for my father-in-law. I don’t like it at all.” Xiong Yayan said: “The appetite is a little too big.” Fang Yuan said: “What appetite?” Xiong Yayan said: “I can make 50% of the profit, which is already my limit. Want more?" Fang Yuan said, "Boss Xiong, I don't know if you don't understand, or you're pretending to be confused! Let me tell you plainly, your way of opening up the market won't work for me and my father-in-law. We will not ask for such money. This kind of cooperation is not beneficial to the development of Dongzhou University. It is good for your business, but for us personally, it is dragging us down! Dongzhou University just had an earthquake, and the president and the vice president of infrastructure were slapped with double regulations because they took kickbacks, commissions, and bribes." Xiong Yayan said: "Isn't this the case for all officials?" Fang Yuan stood up: "You are wrong. Yes. If all officials are like this, there will be no earth-shaking changes in China during the 30 years of reform and opening up, and there will be no prosperity and strength in China today. Mr. Xiong, I think there is too much difference in our ideology. I think I and I There is no need for my lover to stay. Sister Ding, I have to go. Sorry."

Ding Chunxiao was stunned: "Brother, don't go! It's only been a while, and I haven't eaten yet!" Fangyuan's scholarly anger also came up: "The way is different, and we don't conspire. The general suggestion insults the personality of me and my father-in-law.” Xiong Yayan said: “How could I insult Principal Fang and Principal Kong?” Fang Yuan said: “Treating us the same as those who take kickbacks and commissions is not right. Are we insulted? Maybe there are such things in our lives, but it doesn't mean that my father-in-law and I are also like this! My wife, let's go." Kong Shuanghua stood up, looking at Fangyuan with more eyes Tenderness, but also more adoration.Kong Shuanghua said, "Honey, I support you."

Ding Chunxiao took Fang Yuan's arm: "Brother, maybe you have different ideas from Mr. Xiong, but the other bosses haven't talked about their ideas yet. Besides, I'm also very interested in your suggestion today. Tell me Say, if I want to sponsor a pastry design competition, how much will it cost?” In fact, Ding Chunxiao didn’t want to spend the money, but Ding Chunxiao is also a businessman, and Ding Chunxiao took a fancy to Dongzhou University’s more than 1 student market. Just now, Xiong Yayan didn't talk about the market of Chunxiao Company, but if Chunxiao Pastry is well-known in Dongzhou University, then the market capacity for one year is quite large.And holding such a competition is a new way to develop the market.If the cost of sponsoring a race isn't too much, then it's something to consider.

Under Ding Chunxiao's persuasion, Fang Yuan sat down again, but she didn't have a good impression of Xiong Yayan.Fang Yuan said: "I can't say how much this matter will cost, but I say that it is a win-win matter for Chunxiao Company and Dongzhou University." Ding Chunxiao said: "Yes. Fang Yuan said: "Sister Ding's sponsorship of a competition has several advantages. First, it increases the influence of Chunxiao Company in Dongzhou University. Everyone knows Chunxiao Pastry; second, perhaps in this competition, Chunxiao Company will Get a lot of good pastry product recipes; thirdly, through such a competition, Sister Ding will also find many available talents, and in the future they will be able to recruit to Chunxiao Company after graduation, specializing in pastry development, and your technical talents are guaranteed." Ding Chunxiao's eyes lit up: "Yes! But what benefits can we bring you?" Fang Yuan said, "My father-in-law and I won't ask for any benefits. My father-in-law has just presided over the work of Dongzhou University, and it is very necessary to establish Weixin, if we can absorb a lot of social funds from the outside, revitalize the various colleges and departments of the school, and increase the development funds for the school's development, then my father-in-law will be able to demonstrate his ability. I am telling the truth, I hope this will make it clearer express my thoughts."

Fang Yuan is used to conspiracy, so she speaks clearly, so there won't be many ambiguities.Unexpectedly, before Ding Chunxiao opened his mouth, Shu Weirong, the general manager of Shunfeng Clothing, said, "Principal Fang, I respect leaders like you and your father-in-law. I am very interested in cooperating with Dongzhou University." Fang Yuan said: "Oh, Mr. Shu is interested?" Shu Weirong said: "I have always felt that there is a fatal problem in the development of Shunfeng Clothing, that is, following the road of imitation and lack of technological innovation, so that Shunfeng Clothing has never been successful. Own brand. From the current point of view, the influence of Shunfeng Clothing has only stayed in Dongzhou or the southern part of Qingjiang Province, and has not reached the whole province, let alone the whole country. I don’t want Shunfeng Clothing to be in Youngor, Luomeng I hope that one day in the future, Shunfeng Clothing can also become a well-known and influential brand in the whole country." Fang Yuan said: "I respect a visionary entrepreneur like Mr. Shu." Shu Weirong said: Not an entrepreneur, but a small and medium-sized business owner who has just started from self-employment." Fang Yuan said: "The stage is as big as the dream. The distance of vision determines the size of the business. Some people, staring at What you see in front of you is short-sighted, so it is very difficult to expand your career.”

They are all sensible people, and they all know what Fang Yuan said.Xiong Yayan's expression was unnatural, but she couldn't admit that she was talking about her, because Fang Yuan didn't mention her by name.Shu Weirong looked at Fangyuan and felt that this young man was not simple.Shu Weirong said: "Thank you for the auspicious words of President Fang. I am interested in the two cooperation methods proposed by President Fang, and I think that the sooner we cooperate, the sooner both parties will benefit. In my opinion, we can start with a clothing design competition. At the beginning, I sponsored the funds, and all the clothing design proposals, as long as they were the winning works, were all owned by Shunfeng Company. Shunfeng Company rewarded the designers according to the level of the award. I can also provide other discounts, such as award-winning I can also give priority to being hired as an employee of Shunfeng Company." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, since Mr. Shu is so sincere, I can communicate with my father-in-law. I declare that my father-in-law and I will not ask for a penny. Good point, Mr. Shu understands what we mean." Shu Weirong said: "Principal Fang said, 'The distance of vision determines the size of a career.' Leaders like Principal Fang and your father-in-law will definitely not value small money. , I will definitely not pay attention to the immediate interests. I will not give a penny to Principal Fang, and I will not give a penny to your father-in-law." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, Shu is always a sensible person and a person who does great things. I don’t know when Mr. Shu will be free. I’ll invite my father-in-law to meet with you, and you can discuss in detail. I believe that your cooperation this time will definitely allow Dongzhou University to obtain a certain amount of valuable development funds, and Dongzhou University to study fine arts Students who study art design and fashion design also get opportunities to practice. At the same time, I also believe that the students of Dongzhou University may be able to have many designs that will satisfy Mr. Shu, and they can directly create Shunfeng's own brand; at the same time, as Mr. Shu said, you can find some available talents and use them for your company. In addition, through this event, if the publicity is good, the influence of Shunfeng Company will be further expanded. If you can Turning the activity into a long-term cooperation, Dongzhou University's innovative approach in running schools will expand the influence of Shunfeng Company to the whole country." Shu Weirong said: "Principal Fang is indeed a leader with a long-term vision. Your ideas, It is exactly what I want. However, we have always been pragmatic in our business. I think we should start by doing a good job in this "Shunfeng Clothing Cup" fashion design competition. If we do a good job in this competition, future Cooperation will come naturally.”

What an entrepreneurial style!Fangyuan looked at Shu Weirong with admiration.Fang Yuan said: "I'll call my father-in-law right now and listen to his opinion. If Mr. Shu has time, I think we can meet and discuss as soon as possible." Shu Weirong said: "I have time anytime. Just see Your father-in-law's time." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I'll call now."

Fangyuan called Kong Zitian and briefed him about Shunfeng Company's plan to cooperate with Dongzhou University in a costume design competition.Confucius Tian was worried that there was no way to get the money. When he heard his son-in-law say this, he was very happy: "Okay, how about we meet today?" Fang Yuan said: "Dad means to have a formal talk in the school office, which is more standardized. ,Yeah?"

Fang Yuan's words awakened Confucius Tian.Confucius Tian said: "Yes, you can ask Mr. Shu if you have time on Monday afternoon. If you have time, I will personally arrange to receive Mr. Shu at school and discuss cooperation matters face to face." Fang Yuan said: " I will tell Mr. Shu." Confucius said, "Thank you, Fangyuan. We are still a family, a family. I originally expected my students to play a role first, but I didn't expect my son-in-law to contact the company first. Do me a big favor!" Fangyuan said: "Today, a friend of mine invited me to drink tea with Shuanghua, and accidentally mentioned this matter. Mr. Shu is very interested. I believe that the cooperation between Dad and Mr. Shu will A win-win situation will definitely be achieved." Confucius Tian said cheerfully, "That's for sure. As long as I don't take a penny from my family, I will win and never lose in any kind of cooperation." Fang Yuan said, "Good advice, Dad."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan smiled and said to Shu Weirong: "Mr. Shu, my dad said that next Monday afternoon, if you have time, he will discuss with you face to face in the office." High-level cadres, seeing the director-level leaders, I really feel a little hopeless. Chun Xiao, do you have time? If you have time, come with me."

When Ding Chunxiao saw that Shu Weirong took the waiting time for cooperation, she became a little jealous. She suddenly felt that she should take the lead in such a good thing.With such an idea, Ding Chunxiao said: "Okay, I will go with you." Shu Weirong said: "I wonder if Principal Fang has time?" Fang Yuan said: "If I need to introduce you, I can ask for leave. However, after the referral is over, I don’t think I need to be there when we discuss the details.” Shu Weirong said: “Principal Fang’s referral is very important.”

Heh, I didn't expect that Mr. was so angry, and in a blink of an eye, there was a new atmosphere of cooperation.This is exactly what is lost, what is gained is Sangyu!Looking at Ding Chunxiao, looking at Shu Weirong, looking at Xiong Yayan, and looking at Ji Meijun who has been silent all the time, Fang Yuan sighed: This person's vision is actually really different.Among these few people, Shu Weirong is the most powerful, and her career will surely have the best development; Xiong Yayan seems to be well versed in the world, but relying on bribery and gifts, after all, she can only build the company into a place Sexy brands will never go out of Dongzhou; Sister Ding seems to be afraid of spending money. Is it worth being your own sister in this realm?Fang Yuan had doubts in her heart.

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