Director's growth history

2395.1360. Meeting Wang Quan

On Friday afternoon, I received a peaceful phone call from the Political Commissar of the Frontier Defense Regiment: "Secretary Fang, I'm in the city now, do you have time tonight? Let's get together, okay?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm invited by the Political Commissar, and I will definitely attend. 【&】" Heping said: "I will arrange a car to pick you up." Fang Yuan said: "I will bring the car myself." Heping said: "Principal Fang is my son and the leader of Fengxian School, how can he drive here by himself? Besides, the place where we ate today is a hotel run by the army, and it would be better to have a military vehicle to pick it up." Fang Yuan said: "He political commissar is too polite, then I will wait." He Fengxian said: " good."

What Fangyuan didn't expect was that Heping came in person.When Fangyuan received a call from Heping's mobile phone, Heping had already arrived at the gate of No. 5 High School.It was already time to get off work, Fang Yuan put down the work in hand, packed her bag and went downstairs.At the gate of No. 5 Middle School, Fang Yuan shook hands with Colonel Heping tightly: "Commissioner He, how dare you come here in person? I'm really sorry." Heping said: "Principal Fang is a distinguished guest. Tonight, not only me I want to invite Principal Fang to sit down, and there are two old friends of Principal Fang, who also named Principal Fang." Fang Yuan was a little surprised: "Oh, I don't know many leaders in the army!" Heping said: "Bing Not many, but good; friends are not expensive, many are valuable.” Fang Yuan said, “Which two army leaders are they?” He Heping said, “For the time being, I still want to keep it secret. However, one of the leaders said, There is definitely a predestined relationship with Principal Fang! It is said that there is no predestined chance to meet and no acquaintance, but there is a predestined chance to meet thousands of miles away."

Fang Yuan was shocked: Could it be Wang Quan?Thinking of Wang Quan, Fang Yuan felt a different kind of mood in his heart.In the heaven and earth in Nanjing, there is a memory that Fang Yuan will never forget. On that night, Wang Quan changed from a girl to a woman, and it was he Fang Yuan who caused this incident!Since then, there has been no news from Wang Quan, and I don't know what is going on with her now.I once called Wang Quan's mobile phone, but the mobile phone number was displayed as empty words; I once wanted to call Wang Quan's home, but I never had the courage. After all, that is the commander's home!

Could it be that we can see Wang Quan today?If I saw Wang Quan today, what should I say, what should I say?Fang Yuan's heart was raised, and seeing the peaceful and friendly smile and mysterious eyes made Fang Yuan even more convinced that the person he met tonight was most likely Wang Quan.An idea flashed in Fangyuan's mind: Could it be that Deputy Commander Wang is also here?Heping just said two people!

With a mixed mood of nervousness, excitement, suspicion, and anticipation, Fang Yuan followed Heping and got into the Warrior military jeep developed by the Beijing Automobile Factory.The appearance of the car is not very good-looking, but it looks so strong and solid, as if a machine gun is strafing it, and it can't penetrate the car at all. The safety factor of this car looks quite good.When the military vehicle of the Warriors left Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Yang Yingxian, who was standing at the window of the vice principal, was moved with emotion: "Principal Qiu, Secretary Fang was picked up by a military vehicle today. The officer who picked up Secretary Fang was a high-ranking officer. Come and see, is it two three-stars? In the entire Dongzhou, the biggest official is two-bars and four-stars, which can only be seen on TV. These two three-stars are the second largest officials in Dongzhou "Qiu Zhengxuan couldn't help standing up, and saw Fang Yuan and the officer with two bars and three stars standing at the gate of the school, talking to each other, and then Fang Yuan and the officer got into the military vehicle one after the other.Yang Yingxian said: "Principal Qiu, this is called strength! Looking at Secretary Fang now, not only is he good in class, he has strength in education, and he has a deep relationship with the economic circle. How deep it is! Not to mention the relationship between Secretary Fang and Secretary Wang Guodong, Mayor Song Yunsheng, Mayor Deng Yuncong, Minister of Propaganda Dou Shengzhong and other city leaders. Let me say something ahead of time. I think Secretary Fang is the director." Qiu Zhengxuan looked at Yang Yingxian, with such a beaming look, why did he become more and more annoying the more he looked at it?However, Fang Yuan's energy is indeed great. This time, Yang Yingxian was not selected in the recommendation of the school's senior professional title review. Seeing Yang Yingxian busy filling out forms and sorting out materials these days, and swearing by Secretary Fang, it can be seen that Fang Yuan is probably using him His influence gave Yang Yingxian the opportunity to bypass the school review and directly enroll in the Municipal Education Bureau.Fang Yuan is indeed capable and has a background, and more importantly, when he treats his subordinates who are loyal to him, such as this Yang Yingxian, the benefits are unambiguous!Is he not loyal enough to Fang Yuan?Or, he is loyal, but Fang Yuan hasn't felt his loyalty yet, what is lacking is of course that he speaks nice words in front of Fang Yuan.However, if I let myself say it brazenly like Yang Yingxian every day, I would really be ashamed.Alas, this matter, I really need to think about it seriously!In Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Yang Yingxian couldn't give all the benefits, and his own contribution was no less than Yang Yingxian's.Qiu Zhengxuan has already decided to think about this problem carefully, the situation is stronger than others, and the situation does not wait for others!

The military vehicle drove to the suburbs.In the depths of a beautiful courtyard-style hotel, Fang Yuan met two acquaintances that Heping had mentioned: Wan Daquan, the political commissar of the Dongzhou Garrison District, and Bu Lunjun, who was promoted to the chief of staff of the Dongzhou Garrison District.Seeing Wan Daquan and Bu Lunjun, Heping stood at attention: "Political Commissar, Chief of Staff, Political Commissar of the Frontier Defense Regiment Heping was ordered to report. According to the command of the head, I invited the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School Fangyuan." Wan Daquan said: " Please rest a little longer." Heping voice loud and clear: "Yes!" Wan Daquan laughed, walked over to shake hands with Fang Yuan: "Little brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you!" Fang Yuan said: "Brother Wan is too polite, little brother Don’t dare to be, dare not be!” Bu Lunjun said: “Brother Fang, do you still remember me?” Fang Yuan said: “Bu’s deputy chief of staff is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Youth Federation, and he once helped me, the vice principal of Dongzhou 68 Middle School, arrange I have always kept this affection in my heart!" Bu Lunjun said: "Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun and the little brother came forward, and I must help with this job." Fang Yuan said: " Thank you, Deputy Chief of Staff Bu." Bu Lunjun said: "They are all good brothers of my own family, why are you so friendly?" Heping said: "Principal Fang, let me correct you, Chief of Staff Bu is now the chief of staff of the Dongzhou Garrison District , has become a deputy division leader." Fang Yuan said, "Really? I'm so happy. Chief of Staff Bu, congratulations on your promotion!" Bu Lunjun said, "Thank you." Wan Daquan said, "Take a seat."

Fang Yuan didn't know how to sit.Today, in terms of rank, I am the youngest, so I should sit at the bottom, but four people came to sit, and Fang Yuan didn't know where the bottom was.Wan Daquan did his part, sat in the main seat, and said to Fang Yuan, "Come on, sit next to me." Bu Lunjun frowned slightly, and this detail was discovered by Fang Yuan, who said, "Brother Wan, let Chief of Staff Bu sit on your right." Go ahead. I can sit anywhere." Wan Daquan nodded: "My good brother, at such a young age, you still know the rules!" Heping said: "I am very honored to have all the chiefs here today, and I will sit here. "I put myself in the position with my back to the private room door.Fang Yuan guessed that this was probably the last place.Fangyuan said: "Commander He, in my eyes, you are also the chief, so let me sit." Heping said, "How can this be done?" Wan Daquan said, "Little brother, let Heping sit there. Today Let Heping take everything we eat and drink at night." Heping said with a smile, "Then I am really honored."

Fang Yuan had no choice but to sit opposite Bu Lunjun and to the left of Wan Daquan.Heping said: "I don't know what wine the political commissar and chief of staff will order?" Wan Daquan said: "Drink Moutai." Heping said: "Okay, let's drink Moutai." Carrying no more and no less than 4 bottles of Moutai, he walked in.Fang Yuan felt that his head was already getting big without drinking.Wan Daquan said: "These 4 bottles are not too much!" He Heping said: "We can drink as much as we want. If it is not enough, I will find a way. Political commissar, I can guarantee that the Moutai we drink tonight is The original product of the Moutai Distillery is definitely not the Moutai produced by the affiliated factory of the miscellaneous brand factory in Moutai Town." Wan Daquan said: "If you want to drink, drink the genuine product, and never drink fake wine. I will taste it first when I open a bottle. It's fake, I can taste it as soon as I taste it."

ah?What a great skill!The waiter opened a bottle of Moutai, and the glasses in front of the four people were filled up respectively, and there was not a drop of this bottle of Moutai.Wan Daquan took a sip first, clicked his mouth, and said: "It's real Moutai. Heping, you can do it!" Heping smiled and said, "You can never play tricks in front of the political commissar!" Wan Daquan laughed loudly: "Okay , You don’t cheat, you are a good cadre.” Bu Lunjun said: “Heping has been from being an instructor to an instructor to a political commissar of the regiment. Wine. Come on, let's drink first. Chief of Staff Bu, Brother Fang, look, how do you drink the wine in this glass?" Bu Lunjun said: "Everything is based on the opinion of the political commissar. We will drink whatever the political commissar says. "Wan Daquan looked at Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan bit the bullet, and said: "I have the same opinion as Chief of Staff Bu." Wan Daquan said, "Okay, happy. I'll toast three glasses, this glass of white wine, just three sips, how about it?"

three?Fang Yuan was a little dizzy.Wan Daquan said: "For this first glass of wine, I would like to toast to Deputy Commander Wang. Whether I, the Chief of Staff, or Heping are all soldiers of Deputy Commander Wang. And my little brother, everyone knows that he is the same as the Deputy Commander Wang has a deep connection. If you agree with me to toast to Deputy Commander Wang, we will drink it." Heping said: "The political commissar means to drink one-third or the whole?" Wan Wan Da Daquan said, "I'll drink the whole thing, you can drink a third."

Wan Daquan raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.Bu Lunjun and Heping are naturally not ambiguous, and they are also stewed in one mouthful.Fang Yuan's head got bigger: God, according to this drinking method, if you have another drink, you will be drunk.But there is no way, Fang Yuan knows that drinking is very violent in the army, and he looks down on the wine that drinks like a little girl.Fang Yuan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and felt that his empty stomach was burning like a ball of fire.

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