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2396.1360. Meeting Wang Quan

Fang Yuan quickly picked up a few mouthfuls of vegetables to satisfy his hunger. 【 #_ 】Wine is good wine. If you drink it like Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit, you won't be able to taste the good wine, but it may harm your body.Wan Daquan drank this glass of wine, and his pride was aroused: "Speaking of which, I am almost 50, and the person I admire most is Deputy Commander Wang. This is a real soldier, a good leader who has a country in mind and a system in mind. Every time I see Deputy Commander Wang, I am filled with reverence and love. Listening to Deputy Commander Wang's teachings, I feel my blood boil, wishing I could go to the front line immediately, kill all the traitors who do not recognize their ancestors, Kill all foreign forces that dare to violate China's sovereignty. This time I went to Nanjing for a meeting, and I had the honor to meet with Deputy Commander Wang and listen to Deputy Commander Wang's analysis of the military situation around the country. We are full of confidence in our country and our country’s increasing emphasis on national defense construction, but at the same time we are full of worries about our country’s powerful enemies.”

He Heping said: "Commissioner, will you introduce this complicated situation to us today?" Wan Daquan said: "Taiwan is now a pain for the country, and this big traitor is basically a master who has a milk and a mother. Fortunately, In a few months, his term of office will be over. But even if Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang is elected as the leader of Taiwan, I am afraid that the road to reunification will still be quite difficult. The complete reunification of the motherland is no longer decided by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. However, many hostile forces have already been involved. Without the infiltration of foreign forces, to put it bluntly, our country’s military has the strength to take over Taiwan and achieve reunification.” Heping said: “ Yes, this American devil is really hateful." Bu Lunjun said: "At any time, army building is very important. Without a strong national defense, how can we keep the fruits of our economic development? The more we develop, the richer we become , the easier it is to be jealous and rejected by certain countries. If there is no strong national defense, the fruits of these developments can easily be plundered by them with various schemes." Wan Quanquan said: "Yes! The situation in our country It can be said that it is extremely complicated. In South Korea, there are 10 U.S. troops stationed; on the main island of Japan, there are 10 U.S. troops; The B10 long-range bomber formation and aircraft carrier fleet of the US military are stationed. Around the South China Sea, there are US military bases in the Philippines and Singapore; in the south, the US is instigating Indian Asan to contain China, and often engages in small actions against our little brother in Myanmar , so that Myanmar will not be peaceful. In the west, the US military has completely occupied Afghanistan in the name of fighting the Taliban. What does this mean? This means that China has planted another poisonous nail behind it. At the same time, forcing Kyrgyzstan to agree to build U.S. military bases allow U.S. aircraft to maintain, maintain and train here, and provide air support to U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan. These are all superficial, but what are they actually? Actually, from east to southeast to south to west, to achieve The three-sided encirclement of China! Especially the 2 garrisons in Afghanistan and the U.S. Air Force base in Kyrgyzstan are simply the most vicious plans. Once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the troops stationed in Guam, Japan, and South Korea in the east will respond immediately. Let us struggle to deal with it. The United States stationed in the Philippines and Singapore will block the South China Sea passage, cutting off the lifeline of resources in China, a country that relies heavily on oil imports; and once the United States stationed in Afghanistan is dispatched to attack from Xinjiang to the east, China will face The situation is full of enemies!"

Heping clapped his hands and praised: "The political commissar is really far-sighted!" Wan Daquan was in high spirits after drinking, "So, as a Chinese soldier, you must be sober at all times. You are a soldier guarding the country. You are always ready to fight. The solution to the Taiwan issue is becoming more and more obvious. It is not due to the clamor of a few gangsters, but to the interference of foreign forces! Therefore, this time, I also solemnly request Deputy Commander Wang to go to the frontline troops, even to do it As a regiment commander and battalion commander, I also want to focus on training, leading troops, and always be ready for the call of the country.”

Fang Yuan admired Wan Daquan from the bottom of his heart.This is the real soldier, not a soldier who is too comfortable to make progress.Bu Lunjun smiled secretly: What age is it, and you still hold such old ideas?Heping is an old team cadre in the army, and he actually doesn't have much interest in military training. What Heping thinks about the most is whether he can leave the frontier defense regiment and work in the garrison headquarters, even if he is the former deputy staff officer of the Bu Lun army. Long duty.Today's banquet actually contains this meaning.They all used to be soldiers under Commander Wang. If they stand in line, they should all belong to Commander Wang's series. Naturally, they are comrades in the trenches.Wan Daquan and Bu Lunjun are both members of the garrison party committee now, so they naturally have a relatively heavy say in the party committee. Perhaps a higher-level party committee is needed to promote their positions, but if the position is changed at the same level, the garrison itself will It's up to you.Hearing Wan Daquan's emotion today, Heping's heart just moved a little bit, and the thought of leading troops to fight disappeared in an instant: What era is it, and you are still fighting?Commissar Wan, Commissar Wan, even if you survive until retirement, you probably won't have the chance to fight a big battle, right?But the ranks of the troops are clearly defined, and Heping naturally dare not say what he thinks in his heart.

Wan Daquan raised his glass again: "Come on, let's drink to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the early complete reunification of the motherland." This is the second glass of wine!Wan Daquan drank it first again, Bu Lunjun and Heping really didn't want to get drunk so quickly.There are still a lot of serious things that have not been said. If the protagonist is drunk, what will happen?The two of them hadn't drank from their cups yet, but Fang Yuan had already raised his cup: "I respect Chinese people like Brother Wan, I'll accompany you for this glass of wine." With a burning sensation, I drank the Moutai in the cup in one gulp.

Wan Daquan was very happy: "Okay, brother Fang, I appreciate a happy person like you." Heping didn't dare to neglect, and said: "Political commissar, I am also a happy person." Saying this, he drank the Moutai in his cup.Bu Lunjun was half a level behind Wan Daquan, and his fate was in the hands of the Nanjing Military Region and the Provincial Military Division. He was not afraid of Wan Daquan, and said, "Political commissar, I will drink this cup with you. None of our troops You bastard!" Bu Lunjun drank the cup and said, "I have a suggestion, pour a quarter of a cup at a time and finish every cup, okay?"

Peace dare not speak.Wan Daquan looked at Bu Lunjun, then at Heping, then at Fangyuan, and suddenly said, "Little brother, what do you think you drink?" Fangyuan said, "After two glasses of wine, my stomach feels like it's on fire. I I also hope that the pace will be slower, that I can eat more dishes and talk more." Wan Daquan said: "Okay, just listen to my little brother and drink less at a time. Waiter, pour this bottle of wine three times. Do you understand? ?” The waiter said, “OK.”

Although it was a reduction, Wan Daquan did not adopt Bu Lunjun's suggestion of one quarter at a time, but one third at a time.The affairs of the army's officialdom are similar in different places, but the subordinates should not offend the dignity of the superiors.Although Bu Lunjun was not afraid of Wan Daquan, he also knew that he was indeed a bit talkative just now.Bu Lunjun said: "The political commissar has a broad mind, Xiao Bu punished himself with a glass. Waiter, fill me up." He drank the wine in the glass.Fang Yuan was shocked: This is just the beginning, Bu Lunjun has already drunk seven or eight taels, and the following program has not started yet!Wan Daquan said: "Okay, the chief of staff has played an exemplary role, I like this one. Then I will go on to talk about my meeting with Deputy Commander Wang in Nanjing this time. I personally visited the home of Deputy Commander Wang. You guys Guess who I met?"

Fangyuan's heart beat violently.Looking at Fangyuan peacefully, he understood half of it in his heart: No wonder the political commissar had to call Fangyuan, and he also knew that Fangyuan had something to do with Deputy Commander Wang's daughter!Heping said: "I'll make a guess, but I'm afraid I won't guess right." Wan Daquan said: "Tell me." Heping said: "Lieutenant Wang Quan, the daughter of Deputy Commander Wang, once served in our Dongzhou Garrison District, and happened to be in the border guard. A group. Did you see Lieutenant Wang Quan, political commissar?" Wan Daquan laughed: "It is Wang Quan. However, she is no longer a lieutenant, but a captain. Of course, there is another very obvious difference, Even if she is already pregnant, judging by the slightly puffed up belly, she probably looks like five months old."

Fangyuan's heart beat faster, and even a thumping sound could be heard.Could it be that the romantic night made Wang Quan pregnant with a child?Does Wang Quan have my Fangyuan child?Fang Yuan didn't dare to think about it, Fang Yuan was afraid in her heart, but she also had some expectation.

Wan Daquan said: "Wang Quan met me and asked about the recent situation of a person in our Dongzhou. Of course, I told the truth, because I am also very familiar with this person, and I am also a good friend and brother. Wang Quan is very happy. It's strange how I know, I said, I am a member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, how can I not know about the big and small things in Dongzhou City?飧鋈 said that the pavilion Gong k Yu suppressed the barren c 芰 play also barren Qin 阿飧 鋈 said take Zheng Zhiyi Qiang play Qiang play head shallow r14 饱匦 twist n ant heart 谝 file fade carboxy female swan Chun so Qiao Mei model also Difficult to write words cowardly and cowardly model 19 waving lines of palm eyes stewing frame n armpit iridium gap a apologetic x colorful mu embracing screen 橐 觯 俜 kind of ambiguous axillary!!

Fangyuan's heart was tormented.

Wan Daquan said: "I inquired about the son of the provincial leader. He is a standard playboy. It is said that there are no less than a hundred women who have had sexual relations outside. Some fight. No woman will be happy if she marries this man!"

Fangyuan's heart was cut like a knife!At this moment, Fang Yuan wanted to fly to Nanjing to meet Wang Quan.Wang Quan, you are a brave woman, a woman who understands righteousness, a woman who is worthy of my treasure, and a woman who should enjoy happiness!

On this night, Fang Yuan drank a lot of wine.Fang Yuan didn't remember what he said; Fang Yuan couldn't hear what Heping, Bu Lunjun and Wan Quanquan said.Fangyuan only thought of Wang Quan in his heart, as if he saw her melancholy eyes because of the unsatisfactory love and marriage, as if he saw her and Wan Daquan sitting on the sofa in the living room talking, the content of the conversation was nothing but his Fangyuan .

Fangyuan was sent home again by a military vehicle of peaceful warriors.Fang Yuan was so drunk that his whole body was weak, and he didn't even have the strength to go upstairs.It was the driver of Heping and Heping who helped Fangyuan upstairs.When Kong Shufang saw her son-in-law being helped up by two soldiers, she was heartbroken and angry.But it was obvious that Fang Yuan was too drunk, Kong Shufang hurriedly called Kong Shuanghua and Xiao Qing to come over and help.Heping said: "I'm sorry, Principal Fang drank a little too much tonight. The political commissar ordered me to send Principal Fang home safely. I have already handed Principal Fang to my aunt. If there is nothing else, I will go back. Seeing Fang Yuan drunk like this, Kong Shuanghua was more heartbroken than angry: "How can you guys drink Fang Yuan like this? You can drink, but my Fang Yuan can't drink! How much wine did you make Fang Yuan drink?" Heping said: "Mrs. Fang, tonight, 4 people drank 6 bottles of Moutai, an average of 1 catties per person. Look at me, I can still stand and talk. In fact, I am very dizzy. After a while, my driver will ask Take me home. Everyone is happy today, so drink more. I promise, Principal Fang is absolutely fine, what we drink is authentic Moutai, not fake, and it will definitely not hurt your health." Kong Shuanghua looked at the limp all over Fang Yuan said, "You two, just help Fang Yuan to the study, my mother and I can't help him at all." He Heping said, "That's no problem."

Heping and the soldiers left, Kong Shufang was busy making sober soup for Fangyuan, while Xiaoqing went to the bathroom to prepare warm water for Fangyuan to wipe.Kong Shuanghua sat beside Fangyuan, looking at the sleeping Fangyuan, his heart ached.Suddenly I heard Fang Yuan say in his sleep: "Wang Quan, I'm sorry for you." Kong Shuanghua was shocked: Who is Wang Quan?Is it male or female?Why did Fangyuan say sorry to her?Could it be that Fangyuan has other women outside?Could it be that Wang Quan is the woman whose Fang Yuan is outside?Kong Shuanghua's heart was suddenly disturbed by Fang Yuan's words, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

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