Director's growth history

2463.1407. Die before leaving school

January 1th is the first day after the New Year's Day holiday. 4 Middle Swastika 1 I don't know the reason, the temperature in Dongzhou on this day is low and cloudy, it seems to mean that something is about to happen, but it seems to be a natural phenomenon.But for many years, Dongzhou City, as a subtropical region south of the Yangtze River, has a temperature above 1C in winter, but today's temperature has dropped to minus 4C.Beginning at 2:9 am, snowflakes floated in the sky.In recent years, the Dongzhou area has always had a warm winter, and snow is a new thing.Dense snowflakes fell from the sky and melted when they hit the ground.It was getting darker.

The atmosphere in the Dongzhou Education Bureau was also extremely tense. Everyone knew that Yu Shengli, the deputy director, and Feng Liang, the deputy researcher, had been double-regulated. They also knew that Ni Yousheng, the former general affairs director of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and Zhang Zhihua, the chief of the infrastructure section of the Municipal Education Bureau, The news was also controlled by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.At 10 o'clock in the morning, the bureau office notified that a meeting of all staff of the bureau would be held at 10:40. At 10:40, Director Zhai Xinwen and Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun entered the meeting room and sat on the rostrum.Both of them looked very dignified, which made everyone in the audience, including Zou Zhigang, Geng Qing, Kong Lili, and Song Ping sitting in the front row feel a little depressed.

Sun Hongjun said: "This morning, the Education Bureau received the decision on the appointment and dismissal of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Now, I invite Director Zhai to read it out."

Zhai Xinwen picked up the first official document and read it quietly: "The party committees (party groups) of all districts, cities (counties), and units directly under the city: On January 2008, 1, the municipal party committee decided to remove:

Yu Shengli's position as a member of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau;

Feng Liang is a member of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau. "

Zhai Xinwen picked up the second official document and read it quietly: "The people's governments of all districts and cities (counties), all departments of the city government, and all units directly under the city:

On January 2008, 1, the municipal government decided to exempt:

Yu Shengli's position as deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau;

Feng Liang's position as deputy investigator of the Municipal Education Bureau. "

Although the news of Yu Shengli and Feng Liang's being double-regulated was already known, the decision of the municipal party committee and the municipal government came so quickly, which was beyond many people's expectations.Of course, some people had thoughts in their hearts: Oh, this time there are two positions at the deputy director level vacant again, will I have a chance?

Sun Hongjun's mouth was full of blisters. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot in the past few days.Today, his mood is still a little more stable. After all, the documents of the municipal party committee and the municipal government did not adjust his position.Perhaps, the matter of Yu Shengli and Feng Liang has not been investigated clearly, so the time for adjustment is not yet ripe, but it is really hard to say whether they will be slaughtered in the future!But now, he is still the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Education Bureau, and he will perform his duties.After listening to Zhai Xinwen read the official document, Sun Hongjun said: "Now, I invite Director Zhai to give an important speech."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrades, as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Bureau of Education, I feel very sad for such an incident. Both Comrades Shengli and Comrade Feng Liang are leading cadres trained by the Party for many years, but they are getting worse and worse on the road of corruption and bribery. Far away, he was finally placed under double regulation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. And Zhang Zhihua and Ni Yousheng from No. 5 Middle School were also taken away by the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection for similar reasons. Comrades, this is a painful lesson! How I hope that everyone who works in the education system Comrades can keep their purpose in mind, be honest and honest, and be a comrade who can trust the party and reassure the people, but there are still gangsters like Yu Shengli, Feng Liang, Zhang Zhihua, and Ni Yousheng. This also fully demonstrates that our party The anti-corruption work has a long way to go. Although the Party Committee of the Education Bureau has repeatedly carried out anti-corruption education, these sad things still occur. Tomorrow, the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau will hold a clean government mobilization meeting. Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong I want to attend the meeting. I hope that every comrade in the world will strengthen reflection and self-discipline from this incident. If anyone dares to try the law, these four comrades who were taken away by the Disciplinary Committee will be a role model!"

Zhai Xinwen's face was ashen, and many people present were terrified. They couldn't help thinking about whether they had taken bribes or had other plots of rape. Some people were also frightened.Zhai Xinwen said: "After the meeting is adjourned, the party committee will be convened immediately to study the punishment opinions on Zhang Zhihua and Ni Yousheng, and other matters. Other comrades, work as they should. Dismiss the meeting!"

Outside the window, snowflakes floated.Through the window, Zhai Xinwen saw the snowflakes falling from the sky, and his heart was surrounded by an ominous omen.Dongzhou is a subtropical city!It hasn't snowed for many years, how can it snow today?Is it foreshadowing something?Zhai Xinwen had a flash of inspiration: Students are safe!

Zhai Xinwen suddenly said: "Shen Jun, Director Feng!" Shen Jun turned back and said, "Director, what do you need from me?" Zhai Xinwen said, "Shen Jun, Feng Liang has been double-regulated. Someone has to do the work." Shen Jun also has some headaches about security work. Thinking of this extraordinary period, Shen Jun dare not say no, and readily agreed: "Okay, Director, I will take care of the work of the safety department first. Zhai Xinwen said: "Have you ever seen snow in Dongzhou?" Shen Jun said: "I haven't seen it for several years." Zhai Xinwen said: "I am worried that students will slip and fall in safety accidents in snowy days. Legs are also possible. When crossing the road, many drivers in Dongzhou have never experienced snow and cannot stop the car, so what should they do?" Shen Jun said: "Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "I don't want to stop the car again." I don't want to make things worse if there are any extra problems. Shen Jun, immediately draft a notice to prevent students from falling and falling, and send it to the education and sports bureaus of all districts and counties, and send it to all schools; immediately draw up a notice requesting all schools to strengthen snow safety Education, focus on safety education for students on the way to and from school, and suggest that parents of students pick up and drop off their children in snow." Shen Jun said: "Okay, I will draw up immediately." Zhai Xinwen said: "I will open the party committee. Show me." Shen Jun said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "Before noon, be sure to send the notice." Shen Jun said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "After the notice is drawn up, immediately make a plan to eliminate the snow. We will try our best to distribute the plan for potential safety hazards to all district and county education and sports bureaus and schools before leaving work this afternoon." Shen Jun said, "Okay, let's do it right away." Where is the old woman?If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, and you still have to implement it.

Watching Shen Jun leave in a hurry, Zhai Xinwen whispered to himself: "With the plan and notice, if there is any problem, don't blame me." Suddenly remembered another thing, Zhai Xinwen went upstairs and came to the Wang Xingbang's office: "Xingbang, the Education Department is formulating a notice on the prevention of safety accidents after snowfall. After the notice is issued, the office immediately draws up the information that the Education Bureau attaches great importance to eliminating the safety hazards of snow, and reports it to the Information Section of the Municipal Party Committee Office and the Municipal Government. In the office, report to Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong. In the afternoon, the education department will also present a plan to eliminate potential safety hazards after snowfall, and also write a work report to report to the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and Mayor Deng." Wang Xingbang said: "OK."

Zhai Xinwen let out a long breath of relief.Walking slowly to the meeting room, except for Han Suzhen, all other party committee members are present.Zhai Xinwen sat where he usually sat, and said, "Let's have a meeting." Sun Hongjun said, "Okay, let's start the meeting now. The first agenda of the meeting is to study the candidates for the chief of the infrastructure department and the chief of the safety department. Dear party committees Members can put forward their own opinions." Zhai Xinwen said: "Zhang Zhihua's position as section chief will be removed today, and Comrade Feng Liang will no longer concurrently hold the position of section chief of the safety section. But the work still needs someone to do it, please comrades Let us recommend it, and after our party committee researches and confirms it, we can make a public announcement and make a decision.”

Geng Qing said: "Director Zhai, let me share my personal opinion." Zhai Xinwen was a little surprised: Geng Qing has always been silent in the party committee, what happened today.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Geng, please tell me." Geng Qing said: "I think that the authority to study and determine the department-level cadres of the Education Bureau is indeed in the bureau's party committee, but we also need to be more accurate and scientific. Now, many departments are researching middle-level cadres. When working as cadres, the first thing is to determine which comrades are qualified for the post, and then hold a public opinion poll within a certain range. When studying, the Party Committee of the Bureau will refer to the results of the public opinion polls, and then study and determine suitable candidates. In more open units, The competition for section chiefs can be composed of four links: individual registration, competitive appointment, party voting, and party committee research. I personally think that the section chiefs selected in this way are more competent for their duties and will cherish the hard-won post of section chiefs even more At the same time, it can also avoid the problem of cronyism, and can effectively avoid corruption problems like Zhang Zhihua and Feng Liang."

Oh, interesting.Zhai Xinwen looked at Geng Qing, thinking about it: Every time the party committee studied personnel in the past, Geng Qing would never make such a speech. Today, it is obvious that he came prepared!Did he hear something?Or had someone hinted at him?Zhai Xinwen said: "Let's discuss, Director Geng's opinion." Kong Lili said: "I disagree with Director Geng's opinion. In terms of understanding the situation of cadres, we, the party committee members of the bureau, know the section chiefs and section chiefs of our bureau best. Member. Nowadays, in the research of the bureau’s party committee, it’s not just one person who has the final say, but every member of the party committee has one vote. Which one of the chiefs of the research department is incompetent? Can we deny the vast majority because of the appearance of some terrorists? Of the 20 departments, there are 2 departments that have problems, and 18 departments have no problems. Doesn’t this explain , Are the people studied by the Party Committee of the bureau generally very competent?"

Tit for tat!Song Ping sat there, too frightened to speak.My god, today Geng Qing is challenging Zhai Xinwen's authority!This has never happened since Zhai Xinwen presided over the education work in Dongzhou!

Zou Zhigang said: "I think Director Geng's opinion is also reasonable. This time, it is not necessary to compete for posts to study infrastructure section chiefs and security section chiefs, but the test of public opinion is necessary. With so many chief staff members, So many deputy chief staff members with more than 3 years of experience are listed, and the comrades of the whole organization are asked to vote. Those who think it is suitable for promotion will be designated as two people. The party committee of our bureau will give priority to the one who gets the most votes. Of course, not necessarily It is the chief of the infrastructure section and the chief of the safety section. We can also let other section chiefs serve as these two section chiefs. The two newly promoted comrades can also serve as section chiefs vacated by other departments. In this case, the Bureau The research of the party committee will also have the basis of public opinion, and it will be able to come up with candidates for section chiefs that the vast majority of comrades will be convinced by.”

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