Director's growth history

2464.1407. Die before leaving school

The atmosphere in the party committee became a little tense.Fei㊣\(≧▽≦) Zhang Yuanqing sat there, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles!The situation of the party committee today is extremely complicated. Now, two members of the party committee have politely disagreed with Director Zhai, and Director Kong is standing with Director Zhai.So what about Secretary Sun and Chairman Song?In the past, these two people have firmly supported Director Zhai, but if one person supports the opinions of Director Geng and Director Zou, then it will be a three-to-three tie.

At this time, Zhai Xinwen became calmer.Zhai Xinwen said: "At any time, we must unswervingly adhere to the leadership of the party. This is determined by the nature of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. I do not fully agree with Director Geng's opinion. As the director said, one vote is one vote, and individuals compete for posts. How is that different from Western politics? How can we reflect the party's leadership in various undertakings? As for the public opinion polls mentioned by Director Zou , I think it is also feasible. In the future, when the Party Committee of the bureau studies relevant personnel, it can take the form of public opinion evaluation, so that the party committee of the bureau can better understand the people's conditions. It is a special matter, and we will study and determine the candidates for the chief of infrastructure and safety as soon as possible. The winter vacation is approaching, and the infrastructure projects of various schools will also start one after another. How can we do without the chief of infrastructure? Today, it is snowing outside, and it is absolutely necessary The school is conducting a major safety inspection after the snow, how can we do it without the head of the safety section? Director Zou, what do you think?"

Zou Zhigang said: "I agree with Director Zhai's opinion. This time, the research on the candidates for the two section chiefs should be a special matter. The party committee of the bureau has this power and responsibility." Zhai Xinwen smiled: "Secretary Sun, Chairman Song, Tell me." Sun Hongjun said: "I agree with Director Zhai's opinion." His attitude was firm without hesitation.Song Ping said: "I support the opinion of the majority." Zhai Xinwen looked at Geng Qing, smiled and asked, "Director Geng, what do you think?" Geng Qing looked at Zou Zhigang, Sun Hongjun, and Song Ping, and said calmly : "Promoting inner-party corruption is the unshakable goal of our party. At present, whether it is the national party congress, the people's congress, or the provincial or municipal party congress or the people's congress, all leading cadres are Elected. Of course, under special circumstances, higher-level party committees may also be directly appointed. For example, the central government appoints a certain comrade as the secretary of a certain provincial party committee. For example, the provincial party committee appoints a certain comrade as the secretary of the municipal party committee. Acting mayor. Director Zhai is right. The infrastructure section chief and safety section chief really need to be appointed as soon as possible. This is the need of the work, and this is also the responsibility of our bureau's party committee. I agree with today's party committee to study the appointment of these two section chiefs .”

Today, the Education Bureau has different voices, and Zhai Xinwen feels the challenge from Geng Qing.Zhai Xinwen became more and more confident when he thought that there were at least eight standing committee members of the Municipal Party Committee firmly supporting him.Could it be that Geng Qing had won the support of Secretary Wang Guodong?In the future, we must "see Geng Qing differently" Gong!

Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, let me introduce the recommended candidates. The infrastructure department, this department, has always been held by men, and the work is required to be more aggressive, and dare to face those vulgar construction teams. Preliminary research shows that the director of the admissions office Comrade Gangyu is more suitable. Sun Quan, the deputy director of the supervision office, has been the section chief for many years and has been engaged in school supervision for many years. He has a good understanding of the education situation in Dongzhou. Work, because vocational education students are often students with relatively poor learning, and often have poor discipline and legal concepts. Chen Yueming, the head of the vocational education department, has exercised a relatively strong ability to deal with complex situations in his work. Section Chief. Section Chief Liu Liang has served as the Section Chief of the Higher Teachers’ Fan Section for more than 6 years. He meets the rotation requirements and is recommended to serve as the Section Chief of the Vocational Education Section. The full-time deputy director of the supervision office (main section level) that is vacant is recommended to be appointed by the Deputy Chief Section Chief of the Supervisory Office Du Yuting, a member of the faculty, will serve as the vacant head of the Fan Section of the Higher Teachers, and it is recommended that Luo Dagan, the deputy director of the Admissions Office, be appointed."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Let's discuss it." Geng Qing said: "I am in charge of vocational education. It should be said that Chen Yueming is very competent and solid in his work. Putting him, a very capable section chief, in the safety section position, I don't think it's appropriate." Zhai Xinwen said: "Currently, safety work is becoming more and more important. Before that, Director Feng at the deputy division level was concurrently in charge. Safety work has become an important work that affects the central work of education and teaching. It is because Comrade Chen Yueming is very capable that he was reused in the post of Chief of the Safety Section who needs him more. What's more, Liu Liang, who was adjusted, is also the Chief of the High Teacher Fan Section that you are in charge of. Director Geng is also concerned about Liu Liang's situation Very familiar, do you think Liu Liang is not suitable to be the head of the vocational education department you are in charge of?" Geng Qing said: "I did not say that Liu Liang is not suitable. I just said that Chen Yueming should not leave the vocational education department." Zhai Xinwen said: "What about the opinions of the other comrades?"

Zou Zhigang closed his mouth.The promotion this time was another promotion of the person in charge of him. Zou Zhigang still admired Du Yuting very much.Zou Zhigang said: "I have no objection." Song Ping said: "I have no objection." Kong Lili was clear-cut: "I agree with Secretary Sun's nomination." Geng Qing was a little helpless: "It has not been evaluated by public opinion, and this is the result. I support the bureau Personally, I have reservations about the decision of the party committee." Zhai Xinwen said: "I have to talk about it. Now, let's vote by raising your hands. If you agree with the above-mentioned personnel adjustment, please raise your hand." Zhai Xinwen looked at everyone, and Kong Lili was the first to raise her hand. Raising his hand, Zou Zhigang also raised his hand, Sun Hongjun raised his hand, Song Ping also raised his hand at this time, and Zhai Xinwen raised his hand.Geng Qing said, "I abstain."

Zhai Xinwen sneered in his heart: Geng Qing, Geng Qing, you hid it very deeply before, but today you finally revealed your real intention.Okay, I'm not afraid of you jumping out, but afraid of you hiding in the dark.Today's party committee, let me let you know that challenging my authority, Zhai Xinwen, will not have good results.Zhai Xinwen said: "Our bureau's party committee is quite strong. Now, with 5 million votes and 1 abstention, the above-mentioned appointment is approved. Zhang Yuanqing!" Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "After the end of the party committee, immediately Draw up the red-headed document of the party committee of the bureau, send it to the education and sports bureaus of all districts and counties (cities), and send it to all units under the bureau, report to the city's personnel bureau for the record, and report to Mayor Deng." Zhang Yuanqing said: "OK."

Zhai Xinwen said: "There is a lot of work and time is tight. In order to speed up the agenda of the party committee, I will directly talk about the next agenda. After Yu Shengli and Feng Liang were double-regulated, someone needs to take care of the work they are in charge of. Let's discuss it. Who will be in charge of which work is more suitable?"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Shen Jun stood at the door: "Report to the director, the notice to be issued has been prepared, please have a look." Zhai Xinwen said: "Come in. Print 6 copies immediately and give to each bureau leader. "Shen Jun said: "Okay, right away." Zhai Xinwen said: "Although this is the party committee, you can also add the content of the director's office meeting. Now, it is snowing outside, which is a rare situation in Dongzhou for many years. In the absence of Feng Liang, I asked Shen Jun to draw up two notices, both of which are about safety after snowfall. You can take a look at them. If you have any comments, put them forward and ask Shen Jun to make changes. After school at noon Before, through the education office, it was distributed to the education and sports bureaus of all districts, cities and counties, and the schools affiliated to each bureau."

Soon, Shen Jun came with 6 copies of the two notices.Everyone received a copy, and Zhai Xinwen said: "Leaders of the bureau should check to see if they need to be revised." After reading the content of the notice, Zou Zhigang said: "Director Zhai, you are right. Educational management is no small matter. Looking at the snow, it looks beautiful when it floats, but there is a high possibility of students falling and being injured, and there is a great potential safety hazard when crossing the road. Director Zhai can think carefully in advance, and I, Zou Zhigang, admire you." Kong Lili said: " Director Zhai is very thoughtful, and I fully support it.” Song Ping said: “I support it.” Sun Hongjun said: “I support it.” Geng Qing said: “I also support it.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Shen Jun, send a notice immediately You contact Wang Xingbang, and immediately report the relevant information to the city government and Mayor Deng.” Shen Jun said, “Okay.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Hurry up and draw up a safety plan for dealing with snowfall. It must be released today and distributed to the whole city.” Shen Jun Say, "Okay, they're already working on it."

Shen Jun left.Zhai Xinwen said: "Let's get down to business, let's talk about the division of labor. Before the city studies and confirms the new deputy director, the work in charge of Comrades Yu Shengli and Comrades Feng Liang still requires hard work. Let me talk about the preliminary ideas first. If you can bring it up, you can discuss it again. Comrade Zou Zhigang is also in charge of the supervision office and the admissions office; Comrade Geng Qing is also in charge of the safety department; Comrade Kong Lili is also in charge of the attendance office; Comrade Sun Hongjun was originally in charge of party affairs, but now he has a lot of work and has to work hard. On the basis of in charge of the political engineering department, he is also in charge of the infrastructure department. With Comrade Red Army in charge of the infrastructure department, I believe it will not be the same as Shengli□ Question. Discuss with everyone, is this division of labor possible?"

Geng Qing said: "Why did you arrange me to be in charge of the safety department?" Zhai Xinwen said: "The new head of the safety department is Chen Yueming, the former head of the education department. You are familiar with Chen Yueming, and you have been in charge of it for a long time. I fully support and cooperate with your work, and I believe that the safety work of the Eastern State education system will definitely reach a new level."

Zhai Xinwen spoke so righteously that Geng Qing couldn't refuse.Undoubtedly, again 5 votes in favour, 1 abstention.Zhai Xinwen spoke highly of today's party committee: "If the party committee can have voices of abstention and opposition like today, it means that our party committee is very strong and has truly implemented the principle of centralism and The most fundamental principle is that the minority obeys the majority. Today's party committee has been very successful, so let's adjourn!"

Everyone stood up, and Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Zou, Director Kong, and Chairman Song, at noon and afternoon today, Secretary of the Red Army and I are going to study tomorrow's clean government mobilization meeting. On behalf of the Party Committee of the Bureau, Director Kong talked with the two newly promoted comrades. We talk today, hand over the work today, and work in the new post tomorrow." Zou Zhigang said: "Who should I talk to?" Zhai Xinwen said: " You talk to Sun Quan, director of the admissions office, and Chen Yueming, chief of the safety department. Chairman Song talks to Liu Liang, chief of the vocational education department, and Gang Yu, chief of the infrastructure department. Director Kong talks to Luo Dagan, and Du Yuting."

Geng Qing regretted and resented in his heart: what he regrets is that he shouldn’t have jumped out so early; what he resents is that today’s party committee has basically adjusted Geng Qing’s personnel to almost the same level, and handed over the most difficult work to He Geng Qing came to take charge, if this is pushed to the crater to roast him Geng Qing!Zhai Xinwen, you are really ruthless!

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