Director's growth history

2474.1413. Sharing the fruits of victory

Zhai Xinwen's attitude was unusually gentle: "Red Army, put the list here. ╔ y ╗ Right now, the whole city is doing disaster relief, and personnel research can be put aside for a while, isn't that right?" Sun Hongjun said, "Yes, The current snow disaster has an unprecedented impact on Dongzhou City, and it has an unprecedented impact on Dongzhou education." Zhai Xinwen said: "The director's office meeting will start immediately. We sit in the office and wait, why not go directly to the school to supervise In this way, we can better understand the situation at the grassroots level.”

Ten minutes later, the director's office meeting was held in the small conference room on the second floor, and all section chiefs attended the meeting.Zhai Xinwen said: "The theme of today's bureau chief's office meeting is: conduct all supervision and guidance on all districts, counties, and bureau-affiliated schools, so that all districts, counties, and schools can better cope with the complex situation after the cold weather and snow disaster. In order to save time, I won’t start the discussion, I’ll talk about the division of labor, and everyone will discuss it. If you think it’s feasible, act immediately; if you feel that partial adjustments are still needed, then we’ll discuss it later. Do you have any opinions?”

Zhai Xinwen scanned the audience, but no one answered.Zhai Xinwen said: "Then let me talk about the division of labor. I personally inspect all high schools, accompanied by Wang Xingbang from the office and Sun Quan, director of the admissions office; Secretary Sun inspects Yongning District and Lubao District. Accompanied by Yu Yalun, Secretary of the Youth League Committee; Director Zou went to Longwan District and Oujiang District, accompanied by Shen Jun, Chief of Education Section, and Du Yuting, Director of the Supervision Office; County, Jiangnan County, Taicheng County, five suburban counties, you will supervise, accompanied by Chen Yueming, the chief of the safety section, and Cao Bensong, the sports and health department, and the time can be two and a half days. The Director is in charge, accompanied by Chu Guoxiang from the Personnel Section and Gang Yu, the Head of the Infrastructure Section. Chairman Song is in charge of the supervision of preschool education, and Xi Chunhua, the director of the Nursery Office, is accompanying you. The division of labor I imagined is like this. From the perspective of the division of labor, I have to go to the most units, and I plan to go to each unit to have a look, so that I can feel more at ease. But many comrades have a heavy burden, like Director Geng, who has to travel to five counties and cities, although each county I only checked a few of the schools, but I traveled a lot and walked a lot, which was very hard. Chairman Song supervised the safety management of the kindergarten students, and he had to go to many places in a day. Comrades, do you have any comments? ?"

Luo Dagan, head of Teacher Gao’s Fan Section, raised his hand: “Director, I have something to say.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Please tell me, Ronaldinho.” Luo Dagan said, “One more person, one more pair of eyes. Functionally, it has nothing to do with the post-snow disaster, but I am also willing to participate in this work, even if I can find a hidden danger, it will be good for the work." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Xiao Luo said very well. Then You can accompany me to supervise the inspection. If you want to participate in the remaining section chiefs, you are also welcome to participate. In each section, keep the on-duty personnel, and the rest of the comrades, all go to the front line of the school after the snow disaster. Our goal is: fully understand For the existing difficulties in each county, each school, study the methods and countermeasures to solve the difficulties, solve them on the spot if they can be solved on the spot, and solve them on the spot if they cannot be solved on the spot. For the safety of every teacher and student, check and urge the school to do a good job in relevant safety protection; to ensure that infectious diseases, especially influenza, hand, foot and mouth and other diseases, do not have a response plan for large-scale outbreaks due to recent abnormal weather; to ensure that every teacher Students can drink clean and hygienic warm boiled water; we must fully understand the school's electricity consumption and heating conditions, ensure the needs of normal education and teaching, and ensure that teachers and students will not freeze their bodies due to abnormal weather. Everyone understands the content of the inspection ?"

Almost unanimously said: "Understood." Zhai Xinwen waved his hand: "Let's go." After the meeting, the leaders of each bureau led the relevant departments separately and set off for the destination.

While the education system is fully carrying out self-examination and self-rescue operations, other counties, districts, and industries are also carrying out vigorous investigation and rescue operations.With the active participation of the People's Liberation Army, the Dongzhou railway line was completed first, allowing a large number of passengers stranded at the railway station to begin to transfer in an orderly manner, and a big stone that was pressing on the hearts of the municipal party secretary Wang Guodong and the mayor Song Yunsheng slowly fell to the ground; Thanks to the hard work of the People's Liberation Army, the only high-voltage transmission line that entered Dongzhou City was preserved, and the icicles on the high-voltage line tower were removed; the road leading to the mountain was finally opened under the strong mechanical work. The combination of machinery and manpower, relying on shoulders and hand dragging, another damaged high-voltage power transmission and transformation line, established a temporary but reliable and stable ordinary line tower, and temporarily repaired the line, so that Dongzhou Electric Power Co., Ltd. The supply has returned to a normal state; under Song Yunsheng's strong leadership, Dongzhou Port has played an important role in passenger transport transfer and coal transportation. A considerable number of passengers travel to Ninghai and Shanghai by sea passenger transport, and then go home by train. The pressure of the bus station; and the coal transported from Ninghai and Qingdao also meets the power generation needs of Dongzhou Thermal Power Plant, as well as the production or living needs of the majority of enterprises and the people... Dongzhou, the situation is getting better day by day Woke up.

At the same time, in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces adjacent to Qingjiang Province, the disaster situation has become increasingly severe due to various reasons.Binzhou, in particular, has become a dead city without water, electricity or communication.Due to the power outage, the electrified Beijing-Guangzhou Railway was completely paralyzed. In Guangzhou, hundreds of thousands of passengers who could not take the train home due to various reasons were concentrated. The situation is also the same in Dongguan, Foshan, Shenzhen and other cities.The Ministry of Railways mobilized hundreds of diesel units from all over the country and went to Binzhou, Guangdong and other places in the starry night to temporarily replace the electrified railway interruption caused by the power outage in Binzhou with diesel units.The general secretary has arrived in Guangzhou; the prime minister has arrived in Binzhou.In the initial stage, the authorities covered up the seriousness of the disaster, but the Internet has allowed the people to be more transparent.Under the wise decision-making of the central leadership, the reporting of the disaster situation was fully released. The low-temperature rain and snow disasters in southern China, which were rare in history, were reported in detail and comprehensively by Chinese and foreign media. The unique characteristics of high efficiency, unity, and national bond. Blood is thicker than water.

Qingjiang Province is the first province among the southern provinces to achieve results in self-rescue.Among the five cities in the central and southern mountainous areas that were hit hardest by the disaster, Dongzhou City has the best self-rescue situation.Secretary Xi of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Chai of the Provincial Government all praised Dongzhou for its post-disaster self-rescue, post-disaster reconstruction, production and operation after inspecting Dongzhou.Secretary Xi also particularly praised the stable education in Dongzhou, and the good conditions of teachers and students, which made both Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng feel honored; Secretary Xi also came to the Dongzhou Security District to thank the People's Liberation Army for its post-disaster work. Indeed, PLA commanders and fighters have played an irreplaceable and vital role in Dongzhou's post-disaster self-rescue work.

Wang Guodong called Wan Daquan, political commissar of the garrison area, to express his gratitude.Wan Quanquan said: "At any time, the army is the party's army. As long as the party needs it, the army will rush to the forefront." In the future, the secretary will pay more attention to these demobilized cadres who have shed sweat for Dongzhou City, so that they can be well settled." Wang Guodong said: "I will instruct the organization, personnel, and civil affairs departments of Dongzhou City to do a good job. Improve the resettlement of cadres who have been reemployed." Song Yunsheng called Wan Daquan to express his gratitude.Wan Daquan said: "At any time, the army is the army of the people. When the people are in need of difficulties, when the people's government needs assistance, the army will rush to the forefront of the most needed." Song Yunsheng was very moved: "Thank you, Political Commissar Wan Support for my work. This time, Secretary Xi and Governor Chai praised Dongzhou’s post-disaster construction and self-rescue situation, and the military has contributed a lot.” Wan Daquan said: “This is what we should do.” Song Yunsheng said "In the future, what needs the army and political commissar Wan have, just say it, as long as I, Song Yunsheng, can do it, I will do it." Wan Daquan was not polite, and said bluntly: "This year, Dongzhou's troops will There are a group of united and battalion-level cadres who have transferred, and I hope that Mayor Song can arrange them better.” Song Yunsheng’s answer was very strategic: “Political Commissar Wan, Dongzhou Municipal Government has always attached great importance to the resettlement of demobilized military cadres, and will pay more attention to it in the future. We will try our best to take care of everyone, but there are only so many good positions. Political Commissar Wan, if you have any special needs, please tell me directly, and I will find a way to arrange it." Wan Daquan said: "Political Commissar of the Frontier Defense Regiment, Peace, Colonel, Regiment level, because I am over 45 years old, I can no longer be promoted, please take care of Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng did not expect Wan Daquan to be so straightforward, and asked: "Political Commissar Wan, what are the requirements of this political commissar?" Wan Daquan Said: "He hopes to be able to enter the districts and counties as a deputy party and government, or to enter the municipal departments as a substantive department. He does not want to enter the district and county people's congresses, the CPPCC team, and he does not want to enter the municipal departments as a researcher or deputy researcher."

Song Yunsheng was taken aback: Heh, what a big appetite?However, this peace is not easy!Let Wan Daquan say it himself, which shows that the relationship between Heping and Wan Daquan is not simple.

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