Director's growth history

2475.1414, post-disaster inspection

Although the disaster situation in Dongzhou City is relatively serious, it is relatively good compared with Hunan, Jiangxi and other places. ∑飞㊣ ≥After Fu Quansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Municipal Party Committee, fully guided the follow-up disaster relief work, other city leaders also took action to conduct in-depth research on the restoration of economic and social order after the disaster.

Wang Guodong, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into the suburban counties and cities, walked to the fields, and learned about the damage of rapeseed flowers, greenhouse vegetables, and other winter crops; came to the orchard and tea farms, and learned about the losses of citrus and tea gardens; came to the villagers’ communities, Understand the living conditions of the people.Everywhere he went, Wang Guodong brought the care of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to the local people, and encouraged everyone to actively face the once-in-a-century snow disaster, actively produce and save themselves, and fully restore their lives.Wang Guodong asked the local party committee and government to firmly establish the sense of purpose of "building the party for the public and governing for the people", serve the people wholeheartedly, and effectively help solve the difficulties of the people.Wang Guodong gave clear instructions to the accompanying directors of the Labor and Social Security Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Agriculture Bureau, and the Water Conservancy Bureau, and asked relevant functional departments to promptly issue policies and opinions to support, benefit, and assist farmers, and give them to the people. The most necessary support is to allow the majority of farmers to resume production as soon as possible, and to recover the losses caused by the freezing rain and snow disasters by planting fast-growing vegetables and Spring Festival vegetables, so that the masses of the people can live a happy life without reducing their income after the disaster. Spring Festival.Wang Guodong also came to difficult enterprises and families of difficult residents to investigate first-hand information, and encouraged relevant enterprises and difficult residents to try their best to turn around the predicament and develop by all means.At the same time, clear work requirements were put forward for the leaders of the accompanying district party committee and district government, as well as the leaders of labor, civil affairs, trade unions, women's federations, etc., to ensure that every resident can still live a happy life in the year of freezing rain and snow disasters. There is food to eat, money to spend, clothes to wear, and new year's goods for the Spring Festival.

Song Yunsheng led the leaders of the Municipal Government Research Office, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau, Municipal Machinery Bureau, Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, Municipal Economic and Trade Commission, Municipal Construction Commission (Construction Management Bureau) and other departments to go deep into the East Major enterprises in the city conduct research and inspection.Song Yunsheng is too concerned about the production and operation of these large enterprises, because they are all major taxpayers in Dongzhou City. The performance of these enterprises directly determines whether the city government can raise more financial resources to carry out large-scale Construction investment.A few days ago, because the power transmission was only 60% of the usual, so before 12 o'clock in the evening and before 7 o'clock in the morning, it was the power supply time of major enterprises. At other times, priority was given to ensuring the electricity demand of the people, ensuring the headquarters office building, business For the electricity demand of hotels and government agencies, Song Yunsheng has received calls from several entrepreneurs complaining about their complaints, requesting to ensure the electricity supply of enterprises.Under such circumstances, Song Yunsheng could only express his apology, and promised that once the power supply in Dongzhou City returned to normal, he would immediately guarantee the normal power consumption of all enterprises.On the day when the second power transmission and transformation line in Dongzhou City was completed, Song Yunsheng issued an order to supply power to major enterprises.It is hard to understand Song Yunsheng's urgency without being the mayor: the stoppage of enterprise production means the reduction of tax revenue, and tax revenue is a lever that the mayor values ​​very much. To put it bluntly, what can be done without tax revenue?Teachers’ salaries can’t be paid without taxes; water companies and bus companies have no financial subsidies, and I’m afraid they should all close their doors; all roads in the city are free, and the funds for construction and maintenance also come from taxes; The daily discharge of domestic sewage, which is closely related to the common people, is also inseparable from taxation, because the daily work funds of the Drainage Management Office, which is responsible for dealing with the overflow of sewage, also come from taxation.Perhaps ordinary people don’t understand that “three rural” subsidies come from taxes; cultural expenditures come from taxes; trade union support funds come from taxes; medical insurance subsidies also need tax support; The salary expenditures and expenditures of various departments are also inseparable from taxation.A reduction in tax revenue means a reduction in local fiscal revenue, and all departments have to tighten their belts to live a tight life.When all walks of life need financial support, there is no funds or little funds allocated, and when they are crying poor, they will turn to the mayor instead of the secretary of the municipal party committee.

After the freezing rain and snow disaster in Dongzhou City was initially alleviated, Song Yunsheng put the focus of his work on large enterprises and large projects.In Dongsheng Sewing Machine Company, Song Yunsheng worked on-site, coordinated with Dongzhou Port, customs, and industrial and commercial departments, established a fast channel for export customs clearance, and fully supported the export of Dongsheng Group Company.In Nasi Chemical Co., Ltd., Song Yunsheng encouraged the employees of the company to increase technological innovation and strive to expand market share in the field of detergent and toothpaste on the basis of creating the first national well-known trademark in Dongzhou City , determined to be the largest manufacturer and seller of washing products in the country.Song Yunsheng instructed the Municipal Economic and Trade Commission to actively assist Nass Group in opening up the market, smooth marketing channels, and lay the foundation for Nass Group to increase its scale and efficiency.Song Yunsheng also instructed the Municipal Development and Reform Commission to fully do a good job in the market analysis and research work in the national washing field, and to produce a research report and provide it to Nass Group for reference.Song Yunsheng instructed the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to create a good environment for the operation and development of the company, and to prevent more inspections and harassment of Nass.On the way to another company, Song Yunsheng, who was sitting in a minibus, said affectionately to the person in charge of the accompanying municipal department: "Big companies are big taxpayers of the city government. To put it more directly, they are our food and clothing parents. Big companies How well the enterprise develops is directly related to the public utility funds of each of our departments, the salary pocket of each of us, and the vital interests of the broad masses of the people. Our functional departments, for major enterprises, must More support, less inspection, more help, and less finger-pointing. Together, we will create a good development environment for large companies, and large companies will produce more, sell more, and pay more taxes. Today at Nass Group, I hope that some departments will pay attention to the problems reported by Vice President Gu Chunlian. It is impossible for the current enterprise production to have no pollution at all! As long as the enterprise has been paying attention to the sewage treatment work, and it is slightly below or close to the standard, it will be environmentally friendly. Departments shouldn’t stare at people’s butts every day! Who doesn’t have sludge on the back of their necks? If a big company like Nass goes bankrupt, Dongzhou City’s fiscal and tax revenue will lose a lot! If the city government decides to give The Environmental Protection Agency has cut half of its office expenses, and your Environmental Protection Agency can't complain about poverty!"

The head of the Environmental Protection Bureau sat there, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, and kept wiping away his sweat.But Song Yunsheng didn't seem to see it.Song Yunsheng said: "Now, we are going to the construction site of Dongzhou Xingang. Although it has only been more than half a month since the foundation stone was laid, I am very concerned about the development of this Xingang. , Which city is developed, except for Beijing, most of them are seaports or river ports. Counting from north to south, the most developed city in Liaoning Province is Dalian, which is a seaport; the most developed city in Shandong is Qingdao, which is a seaport; in recent years, Yantai The speed of the city's development is also very fast. It has surpassed the provincial capital Jinan in terms of gdp, and has become the second largest city in Shandong Province. It is also a seaport. There is also a city in Shandong Province called Rizhao. The speed of development is also very fast. Looking at Guangdong, the most developed city, Guangzhou, is the largest river port in the Pearl River Basin, and it can be regarded as half a seaport; Shenzhen is currently the second largest container port in China, only inferior to Shanghai. Hong Kong, itself is An international free port, if Hong Kong does not have a port, it will not become an important financial center and cargo distribution center in the world today. The same is true in Fujian Province. Xiamen, the most developed city, is a seaport city. Looking at the world, the same is true, a small Singapore , occupying the natural artery of the Strait of Malacca, Singapore has been built so prosperous and strong only by collecting tolls; there is Panama, a country similar to Singapore, which does not have information industry and emerging industries like Singapore, and it is entirely dependent on Panama The use of the canal to collect tolls has also allowed the city to develop rapidly. The situation in our Qingjiang Province is also the same. In recent years, Ninghai City has become the largest feeder port around Shanghai by relying on Beilun Port. Ninghai's gdp is directly catching up The provincial capital, Hangjiang, will overtake Hangjiang one day in the future, and the trend is obvious; Taizhou is currently being built. It is said that its sea area is not as good as Dongzhou, but the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor are committed to building Taizhou port well and developing it with the port. Drive the progress of the city. As far as I know, Hangjiang City is also considering the use of Hangjiang Bay to build Hangjiang Port in its county-level cities. It is also seen that the Hong Kong City has mature theories and junior high school foundations. Comrades In the past, Dongzhou Port was mainly a river port. No matter how widened the channel was, it was limited by the width of the Oujiang River and could not accommodate larger ships. No matter how deep the channel was, the sediment washed down from the upstream would still make the river shallower. The development of Dongzhou Port in Dongzhou actually has more unique conditions than Taizhou and Ninghai. In terms of radius distance, Ninghai is close to Shanghai and lives in the shadow of Shanghai Port. Before Shanghai and Shenzhen, the geographical location is the most suitable One is Xiamen, the other is Dongzhou, which are located in the middle of the two major central ports, which is most conducive to the formation of a central port city. In addition, Dongzhou is a city with export-oriented export as an important development direction, and foreign trade depends on The speed has reached more than 90%, and a strong seaport is needed to support it. Therefore, the municipal government is determined and makes great efforts to build Dongzhou Port well. Today, various departments went to the port construction site to take a look at the port together. We will listen to the introduction of comrades from the Port Authority together, and then, those who can contribute should contribute, and those who can come up with ideas should come up with more ideas. Our goal is only one, that isIt is to build a [-] million-ton Dongzhou Port that can effectively support the development of Dongzhou. "

After Song Yunsheng and his party came out of the Dongzhou Port construction site, they came to the construction site of the North-South Expressway in Dongzhou City.Song Yunsheng said affectionately to the company leaders and employees at the construction site: "In the face of the once-in-a-century freezing snow disaster, in order to facilitate the traffic in the city for the convenience of the people in Dongzhou City, the construction companies braved the cold wind, braved the rain and snow, and overcame the disaster. For the inconvenience caused, I have been insisting on construction. On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, on behalf of the people of the whole city, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you! The construction of this expressway is very important for the urban traffic of Dongzhou City. A The Oujiang River separates Dongzhou into the north and south urban areas. This Oujiang River is not only the mother river of Dongzhou, but also like a natural moat that separates the urban area. From the southern urban area to the northern urban area, there are only a few bridges. Rapid increase, frequent congestion. Once this expressway is completed, it will greatly relieve the traffic pressure in the north and south urban areas and facilitate the travel of the people. It is a popular road, a road to wealth, and a logistics road. It is also a hub connecting the north and south of the urban area. With this expressway, I quote a poem from Chairman Mao: Tianzhu turns into a thoroughfare! I sincerely hope that all construction companies will build first-class roads with strict quality management Do you have confidence in building this popular road into a model project that can be used for 50 or 100 years?"

The earth-shattering shout: "Yes!" followed by warm applause.

In the office of the temporary headquarters, Song Yunsheng listened to brief reports from the heads of various construction companies.Song Yunsheng asked all departments and units stationed in Ou to be anxious about the company's urgency, think about what the company thinks, and give strong support to all construction companies in terms of policies, funds, manpower, and material resources to ensure the progress of the project and ensure the smoothness of the project. quality.Before leaving, Song Yunsheng stood on the bank of the Oujiang River again, looking at the workers who were doing foundation earthwork construction, Song Yunsheng said emotionally: "This expressway should have been repaired a long time ago, and I will make a decision to repair this road now." , It’s been several years late, otherwise we can create a few firsts in Qingjiang Province, and let the people of Dongzhou enjoy the convenient and fast transportation earlier. After this fast repair, I think it is very necessary to build the East The east and west expressways in the city form two main arteries of urban traffic, and at that time, the most popular Fiat Beetle taxis in Dongzhou City will surely become an eternal history.”

When Song Yunsheng returned to the office of the mayor of the city government and sat down on the chair, he felt that after walking all day, his bones were about to fall apart.Age is not forgiving!Although he was full of energy in front of everyone, Song Yunsheng also showed his truest side when no one was present: a tired middle-aged man in his early fifties, old is old.

The official documents on the desktop piled up into a thick pile.Song Yunsheng sighed and prepared to review the official documents.At this time, I received a phone call from Sheng Zhiren: "Mayor Song, Secretary Wang Guodong proposed to make partial adjustments to the personnel of some departments recently and ask the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee to come up with preliminary opinions. Now, do you have time? If I have time, I will ask You report the relevant situation." Song Yunsheng, who was still sluggish, suddenly became full of energy: "Zhiren, I am in the office now, you come."

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