Director's growth history

2500.1430. Too much difference in taste

But Ding Chunxiao didn't realize it, and she toasted Fangyuan's third glass of wine: "In recent days, my sister has always had a strong wish, that is, I want my younger brother to be the general manager of Chunxiao's company. I don't care about anything, I will come As my brother's assistant, I will listen to my command, and I will raise a child at home. ㊣(╯▽╰). co? But I know that my career is also very good now, and I am already the principal of Dongzhou 5 Middle School , in a few years, it is very likely to become the director of the Education Bureau. No one is willing to let anyone give up this thriving career. But I want to say that I sincerely hope that my brother can develop better, but I have a request , no matter when, please help my sister, when Chunxiao company needs you, you can stand in front of my sister, okay?"

Fang Yuan really wasn't very interested, but seeing Ding Chunxiao's begging gaze, Fang Yuan's heart softened: "Sister, when you are in trouble, I will definitely reach out to help you. In fact, my ability is also very limited. Sometimes it plays a very small role. To make Chunxiao company bigger and stronger, the most important thing is to depend on my sister, who is the pillar of Chunxiao company."

Ding Chunxiao sighed: "But my sister is a woman. My sister is already 35 years old. In ten days or so, after the Spring Festival, I will be 36 years old. I don't want to have a big career. I just want to be a little woman. Be a good wife and a good mother. Now my sister is in such a position, I can barely hold on. I don’t have education, I graduated from junior high school, and I haven’t gone to college; I don’t know how to manage. Doctor, how do I know what iso9001 is? How do I know what is process management and what is quality management? How do I know what is human resource management? Even if they tell me these management theories, I can only understand a little bit, but I believe that the ones introduced by my brother are all very good, because my brother is always helping me and has never harmed me, so I am at ease. Brother, I really need you to help my sister, I beg you .”

Fang Yuan said: "As I said just now, I will help you, but the main thing is to rely on my sister herself. I have my own direction of effort, and it is impossible for me to focus on managing Chunxiao Company. After all, my job is to Education, I also hope that I can make a career in education." Ding Chunxiao said: "I support my younger brother in education. My younger brother deliberately helps my elder sister, and my elder sister is also willing to help my younger brother. I need my elder sister's help in work. Yes, it doesn't matter if you spend money or do other things, just come to me, and I will do my best to help you." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

This third glass of wine, Fang Yuan felt a little heavy.Fangyuan didn't want to bear the pressure that he didn't want to bear, and whether Chunxiao Group could take care of it well, he really didn't want to take care of it.Fang Yuan felt that it was necessary to clarify the matter: "Sister, I would like to toast you too. Thank you for your trust in me and support for me. Today I also want to solemnly tell my sister that you told me verbally last time, that I thought it was inappropriate to give me 10% of Chunxiao’s shares. So, please take back what you said, I can’t take your shares.” Ding Chunxiao’s face changed: “Why, miss you? Are there too few shares?" Fang Yuan said: "It's not too little, it's too much. The development of Chunxiao Company is made step by step with wisdom and sweat. I can't take 10% of the shares out of thin air." Ding Chunxiao said : "I said I gave it to you, so I gave it to you. The accountant has calculated the profit in 2007, which is 243 million yuan. According to your 10% share dividend, you will get a bonus of 24 yuan. My sister is going to make it for you. A bank card, when the time comes, the bank card will be handed over to you, and you will be given dividends every year. If the output value in 2008 can break through 5000 million, then your dividend is likely to reach more than 100 million. Money to you is no outsider, sister I am willing to give it. If others want it, sister still doesn’t want to give it!”

24, 100 million, this really made Fang Yuan's heart flutter.Whoever is indifferent in front of money is either a real gentleman or a hypocrite.But Fangyuan really didn't dare to take the pie that fell from the sky. The Municipal Education Bureau just held a work meeting on party style and clean government, and organized many inspections. This made Fangyuan feel: some small gifts might not be blamed by anyone. But when it comes to collecting money, no matter how high-sounding the reason is, one must be cautious.Fang Yuan said: "Sister, I really can't ask for this money. I promise, money is a good thing. I was the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for a year, but it was only more than 4 yuan. Money is really easy to do things. Money can indeed be chic, but money must be the result of one’s own hard work, not just falling from the sky.”

Ding Chunxiao said: "You have paid a lot! If it wasn't your good idea, it would be considered good if Chunxiao's company can make a profit of 50 yuan this year. Unexpectedly, in the last two months, the money from sponsoring Dongzhou University and Dongzhou TV Station alone would be enough. It reached 170 million yuan, but still created a profit of more than 240 million yuan. Brother, tell me, how much are your ideas worth?"

Looks hard to say no to!Fang Yuan said: "Anyway, I can't take this money, and I can't ask for it. Really, sister, thank you for your kindness." Ding Chunxiao looked very sad: "Why, do you think this money is unclean?" Fang Yuan said: " The money is clean, but if I take the money, I will make mistakes. The country opposes the government, and there is one thing that opposes party members and leading cadres from taking dry shares in enterprises. If I take the 24 yuan, I am afraid I will make this mistake , the final result is: expulsion, arrest, and sentence." Ding Chunxiao said: "Don't be afraid. If someone really dares to arrest you and fire you, you will come to Chunxiao Company and you will be the chairman and general manager." Dare not agree: "Sister, this is even more inappropriate."

The so-called non-speculative words are too much.Fangyuan felt that he and Ding Chunxiao really had nothing to say.Fortunately, Ding Chunxiao no longer insisted on giving Fangyuan money. Ding Chunxiao said: "The 10% of the shares, I said I would give it to you, and I will give it to you. I will also give you the annual dividend. If you must not take it, Then I will keep it for you temporarily, and one day in the future, when you need it, you can come and get it at any time, is this good?" Fang Yuan could only nod: "Sister, you are forcing me to make mistakes. This money is in your hands, I will not take it. If one day I really have nowhere to go, I will ask you for help." Ding Chunxiao said: "Okay. Anyway, my money and your money belong to the little guy in the future Money. I will keep it for you for the time being. "

brat?Who is the little guy?Fang Yuan's heart was full of doubts.But Fang Yuan didn't ask.Fang Yuan wanted to run away, but at this moment, Fang Yuan's cell phone rang.Fangyuan picked up the phone: "Guoliang, what do you want me for?" Zhang Guoliang said: "I finished dinner. I parked the car at the gate of Chunxiao Company, and I will pick you up. When will you come back? Let me know." Send a text."

This is a life-saving straw!Fangyuan hurriedly grabbed the straw: "Guoliang, the work talk is almost over, I am eating. After eating, I will go back by car." Zhang Guoliang said: "Okay!"

Ding Chunxiao said: "Are you going to go back?" Fang Yuan said: "My driver has already driven over, and it is at the gate of Chunxiao Group. Sister, I will go back by car after dinner." Ding Chunxiao was very disappointed. I hope Fang Yuan can stay, but looking at it now, Fang Yuan doesn't seem to be interested at all.It seems that it will be difficult to keep Fangyuan's people tonight.Ding Chunxiao did not lose his mind: if he fails once, he will look for opportunities in the future.But you must tie Fangyuan tightly to the Chunxiao Group, this goal cannot be changed; you must let yourself have a smart baby, Fangyuan is the priority choice, so you can kill two birds with one stone: not only bind Fangyuan, but also let yourself The business has a legal and reasonable successor.

But, how can Fang Yuan stay on his own initiative to complete his human-creation plan?This is a question, and I really need to discuss it with my girlfriends and friends.

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