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During the symposium, Dongzhou Education Hotel felt a little stretched. ╚ ?^╝ Not allowed, the deputy of the school, the deputy of the education and sports bureaus of the districts, and the heads of the education sections all stayed in the original venue, and arranged to watch the educational documentary "Passing Through 2007-Dongzhou Educational Documentary".Leaders above the deputy department of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, the principals of the middle schools affiliated to each bureau, and the directors of the education and sports bureaus of the districts and counties participated in the meeting. The symposium attended by Vice Chairman Ou Jinde.Even so, there are still too many people.

After careful arrangements, directors of education and sports bureaus of the four districts and five counties sat in the front row of the oval conference table, along with Bi Quanli and other city leaders, and Zhai Xinwen and other city bureau leaders. In the second row, the principals of junior high schools sat in the third and fourth rows of the large oval conference room. Although the principals of junior high schools must have opinions in their hearts, there is no way. The second son of the concubine, the junior high school is the second son of the concubine, which is not considered very important.According to the serial number of Dongzhou No. 5, Fangyuan ranked fourth in the second row after Dongzhou No. 1 Middle School, Dongzhou No. 2 Middle School, and Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School.Fang Yuan made up his mind that he was not going to speak at today's symposium.I don't know if Uncle Zhai Xinwen is praising himself this afternoon, or if he is putting himself on the fire. In short, after saying such things, coupled with teacher Xu Qian's indeterminate and indeterminate praise, let Fang Yuan know what he is doing today and in the future. I'm having a hard time.

After Zhai Xinwen made the opening remarks, the directors of the education and sports bureaus of all districts and counties spoke enthusiastically.Li Dongliang, director of Lubao District Education and Sports Bureau, did his part and spoke first.As the seat of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Bureau of Education and Sports holds the highest quality primary education resources and preschool education resources in Dongzhou City. When introducing the education work of Lubao District in 2008, it took nearly 20 days for one person to speak. minute.Many directors of education and sports bureaus are impatient.After Li Dongliang finished speaking, he turned his inquiring eyes to Bi Quanli and Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen smiled and said: "Director Li is right. Lubao District's determination to strive for a higher level in 2008 is commendable." Li Dongliang was very happy.Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrades, in order to allow more comrades to speak, I will now limit the time for everyone to speak within 5 minutes."

Many people regret not being the first to speak.This time, Li Dongliang took advantage of it, at least leaving a deep impression on Bi Lili, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor.Zhang Yongjin, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Longwan District, said: "Okay, let me be the second to speak. Just now Director Li talked very well about the education development in Lubao District. The overall level of education in our Longwan District is still inferior to that in Lubao District. Therefore, the goal of our district in 2008 is to learn the scientific concept of development, adhere to scientific development, make full use of the advantages of Dongzhou No. 5 middle schools located in Longwan District, strengthen the advantages with various junior and high schools, strengthen the connection between small and medium schools, and accelerate development For the preschool and primary education in Longwan District, we will strive to form several influential primary schools in the city around the famous junior high schools and high schools in 2008. Our vision is like this.” Zhang Yongjin started again at once, breathlessly He spoke for another fifteen or six minutes.At the end, Zhang Yongjin was very proud of himself, but he still expressed his apology: "Leaders, colleagues, I am really sorry for talking too much."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone, there is no time limit. If the time limit is exceeded, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to eat tonight, and the discussion will not be finished! Let me emphasize again, at most 5 minutes." Bi Quanli suddenly said: "Well, all the bureau chiefs, Dear principals, I think that when you are communicating, you can introduce the advantages and characteristics of your district or county or your school, introduce the difficulties and problems that still exist, and the solutions you think about, okay?" Zhai Xinwen said: " Mayor Bi's proposal is very good! It is very pragmatic and targeted. I don't think you should read your speeches, just think about Mayor Bi's problem."

Yuan Jinbao, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Yanping County, said: "Respected Mayor Bi, Director Shi, Chairman Ou, Director Zhai, leaders and colleagues of the Municipal Education Bureau. I am Yuan Jinbao, Director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Yanping County. It is a great honor It is a rare opportunity to report to the leaders about the situation of Yanping Education. In the past few years, Yanping Education has developed to a certain extent under the care of the city leaders and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. In particular, Mayor Bi, When the secretary of the municipal party committee was very concerned about Yanping education, the first Youth Federation Hope Primary School was built in Yanping. Mayor Bi cared about the Youth Federation Hope Primary School because he cared about Yanping education. Through the Youth Federation Hope Primary School, Yanping County’s education industry flourished. Development. In 2007, Yanping Education made great progress in the following aspects."

Yuan Jinbao also spoke openly. When it reached 12 minutes, Zhai Xinwen couldn't help it: "Director Yuan, it's overtime!" Yuan Jinbao looked at his watch: "I thought it was only 4 minutes. One minute!" Zhai Xinwen said, "It's already been 1 minutes." Yuan Jinbao said, "I'm really sorry, I'll end it, I'll end it." Yuan Jinbao paused, and said: "Yanping education will develop in the future. On the road to success, we still need to learn from other districts and counties. Of course, Yanping will strictly implement the deployment of Mayor Bi and the Municipal Education Bureau at all times, do a good job in every educational work, and strive to provide education that satisfies the people. "

Flattery after flattery.Everyone felt that Yuan Jinbao didn't have any real level, it's just that this flattering skill followed quickly.But Yuan Jinbao is satisfied with his speech, because the world of Dongzhou education in the future will be the world of Bi Quanli. If Bi Quanli is not a member of the Standing Committee, his influence will not be large enough. But Bi Lili is a member of the Standing Committee, and Zhai Xinwen will definitely be obedient~~ The meaning of the Standing Committee is very different. It has the right to speak and vote in important decision-making meetings in Dongzhou City.The deputy mayor who is not a member of the Standing Committee has no decision-making power, and the bureau chief who has real power is often superficially respectful but actually does his own way.

Bi Quanquan said: "Youth Federation Hope Primary Schools have been built in every county. This is related to the issue of high-quality compulsory education for poor primary school students in mountain villages. I hope that every county will attach great importance to it. The Municipal Education Bureau has done a good job in this regard. Well, Director Zhai has arranged a special fund of 10 yuan for educational facilities for each Hope Primary School. Before it is put into use, it must be fully equipped with high-quality teachers. After the school starts in September 2008, I will visit 9 Youth Federation Hope Primary Schools in the city.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Mayor Bi’s instructions are very important. Take Mayor Bi’s instructions back and report to the county leaders.” Yuan Jinbao, director of Yanping County Education and Sports Bureau, said: “Yes, I will report this to Secretary Cen Baiqiang tomorrow.” Ruiqing City Education and Sports Bureau Director Zhao Jinsuo, Chaoyang County Education and Sports Bureau Director Lin Huazhi, Jiangnan County Education and Sports Bureau Director Chen Qizhi, and Taicheng County Education and Sports Bureau Director Han Yandong also expressed their opinions and wanted to report to the county leaders.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, everyone continue to speak." Chen Xinhua, the principal of Dongzhou No. 42 Middle School, suddenly said, "Director Zhai, can the principal of our junior high school speak now?" People who exceed routines and rules, such as Fangyuan, may not have the subjective desire to violate routines or rules, but objectively, they have already caused such things, which have brought bad influence or harm to themselves. Have a sense of resentment.Now, seeing Chen Xinhua jumping out from the first row and the second row to speak first, I feel a little uncomfortable.But when Bi Quanli was sitting here, Zhai Xinwen still looked at Bi Quanli solicitingly.Bi Quanli didn't want to be a bad person, and said with a smile: "Today's symposium is supposed to be a free speech, and everyone can speak freely. However, every leader can introduce himself first when he speaks. I just took charge of the education work. , I am not very familiar with comrades in education."

Chen Xinhua said happily: "Thank you, Mayor Bi. I am Chen Xinhua, the principal of Dongzhou 42 Middle School. My school is a junior high school. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Education Bureau, Dongzhou 42 Middle School has implemented The basic development idea of ​​local breakthroughs has made new breakthroughs in the quality of education. In 2008, Dongzhou No. 42 Middle School will continue to implement the strategy of "partial breakthroughs" in depth, and strive to make new progress in building the school brand and enhancing the school's popularity. Our vision yes……"

Fangyuan knew the meaning of this "partial breakthrough", that is, to only catch the top students, and first increase the number of students who were admitted to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School in the high school entrance examination, while ignoring other middle-level or low-level students.This kind of teaching management concept may achieve certain results in a short period of time, but it runs counter to the new quality education concept of educational fairness and educational balance.Fang Yuan really wanted to refute, but Fang Yuan held back.On such an occasion, offending a headmaster who had no need to offend would not be worth the candle.Fang Yuan decided to shut up.

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