Director's growth history

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Sure enough, Zhao Jinsuo, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Ruiqing City, corrected him on the spot: "I don't quite agree with Principal Chen's point of view. │| │Currently, we are implementing quality education in an all-round way, emphasizing balance and fairness. Partial breakthroughs, to put it bluntly, are Only the top students and the underachievers are discarded, which is also uneven within the school, and it is unfair to these underachievers and their parents."

have to!Whoever breaks the rules first will probably become the target of public criticism.Fang Yuan watched coldly, but discovered the subtlety of this.Sure enough, Director Wang Pingshun of Oujiang District Bureau of Education and Sports, Director of Yongning District Bureau of Education and Sports Meng Mingjun, Director of Chaoyang County Bureau of Education and Sports Lin Huazhi, Director of Jiangnan County Bureau of Education and Sports Chen Qizhi, and Director of Taicheng County Bureau of Education and Sports Han Yandong spoke one after another, denying Chen Xinhua At the same time as the content of the speech, he reported the education work of their respective districts and counties to Bi Quanli, Shi Laiyun, Ou Jinde, Zhai Xinwen and other city leaders, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.This time, it was Chen Xinhua's turn to sit still.It never occurred to him that he just saw that the opportunity to speak was getting slimmer and he wanted to seize a chance to speak, but he was refuted by so many directors of the Bureau of Education and Sports.Although he is also a regular subject, and he is also a regular subject, the gold content between these two regular subjects is obviously different. He manages dozens of schools, and I only manage this school in No. 42!

Bi Jingli listened to the speeches of the Directors of the Bureau of Education and Sports, lowered his head, and moved his pen quickly.Education is so big, it seems that it is not so easy to control.Who can be a director of education and maintain a smooth and stable operation, this is a great thing.Everyone's speeches were very enthusiastic today, and I don't want to express too many opinions, so I will listen more and talk less today.By listening to everyone's speeches, you can better understand the talent situation of Dongzhou Education, and you can also understand the education situation in various districts and counties.All directors of education and sports bureaus have spoken. Among all directors of education and sports bureaus, Bi Quanquan has a good impression of Chen Qizhi, director of Jiangnan county education and sports bureau.In Bi Quan's educational ideals, Dongzhou's education should achieve three goals: balance, quality, and fairness.In his report speech, Chen Qizhi pointedly pointed out: partial breakthroughs violate the purpose of education that satisfies the people. First of all, it is unbalanced. Good students are very good, and poor students are very poor. Shouldn’t poor students pass the Does learning get better?Partial breakthroughs, even if a breakthrough is achieved in key high schools, this is not a real high-quality education. A real high-quality education should be an education with a pass rate of 100%, a pass rate of 100%, and an excellent rate of more than 80%. Partial breakthroughs, It also violates the principle of educational fairness. Good students have more opportunities to receive tutoring from teachers, while students who are relatively backward in learning have been allocated education funds for them. They should also enjoy the same amount of educational opportunities, but they did not get them. not suitable.

Chen Qizhi's words touched Bi Quanli's heart.Chen Qizhi introduced the work plan of Jiangnan County in 2008, summarizing the three studies, four balances and five consistent annual development ideas.The three researches are to study the improvement of the teaching staff, to study the submission of classroom teaching, and to study the practicality of education and scientific research. The three researches focus on the comprehensive implementation of quality education and focus on better education.The four balances are the balance of preschool education, the balance of primary school education, the balance of junior high school education, and the balance of high school education.The five unifications are the same remuneration for urban and rural teachers, the same allocation of teaching facilities in urban and rural schools, the same funding standards for urban and rural schools, the same work requirements for urban and rural schools, and the same standards for construction, expansion, and reconstruction of urban and rural schools.This is based on the fact that children in both urban and rural areas can receive the same high-quality education, and strive to provide Jiangnan education that the people are satisfied with.

Bi Quanli approved Chen Qizhi's speech very much in his heart, looked at Chen Qizhi, and nodded.When there was no further statement, another director of the Bureau of Education and Sports had already spoken.Bi tried his best to look at Chen Qizhi's age, he was about forty and just in his early forties, this age is a good age!At present, the personnel issues of the Municipal Education Bureau are already on the agenda. Although the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Wang Guodong has said that the personnel adjustments of all bureaus will be arranged after the Spring Festival. At present, there is still a situation where multiple forces contend.As the deputy mayor in charge, Bi Quanli is aware of his important role in the personnel affairs of the Education Bureau. Although it is not decided, he still has a say in the arrangement of deputy positions.This time the adjustment of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, Zou Zhigang became a researcher, which basically became the consensus of all parties; but the position of the deputy director of education and teaching management is controversial. Some people recommended Zhang Yuanqing, the chief of the political engineering department. It turned out that he had worked in education Some recommend Xie Bingguo, the director of the teaching and research section, but Xie Bingguo's full-time grade is only one year; some recommend Fang Yuan, who is really too young. Although he is talented, he may still be able to lead the city's education and teaching management. A certain degree of difficulty.Another post of deputy director, Bi Quanli learned that a cadre transferred from the army will take up the position. From the bottom of his heart, Bi Quanli was unwilling to let people from outside the education system work in the education system. The mayor mentioned this cadre transferred from the army, so Bi Quanli had to accept it.There is also a post of deputy director and supervisor, and a post of deputy researcher. The former is a half-real and half-empty job, and the latter is a non-leadership job. Accept it, but Bi Quanli has already made up his mind: in the future, to achieve success in education work, we still need to rely on Fang Yuan who can contribute and achieve results. Putting Fang Yuan in Dongzhou No. 5 is the most suitable arrangement, no matter what others say. I thought, as the deputy mayor in charge, for my own political achievements, I must also put Fang Yuan in the position of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Today, after listening to the speeches of 9 directors of the Bureau of Education and Sports, Bi Quanli's mind opened up: the promotion of the deputy director of education and teaching is not necessarily promoted from the department of the bureau, nor necessarily selected from the high schools affiliated to the bureau. Select from the directors of the county education and sports bureaus!In particular, the director of the County Bureau of Education and Sports is in charge of all levels of education below higher education from kindergarten to elementary school to junior high school to high school. When I arrived at a new position, I quickly entered the role.Bi tried his best to conduct a survey in various districts and counties before the convening of the Standing Committee for Personnel Adjustment, to comprehensively inspect the directors of the education and sports bureaus.

Bi Quanli also listened carefully to the speeches of the high school principals.This is also a kind of observation, a kind of investigation.Soon, it was Fangyuan's turn.This is your turn, not yours.Fang Yuan looked at Bi Quanli, then looked at Zhai Xinwen, and said, "I am a young principal. I came to the education work meeting today. After listening to Director Zou's work arrangements, I have a clear understanding of the specific goals and tasks of the Municipal Bureau in 2008. I have a clear understanding; after listening to Director Zhai's important speech, I was greatly inspired. It still takes me time to fully digest. I have a very immature preliminary idea for the work of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in 2008 , Briefly report to the leaders. First, Dongzhou No. 5 will go all out to organize and hold the Qingjiang quality education on-site meeting; second, Dongzhou No. 5 will fully implement the innovative School characteristics, building school brand activities, preparing to use art education as a breakthrough, fully implement the spirit of Director Zhai's instructions; third, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School implements the education quality improvement project, strives to achieve good results in the college entrance examination, and strives for new breakthroughs Fourth, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will fully implement the teacher team construction project. At present, the preparation plan has been started. In addition, I will also work together with the contestants and colleagues participating in the provincial class competition in accordance with the requirements of the leaders of the municipal bureau and the teaching and research section. Try to achieve good results in the provincial competition. Thank you everyone."

Zhai Xinwen was very satisfied with Fang Yuan's speech, which was simply the abbreviation of his speech at the education work meeting this morning.It can be seen from this that Fang Yuan attaches great importance to his speech as the bureau chief, and focuses on implementing his speech.Such cadres are trustworthy and can be used boldly.When listening to Xu Qian's report in the afternoon, Zhai Xinwen was still dissatisfied with Fang Yuan; now, he feels that Fang Yuan is a talent that can be used, not a nail that dare not touch the front and can only be grilled in private.

Bi Quanli appreciated Fangyuan's concise and concise report ideas.After listening to Fang Yuan's speech, Bi Quanli knew what important tasks Dongzhou No. 2008 Middle School was going to do in the spring semester of 5.The fewer goals, the clearer the direction of struggle; the more goals, the more scattered the energy of struggle will be, and eventually you will catch your eyebrows and beards, and you will not be able to do anything well.Fangyuan, not bad!

Bi Quanli said: "The ideas of Comrade Xiaofang, I think, are in line with the spirit of the Municipal Bureau. They have grasped the key points and dug deep into the difficulties, and they are also consistent with the tasks of Dongzhou Education in 2008. This is very good. It shows that Comrade Xiaofang listened carefully and offered praise. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is a banner in the hearts of ordinary people in Dongzhou City. I plan to go to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for a survey in the near future. Director Zhai, you will accompany me when the time comes."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay." He didn't take it seriously in his heart: Is this full effort because he is afraid that others will not understand Fangyuan's background?In fact, everyone now knows that Fang Yuan is a person with a background, and the background is deep, so everyone wants to get it without prompting.Hearing Bi Lili's praise of Fang Yuan, Zhai Xinwen began to feel uncomfortable again.

Of course, Fang Yuan's mood at the moment was a little more joyful and a little more sad than Zhai Xinwen's.Happily, Secretary Bi Quanli praised Fangyuan, which is to build up prestige for him; Bi Quanli will go to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for research, and this is to send funds and support to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, which is a platform for himself as the principal .The worry is, I don't know how many people feel jealous of this, and I will become a thorn in the eyes of others, a thorn in the flesh...

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