Director's growth history

2926.1705, Fangyuan was deeply "educated"

Seeing that his analysis was recognized by his son-in-law, Confucius was very proud of his rich experience, and his research level of human relationship surpassed that of ordinary people.Fang Yuan’s question made Confucius speak freely: “Sun Tzu’s Art of War said that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. We not only need to know the enemy, but also need to know ourselves. Now that we understand what Zhai Xinwen’s general mentality is like now, then we also need to understand that when When Zhai Xinwen really wants to make a move, can we pick it up and how should we do it?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes." Confucius Tian said: "Xiao Fang, have you noticed? China has already jumped to the second place in the world. In the process of China's exchanges with other countries, it is actually very similar to human exchanges. When the United States bullies us, China often makes appropriate concessions and sticks to the bottom line, and generally does not happen to it. Head-on conflict. There is a sneer saying that the United States will fight whoever I want, Russia will fight whoever hits me, the United Kingdom will fight whoever the United States fights with the United States, and China will fight whoever hits me. It seems that, China is the weakest, but have you ever thought about it? Now many countries in the world are being bullied to their doorstep by others, and they dare not even scold. This scolding also needs strength as a guarantee! From another perspective, China is implementing □ □ Comrade’s idea of ​​building a country, which is to keep a low profile and concentrate on development and never take the lead, is a concept that can quite embody the wisdom of Chinese philosophy. In recent years, China’s international influence is also significantly different from that of the 90s of the last century, that is, the strengthening of national strength, more and more The more international organizations absorb China or increase China's discourse power in them, China's diplomacy has also undergone subtle adjustments under the premise of pursuing the basic principle of keeping a low profile. However, it must be controlled within a controllable range. In general, the overall situation of Sino-US cooperation must be maintained. Knowing that the US is encircling it, China still needs the US for its development. Especially as a major exporter, China needs the US as a huge market. The conflict between China and the United States is out of control. When both China and the United States suffer, China will suffer more. In particular, a large number of export processing enterprises and low-value-added labor-intensive enterprises will close down in large numbers, and a large number of foreign trade companies mainly exporting to the United States will close down. Tens of millions of people will be unemployed, which is a burden that no country or government can bear. Therefore, Sino-US diplomacy is characterized by cooperation and struggle, deepening cooperation, and fighting without breaking up. At the same time, China deepens cooperation with Russia's strategic cooperative partnership, leading the construction of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, strengthening cooperation with Iran, Venezuela and other countries hostile to the United States, strengthening support to Africa, and reducing the debts of African countries in large quantities. At international conferences, it is actively full of third world countries and the role of spokesperson for developing countries, and strive to safeguard the interests of third countries and developing countries. This is actually trying to get more countries to support China at critical moments. We all need allies at any time! This is Carry out Chairman Mao Zedong's strategic thinking that "the enemy of the enemy is a friend". To the neighboring neighbors, a policy of good-neighborliness, relatives and neighbors is adopted. But except for the United States and Russia, if other countries want to provoke China, China's diplomatic means have become tougher. I will deal with anyone who provokes me. If 10 years ago, China probably did not have the strength and courage.Do it this way. "

Fang Yuan said: "Dad has a deep understanding of China's diplomacy!" Confucius Tian said: "I study administrative management. To put it bluntly, I study the management of Chinese party and government organizations. Only in this way can we build a strategic plan and find regular things. Telling you about China’s diplomacy today is actually telling you that the same is true for people-to-people exchanges. China’s foreign policy towards the United States is exactly what you should do to Zhai Xinwen It’s a strategy to maintain; for others who want to challenge your authority, you can deal with it flexibly according to different situations; at any time, you must have your own allies.” Fang Yuan said: “I will always remember Dad’s teachings.” Confucius Tian said: "In fact, the wisdom of the ancient Chinese is worth learning. It is not outdated and still useful when it is used today. Let's just talk about this story of 'Trying Courage'. When Goujian knew that his strength was not enough, he At the same time, he sent beautiful women, washed Fu Chai's feet, gave Fu Chai boiled grains, and wooed and bribed ministers around Fu Chai. When Fu Chai wanted to clean up Gou Jian several times, Gou Jian always Using this method of showing weakness to keep his head. Keeping the green hills, he is not afraid of having no firewood. In the end, he still defeated Fuchai and re-established a powerful Yue State. His success is based on knowing himself and the enemy. Knowing the enemy, knowing the enemy, More confidant, so in the end become a winner."

Fang Yuan nodded frequently and fell into deep thought.Kong Shuanghua also felt that her father's words were a bit too esoteric. She didn't have a deep understanding of the society, and she couldn't fully understand her father's sudden mention of Sino-US relations and Yue Wang Goujian.But seeing Fang Yuan listening with gusto, knowing what his father said was very enlightening to Fang Yuan.

Confucius Tian took a sip of tea and looked at his daughter and son-in-law.Suddenly discovered an improvement of his daughter, that is, the daughter filled him with water.This was unimaginable before.Confucius Tian watched Fang Yuan sitting there thinking calmly, without disturbing him, he sipped his tea one by one, giving Fang Yuan enough time.

Finally, Fangyuan raised her head and said to Confucius Tian: "Dad, your teachings made me suddenly enlightened. It seems that many things in life cannot be done well with determination and courage. The human factor is what determines a thing. The key to success or failure lies in it. Just now I was thinking that people, including me and others, must understand themselves and other people around them. If everyone understands almost everyone, then we can unite as much as possible. With more people, eliminating artificial resistance and unblocking the relationship between people, there is more hope of doing things well. In this era of highly socialized and intensive socialization, it is becoming more and more impossible to rely on me alone. "Confucius Tian Diandian Head: "One hero has three gangs." Fang Yuan said: "If the opponent is strong, then you must understand your own strength. If your own strength is stronger than the opponent, you can consider making a move; if your own strength is comparable to the opponent, you can use it Cooperation is dominant, there is fighting and cooperation, and fighting is not broken; if one's own strength is weaker than that of the opponent, one can be like Goujian and try his best, and when the time is not ripe, one cannot sacrifice one's vital strength in vain." Confucius Tian said: "Yes That’s it. Of course, at any time, it is a very important principle to win more support and support from all sides. If you get the right way, you will get more help, but if you don’t get the right way, you will get little help. The final great victory. In the new socialist revolution led by Chairman Mao Zedong, we insisted on the magic weapon of a strong united front, united all forces, and finally defeated economic, military, personnel and other forces. It’s not as good as the Kuomintang regime on the other side, which established a new China. Xiaofang, think about it, who did we unite for support at that time? Workers, farmers, intellectuals, petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie, and enlightened gentlemen (landlords) , there are also various parties representing the interests of different classes, that is, the seven parties that still exist. Don’t underestimate the role of the party at the beginning. The party is the place where intellectuals are most concentrated, like farmers and workers. The Party represented the medical class at that time, the Jiusan Society represented the university professors and scientific researchers at the time, the Democratic Revolution represented the leftists of the Kuomintang, and the Democratic Progressives represented many intellectuals in the legal, publishing, cultural and educational circles These allied forces played a role in supporting the Communist Party in different regions and at different levels, and eventually isolated the Kuomintang regime into a regime supported by a very small number of strata such as the bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the comprador bourgeoisie. Even the leftists within the Kuomintang Under the leadership of Soong Ching Ling and others, they moved towards the direction of supporting the Communist Party and the New Revolutionary Revolution. It is very difficult for the Kuomintang to be undefeated, and it is also difficult for the Communist Party to be invincible!"

Fang Yuan said: "Dad, you are very good. I saw that at today's banquet, there are more and more cadres from Dongzhou University who support you." Confucius Tian said: "It is like this. If there are not many people supporting you Well, my principal is a bare-bones commander, and I can't do anything. But with the support of so many party committee members, vice-principals, and middle-level support, I have the confidence to make greater contributions to the development of Dongzhou University in the post of principal. Otherwise, human constraints, especially the obstruction from the Ma Jun side, may prevent me from achieving anything. It is even more impossible to be promoted from the deputy office to the main office. After all, political performance is the first element to ensure progress. To achieve political success, I must have more people within Dongzhou University to support me. Through the industry-university-research cooperation last year, a large number of middle-level deans and department heads have invested in my arms. Among the members of the party committee, there are now more than At least half of the members will not oppose me; among the vice presidents, basically they will not stand against me. Even if some people want to stop me from doing things that benefit the country and the people, how can they stop me? Where do I live? Of course, it’s not enough just to have friends from school, we must also have a wider range of friends, like Song Yunsheng, Sheng Zhiren, and Deng Yuncong, all of which can be counted as my friends. In the province, Liu Jun is the most important and direct My friend, although the promotion of the main hall is ultimately decided by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the opinions of the Provincial Department of Education and Vice Governor Qu Bitong are very important. The more supporters there are, the easier things will be. This is' The mystery lies in the fact that everyone picks up firewood and the flame rises."

Fang Yuan said: "Papa's layout is grand and exquisite. I think Dad is not far away from the main hall." Confucius Tian said: "The main reason is that my assistant hall is too short. It seems that it will take at least one year to preside over the work. No As long as I don't make mistakes in principle, it is almost impossible to prevent me from being promoted to the main hall."

Confucius Tian seems to have a lot of self-confidence.Kong Shuanghua said: "Dad, what if you have made a principled mistake now?" Kong Zitian said: "Xiaohua, what are you talking about?" Kong Shuanghua said: "In fact, our whole family knows that you have other things outside A woman, otherwise you wouldn’t stay home every day. Isn’t this a mistake in principle? What if someone uses this topic to attack you?”

The originally harmonious family atmosphere suddenly changed.Confucius Tian's kind smile disappeared, and his face became ugly.Fang Yuan was also taken aback. When he was trying to figure out the good idea and method of his father-in-law's guidance, Kong Shuanghua suddenly brought up such an embarrassing topic, which was simply out of nowhere.Could it be that Kong Shuanghua is such a person who is good at creating "surprises" for everyone when they are unexpected?

Fang Yuan remained calm, because he was also facing such a problem, not to mention, as an outsider, it was difficult for him to participate in any disputes between father and daughter.

Confucius Tian's face was cloudy and uncertain.After a while, Kong Zitian seemed to have figured out something, and said calmly: "Xiaohua, no matter which direction things go, you will always be my daughter, Ruirui will always be my grandson, and I will always be your father. This won’t change.” Kong Shuanghua said: “I know this. Dad loves me, otherwise he wouldn’t guide Fang Yuan so earnestly. But Dad, have you ever thought about it, you are doing this to my mother very unfairly. Where is my mother not Okay? How can I be sorry for you? In terms of virtuousness, my mother is the best in the world. But no matter how good my mother is, she can’t resist the temptation of the little goblin outside. Dad, I don’t know what you think in your heart.” Kong Zitian looked at Fangyuan With a glance, he said: "Since it has been made clear today, it is good to talk about it. Let me ask you, how do you know that I have other women outside?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Is there any need to ask this? A man is Whether there are other women outside depends on whether this man comes home every day. Like Fang Yuan, who goes home every day, how can there be other women outside? And Dad, you go home for one or two days a month, where is the rest of the time? , Mom and I don’t know, this fool can see it.”

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