Director's growth history

2929.1707. Immediate changes in mentality

After being in love with Kong Shuanghua, Fang Yuan also got involved.On this night, Kong Shufang and Xiaoqing sleep peacefully in Kong Shuanghua's bedroom with Ruirui in their arms; Kong Zitian sleeps alone in the master bedroom; and Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua sleep in the study where Fangyuan has been staying recently.The two of them were in a room as warm as summer, their emotions surged and they couldn't help themselves, and they completed the highest-quality sexual journey in the past year.It is said that sex is the best lubricant for love, and a perfect sex makes Kong Shuanghua love Fangyuan even more desperately, and Fangyuan also looks at his wife Kong Shuanghua more pleasing to the eye than before.In Fangyuan's eyes, Kong Shuanghua is indeed making continuous progress and is much better than before. Love has changed many of Kong Shuanghua's personality or habits, including cognition.In Kong Shuanghua's eyes, her husband is not only thriving in his career, but also alive and well in society. More importantly, his husband has accepted him and is willing to open his heart to him.With the feeling of sex, coupled with Fang Yuan's proficient "skills", Kong Shuanghua climbed to the top of the wonderful mountain several times, and experienced the wonderful taste of being a woman.

Its daybreak.Fang Yuan is going to have breakfast at home today.Today is different, father-in-law Kong Zitian is at home, and Fang Yuan is also willing to listen to Kong Zitian's high opinion.Although Kong Shufang slept with her grandson last night, she was still very happy to see Kong Zitian at home, and she got up early to cook for the whole family.Kong Shuanghua made a cup of honey water for his father Kong Zitian and husband Fangyuan each.Seeing Kong Shuanghua's radiant face, Kong Zitian was very happy and said, "Xiaohua, did you sleep well last night?" They are about to die, Kong Shuanghua nodded: "Okay." Kong Zitian said: "Love is mutual attraction, marriage is mutual adjustment. I believe that Xiaohua in my family will be able to do better." Kong Shuanghua said: "Dad, I will definitely do better." effort."

During breakfast, Confucius seemed to have forgotten what he said yesterday, and he was very interested: "Fang Yuan, the leadership election in Taiwan is over. Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang defeated Hsieh Chang-ting of the Democratic Progressive Party." Fang Yuan has been busy with quality education these days. At the on-site meeting, I was also very concerned about this issue, but I missed it this time.Fang Yuan said: "Ma Ying-jeou's victory is a good thing for us!" Confucius Tian said: "Yes. Before Ma Ying-jeou's father passed away, he told Ma Ying-jeou not to forget that he is a Chinese. , the relationship between the mainland and Taiwan will gradually ease from tense conflicts." Fang Yuan said: "I really hope that China can achieve complete reunification as soon as possible!" Confucius Tian said: "It is difficult! From the outside, the United States, Japan, I don’t want to see the reunification of the mainland and Taiwan. The island of Taiwan is regarded by the United States as an unsinkable aircraft carrier to contain China’s development and prevent China’s power from entering the Pacific Ocean. From the perspective of Taiwan’s interior, after a series of advances by terrorists The introduction of measures, including the abolition of the "National Unification Guidelines", including the revision of the "'□□' Constitution", including the revision of textbooks, has formed a powerful force in Taiwan Island that seeks to go beyond China. This time Hsieh Changting won At least 40% of the votes proved that about 40% of Taiwan compatriots hope that Taiwan will move towards independence. As for whether to rush or delay independence, whether to achieve independence immediately or maintain the status quo first, and then become independent after the conditions are ripe, these are the details. different, but the general direction is to demand independence. These 40% of Taiwanese no longer agree that they are both Taiwanese and Chinese. In fact, just like us Qingjiang people and Dongzhou people, we are both Dongzhou people and Qingjiang people. People, especially Chinese, this is not contradictory. They are separating Taiwanese from Chinese by advocating ethnic independence, dominating the media and textbooks. After Ma Ying-jeou came to power, he will definitely face a A series of problems." Fang Yuan said: "Yes! However, after taking power, you can correct the policies of the government by exercising the ruling power." Confucius Tian said: "Difficult! Taiwan is one person, one person. Votes! How can this 40% of the public opinion be ignored?" Fang Yuan nodded. If a school wants to manage well, there are so many things, and the 300 teachers in the school have different ideas, let alone a Taiwan island. ?

Confucius Tian said: "This year is very likely to be the year when international terrorist forces are concentrated and exposed. Yesterday, during the ceremony of collecting the Olympic torch in Greece and China, terrorists made trouble again, snatched the torch and extinguished it. Yes. Our torch is rekindled." Fang Yuan hated the protesters extremely: "These protesters are really hateful. Tibet has been Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty. The title given by the emperor is confirmed by an order issued by the central government. The Panchen Lama loves the country and loves the religion. This □□ is just reluctant to give up the days of being the biggest slave owner of the serf system and dominating the day!" Confucius Tian said: "□□ The essence of the rebellion in 1959 was that after serving as the vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress, it was discovered that in Tibet, there was only one thing to say, but now only the Potala Palace has the final say. The party committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region has the final say on government orders, and the newly formed Tibet Autonomous Region The people's government has the final say. When it comes to roots, he is still a great Bodhisattva who saves all sentient beings, and he is simply a clown who is unwilling to lose the power he had before 1955. But we cannot but admire him for being a man of a certain level. People, under the banner of Buddhism, he still has the ability to bluff. Of course, those Western countries and Western forces that are hostile to China's development are also happy to see another troublemaker for China, so they continue to invite The way to visit this country, to contain China, to seek greater economic interests and political concessions from China. 'My' president or prime minister, it is because you China did not agree to my request; if you want to' If the president or prime minister of our country is not there, then you have to purchase our products or give special attention to exchange rate adjustments, tariff reductions, etc. At the same time, when this guy travels around the world, it is actually a time for begging for alms. India In Dharamsa, there is no industry, very little taxation, and it is impossible to maintain the operation of the so-called Tibetan government-in-exile. Without money and without China's hands, the Communist Party and the Communist Party itself will collapse. Therefore, those who go to countries around the world to teach Buddhism The process is a process of alms, and some Western forces and countries also took the opportunity to give this so-called exile regime a certain amount of financial support. Especially the United States, I have always believed that the biggest enemy of the rise of the Chinese nation is not in China, but in the United States. Of course, there are some Scholars have different opinions. In the name of protecting Tibetan religion and culture, the U.S. government publicly includes the exile government expenditures of the Communist Party in the U.S. budget every year. In 2008, the fiscal appropriation reached 1680 million U.S. dollars. This is blatant support China's separatist forces! In fact, I have always had a suggestion. Now that China has financial resources, can it also give some financial support to the descendants of the ancient kingdom of Hawaii? Can it also give certain financial support to Alaska independence? Can you also openly support Mexico to return the territory of the five southwestern states occupied by the United States? It is like the US government publicly appropriating financial funds to the gangster group. Treating others in their own way, this is the only way to truly relieve hatred !Of course, the country has national considerations.It must be a comprehensive and all-round analysis, and you can't show off your courage like me.After all, the chief designer's guiding ideology of keeping a low profile and never taking the lead must continue to be implemented at this stage.If it is not supported now, it does not mean that it will not be supported in the future. Fang Yuan said, "Dad, your patriotism is still very deep." Confucius Tian said: "Yes, I will never forget that I am a Chinese."The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a very strong desire in the hearts of intellectuals of our generation. Fangyuan said: "We also hope that the motherland will be stronger!" "Confucius Tian said: "Xiao Fang, any country, any person, will encounter many difficulties in the process of growing from weak to strong.Judging from the internal and external troubles encountered in our country, can you think of your own progress?If there is no difficulty, no resistance, can you have today's development? "Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Dad is right, I am constantly striving for new progress in the process of overcoming difficulties. Confucius said: "It was like this in the past, and it will be like this in the future."Xiao Fang, in fact, being able to face difficulties correctly and actively solve them is the key to success step by step.If there are no difficulties on the way forward, then it is extremely abnormal.Just like in the process of China's road to a powerful revival, the United States interfered by supporting the anti-Japanese forces and Tibet separatist forces, which is actually our difficulty.If you avoid difficulties, the difficulties will only increase; if you shrink back from difficulties, the difficulties will only increase.Only actively facing difficulties is the quality that a successful person must possess. "

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